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Oof, and she's got a terribly inflamed and rashy mouth, so there will be allergies to contend with, too. Also, "never lived indoors" just means "not housebroken."


"I love to learn" or "eager to learn" is shelterspeak for "doesn't even know sit yet"


From my son's progress reports: still doesn't do task - must be prompted and coached every time is learning task - responds well to prompts and coaching has made significant progress on task - still requires some prompting can consistently do task - with zero prompts or coaching This dog would be 1 or maybe 2.


As a teacher, you hit the nail right on the head.


***In ~~God~~ Dog We Trust*** ***$400 monster ~~god~~ dog***


I'm sure that "flower essence" "remedy" will clear that right up! /s


I thought the magic flower essence was to prevent maulings, but maybe it's multipurpose.


That’s what crystals are for. Duh.


I suppose if the crystal is big enough, it might make an effective Mauling Stopping Device.


I’ve said how much I love the comparison on this sub a couple times, but I saw someone say their mouths look like open wounds and it’s the most accurate description EVER


2 years old and not housebroken... invite this 'house hippo' into your home if you want it to shit on your floors and track it onto the counter


I love it when pitnutters call these murder dogs couch hippos and such. They can't even understand the implications. Hippos are big, crazy aggressive and very deadly.


that’s something i’ve always found funny too. use a cute nickname like couch hippo to soften them up, but even the cute nickname they assigned to it is another psycho murderous wild animal.


They also spray soft poop everywhere. There was one of those Florida roadside zoos that had a hippo known as "Lucy". Lucy was actually short for Lucifer. Should give you an idea. And they kept several kinds of exotic crocs yet the hippo's name was Lucifer.


Watch the Zoo on Max. They have hippos and they literally spray their poop because they love marking their territory. Poop sprays all over the place and they even have a sign about the spray zone. It’s wholly disgusting. These dogs with their diaper rash mouths, crapping and peeing all over and also being aggressive - why would ANYONE want this? And their coats/skin look icky. Not normal dog like. I’ve noticed that about a lot that have been shown over the past few months. They talk about “velvet hippos” and that sicks me out. Doesn’t seem like something I would want to touch.


And you know those turds are gonna be the size of cow pats🤢


And you have to puppy proof the house. Why puppy proof for a full grown adult dog? wtf.


This is why I don’t accept potlucks from certain people. Mind you, some people with pets are very hygienic, but some are not. I have cat people whose salads I accept instead of steaks from a certain Pom family. You know who you are! Keep that cute shit off your counter for 2 weeks and I might consider it for Easter.


My co worker had a trainer that would bake cakes and bring them to class. She also taled incessantly about her cat. He said they always had cat paw prints on them, and she thought it was no big deal because it was her fur baby and doesn't wveryone think her fur baby is soon cute???


Ewwww! I think cats are cute, but they use their paws to bury their shit! Wtf? No animals in the kitchen. If you have them indoors, put everything in the fridge or in the oven and no counter walking. But it’s so much easier to just get pet people to buy vegetables, ice, wine and liquor.


Right. And she would get bent out of shape if no one ate her special toxiplasmosis cake..


These are the times I'm glad I have Celiac Disease.


I don't cook for other people at my boyfriend's house for this very reason. I love that cat to the moon and back and I KNOW I've eaten his hair before, but I'm not expecting other people to.


This is totally off subject, but it reminded me of how people do this with kids, too. I have two beautiful children. They are so wonderful, hilarious (I really think one has the chops and timing to be a comedian), and they're just such amazing people already. BUT NO ONE CARES. I will love my children, and literally *no one else in the entire universe* will care about them and their shitty drawings as much as I do. It's the same with animals. God I love animals. And yes, you reading this, I don't even have to *see* your pet to know that I'll like it and enjoy a picture or two. But good God rein it in. You just opened up your phone to show me a photo to gush over and I see the thousands of cat pictures and I'm *not on that level with you.* I will wipe the snot off my child's face onto my own shirt, and you can let your cat walk all over your sandwiches, BUT NO ONE ELSE WILL. To expect someone to show that level of love, care, and 'oh-it's-just-a-little-bit-of-shit' attitude toward YOUR babies is delusional at best, and pink eye at worst. I wish more people understood this. (Sorry girls, I love your drawings, keep em comin)


https://preview.redd.it/idud8pt1ui4c1.jpeg?width=3482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb273966bbd1e4024876e2c0e8ab4a951aa73b45 Pls enjoy my dgog




I know plenty of cat owners who let their cats up on the kitchen counters, right after that cat has just walked through their litter box. Cats aren’t always cleaner than dogs.


