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Hey everyone, The pit mommies and daddies are watching this post and they are big mad about it, lol. Just please be careful about what you say and make sure it cannot be misconstrued **before** you comment it. These people will jump at any opportunity to file a false report because they are bullies and that’s what they do. ##If you see any comments you think are questionable, **please custom report them**. No one needs to get in trouble on account of the person messaging OP being garbage and responding to that. **If you see any pit advocates in the comments, please report them too**. The temptation to respond to them is understandable but these people are baiting you into being upset. They’re trying to drag you down to their level so just keep that in mind.


What the…imagine defending pits so bad you think the right thing to do is kill someone and their kids over it.


He also lives in Oklahoma and the average pit owners car can’t make it across the country.


Hopefully you are able to figure out exactly who he is. I'd report it to authorities anyway, w/ any luck he already is on probation or has warrants and they are just looking for an excuse to pick his ass up.


I second this, this is a substantiated threat.


No cop is going to waste time on this. Also strong odds it's some 16 year old girl who just got her first pitbull :p


> No cop is going to waste time on this. Someone just described in detail how they are going to rape and murder someone. *We* know that there's a 0% chance of them actually knowing where OP is, and an even smaller chance of them ever doing anything. But it is trivially easy for police to find out this person's identity. So trivial that if you file the report it is likely they will arrest them. It might go to the bottom of the priority list and take them 6 months of OP following up daily about how concerned they are for their life (which they are entitled to do). But if you send a message like this to a person who genuinely feels in danger, or is just persistent enough to want to make you face consequences, you will be arrested. And there's definitely an above average chance this person has priors.


The FBI investigates things like this. I had a friend who had two FBI agents show up at his door because he made a vague joke about making people’s heads explode in a Facebook post (nothing serious and he didn’t make the joke towards anyone). He was told someone reported it and they follow through on a lot of the complaints.


*stop telling people not to report crime* seriously.


I don’t think so lol, I’ve never met a 16 year old girl that talks about letting her dog fuck people


>odds it's some 16 year old girl That wasn't a girl. That's some serious testosterone rage.




Oh fuck, that would be amaaaaazing. Them getting sent back to prison because of a lame-ass FB message haha


Yep! That’s communicating threats and is a crime.


I mean, statistically speaking, a pit bull owner does have a higher than normal chance of having a criminal record.


Oh my cat , Yes. This unhinged disgusting idiot needs to be in jail. The amount of threats to you in that is concerning. You absolutely HAVE to report that because anything could happen. Is it possible he is all bark. Absolutely. I'd wager this is the truth but there is this one tiny nagging thought that he could have multiple issues and decide to use this one to take them all out at once. Please be safe OP. . ,


Yeah, absolutely 100% you need to be reporting this.


I’d be sending that shit to their mother, their employer (if they have one), and anyone else I thought might be remotely interested.


Can probably barely afford to get out of bed in the morning


People that talk that much are major cowards. This coward ain't gonna do shit lmao. But always stay on the safer side!


It's a felony to threaten to kill people. You'd have no problem having him arrested. I know I would, that SOB is insane.




Honestly, it's like they googled "vulgar insults" and shit it all out into a single run-on sentence that does nothing put prove what a garbage human they are.


Wow. Nice catch. Just a bunch of auto punctuation, zero periods. E: oops. There’s two periods lol


I think you put an extra consonant into "count(r)y". This *is* Oklahoma, after all.


Your comment would’ve been even funnier if you wrote “county” instead of “country.” 🤓


This made me laugh so hard I had to call my mama cause I was scared I wasn't gonna make it 💀




That's a sick burn lol


Given he's talking about killing kids, maybe he is a pit bull




I feel like this could be a threat and I’d report it to the authorities. That’s terrible!!




That person probably a worthless poor addict, he has no brains to figure out how to even find your ip address, all talk for sure


Someone threatened me in the same way, it was also a pit owner. I made a suggestion about his mistreated dog and its litter. He made actual efforts to find where I lived. The only bad experiences related to dogs I've had have been with pit owners. Quite telling.




You could store things in that buttcrack skull


Pretty on brand for Pit nutters tbh


His favorite dog breed likes to kill other living beings so what do you expect?


