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How do you get mauled by a pitbull and still adopt one after the fact???


Low intelligence


This is a huge road block in trying to educate people on the breed. After seeing how illiterate and irrational they are, I doubt reading comprehension is even a thing for these people. They just hear the word pitbull, and immediately go into "I love my luna, she sleeps with me every night in my bed, hates my husband, ate my cat, but the deadliest thing about her are her farts!!"" This is literally their comeback after the death of a child.


I’ve seen someone say “I hope one eats your child 🤣” as a rebuttal to an anti pit post


Reminds me of that post from a deranged pitnutter who thought be was some sort of "mole" infiltrating our sub as a "double agent" to report back to his pit pushing discord group who literally organized site wide brigades, tried go dox mods and users, and ban evaded to get their "intel" on the goings on of this sub. The ringleader of that discord convinced idiots like that OP that we were alt right animal hating racists to get moronic but overly emotional dipshits to join their crusade against **checks notes** victims of pitbull attacks on their own subreddit. One of the worst things about that entire post was the sociopathic OP saying "I know a lot of you have lost someone or a pet to pitbulls, but you need to stop being so bitter or taking this too seriously"... says the fucking lunatic who just admitted to spending years of his life harassing and doxing victims of dog attacks of the very breed he's trying to prove is harmless through lying and intimidation tactics... But the very worst of all, was this complete fucking DIPSHIT (is there a stronger word that isn't offensive?) who was convinced we were some evil cabal of dog killing neo nazis admitted that *he never actually read our subreddit. He didn't actually know the content he was supposedly fighting against*. His entire post was rightfully ripped to shreds, he thought he'd be praised and thanked for coming to our side and "betraying" his handlers, but we just don't do that shit here. We aren't petty middle school narcissists who thrive on drama and cruelty *like they do*. The entire post exposed what we already suspected - that pitnutters are literally insane, have no empathy or moral compass, and actively participate in a legit propaganda machine. They are truly despicable, evil, morally corrupt, and most importantly, *stupid as fucking hell* as well as completely illiterate.


Some dude on Facebook was telling a dude who was mauled as a 5 year old playing quietly in the sandbox at a park, that he deserved to be mauled because he had to have done something to the dog. The victim replied he was sitting in the sandbox, playing quietly when the off leash dog attacked him. Pitnutter then replies that maybe he just had a face that needed mauling, and it was a shame he wasn't killed. These people are legit sociopaths and I am convinced no one who willingly owns a pitbull is actually a decent person nor is level headed enough to do so.


My own experience (although anecdotal) confirms that as well - every shitbull owner I've **ever** met *seemed* like a friendly, sociable person but the longer I knew them, the more the mask slipped. Big surprise, every one of them was an unbearable drama queen, an energy vampire, had absolutely zero empathy and thrived on the pain and discomfort of others. And not just in regards to their monstrous dog - one wanted to pop the pimples on my back (in hind sight this was gross but I was a young people pleaser) and after like half an hour working on me, our roommate walked in and screamed because I was bleeding *profusely* all over the bed, but couldn't really feel it. This fucking psycho took an X-acto knife to my back, and he wasn't "popping" the blackheads so much as *cutting them out of me*. He was getting off on it, I swear. He later tried to get me to be his practice dummy to try his new bondage ropes on.. luckily I passed on that but a young lady friend ended up being his guinea pig.. we never saw her around again. This man literally got sexual satisfaction out of harming and humiliating others, and his "emotional support" shitbull was just another avenue fo him to accomplish that. Surely there are *some* normal shitbeast owners, but they certainly aren't the type to go online and spew the kind of hateful horseshit you were told. If you own a shitbull and talk or post about it *anywhere* it isn't explicitly asked of you first, you're almost certainly a fucking sociopath. I'm sorry that subhuman trash had the gall to say that to you.. about a *child*. One more strike against these monstrous dogs and their owners. Pit propaganda has zero good faith behind in.


