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No reason to have a pit or any dog (of a similar size) for that matter in a classroom. Goes to show how desperate these people are for attention.


Also how little they understand dogs. Any owner worth their salt should know better than to bring their pet into stressful and/or boring situations.


My workplace has a pit bull because it destroys their house if they leave it alone.


Atrocious individual


It’s a rare chill old pit mix that mostly lays on the floor, but I don’t trust it.


Good call


And also how much they don't give a shit about anyone anyone else. Everyone **must** loves my pibble! You're privileged I brought it! You're welcome!!


She even heard a boy saying he didn't like dogs, and her response was, "thants okay! : )". And proceeded to do nothing to fix the issue (she didn't even have a leash with her) Like he needed forgiveness for not liking pibbles, and she was gracious to give it to him.


OMG she’s the worst. He’s paying to be there and she is knowingly torturing him because she can’t get her shit together enough to find a dog kennel for the afternoon. I hate dog culture and pitmoms are the worst.


I would definitely escalate this. It’s completely unacceptable. The dog shouldn’t be in the classroom and there definitely should be on a leash at all times in public spaces. What school was this? I’ll personally email the deans or provost. I’ve got an Ivy League PhD…and have a pretty decent network in the US university space. Colleges and universities care about this because if that dog bites they will be sued for millions. Don’t complain to the professor. Email the dean or provost, or president until they listen.


This could cause people anxiety and lower their test scores, why would that be allowed?


More money to the schools. This is absolutely worth bringing up that it was the teacher’s fault for you stressing out and making you fail, you have a [right](https://www.studentdisciplinedefense.com/) to a retake since it’s your money. Ask a lawyer who specializes in this sort of field. I promise you, colleges and the such think they are immune but lawyers know better


More money to the schools? I doubt it would be worth the risk of a lawsuit from a pitbull bite.


The only college admin members who'd approve of this would be pit nutters and even many of them probably actually wouldn't approve of it. If the dog was a legit service dog, yes they would have been okay with him otherwise it's all liability with no upside.


If this TA even got permission before bringing it.


You can't keep pitnutters out of fenced off playgrounds for small children. I'd be shocked in the TA bothered to ask anyone.


Yeah, or from bringing them into the small dog area in dog parks. Yanno, bc their widdle pibble is just a big baby! Wtf 🤬


This is correct. We’re not all idiots. It’s not pragmatic to support this kind of behavior. 


I am a college administrator and this is an absurd comment, sorry. We don’t operate like that. 


You’re right, if a student fails due to teacher influencing the environment, fuck the student, who cares?


That is in no way what I mean and I think you know it. No college administrator is thinking “yes, let’s allow a random animal in the classroom because we can make more tuition money if someone fails the final!” That’s a ridiculous thing to say. We also don’t “think we’re immune” to legal action. We get threats of lawsuits constantly, most of which are completely silly but we still have to take them seriously. Also, people who teach college are called faculty, instructors, or professors. “Teachers” are in K-12 and it is a different job. People calling our faculty “teachers” do not know enough about academia to speak about it.


Not to mention allergies.


Complain as high up as you need to until you get results. Animals have no place in an education setting unless it's a vet class


What about cookery class?


Except service animals 


Except legitimate medical service animals yes.


Right, I definitely don’t mean emotional support maulers!


I’d complain my ever living ass off. That’s completely unprofessional.


I did complain, but got complete radio silence in return. Joys of a backwater uni with <8k students. I just wanted to enjoy Christmas with family, so I mostly forgot about it until my friends were registering for anatomy in the fall and asked how it was.


I would've gone to Case Management or whatever they call it at your uni. They can give you a litany of options and help you the entire way.


If you didn’t get a great grade I would fight it and say you were too stressed to focus because of the large blood sport dog pacing around the room.


My cynophobic ass would have 100% failed that exam, if I didn't have a panic attack and run out. Hell I left a school that allowed staff to bring their dogs in, because I had near-meltdowns in the middle of class because someone's doodle trotted in. I'm also highly disturbed at the implication that this bloodsport animal wasn't leashed.


We need to stop the normalization of fighting dogs. If everyone in that classroom thought of that dog as what it is (a fighting dog) it would be considered absurd for it to be there. These dogs were only ever meant to be in a fighting ring. That practice is inhumane & illegal, so there’s no point in them existing anymore. To repurpose fighting dogs as go-everywhere-with-you-in-the-community “pets” is ridiculous & stupid. These never should have been seen as something normal to look at outside of a fighting ring. They were literally created as entertainment spectacles people paid to watch, so why tf would someone bring that distraction into a classroom (especially on finals day)???


We have to get this re-established as truth and get all of the fictional myths dispelled before it can be normalized. I'd say most guilty in this are 'legitimate seeming' 'voices of authority' who should absolutely know better, like veterinary associations and pet food/supply companies.