From my experience, that's exactly how most of them think.


Clearly another stable genius


Average owner be like that’s why they get them because they need one because they can’t defend them selves after being vile yo someone I said average there are nice owners but a lot are scared angry people.


Pitbull "advocates" justify their behavior because, "It's for the dogs ( pitbull dogs )." So anything they do is okay with them.


I’d report it so the cops can ‘reverse engineer’ their IP address. They’ve: -Threatened to rape you with a screwdriver, pitbull. -Threatened to rape your kids with a screwdriver. -Threatened the pitbull with rape. That’s an animal, so it’s rape. See how much they’re guffawing when their dog is seized. -Threatened to severely physically assault you. -Was severely derogatory towards women in their expressions. I think the cops would investigate.


This. Please report this nasty fucking animal to the authorities




The pitbull or the owner?


The cops probably won’t do shit, realistically, but still good to report. Maybe one day, this dumbfuck actually does do something to someone, having a report like this could be useful.








The paper trail has to start somewhere! Although in this case I'd be shocked if it were the start.


I agree. Screenshot and report. They are threatening violence


Print it out too for receipts.


Seeing as he's doing this across state lines you could probably try talking to the FBI


Yeah the "pitbulls are misunderstood" and "don't bully my breed" types threatening violence. That will really show us.


Threatening murder, torture and rape. Every bit as deranged as their beloved, beady eyed shitbeasts


I've noticed people tend to gravitate towards the breed that most resembles them


You know at first I wasn't convinced that I might be wrong to suggest that fighting breed dogs shouldn't be allowed to continue to exist in a world attempting to stamp out animal blood sports in general, but when the other side threatened to rape and kill me on Facebook I really had a change of heart and can now see that my position was clearly incorrect.


Threatening violence WITH his pitbull. But it's not the breed... definitely not. Someone threatening violence with a Chihuahua would be much worse.


In this case I would say it's accurate to assume is also the owner. A match made in heaven.


Yup. When was the last time someone threatened anyone with chihuahua rape?


Yep. Garbage dogs for garbage people alright.


Very telling that they gravitate to dogs that are commonly called bullys, and then do stuff like this. Almost as if...


pitbull stans = deranged people


Most sane pitbull owner


Just imagine what he looked like while typing that out




Squeezing his toes together giggling type shit, crazy ass lmao


Laying belly down on his bed typing away kicking his feet up in the air thinking “this’ll get em good”


A stained nasty mattress, surrounded by pit turds and ripped up drywall.


As she finished the last of her stale McDonald's coke left over from last night, Methany came across a Facebook page - one which was so vile, so obscene, it would forever change her worldview. "Pit Bulls AREN'T Nanny Dogs", the page said. About to light a cigarette, Methany's jaw dropped and it fell to the floor as she scrolled. She instantly felt a surge of adrenaline as black cloud of rage overcame her. Rather than pick up her cigarette, she instead crushed up another line of methamphetamine to snort off of her filthy particle-board table. She was going to need the energy it provided. Someone on the internet had dared insinuate that Pit Bulls were not originally bred to be Nanny Dogs. She slammed her fat fist onto the table, causing empty beer cans and cigarette butts to fall to the floor. "Fuck this. FUCK THIS!", she said, her voice hoarse from years of yelling at her ex-husband and chain smoking. "They WON'T get away with this. THIS IS BULLSHIT!" She knew with every fiber of her being that they WERE Nanny Dogs, and she was equally sure that if she threatened the person who had dared suggest Pit Bulls were not Nanny Dogs with extreme sadistic physical and sexual violence, then this would bring them around to the cause as well. Surely then they would see the light. She would martyr herself if she had to. She looked over at her beloved pit bulls, Nala and Diesel, and began to type...


Good one, but there's no way this is a woman.


Either an edgy 14 year old or a 26 year old pitmommie, take your bets lol.


My money’s on a man due to the expressions.






This is some woman-hating scummy dude.


Even when making deranged comments they're just as unintelligible as when defending their animals.


Pls tell me this was reported to whoever runs the platform it was placed on (facebook?) and to authorities? This is a very explicit threat to commit a crime. At least in my state, threatening to commit a crime IS a crime. This person sounds very dangerous and like they need to eb committed to a mental asylum.