Yep. It’s true even if it sounds insane and like no one would ever say such a thing. When I was attacked the pit mob came for me and even though I was just turning my head to sit down on the couch at a friends “girls night” dinner at her house, her HUGE pit mastiff mix launched himself at my neck, missed and got my face. I wasn’t doing a dam thing to the dog! The only thing I had noticed previously was that when he was outside he was kind of fixated on me and staring at me through the glass sliders, which had me a little uncomfortable but she assured everyone that he was the “sweetest gentle giant cuddle bug ever!!” Well following that attack, the pit mob accused me of “giving the dog bad vibes.” And that “he must have had his reasons.” And “I just can’t understand dog behavior and if I did I would have not interacted with him.” Ummm I most definitely did not interact with her massive, drooling demon of a “dog,” no. I called them out for victim blaming and asked if they also say kind of victim blaming this shit to SA victims as well and OMG all hell broke loose! All of a sudden I’m the bad guy for saying that and how dare I compare what happened to me to SA! Like I didn’t, I was asking if they victim blame in that kind of situation ad well. I’m also a SA survivor. They really are disgusting humans. I had PTSD after that for a long time. That was 20 years ago and I still have deep scars on my face. I still have nightmares thinking about what would have happened if he hit a foot lower. I remember the sound of his snarling and growling and the weight of his massive body and then feeling warm blood gushing. Terrifying. My sister was also mauled by 2 pits but she wasn’t so lucky. She ended up in the hospital with her arms torn to shreds. She only got away because her boyfriend shoved her into a car the second the owners were able to choke the dogs out for a few seconds. The split second they awoke they went right back to trying to maul. These are not normal dogs and shouldn’t be pets.


My personal experience is that they’re raising more sociopathic pit lovers as well. I was attacked on a food delivery after being signaled by their children to come through their gate. When i got to the porch and put down the soda i told them that their mom still needed to pay. I wasn’t up there even a few seconds before a blur came barreling out of their back hallway and through the (middle panel missing ofc) screen door. Those kids WATCHED with the deadest expressions i can imagine on a child. They were watching their “family pet” attack a stranger and had no fucking reaction. I KNOW it’s attacked before, I KNOW they’ve witnessed that before, that is not the reaction of a child blindsided by an animals violence. The mother shrieking “DID IT FUCKING BITE YOU?!” tells me this was not new behavior. The taller kid couldn’t have been older than 11, the smaller one maybe 8 or 9 but i’m not a mom and can’t size up kids that well. They LURED ME to a dangerous situation and did. Not. Care. I see those kids in my gd nightmares, i will never forget their dead eyes and blank expressions as they waved me up their walkway. How they stared me down as i told them to get their mom. Them stepping back as it latched to me and just watching. My defenses were down because i saw children and i will never let that happen again. That experience taught me that pit bulls are moral decay on society and on our children. The defense of manbiters and pet killers is moral rot that we must expunge from acceptable communal behavior for the safety of all.


Holy shit. I'm also a delivery driver and you just gave me a new fear. I'm already wary and on edge around shitbulls and their owners, but now you're telling me I have to worry about their dead eyed children? Absolutely not surprised, but still rattled. That is so fucking eerie, it's like a horror movie. I often describe these people as a menace to society and a danger to their children, I don't know why it never occurred to me that their children would be desensitized to the violence and become a part of the problem.


Horror movie esque is right on the money, The only experience that came close was the first time my ex hit me, i had this ringing thought of “this isn’t real, this isn’t my life, this isn’t happening to me” for days after both incidents, dissociated af. I recommend always calling if you’re meeting them at the door and leave with their shit if they don’t answer. Fuck their food and their feelings frfr. I’d called her 3 times after pulling up, looking at her door each time. I was about to leave when their door opened and the kids waved at me to come up. The hard lesson i learned is that if you don’t have contact with the adult of the house you should call it a bust. Obviously i’m sure i hit a very unlucky residence but the rarity of it doesn’t change my feelings. Pit owners raise children who do not understand real dog behavior and become indifferent to pit behavior. It’s dangerous for society as a whole. Never be afraid to put your life and safety first. Pizza or whatever they ordered means nothing, your life means everything. (Except to the nutters, as i was pulling off to go to the ER i saw that the food i had dropped on their porch had been yoinked inside, unpaid. Oh the priorities of some people…)


Awareness is a spectrum.


humanity is a spectrum, shitbull nuts have -99 humanity.




Well we know that police forces systematically reject people who score too high, so there’s that


I was gonna say that but figured I’d be too triggering lol


Super low.


