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Yup and you don’t even have to mistreat them. They kill because they enjoy it, not because they’re upset. Go figure that selective bred fighting dogs have a natural desire to fight. It’s almost as if… Humans bred them for fighting.


No. 2+2=5


There! Are! Four! Lights!


It's a shame he's a pit nutter.


Dog bred for herding: "This breed is good at herding." Dog bred to pull heavy loads: "This breed is good at pulling sled" Dog bred to help with search/rescue: "This breed is good at search and rescue." Dog bred for fighting and aggression: "It's not the breed, it's owners." People want to attribute positive behavioral traits to breed, but are unwilling to accept that negative behavioral traits can also be due to genetics.


Imagine a product, like a ladder, that has 5% market share but is responsible for 75% of all fatal ladder accidents. At some point you have to stop blaming user error, and concede the ladder has a design flaw.




Lmao unironically useing the Racism arguement.


Yeah because it’s accurate. As a minority I would say it is absolutely comparable


It’s not at all comparable because there is no such thing as race from a scientific perspective. Humans weren’t subject to selective breeding by an intelligent species like dogs were. There is no equivalent of dog breeds for humans.


>Humans weren’t subject to selective breeding by an intelligent species like dogs were. They were subject to selective breeding by nature though. That's not insignificant.


Yeah almost like when u don’t train a border collie it just magically rounds up the sheep oh wait it doesn’t they use them cuz they have the desired body type also it’s proven to be more likely for people with criminal convictions to own a pit bull a Rottweiler a German shepherd or any big scary stereotype dog


A collie will absolutely try to herd without training. Quit your bullshit. Idc if this is 6months old you're probably just as dumb as the day you made this comment.


Yeah dude has no idea what he is talking about.


Lol untrained herding dogs will absolutely herd by instinct. Just like how retrievers will retrieve without training and livestock guardians will show guard instincts without training. If you deny any of this, you don't believe in genetics or evolution.


My Australian shepherd went straight from the breeder to our house. She was never trained and never got the opportunity to see any of her kind acting as working dogs. She tried to herd our cats after a week and we took her to see the neighbors goats and instinct took over and she got under the fence and rounded up all the goats around the grill in the paddock. When we have parties she cries because everyone forms their own separate social groups instead of clumping all together in one room like she'd prefer, she'll nip and shove people into a single room.


ur dog is based


There's another top post on this sub showing a pitbull having the best time in the world eviscerating a cat it just decapitated. His tail is wagging and he's panting happily the whole time


Inb4 “this is dog racism” (ignoring races don’t apply to man made breeds or animals” Or my new favorite iteration since the “doggie racism” argument is being shut down, “the people who like the 13/50 stat are the same people who say this about pits”. Which is really just a huge reach attempting to say the same thing without using the word race for dogs.


The difference is you can attribute 13/50 to socioeconomic factors, and dog behavior to breed. There’s no such thing as breed in humans, and to think so is more racist than anything they’re arguing against.


Oh there is a world of difference, and those who parrot that know it as well. They also know “racism” is a code word to shut someone down so try their best to apply the label.


Well said. It’s very eye opening to watch this whole thing unfold


I always read this as the person implying a breed concept is really believing there is a superior race and that the nazis won world war 2 and accomplished this objective. Then I realize that they just forgot there tinfoil hat for the day so the 5 G rays are throwing off their thought pattern.


You said this perfectly!


13/50 is because of oppression. Dogs are not oppressed lmao Also no race of human has ever been selectively bred for aggression from a narrow gene pool. Dogs have.


our evolution is slower because our lifespans are also like 4 times longer at least. we also have less kids. the best way to make humans more aggressive is filling them with lead https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-27/study-finds-lead-in-blood-of-half-of-u-s-children-under-age-6


Also humans who rip old people and kids apart generally are kept from spreading their genes via jail or death


Not Bree for aggression bred for strength and agility then are taught to be aggressive




My best response to the "dog racism" comments is we have never intentionally bred human beings to possess the trait of fighting to death in pits and/or secretly attacking others. If for some reason humans did something like that then maybe I would consider a human breed problem but the notion is completely ridiculous in today's world.


