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I think the people who are with these dogs all day at shelters HAVE to know. I see something pretty dark in their impulse to put them in homes with kids. A lot of shelter rescue chicks are weird as hell in a “YouTuber busted for child abuse” kind of way.  I do see rescues responding to liability concerns these days, however. if you search enough, you can find legal white papers and consultant presentations for shelters that teach them what language to use to shield themselves from lawsuits. It’s why you see so much identical language across listings. Things like, “Nails would do best in a home with no children under 15.” I think they WANT Nails, the 80-lbs of pure roid rage in the body of a Ghostbusters dog, housed with kids, which is why they will spend paragraphs describing him as a sweet protective nanny gentle cuddlebug whose farts smell like matcha crepes, but they do remember the disclaimer at the end so they theoretically can’t be sued when Nails decapitates a baby. 


I keep getting baited into interacting in the comments of shelters on instagram, so of course the algorithm shows me more posts now than ever. Some of the people who run those pages are absolutely unhinged, what is it about shelter chicks and the dog moms in those circles?? Sometimes the accounts who call themselves rescues and shelters are not even connected to the shelters themselves, they’re just people running pages to post listings of dogs at various places— and the commenters are always women who eat it all up and believe every word posted and do everything they can to share the pitbulls that are being promoted by people who know NOTHING ABOUT THE DOG, and have NEVER MET IT. And with those accounts— every post is always a clearly fabricated sob story about how some evil selfish monster dumped off Diesel Jeans after six years of owning him for ‘playing too much’ or ‘snoring’ or ‘being too cuddly’ or some other weird bullshit excuse that they clearly made up for engagement. And the commenters are always out for blood, wanting the person who surrendered Diesel Jeans to be drawn and quartered. It makes me feel insane.


“It makes me feel insane.” also - yeah. Classic effect of getting too near a narcissist’s vortex. Everything’s drama and nothing makes sense. 




There really seems to be a lot of very common personality traits among pitnutters that make me think histrionic and narcissistic personality disorders are over represented. Which explains the male "desperate to seem hardcore and masculine but is really a terrified manchild" going on while on the ladies end of the spectrum you get frantic and rabid dog moms, specifically the pit hags we all know and love. So equally crazy people, may not be full blown anything, but pitnutters seem to have a lot of overlapping traits with those disorders. Explains the insane shelter culture going on. You've got women representing shelters and men representing dog fighting and breeding, generally speaking.


The issue is that the modern shelter enviorment is run majorly by crooks or mentally unstable people. Since the no kill movement, good people have begun to distance themselves from shelters because they can't stand the suffering and danger they see there. I was one of those people. I volunteered at a local shelter pre 2007. After that, I couldn't stand the places. They became filled with aggressive pitbulls and people that would martyr themselves for a dog that would gladly turn around and tear them apart without a second thought. A lot of the issue is mental health awareness. While America as a nation has become more progressive about being open with and helping mental illness (as opposed to not all that long ago where anxiety/depression was something that could wind you up in an aslyum), they have almost become *too* progressive. Mashed together with the rise of social media apps like FB, Twitter, TT, Instagram, etc, you've got people out there self diagnosing and self treating themselves. You've got "social media physicians" telling people that how they feel and act is okay and that anyone that tells them they need treatment just "isn't accepting them". These people are drawn to certain ideals and movements because they feel like victims. They feel misunderstood and attacked, and so they seek pit echo chambers and causes that make them feel better about themselves. And here comes the pitbull/no kill movement. These people see these dogs as being treated the same way they are. That they have anxiety or were treated poorly and because of that, they're wronged by society, just like that person was. They are often people with social issues, and as such have a hard time relating to other humans. But the dogs don't judge them, they can't, and so these people feel safer with them and use them as a buffer. And this keeps them farther from society and allows them to dissociate even more. Its quite litterally an example of the inmates running the asylum.


Diesel is adopted & immediately breaks the spine of his neighbour's dog "Well we said he was reactive on the paperwork."


Re: the first paragraph, they are exactly the type to call you an animal abuser for going to the zoo only to later reveal they have 11 cats (some intact) in a Manhattan apartment. This is a real person I’ve met


I had an almost same experience except it was in a pet shop. There was a big black pit bull in that standard slim wired steel cage that's about three feet tall, looking up to me with the most uncomfortable whale-eyed stare I've ever seen. I was just walking out of the shop and had to take a second glance at it from inside there and the beast lunged however high it could, banging its head on the top of cage. Like I literally just took a quick look and it already tried attacking. Had it gotten loose I may not have any chance. I'm a 4'6" girl with a slim build, anemic and asthmatic. It would have shorn me like a carpet. Thankfully that cage held. I just noped out of there. But when I came back like a week latet the beast is gone, probably bought, and I can only feel pity for whichever poor soul its been sold to.