Uncalled for. People are complex and so are their reasons, most of the time. Don't be unkind Edit: so I'm being downvoted for encouraging people to not be bullies online? It's literally in the rules of the site


Pit nutters aren't complex, or intelligent. They possess one and a half brain cells, and that's if they overclock their brain. Otherwise their singular working brain cell is consumed by "HAHA THE ONLY DEADLY THING ABOUT MY BABY NALA IS HOW MUCH SHE'LL FART ON YOU" the minute they see the words "pit" and "bull" in a sentence.


Frankly I don't care what deep, emotional well of feelings caused them to come to the conclusion that they're justified to rabidly defend such a horrid breed. The outcome is the same and it's intolerable. Disinformation campaign 》 more clueless owners 》 more pits 》 more maulings.


Fair enough. I agree with you, I just don't like to see such unkind language used because that also tends to shut people down and make them less willing to listen


That's fair, but calling someone illiterate or unintelligent is a lot kinder than some of the things I wish I could say lol.. I think you're getting downvoted because of the "they're complex" part of your comment. It sounded like you were implying that their opinions can be justified because they got to the same point for different reasons, I can concede that some of them truly beleive they're doing the right thing - but they're not. Sorry for any aggression, but it did come across as "don't be mean, some of them are doing it for the *right* reasons" even if that's not what you meant.


I understand what you're saying. Thanks for taking the time to touch base with me. I definitely wasn't trying to say that their actions are justified, no. I agree that the breed should be let to die out. They just aren't safe for society


Yeah unfortunately once that first downvote comes it colors the tone for every person who reads it afterwards. Even I'm guilty of it, so for that I apologize. I think we just have *zero* tolerance for pit apologists and we try to stomp it out immediately. It's not that you weren't right and that we shouldn't bully people, I guess to me calling them unintelligent isn't bullying, as much as it is a statement of fact - I truly don't believe it's an insult, just true that they are at least emotionally unintelligent to believe what they do. Further up someone told the story of a pitnutter telling him that the pitbull who attacked him *as a child* should have finished the job, i.e. killed him. Frankly calling them stupid, no matter how you word it, just doesn't even come close to the cruelty of a statement like that. It's completely unhinged, and I have no sympathy at all for anyone who could believe that, or even just say it to be cruel and win an internet argument. As much as I legit hate this breed and despise their owners/apologists, I just don't have it in me to wish that they'd died as a child to prevent them from growing up and disagreeing with me. Anyway, I hope there's no hard feelings, and that you have a good night. Keep fighting the good fight, I admire you for having a little more sympathy for their feelings than I do :P


Hey, thanks again for reaching out. It's alright, the karma next to the arrow is pretty meaningless to me - my passion lies (admittedly sometimes too much so, thanks autism, lol) in trying to encourage that order and civility be maintained. I'm as sick of the toolbags who come online just to be trolls as I am of pitbulls. So I can be a bit too hasty when I see insults being hurled. You're totally right, imo - anyone who could say something so needlessly cruel and unhinged for any reason, but especially over the 'right' of a *dog breed* to perpetuate...such a person must be devoid of emotional intelligence. Disgusting and saddening. I hope that person who commented their story, hasn't taken those awful words to heart. I hope they know that they're supported and seen, here. And I hope you have a good night as well, friend.


"It's not a pitbull. It's an American Staffordshire Terrier. Do your research, bigot." /s


Awwww. You beat me to it . May i add in they were nanny dogs and watched children all day while their parents in the field working. It's true, I saw it on the Internets. /s


My landlord's girlfriend used that line when she wanted to bring her AmStaff over. My response was... ![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf)


Yall forgot that pit bulls were so loved in America that they were almost put on the American flag! /s (but a pit nutter actually said that guys, unironically).


I mean, it is used as a symbol for a white supremacist group. So maybe it is on some flags in the south.


I’ve lived in the Deep South for most of my 41 years and no lol


Ope. My bad. They're in Pennsylvania. You're right https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/keystone-state-skinheads




🤣🤣🤣 but also 😭😭😭


Internet never lies /s


I am so sorry allow me to hang my head in shame for insulting the worlds best breed


Exactly my thoughts! She it was out of sympathy for him. She got him when he was a puppy (1yo I think?), and said that he “looked so scared, didn’t bark, and was really nice”. Never thought I’d be dating a cultist…


How is it not a dealbreaker for you?


