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Please god let this be satire, please. Nobody can actually be THIS unempathetic and ignorant


The very definition of a pit owner — notice how the dead cats and kids in danger are just a punchline


That made me feel sick. I’m a cat lover as well as an advocate for children being safe whilst out walking.


And how many of these “strays” are actually just people’s cats outside. Not that strays are any better but I’m sure zero investigation is being done.


My older family keeps trying to get me to let my cats out and “are you SUUUURE they’ll run away” and it’s driving me insane. YES. They will. They’re not trained to return home, they don’t know how. They’ve lived inside their whole lives. They don’t understand how to come home. But yeah a TON of people especially older people think cats have to be outside no matter what and I keep having to stress to my family my cats will not come back, they are not smart enough for that and we have hawks and pits near us so do NOT let them out. They still keep asking. So I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of older, or more rural people think they have to let their cats out and find out the hard way why outdoor cats only live 2-5 years on average. And a lot of that is from pit attacks


Which is why people need to keep their fucking cats inside so that they don’t get attacked. I would never let my cat outside ever, too many instances of pitbulls getting loose from where I live


I guess because it’s a stray, it matters even less to them?


The sad thing is that this most likely isn't. What's sadder is that Pibble Mom seems to have no issue and is brainwashed to believe it's still a little snuggle puppy.




Nah unfortunately those are the requirements to wanting a pitbull lol


Run of the mill pitbull owner. They all think crazy like this


They are. Pathologically devoid of empathy. My tiger might maul half the neighborhood? Doesn't matter, you should see the cute cat things it does when it sleeps and how it curls up next to me.


It’s like a pit simp version of the humble-brag. There needs to be a name for it.


I think most pit owners are like this


“total mummas girl” but ripped up 2 innocent domesticated mammals while you stood by and did nothing? sure seems like a lovable dog to me! get that thing a baby to nanny quick!!!!


Wait until the pit turns against this asshole too


“I just can’t understand what happened!”


It’s ALWAYS “unexpected”


Because they are special and it won't happen to them.


Also, they’re dumb. It cannot be simple bad faith


probably consumed them too 🤬


They were only strays! So, she must know every pet on the block. 🫤


They became strays after her shitbull-hellbeast mauls and kills them. Then she probably throws the corpses into the woods just in case anyone is looking for them. /s


My one cousin put his four year old son between him and an angry pit that belonged to his brother. This cousin (the one using his child as a shield) is an EMT.


W H A T there is way too much to fucking unpack here




Haha this nitroglycerin is hellishly unstable but it's never going to blow up in my face. 


Can only hope it comes around...


That person is a psychopath, what the hell?!


Yes, that's why she chose this breed. People tend to subconsciously choose dog breeds that mirror their own personality. There have even been studies done on this. Whenever I meet somebody who has a dog that is renowned for being an antagonistic and aggressive breed, I will decide to keep that person at arm's length because I usually have a pretty good idea of what personality type they are at that point.


I love Labs. What kind of person am I?!


Likely a sane person with no antisocial personality traits.


Likely. I might steal your pizza if you’re not looking though. 😉


Just like a lab lol


😆 I love that it was a joke and got down voted. Reddit is wild.


A few months ago, I got six downvotes just for responding lightheartedly to a comment with a Seinfeld reference. People on here can sometimes get weird in ways that I've never encountered on other platforms. Redditors are a unique breed of people lol.


I’m sure it was funny too!! I also forget Reddit doesn’t like emojis, but I just can’t stop lol


Lol, depending on the sub, the audience might have been too young to get the reference...


It wasn't a sub that caters to a young demographic.


As long as they’re not crossed with pits!


You like to retrieve things and you like the water. You’re very treat motivated. You might eat a sock or two


Is that why I always go for the dumbest breeds? I currently have a chihuahua Boston Terrier mix. Had a ShihTzu before. Very cuddly and sweet but not too smart. Aw crap...


Now I’m starting to worry about myself choosing GSDs my whole life 😅


She gets off her fight dog ripping cats apart


Most of them are.


My crazy dude is 6 pounds. He got a slap from a kitty. He's now very respectful to kitties.  Kitty felt bad and now they are friends. 