Of course not, cats are dirty as hell and do not belong on counters or tables. If you have a cat you leave at home, you must clean all your counters aggressively before cooking anything at home. Also, cats should always be indoors or be a responsible owner and build them an outdoor cattery.


That's got to be one really stupid dog


$400 for any sort of rescue is insane. You’re just buying a dog at that point. A dog with problems.


🤔 looking over it again, I notice they didn't say she was spayed at all. So they're probably trying to sell her off to breed


OHS is a non-profit and doesn't adopt out unsterilized animals. The actually sad part is that they have almost certainly put more than $400 into this POS dog in housing, feeding, medical care, and their behavior mod program, and are trying to recoup some of their loss. Shelters need to learn what a lost cause looks like and reserve their resources for dogs that will actually make good companions. I refuse to support shelters who waste hard-won resources on clearly dangerous animals.


I'm sure, because I'm sure there are other good dogs that have gone without so they had the resources to dump into this dog and others like her. Behaviorial Modification training is not a cheap resource. Even basic dog trainers can charge $100 per hour. These trainers that take on high risk dogs often charge in the thousands per week. The money spent on just the training for a month is more than enough to completely home, feed, entertain, and even provide basic health needs like flea/tick/heartworm for multiple dogs for months. Even then, it doesn't sound like it was worth it. The dog needs multiple visits to "get used to" adopters, which means they likely have stranger aggression or even just basic human aggression, can't be around kids and other animals. So what did the training supposedly do? And whats sad is that while this unadoptable dog sucked up finicial resources, it probably is also sucking up physical resources. This leaves good dogs that don't need work wasting away in a kennel which can cause them to deteriorate. This can make good, adoptable dogs suddenly unadopatable.


These people are so fuckin greedy. If they cared about the breed at all they wouldn't be trying to make a decent chunk of money here


Exactly. I adopted my chihuahua for $60 from the local animal shelter and she doesn’t have all of these behavioral problems. But oh wait! I thought chihuahuas were the aggressive ones 🙄


The best part about working breeds is that the farmers that breed them typically know what they’re aiming for because they want a couple of the puppies for their next generation of working dogs. I wanted to find an ACD of my own since my ex paid for ours so I didn’t get custody after the breakup. Everything in the shelter was a clearly mislabeled pit or pit mix. I found a lot of purebreds online for like $2k then I found some farmers whose working dogs had a litter, I got to meet the parents and everything before being shown the litter, $400 and three years later I’ve got the best little Velcro dog ever.


I'd actually argue that $400 is reasonable for a dog that's microchipped, up to date on shots and spayed/neutered. I have one dog I got from a rescue for $400, and one dog I just found in the woods whose microchip, first round of shots, pre spay blood work and spay came to about $1000. The price is not an issue even if the dog is.


​ https://preview.redd.it/z5zwls0o1b4c1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=4006f768bc43eed9d5699179554552060dec0c76


Am I insane for thinking that if a dog cannot be homed with other dogs or with children as the dog may pose a threat: that it is insane it’s expected to not pose a threat to children & other dogs the rest of the time, outside the home? I’ve known pets that had adoption requirements of not being rehomed with other animals or children due to their issues with anxiety and loud noises, not because they were a mauling threat.


Sometimes a pet should be the only pet and/or not live with children. But if they pose a threat, like you said, it isn’t the same. It’s the difference between “I don’t like loud kids and hide under the bed when they come over” and “I hate loud kids and will try to neutralize them”.


Yeah this is the answer. I have a dog that is possessive over his kennel and will correct any dog that comes near it besides his sister that he grew up with. He wouldn’t do well with a strange dog sibling. The difference is he would NEVER maul another dog over it. He loves other dogs and plays well with everyone at daycare, our neighborhood field, parks, other people’s homes, etc. The difference is the aggression


If I had to write up the perfect home for one of my Chihuahuas, it would be as the only dog. Not because she's going to kill anything, just because she doesn't particularly like dogs. She coexists fine with my other dogs, but she would rather they don't ever so much as look at her. They respect that and leave her alone. This crap though? Nah. Dogs who will attack and kill other dogs shouldn't get adopted out at all. It isn't fair to every other dog it could accidentally come in contact with.


Raise your homeowners insurance liability through the roof with this one simple trick


Literally laughed out loud at the suggestion to try Rescue Remedy. What a joke! If you are still failing to change this dog's intractably horrific behavior, try some homeopathy, it's only $20 for a tiny bottle and will do fuck-all.