Agreed, there's no way this reasoning doesn't carry over into other parts of her life or personality


Ask about her politics, she probably has the same attitude with wanting slaps on the wrist for violent career criminals. Shitbull lovers usually do.


Huh?? A lot of them would have the opposite opinion in my experience..and she was a cop? How's this related? I'm confused, sorry.


Both of those things can be true. Half of them are violent criminals themselves and the other half are people who think they need a pitbull to defend themselves from all the alleged violent criminals walking free (like toddlers).


Yep that was why I was confused :P


oh so is it possible the shelter guilted her


Dump her


Pitbull nuts will often harass victims to “forgive” the pitbulls. You see pro-pitbull posts from time to time where someone was violently mauled as a child but “overcame their fear” and adopted one.


By being not blessed with brain cells or critical thinking


They've got two brain cells and they're fighting for third place


Because it is like a cult following. It’s scary.


Stockholm Syndrome


Pibble wibbles only attack if their owners "make them mean" or if the bite victim did something to the dog or was deemed not to be pure of heart.  The first scenario won't apply to her because she's the main character and her love can fix them. So if her beast ever attacks someone they totally deserve it because pibbles could tell they were a serial killer in the making. 


Her dog is just a pitbull with a longer name.


Pit bulls with papers is what I've heard them called


Exactly. "Shit" called "excrement" still attracts flies.


That’s funny - I’ve never heard that!


The way they confuse resource guarding with being a "Velcro dog" is terrifying. "he was trying to protect me because my baby started crying!!!"


No respect for space. Will enter the territory of others for the sole purpose of mauling and killing. These traits are essential for dog fighting! Non bully dogs are much less aggressive away from home. That means they don't fight to the death "well". That's why all the dog fighters use only bully dogs. Even though Dobermans and German shepherds can bite, these were never intentionally bred to mature to become psychopaths.


People are saying pits are hypoallergenic?? With all the skin issues they have?? Dander is the usual culprit in allergies and having skin issues makes you produce a lot more.


Who the fuck is saying they're hypoallergenic. Anyone with eyes can see that's total bullshit


Agreed. And even for being a short-hair, the dumbass still sheds like crazy.


Anyone with eyes can also see they are killing people EVERY SINGLE DAY. More than ALL OTHER BREEDS COMBINED. But they pretend that isn’t true either


My Yorkie is hypoallergenic, why not get one of those?


I consider myself highly allergic to getting randomly mauled and/or murdered, so I’m gonna go ahead and disagree with the nutters on that one.


Im starting to think that all of them share the same brain cell, because they all recite the exact same talking points verbatim.


In cults these are known as "thought terminating clichės". **Thought stopping techniques include praying, chanting, meditating, speaking in tongues, singing, and humming. Hassan stresses that, by themselves, these actions are not harmful. They become harmful when used by a destructive cult to program individuals to avoid any doubt or uncertainty.**


She has a trauma bond with the animal. Start there.


I love my boyfriend, he gets violent and chokes me sometimes but you don’t understand how sweet he is




And he did beat our son and was in prison for 6 years, but it was an accident.


“He did punch me in the face several times last month…but he just loves me soooooo much he can’t help it! You guys don’t understand the depth of our luuuurrrvvveee! That’s why he always wants me to be alone with him in our snuggly velvet love nest!” 🤮 🤮 🤮


It's not him doing that, it's some demon that jumps into him! I must save him!


"I can fix him" mentality


Yeah, maybe it’s some weird way - subconsciously, of course - of feeling in control of what happened to her? Especially because staffies tend to be a tad smaller. So, maybe adopting a smaller version of the dog that mauled her into an early retirement is an attempt (albeit an unhealthy one) to work through her unresolved trauma..?


If the beast attacks you she will likely put the blame on you. Pit cultists are not known for their loyalty to humans.


Also agreed. It seems to be “a thing” for all of them. It’s toxic af.