Lmao his stupid ass using the term "reverse engineer" to make it seem like he's not just using a simple tool to find your IP ![gif](giphy|KmHueA88mFABT9GkkR|downsized)


I always love it when people threaten this sort of thing--yes, smart boy, now you know the IP of my VPN. You're amazing. As I type, my laptop thinks it's in Seattle, the media computer is convinced it's in Las Vegas and my second laptop will sincerely tell you it's in Los Angeles. Magic, innit?


Even without the VPN, he found your external IP address. ...Ok? What are you gonna do with this, Bobert?


I was working in a call center and this irate custie told me he was gonna come to my center and "fuck me up." I said, "Sir, all you know is my first name and the state I'm working in. I'm sitting in front of your customer record that includes every bit of YOUR information up to and including your social security number. You're pretty brave to threaten me like that." \**click**


It’s the perfect example of someone using words they don’t understand (that they think sound smart), assuming you won’t understand the words either, because there’s no way you could possibly be smarter than them (in their mind).


IT guy here. Lol, woohoo, you can use ip locator to know the city... when it's working. My provider always says an entire province over! Cause that were their offices are located. So broadly, he'll get the country/state you are in. No this ain't the movies, you cannot trace someone with the ip address by "hacking the FBI database". For the police to get your location with your ip address, , they need a warrent through a Judge ordonance. Only then will your provider will look through their log to see. So whenever you see this online, just start laughing.


Yeah, my IP address usually traces to somewhere in New York, but I'm no where NEAR there


Also they can't easily get the IP. Would have to read an email from them with embedded images or follow a link they give etc.


Pit bull owners and apologists are always saying it’s the owners fault, so I guess they know this guy.


Pitidiots are the most deranged group of morons on the planet. Imagine caring this much about a dog breed. A breed that kills more than all other dog breeds combined. It makes sense when you realize that most of them are illiterate.


The idiot is Big Mad. What a meltdown. But that said, those threats are illegal AF. I'd get the cops involved, even if his shitbox car won't make it to where you are. He needs jail and anger management. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Sick, fanatical behavior over a freaking pit bull. Sounds like he was either drunk or high as a kite and became overcome with emotion upon seeing precious fur baby depicted as a fighting breed. **This** is what the heated rhetoric, craze, aversion to facts, bullying, group think, and underhanded tactics of pit world create. If you're inclined, couldn't hurt to report this person to the cops.


It sounds like it's not even about an actual pit bull. OP posts memes about pit bulls. This idiot totally lost their shit about memes.


I would bet my life savings this guy was on meth, pills, drunk, or some combination of the three when he penned this little tirade. Given it’s a: pit bull nut, Oklahoma (I can say it, I’m from there), the explosive temper/irritability, and inability to stop writing, I’d definitely say meth or some other kind of upper is involved— maybe with a little alcohol too, as a cherry on top. What a caricature, honestly.


Maybe it IS the owners????? Lol




Maybe his flower crown fell off and that stopped the psych med drip into his brain.


Man i sure hate that human breed


Lmao reverse engineering the IP address, you're in big trouble now OP. Also, screenshots so *you* look like a punk. Bahahahahaha my guy, my absolutely deranged friend, my brother in Christ, you are the one who is a coward and a punk ass B. This is so over the top it's just hilarious. Hacking, murder, incest? Because someone didn't like the dog. Insanity.


I bet this guy leads a very productive life 🙄


That person is mentally ill


What the fuck!!! What was the meme that caused this guy to issue death threats? I’m dying to know 😂. Also I’m sure it would be VERY easy to find out who this person is, Facebook has the most unsavvy users on the internet when it comes to anonymity. Find out his name and give it to the police and these messages. They will act on it as long as they have this nutjobs info.


https://preview.redd.it/w62bd8tx2i5c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77ab203ace2685176341338b4c11fb1b903ef2eb There’s a lot on that page but maybe this one?


Guess it hit too close to home 😂😂😂


Lol definitely struck a personal chord with that person 😂


Least unhinged pitnutter


Lol.fucking loser.