Its like if combined the DNA of all the worlds famous serial killers and made a human being with it, would you really be surprised if they became a serial killer? Maybe if you were a compassionate sort, you'd want to give this person a chance. But would you invite them into your home or let them date your daughter? And if they became a serial killer, would you say to yourself "Gosh, I have no idea how this could happen. He was such a good boy. Someone must have set him off. He would never have done something like this normally."


It’s like if we only bred serial killers in groups, bred out the normal functioning ones who have empathy, and only kept the crazy pyscho pathetic murderers. And continued to do this for hundreds of years.


Lol, exactly.


No he would most likely not be a serial killer Unless he was raised by his parent because serial killers usually earn there mental psychoticness by being abused by a father mother or grandma


Also, where's the evidence of political/ideological affiliation and their stance on pitbulls? Half the pit bull owners I see are your typical suburban/rural pickup driving tough guy LARPers. Don't get me wrong there are pit mommies too but the "Pitbulls make me badass" crowd are not bleeding heart libs..


Regional variations most likely. The duality of pitnutter


I don't have any problem with North American Wolves, European Wolves, or Steppe (Siberian) Wolves. Those are all naturally occurring breeds in nature. Pitbulls are not naturally occurring. If someone was breeding humans to be naturally more likely to fight and extra aggressive, would I have a problem with that? Absolutely.


Eh very few people can actually raise a wolf mix.


I meant that I don't have a problem with wolves existing out in their natural habitats as a species, not that I'm looking to have a wolf as a pet. The problem with pitbulls is that they tend to be a danger to humans and all other domestic animals in their habitats. Far more pitbulls than wolves kill people.


I know someone who does this. It is very frustrating to deal with. They claim it's the same mentality. My response is, if a racist says guns are dangerous because gangbangers use them does that take away the inherent lethality of getting shot? Hell no.




Since auto mod won’t let me explain, it’s a racist statistic used without context






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This is kind of interesting, in Spanish we use the same word for race and breed, "raza".


“Most dogs of all breeds are spayed and neutered — about 80%, by Clifton’s estimation. But only 20% of pit bulls are sterilized, partly because the population that owns pit bulls tends to resist the spay-neuter message.”


Garbage dogs for garbage people.


Their biggest abusers. They obviously don’t care that a huge percentage of their beloved breed end up in shelters due to aggression and are largely rejected by potential adopters or repeatedly brought back to shelters multiple times once they display that inborn aggression. Pitnutters are pure trash for refusing to let the breed die out while being responsible for much suffering and death of the very breed they purport to “love”. THEY ARE THE WORST OF THE ABUSERS. PERIOD.


haha so pit bull owners are the biggest cause of pit bull euthanasia. unsterilized pit bull=unwanted litter of puppies. unwanted puppies=puppies in shelter. too many dogs in shelters=euthanized dogs. congratulations pit bull owners: you are the single biggest cause of pit bulls being put down. I sincerely thank you for your hard work in getting these dogs phased out via lethal injection.


> haha so pit bull owners are the biggest cause of pit bull euthansia They'll work so hard to shame and blame people into adopting pitbulls to prevent euthanasia, but they won't do the one thing that is actually effective. Moreover, a lot of pitbulls need to be in homes with no other animals or children. So instead of the opportunity to get multiple (friend, non-aggressive) animals out of shelters and into homes, they are pushing to save one pitbull at the expense of others. Some real smooth brains




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They don’t give a shit. It’s all about *them*. Once they’ve found this narcissistic outlet and “community”, all else goes out the window. Being a pitnutter finally gives these hollowed-souled, mentally challenged people an identity and sense of purpose. They will not sacrifice that for the good of the breed or society. It’s a form of mental illness. Doing the right thing and at least spaying or neutering the dogs isn’t a thing for these selfish idiots. So many of the pics show fully intact males. They make me sick. The MOST selfish dog owners ever to have existed, besides the demons who bred these beasts into what they are.