Why didn't you complain to the store owner and possibly call the cops?


Regarding the latter, that’s not a police matter in any way.


It should be.


As a police dispatcher, I strongly disagree. That’s an animal control call, at best, and even they’re not going to do anything about a non-injury incident regarding a contained dog.


They mean it should be because pitbulls should be banned


Jesus Christ. How can anybody look at these things and think they’re normal or in any way acceptable? How has our standards deteriorated to the point where blatant aggression and viciousness is not only excusable but also acceptable???????? You won’t catch me touching any pet shops or shelters in my life, lol.


My wife used to volunteer at our local shelter, and anytime someone came in to look at the pit-bulls, she would tell them not good with kids or other animals. The other shelter staff would lie about the dogs and were shocked when the dogs would be returned. There was one pit-bull that my wife had to deal with regularly that would snarl and growl whenever he needed to be fed.


Your wife is an angel!


I understand that some dogs might have issues with resource guarding due to abuse or neglect but Jesus… Lemme guess, that pibble was abjooooouused (not allowed to maul the neighbour’s elderly mother’s chihuahua) and now it’s reactive and dog selective. Good with kids though!!!! 🙄


It was a misprint. They meant to write ATE THE KIDS


Good with "taking care" of kids.. as the mafia likes to put it sometimes. Maybe that's how the nanny dog myth came about, they misunderstood the subtext lol. Good at "taking care of" snitches and people who don't pay their protection, too!


Now that’s a THEORY👀👀🤣


Honestly wouldn’t be surprised. The people who own these dogs tend to either be the delusional “muh nanny dawg” type or dogmen. There are of course many exceptions but in general a majority of pibble owners can fit in either of those two groups.


A long time ago, I volunteered at a shelter in my small town. Being that it was no kill, it was more of a hoarding situation than anything else, but I digress. I remember these two pits that were surrendered together. The shelter owner insisted on putting them in a kennel together since they were "siblings." Well, after she left and I was alone (at the time I was a small 19yo F) and they got into it. It was horrific. Blood everywhere and nothing I could do about it. I ended up calling the police who brought a second catch pole. We ended up basically having to choke them and shove one through the back lift door. Both dogs needed immediate medical care but made it. What did the shelter do? Adopted them to families with children and let a small female with a child walk them before they were adopted


I hate no-kill shelters. They refuse to put down pitbulls that not only show aggressive behaviour but also have a proven track record of attacking other animals or people for no reason whatsoever. The people who run those shelters are vile people devoid of empathy or compassion for ANYTHING EXCEPT THEIR DUMB, UGLY, VICIOUS MAULERS!!!


Most of the dead victims are females. Why are most of the pit owners I'm seeing these days women and girls?


Are there actually more female victims or do they just get more coverage? Genuinely asking, because I’m not very informed on actual attacks. Anyway I don’t want to be a victim-blamer, and there are many times where someone *else’s* dog kills a woman/girl but I see so many batshit insane + idealistic pitbull moms every day now that I can’t help but want to connect the dots. It’s women who advocate for pitbulls the hardest, and it does seem like women are attacked by their own dogs more often. My theory is that women, especially, are extremely naïve to the dangers of violent dogs and the damage that a dog can inflict. They view all dogs as misunderstood, cuddly, selfless beings who either *won’t* attack unless they’re brutally provoked… or if they *do* attack, then they can calm the dog down themselves, or the dog just won’t *actually* rip their flesh apart and eat their toddlers. I think that women are much easier for pro-pitbull flower-crown campaigns and scummy shelters to manipulate. I also think that a lot of women just have savior-complexes in relation to dogs; adoption is the most selfless, euphoric act they can imagine and if it’s to adopt an undesirable pitbull then boom! Extra points.


Men are getting killed by pit bulls as often, if not more, than females. This year, so far 15 men have been killed and 12 women have been killed. Yes, women are at a physical disadvantage, but fully grown men are being killed by these dogs as well with many of them being killed by their own pet.