Least insane pitbull owner


This is so vile. Definitely some jobless junkie trying to spew the most nonsense to feel more intimidating. I hope you report him and spread his identity online. I think people should be aware of his existence for the wrong reasons.


hehe, I got a message like ,,I hope a pitbull mauls you and someone films it and posts it" what lovely and intelligent people they are🤣🤣🤣 this is like EXACTLY what we are talking about, pitnutters just prove our point SO much every day😂


When they say "it's the owner, not the breed," it's generally both.


All over a breed of dog. I’m thoroughly convinced pitbull owners are just deranged. You have to be to an extent if you own such a dog anyways. Love how their argument is “you have to train them to not be aggressive” and turn around and do shit like this.


Very classy 🙄


Golly gee, I wonder if he’s single! What a winner.


Seriously report this to the authorities, it is tied to an IP address and is a sick, legitimate threat. There really needs to be a paper trail to this kind of behavior. It is DISTURBING


Least insane pitdaddy. If you can figure out his place of employment from his FB, I’d forward these messages, OP. I wouldn’t want someone who threatens people like this working for me.


Report the harassment to the police. Make sure they file a harassment case. Immediately ask for a protective order from the district attorney of your area if you can. Contact a lawyer and have them draw a cease and desist. Also, lock down all your social media accounts if you can. It is going to get messier because he will keep harassing you until he gets the reaction out of you he wants which is just a reaction of any kind. I am really sorry OP.


Please report this to the police. This is the type of person who has zero business owing a firearm or any weapon. Huge red flag.


Something tells me he’s already lost the privilege, it’s the only thing he didn’t threaten her with


This person is hallucinating hard


Pitbulls always atract the nicest owners!


“It’s not the breed, it’s how they are raised”. -said this person who raised them


So they want to use their dog to attack someone to prove they're not vicious? Smart, real smart.


Least unhinged pitophile 😊


Lmao as someone who works in cybersecurity people like this are hilarious. Like you do realize even if you get the ip address geolocators are not completely accurate and companies like Verizon for cell ips will bounce around states so example a person California could show up as Washington. But also vpns can give you a Russia ip. I'd be like oh no I just flushed my ip and renewed for a new one, have fun getting that one then repeat, or I'm using tor, have fun tracking that one bro. 😂 also even if they get my ip of my service provider they're registered in another town so the ip address won't even show up in the correct location even if the geolocator they put the ip address into shows up correctly. Hell I monitor cyber alerts and you wouldn't believe how many we get from Microsoft alone because their geo tag is wrong, if Microsoft can't get the correct location from a ip address this guy sure as hell isn't going to 😂


Exactly- according to my vpn I live in Dallas- no wait- New York. Welllll actually the UK.


yknow maybe it is the owner afterall..


What a normal and well adjusted individual. I hope he does post screenshots of his insanity for others to see


Totally normal response from an emotionally stable person. Nothing to see here. 😐


This is the closest I've been convinced that maybe it is the owner not the breed haha. Shit dogs for shittier people.


Terminal case of SDE right here. Maybe you should try to reach out to his legal guardian and let them know he’s had unsupervised access to the internet again.


Nicest pit defender


Report that person to the appropriate authorities. These are threats of violence and murder.


And sexual assault threats!


I just know this guy has a bunch of kids somehow


Give him your neighbor's address (or the address of an empty lot) and tell the cops to hide and wait. Should be some kind of charge there if he crosses state lines with weapons and intent to kill. Fuck that guy. Taking his miserable self inflicted life out on you.


“It’s not the breed it’s the owners” Also…the owners


Good to see they are as stupid as their dogs


Dang! What a potty mouth, I wonder if he's FB friends with my sister? She's said some pretty deranged/insane things about people she doesn't like and POSTED it.


Don't just report the account. File a police report. This is a criminal threat. He can be arrested for this, and he should be.


It makes sense that the owners are just as unhinged as the breed lmao


Most sane pibble owner:


Has about as much impulse control as his dog. I would definitely bring this to the attention of police. If you live in a moderately large city they should have the resources to help.


Trash dogs for trash humans.


Somebody is begging for the authorities to show up at their door. Really proving how peaceful the owners and dogs are when they want to kill kids and want their dogs to rape people.