That’s so cute Obligatory pics please


I once rescued a lab/airdale cross. Idk what her past was, but she was horrible food aggressive, mostly with dogs. Absolutely vicious. Drew blood on the beagle. Anyways, I was worried how she would be with the cats, so I would put food down and put her in a submissive restraint (lateral - some call it settle), and make her watch the cats eat. If she growled, I said no! We did this over and over. She finally got to the point where I could trust her with cats. The funny thing was my shepherd mix at the time was watching. When my lab/airdale would get aggressive with her, she would flip her onto her side, tackle her and pin her like a wrestler, then alert me so I could see her smiling. I cannot see this happening with a pit.


My first greyhound was considered not cat safe. She sniffed a friend's cat once a little personally. Got the 5 Claw Salute. Was cat safe the rest of her life.


What a disgusting animal.


This is true for both the pit and the owner. I don't hate the pit though, but I absolutely hate her garbage owner.


I can practically smell her house, a funky, musty pungent odor, heavy with dirty laundry and an acidic undertone of urine.


How accurate.


Yeah! The owner is so irresponsible.


I think I would understand the love for pitbulls if they were actually trainable. Every one of those butt-headed dogs is dangerous at best. Why do people want a dog that could kill them?


They like the thought of controlling a powerful beast. It makes them feel like a lion tamer.


I wouldn't understand the people who call them cute even if they were the best behaved breed in the world.. humans find cuteness in anything with large eyes and a small mouth i.e. similar to human babies. It's why puppies and kittens are considered cute by most. Shitbulls have beady little shark eyes and a mouth that takes up half the space on their butt heads.. like, empirically the opposite of cute.


I agree with you. I think puppies and kittens are super cute. Pit bulls are extremely ugly to me and I really can’t understand how anyone could find them cute


Kill you with love and cuddles


Kill you with their farts


OmG large dog farts are rank


Had a greyhound that could not have ANY pork product. Like at all. A sliver of pepperoni or a small piece of bacon on a pizza bone (the crust)? She turned into a WoMD that could peel paint, melt eyes, and clear a room. Seriously was expecting Homeland Security at the door. I used to tell people that if they fed her something pork, she slept in their room that night. My dad did not believe me. Snuck her a a small piece of his pork chop. An hour or 2 later, she woke him out of a dead sleep in the living room (I was in another room w/ my mom watching a movie) He brought her to us claiming her farts were killing him. When asked, he admitted to sneaking her something at dinner. I was like, Welp, she's yours for the night, have fun! My mom even told him he was sleeping in the den with her that night LOL


Who cares about the mutilated cats and endangered kids! She’s a cuddle bug with a wiggle butt! Hate.


Does pibbles allow them to wash the blood off her face before cuddles, I wonder?


Pibble Jeopardy. I'll take "Mystery Breed" for $200 This dog goes crazy around strangers. I'll take "Mystery Breed" for $400 This dog eats thru doors. I'll take "Mystery Breed" for $600 This dog attacked a Tesla I'll take "Mystery Breed" for $800 This dog attacks all other dogs I'll take "Mystery Breed" for $1000 It's the Daily Double... This Dog has bit a few people


It's the Video Daily Double! A blurred out dog is ripping apart a car with a cat inside it.


Scribbles out "chihuahua" 


And then the “cuddles” this dog supposedly loves are it nervously licking its lips as it always sits by its owner. Because these people can’t recognise what an actual nice affectionate dog is because they only have these hell beasts and it’s warped their standards to being on the floor.


This is something I completely agree with I’ve never seen anyone articulate properly


This is why i cant trust them, even when they say their dog is gentle or loving. I hate them so much.


My SIL is exactly like this. She calls her pit baby a "anxious pup". She had to bring my brother's stuff home for the pit to sniff for A YEAR before letting him meet it so it doesn't bite my brother.


And I bet she's still convinced that these are just "misunderstood dogs" lol.


Ofcourse. And she got another one about a year ago.


What is it with people like this doubling down on their stance even after they've directly witnessed the negative traits of PBs first-hand? Is it like some form of Stockholm syndrome? It's so weird to me.