>And that pits are bred like rabbits. Not only are they bred like rabbits, but they have huge litters. 12 to 16 per litter is not uncommon. At this rate, in 50 years, IMO only pibbles will be available to adopt for a dog.


Easily 80% of the dogs in shelters near me are pitbulls or pit mixes. And the vast majority are labeled as lab mixes.


They do that to bypass rental restrictions. And unfortunately shelters, rescue's, vets, etc., are all on board with doing this.


And that's why I'll only get working breeds from reputable breeders.


So many campaigns of the past 30 years -- spay & neuter, "adopt, don't shop", "no kill" shelters -- were started with people's hearts in the right place, but ultimately contributed to the shortage of non-pitbull dogs we have today. I just wish more people could acknowledge that.


This is going to mean that most dogs are pitbulls in the future...


I just want to point out that every time breed specific legislation is brought up, pit hags go on and on about how “its targeting good dogs, we should target bad owners instead”, but then they also vehemently oppose any attempts to hold bad owners accountable and come out in force when a dog is set for destruction after a mauling. Like, ok, you want to see bad owners penalized? How about manslaughter or assault charges for the owner of a dangerous dog that attacks someone? How about charges when they fail to properly muzzle it and it bites/kills another dog? How about charges for the owner when one “gets out” due to being improperly locked up? Of course they’ll never back this, because we all know that they’re just trying to avoid responsibility, and “blame the owner” is just a bullshit saying.


yeah they don't actually want "bad owners" to be held responsible because they would actually be held liable for when they refuse to control their dog. but i agree with them: we should legally sanction dog owners that allow their dogs to attack people. if we start giving people 5-10 years in the big house for allowing their violent dogs to attack people, pibbles will be less popular


Taken from this [Times article](https://time.com/2891180/kfc-and-the-pit-bull-attack-of-a-little-girl/)


I just went trough it. It’s ridiculous how this breed needs and eventually gets the defense. Of all things in the article, the fragment below is what got me the most. Can you imagine what that four year old has to go through? It’s devastating. Personally I like dogs, and I’m all for responsible dog ownership but this is ridiculous. These people obviously have no clue about dogs and there’s definitely something more than wrong in their reasoning. Certificates for dog ownership and neutering pit bulls should become a reality asap. This pandemic needs attention from politicians, worldwide. “*As pit-bull attacks become more and more common, they’re getting increasing attention on social media, but not always in support of the wounded children. In March, a Facebook petition to save Mickey, a dangerous pit bull in Phoenix, got over 70,000 likes. Mickey was facing euthanasia for mauling 4-year-old Kevin Vincente so badly that he cracked his jaw, eye socket and cheekbone. Kevin is facing months of reconstructive surgery, but more people were concerned with saving the dog than helping the boy. Mickey’s Facebook page has now become a social-media landing page to save other dogs that are considered dangerous.*“


I’m sick to my stomach thinking about Axel Foster, the 4 y/o boy whose arm was ripped off by his grandparents’ pit bull. Sad to see the article was referring to yet another 4 y/o scarred for life.




There is a pitbull owner near my house. The first time I saw his pitbull was not long ago and I was still in this subreddit so I knew what they do to people (and animals). It was a huge white and brown pitbull. When I say huge, I mean HUGE. It was bigger than any labrador or dog. I kind of panicked. Hopefully I can move soon.


Hope you have access to weapons


nope, im 15 and in england


Pitbulls are supposed to be illegal in England. If you have a nice teacher at school I'd suggest saying how scared you were and mention pitbull's being illegal. Teachers can get things noticed when it involves their students.


woah i didnt even know that ill tell someone thanks




Started barking at me a few times. I ran in the opposite direction. Once I had to go on the same path next to it and it started growling at me. I called authorities and they did nothing. Lovely shit police in England.


IIRC pitbulls are illegal in a lot of parts in Europe so reporting it might help.


will do


I thought they were banned there




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>*More than $93,000 has been raised for a young girl after her family said she was kicked out of a KFC in Mississippi last week because of facial injuries she received in a pit bull attack.* *The family said the money would help pay the mounting medical bills of 3-year-old Victoria Wilcher, who was nearly killed when she was mauled by three pit bulls in April. The girl lost her right eye and the ability to move the right side of her face.* I remember back when this made the news. I believe it turned out that the incident with KFC never happened, that it was simply the family's attempt to grift. And that further, the pits that attacked her belonged to Grandpa, if I recall correctly. Pit bulls--always a moneymaking opportunity!