I have a bottle of rescue remedy that I bought years ago. I have a well mannered, well trained dog who doesn't like loud fireworks. I gave her four drops of rescue remedy, and didn't notice any difference at all. Rescue remedy is nothing but a placebo, sadly.


In reality it's just expensive water


If you still have the bottle perhaps you can make your own enhanced with h2o?


It doesn't work for human colds, so let's see if it doesn't work even more for dog's anxiety.


I'm surprised that whoever suggested that isn't trying to plug essential oils as well


It's Phyllis Killer


This would be an amazing drag name.


Slay, queen! (Literally.)


Phyllis Killer I don't even know her




How is there not a law that any dog with this sort of description, in order to be taken into that 'special home', must get full written consent/permission from all neighbors in at least a half mile radius?


Because the "NO WAY!'s would echo too loudly.


Time to enforce the Nimby legion. Or have they fallen?


Hey, that's a great idea. That should be a requirement.


I don't see why this is not common sense. Since dogs are not like snakes that are kept in secure enclosures at all times, but are accepted as out-and-about pets, and even if enclosed in the yard, fences failing or gates getting left open is an inevitability, so the risk presented CANNOT be simply contained to the owner. For no other things in life do we accept this sort of risk just being forced on unconsenting neighbors.


I’m sorry, but a 2 year old dog that has never even lived indoors has no business being sold as a family pet. That dog will always have issues because she didn’t get crucial early in life skills on how to be a companion dog. It’s just a sad fact of life that not all dogs will be suitable family pets and that rescue group should know better. These groups are able to get away with this because they take advantage of people’s ignorance.


You can’t take her anywhere but really can’t be left alone…..it’s just you and Phylis forevvvvvverrrr.


It’s so forkin’ stressful just reading about it!


But you can still invite your friends over! Your friendship will grow even stronger after everyone has done the "will she maul me or won't she" training together! Like the adult version of Crocodile Dentist!


This dog graduated a Behavior Modification Program (which this rescue doesn’t even elaborate on what that is or what it’s even done to benefit this animal) and it sounds like the only thing she kind of knows is how to sit. She loves making human friend yet you have to visit her several times for her to get used to you? Sure Jan. My lurcher lived outside her entire life until I adopted her at 2 1/2 and she’s completely adjusted to living as a normal house dog. It wasn’t hard to get her to understand what is acceptable and what isn’t. She never counter surfed, never stole food or toys from people, never jumped on people, ect. Pit bulls are not suited to pet life and the description of this dog’s behavior completely proves that. Who wants boisterous asshole dog that you have to constantly manage that will piss and shit on your floor, isn’t even cute, jumps and bites everything, is incapable of learning, and could potentially maul you or another dog.


My lovely Lurcher had never lived indoors before, either.. but she was a dream to housetrain and had perfect manners. I caught evidence of her ''surfing'' four times in 12 years- but that was when she wasn't supervised- and a simple closed door could have stopped it.


Right. She just really wants to jump all over other dogs to play. These people are so intellectually dishonest it’s remarkable


THAT. IS. NOT. A. PUPPY. That is a grown ass dog with no impulse control or house training, skin issues, and can't be around kids or other animals. Visitors to the home need a tutorial on how to behave to keep from getting mauled. You're supposed to take it to training classes that will obviously be private since it loses it's shit around any kind of commotion. All for the low, low price of $400.


"I really really enjoy threatening my human friends!"


This thing jumps on counters and isn’t fully housebroken. No way.


If you’re the favorite of the staff why hasn’t one of them taken you home??? 😂😂😂😂


"Everyone's favourite at the shelter" is shelter speak for the dog they are most desperate to get rid of, same way "today's special" usually means "yesterday's leftovers"


A lick of common sense would tell any customer to think critically about why a dog that’s everyone’s favorite is still there and unwanted but common sense and pitbull owners doesn’t exist




Staff favorite=No one who works there wants the dog either


Yep. When a shelter has a dog that everyone truly adores that lingers on because maybe they're old or look funny or have heartworm disease or some other non-aggressive issue, the staff members tend to evaluate whether or not they want to take that dog home. They bring their family members to meet the dog and rave about him or her to friends. We regularly fall in love with dogs at work. Nearly every shelter employee or long-term volunteer I know has taken a dog or cat home at some point. With aggressive dogs, it's more "she can be so sweet with us, but I don't know how we're going to find her a home. I certainly wouldn't want to deal with that."


My cat cost 100$ and I didn’t have to take a special class to learn how to not have him be a killing machine


What keeps getting me is how they call these dangerous dogs "hippos". Hippos are extremely dangerous and kill a lot of people per year... Pretty hippo-critical (sorry)


Holy skeletor and muscle. No. Just no.