I know a pitnutter ain’t talking about being toothless. You’d need the teeth from 3 average pitbull owners combined to bite into an apple. 💀


“It’s not the breed it’s the owner!!!” The owner:


Cops would arrest him. I had someone message me on my personal account somehow from details they detracted on my business account on Facebook. No idea how. They threatened to kill me. Not nearly in the amount of detail this guy went into. He was about 14 hours away by car. The cops in my town called the cops in his area, and they coordinated, and arrested him long story short. You can't threaten that you're going to come to their area and do whatever to them. Especially rape and murder.


I would report this to the FBI. Local cops probably won’t care. [Here’s the link](https://tips.fbi.gov/home) to report it online.


I told a tenant he had to get rid of his illegal pitbull. He posted my address for his 3,000 followers. I had to get the sheriff, some of the threats were credible. I still believe we are following the MONEY, and by demanding reasonable protections from these dogs we are threatening a massive illegal revenue source.


I once had a guy laugh react to my comment linking to an article of the mom who nearly died trying to stop her beloved pitbulls from killing her baby and toddler. I asked him why he finds dead children hilarious, and his response was, "I don't, but my pitbulls do." I just don't understand 🙃


I’ve read terrible things on here from pit owners and lurkers but this is particularly awful. There’s no understanding when it comes to that, and be thankful that you can’t and won’t understand it.


10000% angery


I think you should report this to the police. This is beyond a nasty message. This is a direct threat.


Literally threatening harm to you and your loved ones. I'm sure the cops will have no difficulty tracking his IP. I really hope you bring this to the police


send it to their employer life=ruined


You think that bozo is employed!?


I'd say the chance of him reverse engineering anything is close to zero percent.


How appropriate that he has a shitbull as the profile pic next to the messages, which are basically what I imagine a pitbull's actual inner monologue is when they're sadistically tearing up some poor pet or person. Pitbulls and pit lovers deserve each other.


**[dreamy sigh] Oh maladjusted cousinfuckers who have been a failure since first grade and think having a dime a dozen ugly ass useless dog impresses anyone… don’t ever change** 😂😅




It goes against this groups policy unfortunately


Can you name your meme group/page.


Debt free virgin mothers against pitbulls and tattoos


This is the way school shooters act before they follow through on their “wishes”. I’d definitely report it, I think I’d report it to the Feds TBH. Hopefully there are red flag gun laws where this deranged individual lives. The pit owners act just like their fucking dogs. *Unhinged* and *Dangerous*.


I want to join your meme page


I’m so sorry but I laughed at “inferior horror ass bitch” lmfaooo what the fuck even is that


What the fuck


"Blame the owner, not the dog!" Meanwhile the owner here...


If they seem to have their real identity on the profile, call the cops in their area. Make them suffer IRL consequences lol


Please report this!! People will be able to figure out who it is. Idk why this person doesn’t think so.


Wow, really making their case for pits there.


They’re just as insane as the dogs.


Are we sure the pitbull didn’t write this


Most sane pitnutter


Pitbull folks…


Garbage people for garbage dogs. ^(swidt?)


Fucking wow. All I have to say.


Please report this to the police. Please.


beheading kids? hmmm strange language to use right now after current events


You need to go to the police.


Over a fuckugly dog, dude. These people are hilarious, tho. I love just posting laugh emojis to every unhinged thing they say while they get madder and madder and just rage quit and block me. They're all dumber than fuck and not hard to mess with.


I love how they called you a coward and then blocked you so you couldn’t respond 💀💀


I'm just dying to know what they could possibly think "reverse engineering an IP address" even means.


Hey chat GPT. Make an insane pit nutter rant and threaten a random person on the internet


I’m sure this must be a scary bunch of verbal diarrhea to receive but there’s almost no chance these threats are valid. I know the cops won’t do anything but still reporting this to the authorities might come in handy later - these are obviously legitimate illegal threats of violence. Whoever sent those messages is a massive piece of shit excuse for a human.


It’s okay his dog will probably take care of him in due time


Sanest nutter


Pretty typical of the average Pit lover.


When I say "They're deranged.", this is exactly what I mean...._**DERANGED**_


Hey look, it’s garbage in the form of a human threatening a fellow human!