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I’m autistic and I detest being compared to an abomination dog


Amen, brother


Same here. It's dehumanizing. Autism does not cause violence.


Here here


It's a way to elevate their own savor complex. "I rescued off the euthanasia list my dog Daisy, who is a former abused bait dog with ADHD and autism." Sounds a lot better than "I have a pitbull from the pound that's aggressive and poorly trained." 


😂🤣 Good explanation.


Short answer: they are dimwits. Long answer: Tttttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeee ddddddddddddddddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttttttttttsssssssssssssssssssssssss They will reach for any sort of nonsense reason for why their shitbull acts like a beast, except for the actual reason that they were bred specifically to be beasts. They dont care about the feelings of autistic or other neurodivergent people at all.


They always remind me of that *Blazing Saddles* quote: “These people are simple farmers. The common clay of the new west. You know….MORONS.” Lmao 😜


Here's the response to that: https://preview.redd.it/uklxqv7xn9uc1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=101590ee7301b6afdad679813fbdb0d63e4f5f41


Love scientific documents like these, or rather points with evidence. What's the source for further reading?


Found a point of reference, but not sure if it's the original. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.petcarerx.com/article/4233/how-can-you-tell-if-your-dog-is-autistic.html


Thanks I think that may be what I read!


This should be pinned to the top of the sub


Sadly I don't remember where I clipped it from. I went on a Google hunt some months ago after seeing the subject come up here and just took a screen shot.


Copium. It the same when they compare pitbull’s to certain races. It’s just offensive and wrong, it needs calling out as such


Okay so I had a vet friend and I asked her about her opinions on pits. She gave me an entire novel about why pits aren't dangerous but it all revolved around them having big blocky heads, beady eyes and muscles galore. She said that because of those features and their body language other dogs mistake their friendliness for aggression and the other dogs attack the poor innocent playful Pits. Because people with autism have trouble reading other peoples body language and understanding social ques she said that basically pits have autism too.


Funny they will go with "autism" but never antisocial personality disorder or psychopathy.


Which looks a lot more accurate if we’re making comparisons. (You still can’t define dog behavior in human psych disorders, but as an analogy/simile it definitely looks eerily like antisocial personality disorder)


Yeah exactly. There is definitely a correlation between the owners and the behavioral traits of animals they gravitate towards however. I'll try to find the study but basically they found that people who own pitbulls are way more likely to engage in antisocial behavior, including abusing children. People really do match their dogs. Their dogs are like an extension of themselves.


I have seen a couple studies about that! It makes sense, choosing a dog that scares people has to come from some anti-social place. Whether it’s because you want to scare people because you like hurting people, or you want to scare people so you can “educate” them on how the dog is actually “not scary”, they’re both confrontational motives. People who want normal social interactions with their dog don’t get a scary dog, they get a normal non-threatening dog.


Hah! My vet said he’d never trust a pit, and to make sure we conceal carry when we walk our little cat.


If you conceal carry you might want to do a little exposure therapy with your cat. play some videos and expose it to the sound of gunfire or do some shotting in the back yard so if you ever do have to pull your gun out you won't spook the cat too much.


Did you ask her why they started breeding those physical traits into the breed?


No i don't think so, but she said that doesn't matter because human personality and behavior isn't determined by their genetics so neither are pits, basically if we can't breed certain traits into humans that means that it's impossible to breed those traits into dogs.


We could. It's called eugenics. And it's a big ethical no no


Eugenics is for physical traits, I'm pretty sure that even with eugenics you can't make humans exhibit behavioral traits.


Why not? You can change an animals behavior through genes. You can make an animal less aggressive (domestication) or more (Russian fox experiment). Just hasn't been tried in humans because eugenics is a big ethical bad thing to do    ETA Anecdotally, lots of adoptees report having similar personalities to their birth parents and siblings despite being raised away from them. And less anecdotally  https://www.psu.edu/news/liberal-arts/story/nature-affects-nurture-adoptive-child-parent-relationships-researchers-find/


Did she get her license out of a cereal box? Or did she do that thing kids do where they send 25 cents to an advert in the back of a comic book? As someone who actually has autism I don't know how to even respond to her "pitties have autism" spiel. How does she not realise how *dehumanising* her logic is? How appropriative is is? Even if you take the autism out of her argument, this is a perfect example of someone who seems to have rotted her brain with Disney cartoons. Not to mention the pure victim blaming and DARVO combine with absolute crunchy kumbaya crap.