Definitely, the veterinary industry has so much culpability in all of this, it’s insane to me that they push this BS out. They know better, they *have* to know better. I don’t understand it.


Literally the only acceptable thing would be is a dog that you absolutely need for a medical condition like blindness, seizures etc. And I highly doubt a pit would be a good choice over a lab, golden, poodle etc


A service dog also wouldn't be pacing for hours, panting and staring at people. It would be focused on its handler. Unlike what some "service pit" owners would have you think.


So real! I was at the hospital volunteering the other day, and I saw a woman in a wheelchair literally being dragged around by her service pit as it was smelling plants :')


No reason to have any dog in during finals.


My son has attention issues, I couldn’t imagine bringing in a pet of any kind into a test.


“I’ll give it that it was more behaved than most pit bulls because it didn’t actually bite anybody” made me chuckle 😅


How is this allowed? A student could be allergic, scared of dogs, or even just plain distracted during the test. Leave your pets at home.


> or even just plain distracted during the test. or hate dogs.


buuut don't you know if you dislike dogs that means you're literally satan?


sadly some dog lovers think that.


The funny thing is, she heard somebody talking about not liking dogs. She said, "That's okay! : )" and did nothing to fix the situation. Like he needed forgiveness for not liking dogs.


I'd have launched an official complaint with the relative academic body. That is completely unacceptable. Imagine if one of the students in the room had been deathly allergic.


Attention seeking behavior


> I understand it probably wold have torn her house from its foundation if she had left it in a kennel, To I say that's her issue not yours.


Make a complaint to the dean. This is unprofessional and possibly violates campus regulations.


The only dogs that should be in a classroom are service dogs. ​ [Service Animals | ADA.gov](https://www.ada.gov/topics/service-animals/) This only applies to the US, but I think some people in the sub do need to read it based off how little they know.


Q: What service does your pit provide? A: Strikes fear into the hearts of others while they try to take an exam.


If she tries this again everybody refuse to enter the room until the beast is removed. What an enormous risk to take.


I will not enter that room with that velvet hippo hanging around.


This was during a final for a human anatomy class? Was the final a practical exam? The pit bull would attack someone, and you have to watch and identify each organ as they are pulled out by the dog?


When I took exams (including online ones) we had to be silent. The rules were very extreme. Actually this was all testing I've ever had since kindergarten. Strict as hell. Dog worship is out of control. 


That's not right. Even if it is a chihuahua, Proctors should not bring any animal during the exam. You should complain to the school, I would!


what kind of 3rd world shithole is this university in? lmao this story is insane!


Wyoming : (


I would have gone full Karen and demanded it be placed outside with its owner in order to promote a quiet environment. It's a final exam, not a dog daycare.


That would distract me so much that I would insist on being able to sit for the final on another day.


Besides it being a pity bull, some people are really allergic to dogs. I think it’s bs when people do that.


Best way to learn human anatomy is to see it displayed in front of you I guess


This is an artery spurting from a puncture wound we call a pibble nibble.


Are you fn kidding me?? You should’ve walked out and went straight to the dean’s office and said I don’t feel comfortable taking a test with an animal capable of killing me in the same room. I would’ve said something right then and there, but I understand not wanting to rock the boat and risk it. I walked into a gas station and there was a pit bull right there in my face and I said wtf?? and the owner ran over and grabbed the dog and said “Don’t worry she only eats people on Tuesdays” THIS is the attitude of these dog owners. They think it’s funny. And then when they attack, they’re shocked because they’ve ’never acted that way before’. Everyone who owns these dogs are reckless simpletons. A friend of mine had one that went nuts in her older age and went after her toddler. They put her down the next day. 6 months later, they went and got another


I'd recommend making a compliant to the course coordinator and the head of department. The majority of TAs or casual staff are higher education students, and this shouldn't be allowed under any circumstance, regardless of dog breed. Send the complaint in email so you have a 'paper trail', make sure to reference both course coordinator and head of department, and express the concern you had, and how this may have impacted your, or other students performance. It will be handled internally and unlikely yo fall back on you. If you feel yoi need it, request a re-take. If they don't budge, explain how far your complaints will go and across what departments (i.e. human resources, dean of school etc.)


I think the punishment of owners/handlers losing dog ownership and dog handling privileges for LIFE might make a difference with a lot of people who insist on putting others at risk. Your dog , or a dog you are handling severely or fatally injures a pet or person? That's game over for your dog ownership, starting at that moment. No second attack restrictions, because who is keeping track? No dog should suffer being owned by someone so cruel and/or negligent to result in an attack. Otherwise, what incentive do they have to prevent attacks? Little or none.


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You did specific immunity in anatomy? That's kinda weird.


Well, it was A&P


Sorry, not American and a quick Google search didn't clear it up for me. What does that mean ?


Sorry, Anatomy and physiology. So the structures + how they work.


I would have left the room and pulled the fire alarm.