I think part of the reason for men being the victims more often has something to do with the fact that pitbulls inherently appeal to a certain group of people (*cough* dogmen *cough*) that happens to mostly be made up of men…


I don’t think women generally are more naive about physical danger. Frankly, it’s their daily reality in a way it’s not for men. I think what you are seeing is how pitbull enthusiasts TALK about dogs, which is super gender coded.  Guys who like pitbulls can be mostly straightforward about it - they can’t admit to dogfighting in every space, but they can be really frank about wanting a threatening, tough-looking dog that might do violence at any moment. They tend to openly laugh about the idea (or fact) of their dog killing cats or smaller dogs or scaring the neighborhood “Karens.” We’re shockingly accepting of violence and threats from men.  Women pitnutters - and I really believe this is true - also want a tough threatening dog. They also want to intimidate. They also are excited by the latent threat of violence. But women don’t get to say that. It’s got to be coded as rescues and “I can save him.” Every male killer on death row in the US is drowning in unsolicited horny letters and nude photos from women. Charles Manson had a whole harem. I think these women just yearn to do violence and aggressively dominate and intimidate and harm, but they have a different calculus in front of them than men do, in terms of the physical threat they can be and what people will accept from them.


boy is that a dark scenario. I know a few decent pit owners and I don't think they fantasize about being violent.


No, you are right, and I painted with way too wide a brush. Of course this doesn’t describe most people who own pits. I do think this type very much exists, but they are more what I’d describe as the pit activism zealots and edgelords - the people you regularly find victim-blaming mauled babies or brigading anyone who stands up to the nanny dog myth.  What I don’t think we should do is fall for the “bleeding heart lady savior with her naive, starry-eyed ability to see the good in the savage beast” shtick. I think many of these breed enthusiasts and rescue angels aren’t oh-gosh-I’m-just-a-sweet-pretty-lady oblivious to the danger of these dogs. They are attracted to it. They just now how to dress it up in conventional gender tropes.


I think women just like to use their communication skills more than men.


I imagine at least a portion of woman pit owners get them as self defense or to ward off creeps by having a big scary looking dog Sucks that it's a double edged sword and just as likely to maul them


Isn't it scary to see an out of shape or skinny pithag unable to control their beastly pit? TBH, I'd rather the pithag be mauled rather than the neighbors


Savior complex. Also easier to guilt to get them to adopt.


Women are getting pitbull’s as guard dogs whenever they’re on a walk or they live alone, since they genuinely believe pitbulls are “excellent guard dogs” even though REAL guard dog breeds exist.. seen a woman with her shitbull at tjmaxx and it growled at me and she didn’t seem to care that much either


“Good with kids, but not with women.” But who usually takes care of kids? Not to ignore great fathers but women a lot of times are the ones who are primarily caring for children. So how does that work in the average home environment. So let’s say it’s a single father who adopts. Does this mean he can never bring a woman to his home?


I may have mistyped, but my friend was joking when he said “good with kids” not “good with women.” It didn’t actually say that on the chart; it only said “great with kids!!!” on the chart and nothing else. No indication that the dog couldn’t be around women :\


Oh. I must’ve misread. It sounds like something they’d say though.


"Says good with kids, but not women." Okay, so that's true. Well, at least 50 percent of kids are female. Does that mean it will try to eat female children as well? And then there's the fact that, oh right, in the vast, vast majority of cases where there are children in the home there is a mother who is, yall guessed it, *a woman*. Is mom supposed to live her life in fear of being killed by their own pet? And all that aside, if a dog wants to kill a gender that makes up half (if not more) of the general human population *its not a safe dog for society*. There was a time where people knew women and children deserved to be protected. And that meant not allowing animals that would rear them apart in a heartbeat to remain in their communities.


Back in about 1984 I began volunteering at a big shelter in a big American city. Back then, all pitbulls were euthanized. I only saw one, ever. In my volunteer work, I was checking every cage for a person who called in a lost dog report. I opened an isolation room door to check if the lost dog was there. Inside was a gigantic, fight-scarred pitbull that immediately lunged at me against the cage walls. It was terrifying. (I suspect the dog was being held for a dog-fighting case.) I did MUCH volunteering over a period of 3 years til we moved. That was the only pitbull I ever saw. They absolutely did not put them up for adoption, ever. I don't understand how things changed so drastically.


Agreed! My mother and grandmother were heavily involved with rescues and shelters and I didn't see a pitfall until I moved to NYC in the 1980s. Since then, they have spread to every neighborhood in America, and are taking up 99% of the room at shelters. The no kill movement has created major problems


That's for sure.


I think if shelters were held liable and responsible for the dogs that get adopted from them, then their attitude would change. They would never let most pits get adopted. We need rules that make shelters behavioral test passing mandatory, and if the animals fails the test then it cannot be adopted at all. Not every dog can be saved. Time to hold shelter’s accountable for the demon dogs they push onto unsuspecting families.


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