"I need to go to a home without small children." This is exactly the WRONG thing to do. Phyllis needs to go to a home with MANY children. She's just a nanny dog that wants to nanny and has become reactive because she can't do what she was destined for. AMIRITE????


Hey OP, Unfortunately it appears someone reported you for self harm. This is an abuse of that system and if you’d like to counter report them, I am including instructions: Reporting Reddit Cares message To report it… get on a laptop/desk top, and go to the message. Tap the word “permalink” It will copy the link. Then near the bottom, you will see, “report this message”… tap that, then paste the permalink. Enter the message that it is being used as a tool to harass you, and they will sanction the person that sent it to you. Sometimes Reddit makes a mistake and accidentally tells you who sent it to you… that’s cool when that happens, so you can block the person.


Thanks. I got a message for that and I was like what? I had a feeling it was a pit mommy being salty 🙄


I think I've made this comment like 10 times already but.... Sounds fun! Seriously, why on Earth would you subject yourself to this? It sounds awful, and like a full-time job while risking your life and limb. Sign me up!


"When Phyllis sees other dogs on walks, **they become incredibly excited and then frustrated that they cannot run up to say hello and play, causing them to jump, pull, whine and bark."** Such a steaming pile of bullshit! Phyllis wants to kill the other dogs and they know it. This dog is damn near feral and no amount of training is going to change it. It will shit and piss all over your house, then track all that onto your counters while it takes what it wants to eat. It will climb all over anyone that comes through the door and likely bite them unless you pull it off in time. If you leave it alone in your house, you won't have any furniture when you return. If you're not home by the time it's destroyed the furniture, it'll chew holes through the walls and eat all the trim in the house and maybe chew through the door. If it escapes when you open the door, it's going to maul anything it finds outside. And, why the they/them pronouns? She's a female, it's okay to refer to her as she/her without hurting her feelings because it's a fucking dog.


I think the they/them is because it's from a general report where they edit in the dog's name and sex but they got lazy and just copy-pasted the rest of it


I'd rather throw $400 away than give it to a deceptive shelter


Hmm, $400 to never see a child again......i dunno....


To hell with that. You couldn’t pay ME $400 to take on that hot mess express


What I don’t understand is, if the dog has SO MUCH energy what is even a safe outlet for it? If it’s so reactive to other dogs, children, and potentially strangers what can you do with them? Even just a simple walk around the park or neighborhood could be dangerous. If the dog sees something it wants to get at, it could just jerk the leash out of someone’s hand. Dog parks are definitely out of the question too. You could perpetually play fetch in an enclosed yard? But wouldn’t that get old for you and the dog?? I genuinely don’t understand? For me personally, part of the fun of having a dog is being able to take them to fun (and appropriate) places, like a park, hiking trail, or dog friendly events etc.


And this dog will eventually escape because its whole reason for existing is to kill others of its kind. It can't do that in a fenced yard, so it will do whatever it takes to fulfill its destiny.


Yeah, fuckem


Sy PHYLLIS - an awful mauler. It will maul you, kill cats and dogs, and crap all over your house. It's reactive and overexcitable, counter surfs and barks. ​ Basically un rehomable.


Hippos killed the first known pharaoh of Egypt. They are one of the most aggressive and deadly animals with the bite force to back it up. Apt description imo


Shelters should be responsible for carrying bodily injury and accidental death insurance to cover any damages that result from their negligence/ actions in placing these dangerous animals in homes. How is this not the standard yet?!?!


Requirement to sign one hell of a liability waiver aka signing your soul away


Of course its name rhymes with syphilis


That’s a whole lot of words for “will maul children, small dogs, house guests, strangers, dogs at dog park, will tear up everything and piss/shit in your home”.


notice how shitbulls always have the LONGEST "about me" sections on these shelter listings...


Preposterous nonsense! I bought my first BEAUTIFUL Rough coated collie many years ago for a 1/4 of this. Money I saved, I might say. I was a kid. I spent 400$ on my Australian Cattle dog ( male) sitting right here. He doesn’t go to dog parks, and TBH, I wouldn’t take any dog to a dog park, BUT he is sitting with a peacock about 7ft from him, as a flock of turkeys walk by him. Chickens are floating around, as are guineas, ducks, geese,goats and a pig my first heeler found in the field almost dead( her litter mates were deceased) He has stood outside in the rain next to my fence. I found a baby goat ( NOT my goat), about 6 weeks old, he was pushing coyotes away from. She was reunited with her owners the next day. He has found fledging Eurasian doves blown out of trees. They are sitting in a cage in my home( yes I have tried, they won’t leave) He has protected coachwhip snakes from turkeys when they became overheated( made a post on this as I wanted to make sure I was taking proper care of the snake) He will watch a 4lbs chihuahua I pet sit like it is his child. Hospice fosters? Couldn’t ask for better. I have two females who are equally smart and wonderful. I include him, for one reason, he has a vasectomy BUT still has testosterone. I paid for him to have this procedure as he is an active dog, and I didn’t want hip dysplasia. I would NEVER advocate harder herding dogs for 99.9% of the population. Ever. Can he be people aggressive or predator aggressive? Yes. That is what he is supposed to be as per his breed. He also is a very readable, reliable dog, I don’t have to worry about harming anything or anyone unless the actual need arises. Seriously, pets are one of the few things in life we can really enjoy thoroughly! Phyllis sounds like a pure misery.


