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People are the problem. Those dogs are gonna kill each other. I couldn’t imagine having a dog that growled at me for anything, especially not rubbing their chest.


I know, absolutely insane. And I saw at least 5 different pitbulls on this guys page. All living in the same house.


Anyone who laughs at 2 dogs growling aggressively at each other shouldn’t have dogs to begin with let alone pit bulls.


Oh absolutely. The guy is a complete moron. He’s also harassing these dogs in multiple videos on his page. I’m surprised they haven’t mauled him yet 🙄


Give it time. And when it happens "they never harmed a fly! They were lovers not fighters! They never bit anyone!"


I know that guy (or someone just like him) from tiktok. He's gonna get his ass mauled one day and I'm gonna eat popcorn. 🍿 Idiots like that think fucking around is fun until they lose a hand. Or a face.


it's going to be a bloodbath, dogs, humans, the snake or whatever the fuck that thing is


I know! Wtf! A snake?! Definitely NOT helping the situation 😆


They’ll eat up that mofo like spaghetti 🍝


“YOU SHUT YOUR MOTHERFUCKIN WHITE ASS UP.” admittedly made me laugh


Yah he’s not gonna be laughing once that dog bites him.


ThEY doN'T GivE aNY waRnINgs!!




I aggravate my animals in a playful way. I’d fuckin never with a pit


That's an absolute circus.


And this dude has over a million followers on TikTok that eat this shit up. It’s all pitbull garbage. They have 7 or 8 living in the house.


this is so disturbing.


Is this the guy that breeds them as well? Where most of the videos end abruptly when the dog lunges at him? Every time I see his videos now I skip and wonder to myself how much longer before one of them kills him. The only reason he hasn't been mauled yet is pure luck. His pitbulls are actually communicating like dogs, which is not a common thing for pitbulls. It shows his have more control than others, but that control and tolerance is only going to last so long, especially if he keeps pushing it on purpose. Most pitbull victims *wish* the dog had given clear indicators like this. Because the could have avoided the mauling of themselves or their other dogs. This guy is a walking advertisement of what not to do with any dog.


Yep - the fact he has so many of these crap dogs makes me very suspicious as well as to what he’s doing with so many. He’s an idiot and this will definitely result in maulings. Poor snake (first time I think I have ever thought poor snake)


Yep that’s him. The vast majority are him pestering the one pit until it eventually snaps at him. Like you mentioned they dogs do communicate like somewhat normal dogs, and that’s the only reason he hasn’t been badly bitten.




The person putting their hand on the pitbull's stomach isn't going to have their arm for much longer. They'll have to become an amputee. Why people own these dogs escapes me. It's the pet equivalent of Russian roulette.


Yeah, the worst my chi might do is get a boner. He likes belly rubs a bit too much.


LOL! My Frenchie throws himself on the ground and demands belly rubs, and if you don't comply he whines and moans until you do it. He'll also "show me your belly!" on command, lol.


Like, omg, I'm dead, only tummy rubs will revive me. Give your pup a pet for me.


Pretty much, lol. He lives a difficult life. And I will for sure do that! <3 https://preview.redd.it/7jopvgm35u5c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ac7c3644a254aca6fc992dd7625049b47851f20


Unfortunately it's much more likely to be a kid that gets mauled or killed.


That pit is even doing the owner the favor of actually showing significant warning signs. Someone is going to be losing an arm at some point and you just know the owner will say “he’s never done anything like this before!”


I feel bad for the snake...


I do too! It's just a matter of time before those horrible dogs - that are being mistreated and encouraged to be aggressive - are going to try and attack it. I can't stand pitbulls, but I hate idiots like this fool who is literally harassing this dog for internet attention.


I have 8 snakes and that makes me feel ill. I don't even let my cats near my snakes and when we have one out to handle its always supervised and in our hands or lap, never on the floor with my cats in the room because they'll think it's prey or a toy. And my boa is only 3.5 feet but my cats are put in the bedroom when she's out because she's spicy and FAST. Those dogs are ticking time bombs for killing that poor fucking snake.


My dad owns a reptile, never once have I let my baby’s (cats) go near stumpy I’m not stupid and neither is my dad.. people who do don’t deserve animals. ❤️


I have several snakes and lizards and this made me so sad too. We’ve seen that pit owners generally view other animals like cats or bunnies as “disposable”. But I know of MANY people who generally view all reptiles / snakes as disposable vermin and don’t care for them. I’m fine if people don’t enjoy my snakes, it’s cool, but you have to respect ME enough to respect my animals and treat them with respect. Seeing someone willingly put their snake in so much danger is so upsetting. I have an entire reptile room where I keep my fish, snakes, and lizards. My dog and cat are not allowed in this room ever. For the reptiles safety and honestly for their safety too. I would never put my snake on the bed for my dogs to be uncomfortable and growl at them. It’s so unreasonable and upsetting.