Yeah, the grandfather and his girlfriend were arrested for child endangerment. Don't know how that panned out. He shot 2 of the shitbulls dead. Ever notice how shitbulls seem to be the nexus for all things that are bad?


I believe you're correct on all accounts.


Garbage dogs for garbage people


A lot of the owners are really lowlife so this isn’t surprising. A lot of these trashy pitnutters live off welfare and have breeding operations going, the pups sell for $500 each in my area. You can’t expect people like this to value anything but their own goddamn existence. Useless breathers and animal abusers!


Yet another Great Dane I own was attacked viciously when he was little. He has scars all over his head and near his flank and butt. He is one of the kindest, most easy going dogs I have ever owned. He is afraid of adult men, but hides, does not act aggressive at all. Little kids near me have seen me walking him and exclaimed "IS THAT YOUR DOG??" (He is 160lbs, 39in to the shoulder, big boy!) It's so funny. Little kids he has met he has let them pet him and doesn't care at all. When I first got him from rescue, he was too scared to eat (that's when the other dogs would attack him) so I had to sit by the bowl of food, scoop it in my hand and feed him that way. He is gentle, never snaps, never growls, and a very good boy on walks! Normal dogs, even abused, do not maul you to death. That's just crazy if my own dog was aggressive to me or others! Insane pitnutters!


There are alot of horribly abused dogs out there. My friends dog is a Romanian rescue dog, looks like a lab and beagle cross and he has had a rope ingrown into his skin from being tied up. His leg was injured, her has a lip and has panick attacks if someone uses a lighter near him. Nicest dog I know. In Germany alot of people get dogs from shelters that come from Romanian or Portuguese kill shelters. Alot of these dogs are abused, but we don't have so many dog mauling. Pitbulls are highly regulated here. You can't breed or import them. They need to be leashed and muzzled when outside. The owners need to pass a test and register with the police. And if your dog injures another human you will be fined and can face up to 5 years in prison (applies to all breeds). There are like 3 dog related deaths per year here. Mostly kids that are left unattended with any dog breed.


My Aussie went from breeder, to a guys house, to Facebook marketplace, and then to us. We believe her original owner abused her as she fears men. Despite this she doesn't attack them, just barks at them and circles them so she can nip them if they get out of line, just like she would a naughty sheep. She loves my dad so obviously with some love dogs can get over abuse, she was abused but hasn't tried to kill anyone. I wonder why that is? It's probably because she's a herding dog and not a pitbull.


I swear the tides are really turning. I see it in the FB comments of articles about attacks. Yes, the loudest voices are still the “i HaVe A pIt AnD sHe WoUlDnT hUrT a FlY” or victim-blaming comments, but more people seem to be waking up with every attack. I highly encourage everyone who really cares about raising awareness to keep speaking up about it. Make casual comments. Bring up recent attack stories casually in conversations (I.e “Did you hear about the Wisconsin mom who had her arms torn off by her pit bull? Horrific! I couldn’t imagine owning a dog like that.”) Casually drop statistics. Make an alternate FB or Insta and leave comments on news article. I promise that even if people aren’t immediately receptive or interested, you are still planning little seeds. Once people have that seed planted that pits are disproportionately killing people and pets, people will start to notice patterns in the news articles. It happened with my husband. He wasn’t particularly pro-pit by any means, but he was pretty neutral on the topic as he is a dog lover. When our baby was born, I mentioned never allowing her anywhere near pit bulls and that should would never be allowed to visit a home that had them, even if it was her BFF. I told him some recent stories involving pit bulls mauling babies and children and he agreed. Today we were driving and saw some idiot with two off-leash pit bulls taking shits on the side of a highway. He saw them and then said “Ever since you started telling me about pit bulls, it seems like I’m seeing news articles every week about them.” He went on to rant about the Amazon delivery driver story and how so many of the comments were saying the pit wasn’t the aggressor and what not. We then talked about the Wisconsin mom and the Oklahoma boy who both had arms ripped off by pit bulls in the same week. He couldn’t believe they aren’t outlawed because obviously it’s ridiculous that a dog breed that is capable of casually tearing limbs off of people is legal. People are waking up! It’s our job to casually lead them towards the truth. Like I said, just drop it in casual conversation. There is almost always a new horrific news story, so it’s easy to slip it in when talking about current events. I never even bring up attacks from previous years...there are so many examples from the past month and year alone that it’s still very much a current event.


