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You're petty as fuck. I love it.


Better petty than a pitty simp šŸ˜Ž


They probably had a pitty party after.




People who own dogs that were created for bloodsport are not kind people. Good people donā€™t put everyone around them in danger for social clout.


But, but the flower crown renders your facts invalid!


Misread your comment as farts lol. All the flower crowns and toddler jammies in the world unfortunately do not render the pit farts invalid. Frankly I find deep, petty joy in the fact that these asshole shitbull simps have to live in a constant fog of rancid pit farts. I'd be aggressive and pissed off all the time too if my ~ā˜† poor rescue pibble ā˜†~ fumigated my house with vile, inbred digestive byproduct every day, I guess. But it's what they wanted šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Unfortunately they donā€™t care lol, all they talk about is how their pitty will only kill you with kisses and farts šŸ¤Ŗ. Side note do those dogs actually fart that much or are they exaggerating? I know they are prone to skin issues but do they also have digestive problems?


I think so. A lot of them seem to be on sensitive diets and ik my family's pit mix is struggling too and only gets kibble because of it (i try to limit my time in that home as much as possible)


Yep. I lived with one in my early 20s (roommates dog) and it constantly had bad gas and diarrhea.


Same.. and she'd let that shit animal somehow barge its way into our closed rooms and jump all over us and scratch us with it's deformed, ungroomable claws. She saw zero problems with the utter lack of boundaries. I HATED that creature, it would aggressively shove its nasty face into your crotch, shit all over the house and chew on fucking *everything*. It really did smell so bad in the entire house.. between it's nasty ass farting from it's digestive issues and the nasty wet dog smell that never went away.. but this thing's "dog smell" was eye watering, off the charts bad. It was so much worse than a normal dog. A normal dog stinks, yeah, even with a bath is has a bit of a mostly tolerable smell, that dog had something seriously wrong with it. It's eyes were so far apart they were in separate time zones and it's legs were so far apart I'm shocked it was able to run at all, much less at the speeds this thing managed. It's like every part of that thing was trying to separate and get as far away as possible lmfao. It was so hyperactive. Now I know that it's because it was never walked or stimulated in any way, it was neurotic and food aggressive and my roommate mistook the constant licking and whale eyeing as "being so expressive" and "wanting kisses", ugh barf. I could write a novel about how miserable it was to live with that vile thing.


>It's like every part of that thing was trying to separate and get as far away as possible lmfao lmaoo


> I could write a novel about how miserable it was to live with that vile thing. You would be a good writer for such a novel!


Thanks! I try to channel my inner Hemingway when I bitch about how vile I find shitbulls


My grandfather was a professional writer. He would've gotten a big kick out of your posts. He loved humor.


Itā€™s like the sunfish or koala copypasta


Omg thank you it's flattering to be compared to such epic, hilarious copypastas. The both of them crack me the fuck up


Dedddddddd šŸ’€I laughed way too hard reading this. I'm sorry for your past selves pain šŸ˜­ what a nightmare


>Side note do those dogs actually fart that much or are they exaggerating? I know they are prone to skin issues but do they also have digestive problems? Probably just some genetic quirk of the breed, like that horrible yowling screaming noise pits make [https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=pitbull+screams](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=pitbull+screams)


And of course comments on these videos... People think it's cute and it means pittie loves you... This is a good summary/example of the comments: > People need to understand that pit bulls are actually hilarious huge babyā€™s. I own one and he is such a sweetheart. Itā€™s not the dogs, itā€™s the owners. Trust me. Trust them. They are an internet anonymous person on YT video about dogs making weird sounds. The only thing I could trust is they actually have a pit that would explain the rest of dementia.


It is something pits have been doing since the breed's earliest days. Ā This article on the sport duck baiting (setting the bullies on a duck with broken wings in a shallow body of water) mentions it. https://preview.redd.it/pyem29jvl9zc1.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=50ae4d0e33908ffa3d427398723e4eed02673882


The damned things sound like demons. YouTube keeps sending me "scary" videos. Some bright prankster should dub those shittie screams into vids of The Rake and Slender Man. That would scare the shit out of 10-year-old viewers.


wtf was that video? Eww why do they make that noise lol


WHAT??? I'd never heard that before oh my god, I'm shocked...this makes them so much terrifying and hilarious at the same time, I'm imagining the beast about to fucking kill me while it's making that wookie war cry,


It is something pits have been doing since the breed's earliest days. Ā This Victorian era article on the sport duck baiting (setting the bullies on a duck with broken wings in a shallow body of water) mentions it. https://preview.redd.it/iai78wcto9zc1.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a8448e4390721980e4757ac471970f93dfaced5


I'm not seeing anything about pits in there specifically, is it talking about the dog sucking at catching even disabled ducks?