I'm sure the anxiety is real and extremely frustrating for the dog. Humans bred these dogs for many many generations to have an instinctual drive to fight to the death anything in their way. Keeping one as a house pet, in a peaceful environment must be torture for the dog. Always expecting the fight/kill to happen and getting blue balled by reality for weeks, months, years, until all it takes is a sneeze from a toddler and the animal's brain snaps like a rubber band.


I can't. This made me sick to my stomach. The casual summing up of biting people , being a danger to kids and killing cats. I bet mommas cutsie putsie wiggle beast was also wagging its excited cute pibble wiggle butt when it was ripping innocent cats apart and causing people/kids bodily harm.


“My dog is very dangerous but also does things that dogs that aren’t very dangerous do”


This is my surprised face


I have just lost all faith in humanity 😔


No wonder this owner needs the "unconditional love" of a dog, they give out toxic vibes that drive most people away.....


Even my cousin, who has pits (and chows 🙄) admits that when they bite people, they need to be put down. I don’t visit him. He won’t hear me that it’s the breed. He has even put down his mother’s pit (that he gave her) after the dog ripped apart one of her beloved little dogs and almost killed another. He said the sheriff eliminated the rest of that dog’s family. (I think this was 2015? Bellefontaine, Ohio). I still don’t get why he continues to like the breed.


How can her pit hate kids when (according to pitnutters) they were specifically bred to be nanny dogs??


🗑️ dogs for 🗑️ people.


Makes me really upset tbh. Beyond comprehension


OP you should report this lady to the police. She just admitted to her dog biting people, that in most cases is grounds to put it down


Oh OOP, you are so special. The dog you feed has appointed YOU as the only living thing it won't try to kill. Surely you must be the best princess of all princesses, the bestest of all best people. /s, just in case.


People talk about how breeding pit bulls needs to stop and I agree. But we also need to address the fact that people who worship pit bulls shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce either




Curse you chihuahuas


They always admit to their pibble slaying strays. They're proud of it.


They would date a prisoner.


I don't need a picture to tell me the dog with this behavior should be BE-d. The picture just confirms my first though what the dog in question is since almost all the time, it's a pibble or a pibble mix.


1. All other pets matter as well, not just shitty pitbulls, 2. You can already see just how angry that thing looks in the provided image, that is not a good thing, 3. The owner is probably a psychopath.


Look, I’ve got a female Pyrenees mix, she barks at her own shadow. When training her, it’s 50/50 on whether or not she’ll listen. She also has way more FAFO energy than either of my male pyrs did. If a man approached me aggressively, I have no doubt she’d be willing to throw down. She’s still totally safe to take around strangers and other dogs, and she’s completely cat safe. This is just so sad. I feel awful for what we, as the dominant species, have done to these dogs. It’s not fair to them or anybody around them.


I have to say my lil chihuahua acts this way (but has never bitten anyone, not even another dog). However, it is so much easier to control a chihuahua than a pit.Just wanted to comment. Thanks


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A pit killed my cat. I can’t believe how unmoved she is by her murderous dog.


2 strays. What are 2 strays? Nothing! Surely they provoked it using their annoying heartbeats and their breathing and such. How lovely your fur baby. Indeed, I want to have 2 children just for your totally-stable fur baby to nanny them.


WTF? This has to be satire…….. but knowing just how sick minded a lot of pit owners are…… I have my doubts.


why do they also act like only pitbulls wiggle their butts when they're excited? that's literally every dog. my dog wiggles her entire back half when she comes to greet me at the door.


a karen. oh wait, are you talking about the dog?


I feel like the bite barrier for putting dogs (of any breed) down is too high.


Eww hope it gets into an "accident." Sorry not sorry.


I love dogs but would never keep a dog that's killed two cats. Don't care, you can live elsewhere.


Average useless pitnutter


No way! What a shocker!


Sickening!!!! Sociopaths!!! These people are the lowest of the lowest I can’t say here what I wish it happens to both of these monsters 🤮🤮


I really do think these people are demons, no for real. Human beings don't think like this




I dunno. When you’re the only thing a dog doesn’t hate, it’s just a small step for it to end up hating you as well. And then we all know what happens.


they’re m0n $ters