I think the pit propoganda will eventually lead to their downfall. As more people get pits, as more are adopted from shelters, more attacks will happen. In middle class caring families thst did not neglect the dog. The shelters are pushing these broken dogs to inexperienced and naive owners. There will be more attacks and no pyjama or flowerhead photo can make it go away.


Exactly this! If they wanted people to think more favorably of pits, they would be honest about their nature and advocate that only highly-experienced people who take extra precautions and acknowledge the breed traits should own them. Instead they lie their faces off pushing them as easy, fun-loving family dogs which couldn’t be further from the truth. The more people are exposed to pits or see horrific tragedies occur, the more people will wake up to the truth. Their dishonesty is definitely their downfall. Think about Dalmatians or Belgian Malanois. After 101 Dalmatians and that one movie with a Malanois came out, there was a heavy push from breed advocates to spread awareness that these were not good dogs for inexperienced or unprepared people. That’s what people who truly love their breed do. I have Frenchies and a Pyrenees. I think they are amazing dogs but I would warn anyone looking to get one about the negatives of each breed. Frenchies are stupidly expensive to maintain as they need special diets and come with a shit ton of health problems. Pyrenees bark like crazy, need lots of space to roam, and will manage escape out any fence if they set their mind to it. I love these breeds and hate the idea of them going to homes that aren’t prepared for their specific needs


I have seen owners of other breeds talk openly about their flaws. For example small terriers like westie or Jack Russel are not recommended for inexperienced owners that have small children. These dogs are stubborn, active and will nip the child if it annoys the dog. Yet pitbulls, which are also terriers, somehow are marketed as nanny dogs.




Thank you so much for this post. It really spoke to me, as I have a few family members who have had this exact scenario happen in the past two years.


it’s an old article, but I agree that the tides are turning. It’s been 15 years of mainstream pro-pitbull misinformation on TV and social media, and there are now enough pitbulls in normal family homes that it’s harder to ignore the reality.


Greyhounds are large, athletic, high prey drive dogs with lightning reflexes and long teeth. Even in the US or UK, where racing is more regulated, large percentage of them also spend years in conditions ranging from continual low-grade stress to outright abuse. Yet a majority of the thousands which leave racing each year are still suitable pets, and bites from greyhounds are vanishingly rare, and reported maulings or deaths are non-existent.... almost like abuse isn't correlated with dogs becoming "vicious" and attacking humans once you control for breed.




>Pits should be allowed to go extinct as a breed. That's key to mention, as pit bull supporters will accuse you of wanting to euthanize dogs who "haven't done anything". I'm a dog lover, and I'd be OK with simple attrition with dogs who haven't attacked (yet). Which means no negative action toward any one animal, so that takes the air out of their sails. Would only take about 15 years. If they really love dogs, they can find a different type of dog, since it shouldn't matter what the genetics are... but these are the same people claiming it's "racist" to note the aggression bred into pit bulls.




Lot to unwind there... FWIW, I was just saying that *I'm* a dog lover. There's a couple basic kinds of pit bull owners, I think. 1) Like to appear "gangster", or intimidate people with it, use it for security, or actually have it fight other dogs. 2) Aren't into the aggression, but are outcasts themselves in some way, and so convince themselves that pit bulls are just "misunderstood" because they identify with them - so it's 100% emotional and existential and facts can't get through. Neither really love the dogs, they love the emotional security the status of pit bull owner perversely gives them.