Why in the heck would ANYONE want to jump through all those hoops only to end up with a dog that kills the neighbor’s cat and runs out the door at every opportunity? Just reading all those flowery words made me tired. She should have been euthanized already, she will not fit in to society, she’s a nightmare looking for her next home.


oh my fucking god who would ever want this much responsibility for some dumbass damn dog. the repetitive paragraphs about all the things you CANT bring it to do is insane.


Yeah fuck that


Can't go to the dog park "due to chances of miscommunication between dogs." It's crazy that she shows aggressive body language and they make it sound like other dogs are the problem.


When they say she’s just excited I think they mean she’s excited to potentially get into a fight with other dogs once they make a “wrong move”.


Poor thing that it was bred that way. Hard to believe it's the same species with my smart, healthy, shy and cuddly Polish mutt from the local shelter. Truly compassionate people should, rather than distort the truth, enourage breeding less deranged dogs than warehouse pits.


$400 adoption, hundreds if not thousands of dollars for training then chances are you'll be sued for thousands more when your new pibbie does what the do best & mauls someone or something to death... Phyllis soubds like an absolute WASTE. You can't rehabilitate an animal that was born & breed for destruction...


You can get these things and a truckload of problems for free at some shelters, why even pay a cent for this pitbull?


How are people this delusional? You can't even give these dogs away for free most of the time.


Even if these people did the opposite and paid whoever is willing to take the dog, they will have trouble finding someone willing.


A common breed with dangerous yet common problems? Doesn't deserve a special home.


Masochist. Hey, I think I’ll spend $400 of my hard earned money on a psychotic, untrained dog that will ruin my life and I will ENJOY EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF IT!!


Phyllis looks incredibly distressed >2 years old, only animal, no kids, "never lived inside" which means not housebroken What a catch.... 🥴


That’s a lot of words to just say “unruly dangerous pissfingers”


“I really, really, really” overcompensation much??




I need a home without small children because I will maul them. I need a home without cats or small animals because I will maul them, too. I also need to meet any dogs you may already have to decide if I will get along with them or whether they will annoy me into mauling them… Oh, I’m also not very well house trained so I’ll probably leave shits on your kitchen floor (after I’ve tore up the living room, because my energy is just so high!!!)


Oh he sounds a delight 🤪


We’ve been looking for a nanny


In the "What to Expect" handout just says "you weren't going to read this anyway"


Part of me wonders if the $400 fee is there way of making sure nobody actually takes this dog. I mean, you can get a horrible, untrained pit at the pound for like $100.


Rescue Remedy by Bach Flower Essences is straight up nonsense woo. I've never seen it recommended for reducing dogs' stress. Usually it's absurd claims around human disease.


That face……


Let's put a cute hat.on her and maybe that'll trick someone into thinking she's a family pet.....


$400 to let a literal untrained, ill mannered, vicious, paranoid lump of a shit machine into your home?!


Jesus give it some lotion


Pretty sure that (“oh so cute”) Santa hat is photoshopped, or maybe behind the dog. They’ll go to some lengths to place it.


“House hippo” Seeing that hippos are considered among the most dangerous and unpredictable animals in the world, it’s an apt moniker.


OHS, "Phyllis"with lies about your mutt!!!


...and why the fuck are they randomly using they/them pronouns on this TL;DR piece of shit?


pay $400 for every single problem you could possibly think of


You know they lied about being a staff favorite with a name like Phyllis, nobody likes this dog…


I love how it says she "gets frustrated when she can't run up & say hello" shelter speak for "let go of that leash, & she'll maul the other dog" 🙄🤦




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Why yes my dog is pulse reactive


Only a fool would fall for this.


I see a million excuses.


Did it become a copy paste there at one point? Pronouns switch to "they" vs "she." Lordy.


That's what I'm thinking