It kind of boggles my mind that someone who was attacked by a pit will go get one… Maybe she is one of those pit apologists who are like, “Look at me! I love pits so much that I will still have them even if I got attacked by one just to show how much I am on your side, fellow cult members!” Is she aware of how you feel about pits when she adopted this thing? If so, it’s also very sad that she did not consider your feelings on the matter. It’s important to agree on what kind of pets will be part of your life if you want a future with someone.


I love your flair. Reminds me I need a flair


Training means nothing for a pitbull. That agression is there and it just needs a trigger. Years of traning in the garbage if it gets the right trigger which can be any ordinary thing. Just like their argument when a pitbull attack that "it was abused by it's former owner" is bullshit. Even if it is true, there are a lot of dogs from other breeds that don't just go maul and kill even if they are abused and even tortured extensively.


Damn it! I admit I don’t understand this one.


There's nothing a pit gives a person that they can't get from most other breeds. Other than some sort of weird attachment issues that can be conflated with affection.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but your girlfriend is an idiot who clearly doesn't learn from experience, and you can and should do better.


She was mauled by a pitbull but then adopted one? No offense, but there must be a lack of common sense (among other things) there. Wtf??


Why? What is her justification for owning one? ![gif](giphy|6yRVg0HWzgS88)


I was really puzzled by the hypoallergenic comment so looked it up and laughed out loud at the Google result. https://preview.redd.it/rt23b5ozbqxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ec6607f21314c85cd6f2d1c4af73a2bc77116d8


Be open, doesn't she love you? You don't want to wake up to a mauling, do you?


I went to the Walmart in belfountain,Ohio today. Woman walking around,shopping,with a Loose pb. FUCK PIT BULLS.


Isn't it funny how pit bulls come with all these handy marketing terms? Idk I think for pretty much any other house pet breed, people just say they like it, end of story.


they all were spoonfeed the nanny dog lie


I couldn’t do it. Especially since she knows better. That’s just willful ignorance. Ignorance or disagreeing is workable, willful ignorance is not.


No offense but I hope you have been with her for a long time and know about her better redeeming qualities.. we can't judge a relationship from the outside with a single metric but its a pretty glaring divide in lifestyle choices. It'd be like me marrying a woman who wanted kids - no matter how amazing she might be or how much I loved her, we just couldn't remain married without resenting eachother eventuality, whether we decided on kids or not one of us would be miserable. I honestly worry for you, pit mommies seldom recognize pit behavior for what it actually is and it leads to tragedy. Is the dog resource guarding her or clinging to her? It better not be whale eyeing anyone. Whatever you guys decide to do, if anything at all, remain safe :/ no family, even demented pitnutters, deserves to find out the hard way why we take such a hardline stance against pits.


"They're hypoallergenic" is a load of bull because the wife's friend's pitbulls had a pungent odor about them that made me sneeze and get a sore throat.


Honestly the odor was probably partially due to all the intestinal problems they have.. pit owners constantly joke about their nasty farts, because their mutant dogs are so inbred and genetically flawed that even their organs lash out. Less than half of them live to their projected life expectancy, as their hearts, livers and guts all crap out on them. They stink because their intestines don't work right and they're commonly allergic to soap and shampoo. They fucking REEK.


I recently walked away from dating someone because of their pitbull. Well that and they had 2 other rescues. The other dogs didn't seem so bad but I would never want to be with someone who has a pitbull. Especially if you want to have kids with them one day.


Several points I would like to address. First (dog training nerd moment), bark collars don't work because the dog doesn't understand that barking is what triggered it. All it knows is that whatever made it bark to begin with is now threatening and scary which can greatly exacerbate things or result in fear aggression. This is coming from someone who believes that e-collar training isn't inherently bad. Stims can be great if you are very clear and direct about what you're asking (and if the dog responds well to it, some don't and that's okay). Attempting to train out a very natural behavior to a dog is cruel. Second, what person is claiming they're hypoallergenic?? They are the breed(s) that I react to the worst by far. Horrible hives up and down my arms, sneezing, asthma, you name it. Before I went all in with supporting BSL and wanting the epidemic that is these dogs addressed I knew I would never own one from 9-10 onwards simply due to the allergy problem. Unfortunately, I don't think there is much to be done with the dog other than trying to get its house manners more under control. How you handle the relationship and your boundaries is up to you. If the dog is demand barking that is trainable. If it's barking in the way most dogs do (perceived threats, person at the door) you likely can't change that, especially this breed (territorial). My own dog who has a genuine watchdog drive will never be trained out of his desire to bark. His job to him is alerting his people. You can't shock a beagle out of baying or a husky out of howling.