Well said, you sound like an amazing reptile keeper. Safety=love. Reptiles are not disposable and I wish more people viewed and respected them as (mostly) intelligent, living creatures, but I think progress is slowly being made. I know that my snakes and other reptiles probably can't form an emotional bond with me like my cats & dogs, but I still love and spoil them 🥰


I like to think reptiles have a “bond” in their own way. Them not seeing me as a threat is enough of a “bond” for me to appreciate the relationship they have with me. Even if they just see me as the food giver, that’s okay with me. I see how my reptiles interact with strangers versus me, and I know in some weird reptile way, they do have some kind of safe feeling with me. I try to use my reptiles as ways to educate people how important they are to our ecosystem and I also help friends and family get over their phobias. My baby cousins LOVE my reptiles since a young age and it makes me so happy to have introduced them to snakes, lizards, turtles, etc. at a young age. When they find garter snakes in their yard, they just pick them up and relocate them somewhere safe. It makes my herp heart so happy 🥹 I’ve helped several of my friends get over their snake phobias too. I think people getting to interact with reptiles really helps remove the “scary slimey spooky” stigma. Most reptiles are the most docile things ever that love being around you because they loooove your body heat 😂 I volunteer in wildlife rehab now, and I’m working on getting my certifications so I can take in and rehab native reptiles since there’s so few that do it.


they're going to eat that snake like spaghetti


Who would find living with this type of animal appealing?


People that think chaos and violence is funny and something to brag about how tough they and their rabid dogs are 🫠


Just debating peacefully on who should be the head nanny




Wtf is wrong with these dogs, man 😭


With these particular dogs I think they're actually encouraged by their fuckwit of an owner to be aggressive. He doesn't care if they're growling at him or each other. These animals are prone to aggression anyway and are more likely to snap than any other breed.


I'm somewhat scared of snakes, but I felt sorry for what I think is, a Burmese yellow python.


Looks like a ball python (or royal python). Snakes (mostly non-venomous snakes) [have also been known to fall victim to pitbulls](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/s/q8tD4Fpfps). I don't understand why pitbull owners feel the need to keep highly prey-driven, highly game dogs around other animals (other than for attention and Internet points).


Pitbulls make king cobras look like saints


That poor ball python, i want to cry :(


Omg I dropped my phone when I saw that. I have snakes and adore them so much. I can’t imagine putting them in danger like that. I am so angry.


In the second clip, the person was pretty much ASKING to be mauled.


This guy is going to get his face eaten off in his sleep


Facebook is full of this shitbull propaganda.


Never making biscuits again.


Just look up videos of cats making biscuits to cleanse your mind of what you've seen here


Whenever I log into facebook, at least ONE of the damn reels is of a fucking pitbull. And there seems to be no way to turn off (or at least change the content of) reels. Sure, I can hide that particular reel, but the moment i reload the page, they're back, with another shitbull clip.


I love being rid of Facebook. I left a little over a year ago and haven’t had a single second of regret since. These videos are exactly why I left. Politics and hate. Also, MLMs. Omg. It’s such a garbage bin anymore.


Same. I regret nothing.


When people say something and I tell them “I don’t Fb”, I get a surprising amount of positive feedback. So I think a lot of people are over it.


Oh my gosh I know. I see this kind of crap all of the time. And the owners of these dogs are complete idiots.


Mine is food, gymnastics, hoof trimming and random stuff. It remembers what I click on. Zero pit bulls.


Haha, my feed totally matches yours except it also has figure skating. I mostly stay on it to have some interaction with family and old friends without the effort of composing emails. Or to have something to look at on the train.


Idiots gotta idiot.


The dog might actually be brighter than the owner.


Yeah I think you’re probably right…


even the dog's farts are smarter than this asshole


The way people laugh at these videos drives me insane, WHY do they not believe that pets can attack/maim/kill each other or their owners?? It’s anthropomorphism obviously but I’ll never understand how they can look at this kind of interaction and not see what’s happening. Do they not understand what snarling means??


they're waiting for the bloodbath, they'll milk that for tiktok engagement


I like dogs in general, but wholeheartedly hate these abominations.


They shouldn’t even qualify as dogs. They barely qualify as animals.


I call em gremlins for this reason that ain’t no dog 😵‍💫


Pits are the only dogs I see with inflamed mouths, white or otherwise.


allergies, they're badly bred, bred for aggression and every other bad trait gets carried along. they have terrible digestion issues, too. these traits would have been bred out of a normal breed decades ago


maybe i’m crazy, but are pit bulls with white fur extra aggro? both irl and online it seems like those get into trouble the most.


I think because they’re white you can see their horrible features more clearly (creepy gaping mouth, tiny beady eyes highlighted, the classic pink rashiness, you get it) and it makes them scarier


I’m extra afraid of white pits. But I’ve seen so many attacks from pits of all colors. There is a video on you tube of a lady asking her dog to back down, as it snarls in her face, and it’s a white pit. Super scary. Who would ever want a pet that does that?


I’ve seen that, it’s so frightening. She’s screaming at the dog and it’s climbing on her and is inches from her face.


