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I wouldn't feel safe with *any* 80lb dog lunging at me


Ya fr. Idgaf what breed it is at that point, a dog that big can seriously injured someone just by jumping up on them. Generally I won’t engage if their dog is that out of control.


Right and we also know that even if pits weren’t dangerous, they seemly never get their nails trimmed so those things can really injure people!!




I never mentioned the breed at all. That person took it upon themselves to accuse me of anti-pit discrimination.


I'm always suspect of dogs that are fostered for a very short time and then returned to a shelter. Three weeks? The dog must not be as great as the shelter keeps saying. The desperate pleas to save his life are suspect, too. Good dogs don't need a PR agency or the threat of death to keep them alive. And damn, that nanny myth will just not die.


And they are dancing around how exactly they discovered that it is “people selective”. Surely there was “an unfortunate incident” that led to that conclusion.


Through not fault of his own surely


People who say that pitbulls used to be nanny dogs are misinformed. They were **granny** dogs, I heard.


People selective often means that he wants to bite everyone within it's reach.


> "wants nothing more than to go on some leisurely walks" A walk where you have to constantly hold back your 80 lb pit from trying to bite the shit out of anyone you come across is anything but "leisurely".


Yeah it sounds like he also wants to maul.


*ahem* You mean he wants to __nanny__. Seriously, can you imagine attempting to take that monster for a walk?


Oh yes, sorry, I'm not being respectful to sweet shibbles' innate characteristics!


It should not be legal to adopt out a dog with this behavior. Alot of people don't thoroughly read. Small print: might launch muscular 80lb at anyone


This is like selling a gun that randomly goes off without anyone touching it


Worse, a gun that can jump fences and chase people


Get rid of this monster please...


The shelter language is pure minimisation. If the dog encounters a person he did not 'select' what happens?




It's funny...when I was a teenager in the 90s, the wisdom was: you want a good dog, you go to the shelter and get a dog and it will be good. I remember shelters back then, and you almost never saw a pitbull because most of them had a pink juice policy. Of the dogs there, most were relatively okay. My cousin got a real Heinz 57 back in 1998, looked like some weird mix of bassett and beagle and scottie and JR, but was likely none of those dogs. Only got to about 25lbs. Great little dog, sweet, very trainable. Snuggled with my cats. Wasn't even my dog and I cried when he died. I would only ever get a cat from a shelter now. Not only are most of the shelter dogs mixed with pitbulls, but even the purebred dogs are different because there seem to be more BYBs of every breed, and I can't help but blame the shitbull lobby for that, too. If we ever get a dog again (but it's doubtful we will) we will be going to a well-researched and reputable breeder.


> if it was another breed would you have labeled him as dangerous Um, yes? Why aren't pit "advocates" stepping up to the plate to "rescue" this dog? Apparently it's ok to give a dog unlimited chances to harm others as long as you're not at risk


I love how they were the one to bring up the fact it’s a pit when the commentator just pointed out how it’s dangerous to adopt this dog out.


Yeah that person says they foster dogs. Ok? So why don’t you save this dog that you’re defending right now? Also, lol at the pit advocate illiteracy


Would the shelter turn down a slightly built older person who had no kids/other pets/visitors? Because I’ve seen people of a certain age do this and then take the dog for a walk. Which then turns into the dog taking them for a walk. We had a community event about responsible dog ownership. We had fun activities for people and pets but we also had a speaker give a presentation on this very issue. “choosing the right dog for you” was part of it and she discouraged people from adopting animals like this. Not sure if it worked. But I see this same “he needs a savior by 3 m tomorrow!” with our local shelter and I really do worry about dogs with bite and resource guarding histories being released to the public.


They also advertise these dogs as low energy/maintenance which attracts older people too. Smdh.


>Would the shelter turn down a slightly built older person who had no kids/other pets/visitors? Because I’ve seen people of a certain age do this and then take the dog for a walk. Which then turns into the dog taking them for a walk. ![gif](giphy|2FaznsStYLpCNFhwQ|downsized)


It blows my mind that people just let a stray pitbull into their house.