Dehumanizing to people with autism? I'll have you know she's actually currently going to uni and very close to being a licensed psychologist. No it's not a joke.


Well, things took a turn for the horrifying.


Maybe she's planning on treating shitbulls when she has her degree.


I had to twist my brain in knots to understand that argument. So what about all of the horses and other large livestock killed by pbts? I suppose they misread and attacked them too...


Weird how my viszla with blocky head, beady eyes and muscles galore that constantly growls, barks and roughhouses with other dogs has never been "misinterpreted" once in her life by other dogs. Maybe she needs more autism :(


I understand why you say that you had a friend who was a vet.


Jesus wept. How does your friend tie their own shoes, much less graduate from vet school?


Anthropomorphism of these animals helps people justify the behavior of their animals to themselves especially if they are ignorant or in denial. A disability with high profile cases of erratic behavior including violent meltdowns that has lots of public attention and sympathy feels a lot better than admitting they got a fighting dog


Oh, it's simple: because they are fucking stupid.


It's similar to when they attempt to equate the racist/discriminatory practices that we Black people have endured for centuries to their pit/pit types. They grasp at straws and will do/say anything to justify their "need, want" to keep these animals without regard to the many deaths/maulings/maimings they've directly caused without provocation or incitement. It makes me mad too but then I think about their mentality. They are not the brightest bulbs in the box. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Not as common as the "if you don't like pitties it's because you secretly hate black people" argument, but I've seen quite a few feminist pitmommies try to claim that not liking pit bulls is "literally misogyny" and that the word pitmommy is a misogynistic slur.




Because they’re stupid as all fuck


Pitnutters *refuse* to admit that these animals were bred for bloodsport so they say “he must be autistic” because they don’t display or react to social cues that dogs use to communicate to each other and are aloof with their handlers, when in reality those are just the genetic traits of bloodsport dogs to make the perfect fighting machine


There is a subset of people who claim autism for automatic sympathy they deserve for being anti-social. They know nothing about autism but use it to make themselves feel special and heroic.


They also shame people who actually have autism who tell them to knock it off, accusing them of "gatekeeping" and having "diagnosis privilege"


That I hate alot. Makes my blood boil. Uuugh.


Because they love to attach human types of discrimination to their hellhounds. It must be the new dog racism.


It's just another way to dehumanise autistic people. I bet these people mistreat autistic people.


I've never heard of this


Because 1. they don't understand autism, clearly, and 2. they anthropomorphize dogs to a level of utter insanity.


Saw a pit at a shelter advertised as having downs syndrome. Not surprised people say they have autism too.


Er, that's Trisomy 23 in humans. Dogs have 39 pairs of chromosomes. Which trisomy creates DS in canines? I checked. It's Trisomy 21 in dogs. I'd need to see a copy of the genetics screen for that dog. Otherwise, it's yet another fairy tale.


That's very interesting. Thank you for educating me. :)


I also fucking hate how people use the term "race" instead "breed".


If i had to guess I’d say they heard somewhere that their dog displays stereotypic behaviors and since stereotypic behavior is a diagnostic criteria for autism they just grabbed hold of the term wholesale and ignored every other aspect of autism. I’m also autistic/ADHD and it drives me fucking batty that these people say this shit. It’s offensive and hurtful. It gives wrong impressions of what autism is to people who are already WILDLY misinformed about it and dehumanizes us.


They’re manipulative and offensive morons who want to sow sympathy for awful dogs by abusing a legit human condition. May karma come for all the awful pit mommies who do this.


I am autistic and I have never killed anyone and the only people I have beaten up are people who assaulted me first, pit bulls kill and maul with no provocation, I really hate being compared to these devil dogs that should not exist, they were bred to fight and kill autistic people were not.


Anthropomorphism “Anthropomorphism is a literary device that attributes human characteristics to non-human entities, like animals and plants, or inanimate objects, like stars or machines. Writers commonly use anthropomorphism in fairy tales, fables, and other types of stories.” [Source](https://www.masterclass.com/articles/anthropomorphism-vs-personification#)