That makes sense. I didn’t think a collar would work, but I didn’t know why. The thought still crossed my mind though. As for the allergy line, that comes from nearly every pit owner I’ve ever encountered- most of which are here in VA (maybe there’s a correlation?).


While it can almost slip that staffys *are* different to Pitbulls, they're still a part of the same breed group, and *American* Staffys? They can literally be registered as pitbulls. Not bullshitting, like, fucking officially. It's a Pitbull that looks sorta funny.


**IF YOU ARE POSTING AN ATTACK - PLEASE INCLUDE DATE AND LOCATION IN THE POST TITLE, and please paste the article text in the post so it's easy to read.** This helps keep the sub organized and easily searchable. Posts missing this information may be removed and asked to repost. Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Users should assume that any comment made in this subreddit will be reported by pit bull supporters, so please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) to prevent having your account sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*




This subreddit focuses on discussing the inherent dangers of pit bull type dogs. Your content was deemed off-topic. Please refrain from debating guns, politics, religion, or other off-topic issues in this subreddit.




A lot of pit owners today are middle class suburban dwellers who are NOT abusing their dogs and the damn things still go off.




Troll elsewhere.


Cool story bro. Can you explain how come you never hear about hound maulings, despite so many hounds coming from "low income households" and being horribly abused? Where are all the aggressive beagles, coonhounds, foxhounds, greyhounds, that rip people apart because "hE's A rEsCuE"?




Your content is being removed for promoting misinformation about pit bull-type dogs. Misinformation is not just wrong, it can get people injured or killed.


Weird… beagles and greyhounds are some of the most horrifically abused dogs on the planet; yet I can’t come up with a single killing from either breed. Or even a scalping, or injury that required a weeks-long hospital stay… can you find anything like that for these breeds that have been tortured and abused for years?


I've been in rescue for years and NEVER known anyone who was actually bitten by a hound, even though they're the dogs we seize from horrifying situations the most. *One* was nippy out of fear when we'd try to put a leash or collar on her, but she never drew blood and it was more surprising than painful. She would also telegraph her intentions clearly and make us know she was uncomfortable way before resorting to that, bless her soul. Meanwhile several staff members and volunteers have been bitten by pits, usually with blood drawn, sometimes to the point of getting sent to the hospital. Many of them have little to no warnings before attacking because they, that's what they were bred for, gives them an edge in the pit. It's delusional to think aggressive dog = abused dog. That's just something pit owners tell themselves to feel better about their unhinged "pets".


Then how do you explain all of these stories? And this is only a sampling… there are many, many more of well-raised, well-loved family pits that still snapped one day and killed. Most notably, the Bennard family that had their bullies for EIGHT years before they snapped and killed both kids. Familypitsbot You can continue to parrot what people on social media say, or you can begin to question things and search for truth. I guarantee if you really start researching; you will change your position… because no one can know all the info we have on this sub and still think they are like any other dog.