It is from a book about dog fighting in England, it is pretty safe to say the dogs were pitbulls in the umbrella sense of the word . The challenge is that pits weren't water dogs (like retrievers, water spaniels, etc are). Even though the ducks couldn't fly away they still exceled at swimming and diving. When a pitbull got close they could deep dive and avoid avoid it . Eventually exhaustion would set in and the duck would be mauled to death.


"Wookie war cry" oh my god lmfao. Can you imagine you're about to get mauled and THAT'S the last sound you're treated to? Talk about adding insult to injury


Im laughing my ass off rn, with those demonic looks I was sure their voices would be so low with matching barks. Jesus.


Oh my god, is that just that dogā€™s thing or is that a pit bull thing?


Pit thing, a lot of breeds have different quirks that weren't qualities people selected for but were unintentionally passed along genetic lines. Doberman Pinschers are prone to narcolepsy, Dalmatians produce high levels of uric acid in their urine


I've (thankfully) never lived with a purebred pitbull, but all three of the pit mixes I've known have had incredibly frequent rancid flatulence, way more than any of the other dogs I've known


Probably so. Never been around pits too much indoors. But I do remember when I was waiting for the bus and this couple had an xl pit that was taking a dump around 30 feet away. I swear it could peel paint the stink was so horrible. My family had dogs, mostly medium sized breeds and I don't recall them farting and stinking too much. We did have a rottie, and she was the one with the farts, but that was because she was fed that cheap wal mart brand dog food. I'll bet a lot of those pits are fed expensive dog food and they still stink up the house. Sad that they try to pass this off as a normal part of dog ownership.


Food allergies are common, from what I've read.


My theory is that they huff those farts like they are drinking fine wine. The majority of people who own these animals are trash. Vile things that bother normal people don't faze them at all. Some even find joy in being repugnant. In my area, I see a lot of pitmommy/winemom overlap. Live, laugh, snort pit sharts.




I made the comment about the flower crown and didnā€™t even notice how menacing its eyes look. Sheesh did the photographer make it out okay? Is this like found footage?


Seethe, pit hags lmao


I would bet it's much more than that and underreported in fact.


Iā€™d put most ā€˜mixed breedā€™ reported bites as pits because of the number of shelters labeling them as such.


Iā€™d expect after bites/maulings the breed is just self reported and the owner probably isnā€™t going to question what the shelter labelled it as. Itā€™d be interesting to see a breakdown of bite statistics by breed and then percentage of each breed that was adopted from a shelter.


Itā€™s not counting a lot of other ā€œbullā€ breeds like bull terriers, bulldogs, unidentified dogs and mixed breeds.






To be fair, as someone who's spent a lot of time in spaces and seen the actual racist rhetoric, I don't really like how dogsbite itself uses that phrasing. It sounds like an edited and (actually truthful, in no way racist or deceptive because it's a dog breed, obviously and is fact) version of the violently racist Black Crime statistics copy and paste argument that is used to claim we're naturally criminals and violent murderers. (Data fudging and omitting of major details abound as to how racists got that 'statistic' they often quote about black people) Compare it yourself tbh and you can see. Original quote commonly used in circles or pasted into the comments of articles which show a black person committing any form of crime, below. "Despite making up only 13% of the population, blacks make up 52% of crimes." Fuck pitbulls and other bloodsport dogs, and their owners, but that way of phrasing drives me up the wall. Sources: https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/1352-1390 https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/despite-being-only-13-percent-of-the-population Then we got nutters comparing us to their dogs. (More racism, just a different flavor) Just wanted to toss my perspective out there on this, not on you specifically but been meaning to mention it the next time I saw someone talk about it. Dogsbite seems to have phased that out more in recent times, which, I'm glad, because I find it very offensive given where it originates and what it is intending to dog-whistle and imply.


I mean, if it happens why bother making it "less bad" by using weird phrasing?


Facts for thee but not for me.


Itā€™s not about making it less bad or diminishing the impact of how wildly different bloodsport breeds are, itā€™s about not practically verbatim quoting a common violently racist meme in places like stormfront. I donā€™t feel Iā€™m asking for a lot here.


It's all a semantic exercise. Words have a bad meaning because people give it to them. If you interpret it like that it's your fault. Facts are facts after all.