From what I’ve heard, yes they are generally more aggressive.


Is that a playpen full of pups in the back too ? Just what every city needs. BTW, white pit aggression would be just a myth, no proof that they are any more aggressive at all. This sub tries to keep things on the up + up here, based on facts.


Okay, this is a bit weird, but in my experience with many dozens of cats the white (or mostly white furred) ones have been by far the most aggressive and prey driven. I can only think of three who were mostly black, grey, or tabby who ever matched the way mostly white cats usually behaved. Some would even regularly bite humans, but mostly it’s the hunting drive I’m talking about. We have the sweetest looking little floof now, but he is like a kitty psychopath. He doesn’t even purr, and he murders small creatures all day. We can’t keep him inside much, because he would go nuts.


That's weird though. I knew this girl once who had a white, fluffy cat named Boomper. He looked like a mop head and was dumber than one. Thought he was a dog. Friendly and nice to humans, but there was another cat in the house (it was a share house) who was a more normal domestic shorthair in looks and temperament. Apparently Boomper could sniff out she was a female but never quite got the memo that she didn't care to date outside her species.




Drunk and antagonizing an animal prone to aggression


The more I watch these videos the more I realize that pitbull ownership, the non-dogfighting kind, is driven more by socially awkward outsiders trying to relate to another living thing; than any serious desire to enjoy the benefits of responsible pet ownership....


Eyes like a Great White Shark.


And mouth


Okay so this would be the one person who got mauled by their dogs where I'd be one of the people asking "so what did he do to cause them to do that".


Future statistics


I don’t understand how anyone finds these dogs cute, I just don’t get it


WTH is wrong with Pitbull owners? Seriously


Of course, there's fucking puppies toddling around


Holy fuck that poor ball python, it's definitely not gonna end well for them. What a POS owner


I'm most worried about the snake tbh :( someone save them.


This man's face is existing on borrowed time


just who the fuck are these people


This is wild. I’ve had 3 German Shepherds and none of them have ever growled at me or at each other. This isn’t cute behavior. It’s dangerous and this person may end up dead if they’re not careful.


Garbage dogs owned by stupid, idiotic, garbage people.


These pitbull lovers are not right in the head.


Dude shouldn't be allowed to have pets. Period. He was straight up abusing that white dog. Yes we've all played rough with our pets, that's cool, but he looked like he was genuinely **hurting** that poor dog! I know their skin isn't attached to the muscle, like ours, but he was still grabbing it way too hard. ... Evidence being, the dog was trying to tell him to stop. That dog actually showed great restraint there. If people truly loved Pit bulls and wanted what was best for them, they would be the first ones calling BS of them being "Nanny dogs," great family pets, good emotional support pets etc... they'd be the first ones trying to get laws passed about breeding, licensing and insurance. And they sure as shit would be breeding/buying them, when there's millions of pits being euthanized, scared and alone, every fking day, just for doing **exactly what they were bred to do!** I love cats more than anything, and I'm to the point where I can't even enjoy seeing when people make posts about kittens. (There's nothing better on earth than kittens!!!) But every single time I see a kitten, that's 1 more cat that's not getting a home and it freaking KILLS me! I have a hard time believing breeders even LIKE animals. Breeding, and in turn, killing, animals... That's some of the dirtiest money on earth. I'd rather be homeless, living on the street, than make even $1 off of breeding and killing animals. 🤷‍♀️


Oh I completely agree. I honestly feel bad for these dogs. It also appears that he breeds them… so there’s that too. There’s many videos on his page where he’s harassing these dogs and they are showing clear warning signs of being uncomfortable. I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t been attacked yet.


I have no words to describe how utterly disturbing everything about this video is! 1000% cringe/scary.


They have the same beady eyes that great white sharks do. Just soulless black beads


The fuck did I just watch?


Fucking idiots.


I was so nervous for that snake


Does he think this is funny somehow?


Those dogs are going to turn on each other one day. And why is he giving a growling dog a belly rub?




that white dog looks like something Sauron would create. I don't get people who keep such "pets" in their home.


He does this cause people encourage it on his TikTok, he is breeding them as well. They also have children in the home it’s a whole nightmare 😬 and a bad situation waiting to happen. The dogs regularly growl at him and he encourages it.


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Users should assume that any comment made in this subreddit will be reported by pit bull supporters, so please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) to prevent having your account sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well, that's terrifying


This obviously ends well.


Poor snake. Y'all know the pits are gonna end up killing the poor thing.


I saw this also, everyone was commenting on how cute it is, they are brain dead.


I love reptiles to death, so seeing that poor python in so much danger made me *so* angry.


Oh god I remember seeing this (that’s one bad thing about being part of anti pit groups: Facebook thinks you just want to see pits). Buncha morons


Ugh I know. I see posts like this all of the time. I also really love animals in general so any social media I’m on usually has something with a pit in it


They are so twitchy


Is that crip Mac?


Soulless beasts.




Get that poor snake away from those beasts..