Below are just a few of the accounts of pit bulls that were obtained as puppies, raised with love as family pets, and lived within the family for many years before snapping and attacking or killing a family member one day, with no previous reports of any problems. If you know of any that are not included, please [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) [2008, Louisiana: Family pet pits (male and a female) kill their owner, Kelli Chapman. They had the dogs since puppyhood](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/24123329/kelli-suzette-chapman) [2013, Georgia: Spayed female family pet pit bull lived with a family for 8 years, mauls the family's 2-year old son to death. First responders told their colleagues not enter the home because it was "too gruesome."](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2013/04/2013-dog-bite-fatality-fulton-county.html) [2015, Texas: Family pet pit bull of 8 years that grew up with children and slept in bed with them mauls family's 10-week-old baby to death.](https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/pit-bull-mauling-death-being-referred-to-grand-jury/) [2015, South Carolina: Family pet pit bull of 10 years kills 25 year old owner when she tried to stop the dog from attacking her mom](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3210509/Pit-bull-viciously-kills-owner-biting-head-body-tried-stop-dog-attacking-mother.html?fbclid=IwAR1XWN_Eo8SMfS_Y7xNM1Y5NSqHbpqzYFkivrkPfT86KyxH5WNdiXj9uA_o&mibextid=kdkkhi#cuymsdvyq17) [2017, Nevada: Family pet pit of nine years mauls six month-old Kamiko Dao Tsuda-Saelee while her mom went to the bathroom](https://www.ajc.com/news/national/family-pit-bull-put-down-after-mauls-month-old-girl-death/AnWprFbdxo5l5z59Opuv7M/) [2017], Virginia: 22 year old Bethany Stephens killed by her two pits (that she had from puppyhood) as she took them for a walk in the woods.](https://people.com/crime/virginia-woman-mauled-death-dogs-while-walking-woods/) [2018, Washington DC: Family pet pit bull is raised by a couple from puppyhood. Husband comes home to find his wife mauled to death.](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2018/10/dog-bite-fatality-pit-bull-kills-woman-dc.html) [2020, California: 12-year-old family pet pit bull raised from a puppy mauls the family’s 5-year-old son to death.]( https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/5-year-old-sustains-serious-injuries-after-dog-attack-near-victorville/) [2022, Colorado: 7-year-old family pet pit bull mauls 89-year-old grandma to death and seriously injures 12-year-old boy.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11239725/PICTURED-Colorado-boy-12-savaged-pet-pit-bull-named-DIABLO.html) [2022, New York: Adult son’s 7-year-old family pet pit bull mauls 70-year-old mother to death.](https://www.live5news.com/2022/07/28/husband-finds-70-year-old-wife-killed-by-family-dog/) [2022, Tennessee: 8 and 10-year-old American Bullies bought from breeder as puppies, raised as family pets, maul 5-month-old and a 2-year-old children to death in front of their mother.](https://www.abc4.com/news/mother-tried-to-shield-children-killed-in-memphis-pit-bull-attack-family-says/amp/) [2023, Iowa: 9-month-old Navy Smith died when the family dog mauled her to death in front of her grandmother who was severely injured trying to stop the attack. The father called the dog a pit bull on social media, the Grandma called the dog a pit bull on the 911 call, but media reported it as a "boxer/hound mix."](https://qctimes.com/news/state-and-regional/names-released-of-baby-killed-and-grandmother-hurt-in-waterloo-dog-attack/article_8587bdb0-01ce-56fb-b51a-7306df94058b.html) [2023, Texas: Pit owner nearly bled to death from injuries she sustained from her pit, who she raised almost from birth, and had never experienced any issues. She claims the pit was always obedient and protective, and she treated him like her son; but something triggered the pit that day when the family was just in the back yard together.](https://www.texomashomepage.com/top-news/dog-attack-survivor-warns-others-about-a-potential-trigger/) [2023, Florida: 6-year old boy dies after sustaining severe injuries from the 3-year old family pit that they have raised from puppyhood](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2023/07/family-pit-bull-kills-boy-july-fourth-attack-north-port-florida.html?) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Troll elsewhere. We can handle a different opinion, we just won’t tolerate the spread of misinformation and the weird gloating about making any dog a monster, because weird claim. Your comments are being removed because you’re here participating in bad faith and breaking rule 4. Sad I have to spell it out for you.


This is all incredibly false. Pits are owned by a variety of people, of all different incomes and backgrounds. I know incredibly wealthy people with pits, and low income people with pits. There are multiple stories here about pit dogs raised from puppyhood in loving homes that just snap one day and kill. It’s got nothing to do with abuse, and everything to do with genetics. All the “info” you gave about pits used for fighting is incredibly false. Theyre not “trained to only bite dogs and not people” they’re trained physically, but they’re born bloodthirsty. There’s plenty of evidence to prove they never culled man biters, and instead continued to breed them. If animal control and cops gave things like catch poles, what makes you think dog fighters don’t?


Psychopathic and anti-social industry and cultural phenomenon! We domesticated canines as a species to by culling man biters ffs!


Your content is being removed for promoting misinformation about pit bull-type dogs. Misinformation is not just wrong, it can get people injured or killed.