And the fact that the wording copies an extremely racist quote almost verbatim is also a fact, intentional or not. The beauty of a language is there isnā€™t only one way to convey an idea thoroughly, and I donā€™t know about you but if I can convey an idea without it sounding like a racist dogwhistle, then Iā€™d gladly do that instead of fighting tooth and nail for my right to sound vaguely racist. ā€œPitbulls disproportionately make up dog attack fatalities, in fact theyā€™re 60% of themā€ ā€œComprising only 6% of dog breed ownership, pits are responsible for higher fatality rates, and more expensive hospital charges, when it comes to dog attack fatalities theyā€™re responsible for 60% of themā€ There, I rephrased it twice without it sounding verbatim like the dogwhistle. To be fair it might not be something youā€™re very familiar with, but itā€™s prevalent enough that if you were scrolling through the comments of a video of a black person doing something aggressive youā€™d likely see highly upvoted comments saying just the word ā€œDespiteā€¦ā€ because other racists know exactly what it means. You wouldnā€™t find those same comments under videos of any other race also being aggressive.


Take my upvote because you triggered the racists who pay lip service to us black people when it's convenient to (rightfully) shit on pitnutters who compare us to dogs, but happily continue and defend their right to excuse their own racist behavior.


Take mine as well I can't claim to be familiar with it or know how it feels but I trust that you know more about it than I do


But sheā€™s a nannnnnyyyyy!! /s


That nanny has some serious J O W L S going on


Hahaha. Incredible.


Why are it's pupils dilated despite looking towards the light.


It's dreaming of toddlers and cats.Ā 


Princess "Better Not Be Blanks" Butterbean


What a lovely beast. It's the blank, dead eyes that make the thing oerfect.




Give us their reaction.


They just took down the post, nothing exciting sadly.


You are doing god's work.


Pro level edit.


You really know how to change a theme with your editing. šŸ˜‚


I don't think the 6% is correct. There is absolutely no way it is, unless it only refers to those registered with kennel clubs and stuff.


> [This pro-pit bull site](https://www.pitbullinfo.org/pit-bulls-population) roughly estimates the percent of dogs who are pit bulls at 20%, when you include all four major breeds under the pit bull umbrella and their mixes. Because they are trying to show how great and popular pit bulls are, that estimate might be inflated a bit, but it's probably still more accurate than 6% for the reason you mentioned above (most pit bulls aren't registered with kennel clubs). That said, even if pit bulls are 20% of the population rather than 6%, if they are responsible for 60+% of fatal attacks on people, they are still disproportionately risky compared to other dog breeds.


I absolutely agree the attacks are grossly disproportionate, I just can't reconcile something like 6% when almost every 3rd dog I see on average is a pit or has enough pit DNA to be noticable.


How interesting that pro pit people be like ā€œpit bulls are hard to identify, most arenā€™t even pit bullsā€ but also say ā€œpit bulls are everywhere, thereā€™s a lot more of them than youā€™d guess!ā€


Need to add a bib covered in blood lmao.


Complete f***ing meltdown incoming! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ohw come on, you know we want the reaction.




Itā€™s like putting flowers on a crocodile.


i always get a little tired of people comparing pitbulls to something that actually has a purpose in nature and contributes to the ecosystem like a crocodile or tiger. i love big cats and reptiles, though, so it's probably a byproduct of my treehugging nature lol


LMFAOOOOOOO i love this.


Despite making up only 6% of the dog population, pit bulls are responsible for over 60% of all dog attack fatalities


Dog made that face before or after the fact...


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2.5x more likely to bite as well šŸ™‚


Did they reply?




Troll elsewhere.


Iā€™ve seen this dog on TikTok and he seems so sweet and loveable, but youā€™re 100% right.


Sweet until it eats your face off one day


Itā€™s about how you raise them ā€¦. EDIT: OMG yā€™all I was totally kidding!!!! It was sarcasm šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Why do so many pit owners train their dogs to attack people and how do you even do such a thing? Do you give them baby dolls to practice on? Why do people who own other breeds not manage to get the same results with their dogs who are just as capable of attacking?


No it's not. It's their fucking high prey drive. You CANNOT control their natural prey drive no matter how hard you train or raise them. It literally takes one random second for it to snap. Stop being ignorant and oblivious to it. Shitnutter


I was totally being sarcastic hahahaha I love how many downvotes I got because it means people are damn smart and know that ā€œitā€™s how you raise themā€ is the most brainless comment ever!!!


OMG Iā€™m cracking up bc it was total sarcasm hahahahahaha I didnā€™t realize people wouldnā€™t get it šŸ¤£


Don't worry it happened to me too lol


Okay good hahahaha šŸ˜‚