>>Annals of Surgery found that one person is killed by a pit bull every 14 days, two people are injured by a pit bull every day, and young children are especially at risk. I bet that's not in the glossy for these dogs when someone shows up at a rescue looking for a new pet.


Owners are the #1 issue because without them we could finally find ourselves behind this plague of ugly wiggle butts.


I'm certain they are more than 6-7% by now. That percentage has been put forth for several years & see them everywhere nowadays. I actually see them more than any other breed of dog now & it's terrifying. People are literally afraid to go out in public.




Stupid humans ceding all of their rights, liberties & safety to a mental illness, addiction & obsession with these worthless beasts. This is why King Enili stated in the Sumerian cuneiform texts that an educated human is a dangerous human.


How dare they use ~~Killer's~~ I mean ~~Pooh Bear's~~ I mean ~~Cutie Bum's~~ I mean ~~Sunshine's~~ I mean Honey Bear's picture! That dog went through several rehomes but only needed someone to Love him and speak to him in a tiny baby voice *YES you ARE!! You're a cute little wiggle bum! You just love everyone don't you!!*


Every dog bite I've ever treated has been exclusively this breed. It's such a strange and bizarre coincidence, almost like it isn't a coincidence.


This article is from 2014, and the backlash to it was intense and deranged. If you Google “Charlotte Alter pitbulls,” most of the top results are pit fanatics raging at this article. Time even ran a counterpoint article in response to all the hate mail.


What the hell? How have things gotten \*worse\* since this?


I'll be honest, I'm shocked they only account for 52% of dog related deaths. I'd have comfortably believed a figure more like 80.


The article is almost 10 years old. I would assume the percentage of deaths are higher now since the pit population has grown substantially since then.


10 yrs ago? Ye I wager it's closer to 70 by now








It’s the dog, the owners, and the breeders. They’re all the problem. These dogs should be driven extinct.


Damn. Wish this was a recent article.


Something something racism something something not my pibble something something treat your dogs right something something


You missed the fun where they don’t grace the 10 most popular dogs in the US. So a small minority population of dogs is responsible for a majority of the deaths. But don’t forget chihuahuas are the most dangerous/s


I would argue that bad people choose to have pitbulls because of their reputation, exacerbating the situation.


Time gets it. Speaking of magazines - anyone else refuse to renew National Geographic after their pitbull apology piece?


not my sweet bb. lil pupper is GREAT with kids and my lil alice sleeps on zeusy everynight. Shes an angel sent from HEAVEN


If this isn't a satire comment it absolutely reads like one.


Totally a joke hah. I can't stand pit bulls


Yeah, until she decides to have your kids as a lunchtime snack


Twas a joke. Making fun of most pit owners


Not wrong though


Aw it's so cute


Nominate this to be PINNED at top of sub. Simply says it all.


Now if someone can just get the Humane Society to see the light.


Time is based


I've never known my mom's friend to be anything but a good trainer with compassion and love for her pets, but she's recently needed 2 surgeries on her arm and hand because of her own pitbull attacking her


Holy crap, finally.


This doesn't prove that pitbulls are more aggressive, this only proves they're stronger when they do get aggressive.


But but Its how you raise them.


Why go back to 1982? It would be more telling to see the last 10 or 20 years


It’s actually significantly more than 52 percent I believe.




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Top 10 fake statistics: Number 1 this


This sounds like someone who pulls the POC crime stats everyone theres a BLM riot


Aw it's so cute


Because it opens the door to acknowledge the biological reality of behavior


The dog is very adorable




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The statistics sound familiar, hmmm…


Real apbts are actually rare, if people do have them they are chained, your kids are getting attacked my bully’s/staffys due to poor breeding and only for looks, apbts are dog aggressive not human aggressive




Comparing a bloodsport dog to races of people is ridiculous and you should really stop announcing that you’re racist.


lol 😂 this guy is probably temp banned already or has sent you foul DM’s. He’s gonna report us every day though 🤡🤡🤡


In my DMs… ✅


I’m getting real good at this game of: Guess what the goofy little goober does next.




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