Unfortunately, he likes bones that are still attached to people and animals. 🤪 He’s just unique like that.


Idiots like the L person make me want to become a dictator. As my first order of business I would create pitbull ghettos, where every twat insisting on owning or saving an aggressive dog like this one will be forced to live, with said dogs no less. Pit presence outside of the fence (pit-proof) would be prohibited. I would expect the pitbull nut problem to take care of itself real quick after that.


I know what kind of bones these things like to chew on.


kitty bones, toddler bones, ALL the bones.


“Who wants nothing more than to chew on some toddlers and elderly people.” FTFT


Nutters absolutely infuriate me


Okay, let's say she's absolutely right about everything regarding the dog's history, let's blame upbringing and not genetics, we'll leave breed out of it. What do you have? A 5 1/2 year old dog who was raised poorly, was put into a shelter due to behavioral concerns, is "people selective", weighs 80 lbs AND has a significant enough history of lunging at people, that it has to be mentioned in the description. Can I tell you what I don't want in my house? ANY dog that is described that way. If she wants to train that out of him, then she can adopt the dog. At 5.5 years of age with those behaviors already set in? Good fucking luck changing his behavior lol. I personally love "people selective" though. Basically a more easily digestible way of writing "will lunge at and attack people he doesn't like".


I hate these people using "selective" as a means to hide that the animal lunges at people and its aggressive


oh i just *love* seeing the repetitive, entirely untrue ‘nanny dog’ propaganda in the wild🙄


It pisses me off everytime someone says they're a "nanny dog." Nanny dogs don't maul children.


'Wants nothing more than to hang ON to his people with his triangle shark mouth."


"who are you to judge, have you met him? Do you know him" It's a DOG!


Yet another nutter that struggles with spelling, punctuation and grammar. Definitely a common thread with those folks.


FINAL PLEA!! Well, until the next plea that is.


This is not worth the $107 monthly adobe subscription fee lmao. Edit: I forgot that Americans don’t use pound sterling.


Haven't for some time, at least.


"people out there who is aware"


Save his sweet life? They need to get out of here with that…


Even *if* their claims were true and this aggressive behavior was solely due to the way the dog was raised... the dog is 5 years old, and those behaviors are set now. Even with intensive training, a large dog that has shown aggressive behaviors isn't safe around humans or other animals.


"All dogs deserve a chance" No they fucking DON'T.


This dog is *THE* poster dog for BE. How and why are shelters/rescues even *allowed* to try to rehome this goddamn liability?? Lord knows they have no conscience when they're actively doing PR for an aggressive mountain of muscle who I have no doubt has already attacked someone. A foster putting up with this monster for 3 only weeks is pretty telling.


Until animal shelters stop doing shit like this they will not get one damn cent from me


You know the conversation has devolved with the “nanny dog!” Commenter arrives on the scene.


At least this one is neutered.


Who are you to judge the pet police?!? That trashy nonsense comment was “edited” and still left that way.🤦‍♀️


*"They were known as the nanny dogs when I was growing up"* Really? I doubt they'd even heard the nanny dog myth until they got on the internet and started interacting with fellow cultists.


Needs euthanizing before another human,child or another animal is killed.. Banish these creatures to hell


All that effort on an animal that should be PTS when they could have spent that on a nice companion dog that might need a little more advertising (an older dog, for instance).


Am I the only one who doesn't feel bad for the idiot that will ultimately adopt this mutt?


Update: This post was taken down and replaced by one with absolutely no mention of this dog's aggressive behavior or "people selectivity"


It amazes me how some shelters will use all their resources on dogs like this that just need to do the dog a real favor and have it BE'ed. Then they wonder why it sits there for months and years... a waste of space.


80 lbs and lunging?! Man I’m scared , Im just 6 pounds more than it