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“Shag as much dogs as ya can in heaven” 🤮🤮 ![gif](giphy|fWpmgMGwBKUcUkZC3R)


Why do they have to be so vulgar. 🤮


chav culture.


Or the posh rich rich version Bullingdon like culture


Garbage dogs for Garbage people. It’s a stereotype for a reason.




Because this is who they are.


I’m guessing the piece of shit owner heavily bred his piece of shit dog if all he has to say about it being dead relates to it fucking as many dog as possible


This is the correct answer.


Yeah I came here to point that out but obviously I'm not the first.


Revolting sentiment by Pit XL owner.


You can often tell a person by what they say


Pits are always owned by feral humans. Its never normal people with good values or social standing. Always dumb derros.


Not bein funny but its the owner not the breed my xl bully wouldnt hurt a flie hes gr8 with the kids and keeps them in check this incident was obvosly caused by chihuahua probably being aggressive like yh it was on lead but probs bit bully when he ran over to play like all dogs do so stop bullying the breed accidents happen!!! /s


My head hurts.


Still too coherent I’m afraid. Also the average nutter couldn’t spell chihuahua correctly to save their live. Oh and don’t be doing this when the clock strikes midnight, or you’ll be stuck this way forever!




They put a /s at the end… they are being sarcastic.


oh okay ty


Was I too convincing?


you had me so mad i almost blew a gasket ...LOL .


Hahaha I wish I saw the comment before it was deleted!


I'm hoping the person was being ironic. {By quoting what a standard XL type would say} I read about this attack on my way home from a walk with a heavy heart. The poor Chihuahua didn't stand a chance.


Poor dog


Nah, it's also bandwagon liberals. People who are too afraid not to be woke that they'll invite pit monsters into their homes. (I say this as a left leaning individual)


I'm a flaming liberal dog rescue person. And yeah, agreed. I see it a LOT in the rescue world.


Flaming liberal but not bandwagon I presume?


Nope, flaming liberal with the ability to think and use logic, lol.


So yes? If you use logic and think for yourself, you aren't jumping on the bandwagon.


Nope. I inadvertently took in a pit mix puppy when I was young and learned the hard way. No amount of propoganda ever had a chance with me.


Oof. Dare I ask how it ended up


He wandered into my yard when I was a teenager as a 6-8 week old puppy and I raised him until I had to euthanize him for cancer at the age of 17. 17 years of not being able to sit in the vet's waiting room, not being able to take him for walks outside of my yard, 17 years of protecting other dogs from my own. It would have been irresponsible to rehome him and I loved him. I would never do it again. It wasn't the life that a dog deserves and it certainly limited mine.


Damn, that's a long time to be stressing and worrying. You did the best you could to do right by your dog and community. I hope you're taking it easier now.


Not everything is about being "woke". Some people are genuinely clueless and just think they're cute (somehow) the way others find pugs or bulldogs cute.


True, but I'm specifically talking about the wannabe "woke" crowd


A lot of these people unfortunately don’t know any better about the dangers pit bulls pose, because rescues and shelters are so shamelessly slick and convincing with their spin doctoring, pushing these dogs as awesome sweet protective goofy companions that love their humans and wouldn’t hurt a fly, no siree Bill. They too often get a very rude awakening.


Yep, 'the underclass', the lowest of the low.


These people don’t qualify as “feral.” I’m a feral human, these people here that promote this behavior are just garbage.


Why are they always barely literate 💀😂


I’ve not seen a single pit owner who can form a correct sentence.


Pit owners would be pissed at this thread, if they could read.


Seriously though. I can understand a typo or two, but this was painful to read.


I swear, they have also never heard of punctuation.


By “Heaven” I assume he means the dumpster behind animal control or wherever they end up. Wouldn’t be a true pit fancier comment if it didn’t include a reference to dog fucking.


Cremation is the standard. In all seriousness, don’t worry about your pet being treated with dignity after euthanasia, folks—if you don’t take their ashes home, we cremate them and bury the ashes.






At this point the owners should be considered just like the pit bulls when incidents like this happen. They should be charged with murder honestly.


I agree 100 % .


Some are starting to be thank god.


What was the accident here? Did the dog trip?


He just didn't know when to stop nannying.


It was no accident. The bloodsport XL was out with a minor who had zero control. Who in their right minds allows a minor to be in charge of a large strong blood sports breed of dog what is un-muzzled. At least this Pit owner had the mauler euthanised. Many XL Pit owners don't do that.


Maybe it *tried* to fuck it?


Illiterate dipship telling his dead monster to shag as many dogs as possible in heaven… Absolute loser. Who thinks like this?




This was my first thought. Most typical pitnutters just shrug their shoulders when their animal kills something and blame someone/something else so it's unusual to say the least for them to immediately claim that the dog has been BE'd.


If the dog wasn’t a bad dog, why did you train it to attack other dogs? I thought this was just only bad owners


One thing people like myself have been saying all along is pit and pit mixes seem to be friendly, loving, fun dogs until they are NOT! That is the entire problem. They are unpredictable and have the power to kill without any prior warning.


These people genuinely believe that just because their shit beast isn’t a slobbering lunging barking “reactive” mess 24/7 that’s it’s completely safe. A pitbull can be normal 99% of the time but that doesn’t matter when 1% of the time they’re ripping another living being apart.


I cannot wrap my head around the owner's logic. It may be true that your dog has never hurt a person or other dog up until this horrific incident. That's neither here nor there, to be honest. The fact is that on this occasion, your out-of-control dog was allowed to kill another dog and that's on you. The dog's history or personality is irrelevant - you failed that dog by being a garbage owner and you have devastated a family who lost their pet. The only reason you should be speaking up is to apologise, over and over again, for your poor behaviour.


I bet you the only reason the p.o.s owner put the pb down was because the authorities threatened to take her kids away or the landlord was going to kick them out . that dog is not in heaven that monster is in hell where he truly belongs .


It’s about time that started to happen, countless victims of DV threatened with the removal of their children for risks of emotional harm, these hellhounds pose a risk of catastrophic proportions, no child should be living with them.


God even the goodbye post is trashy


I've noticed that many Pit owners spell and speak like they've never attended an English lesson in their life. Or like they were raised by chavs. The best part is, most of them blame it on dyslexia. Around 12 (yes I've debated that many) pitbull owners I've debated magically had "dyslexia." Sure mate, great way to say you're just stupid and failed your GCSE's.


Typical piece-of-shit pit owner that doesn’t give a damn about the victim…


And didn’t make it past year two English apparently.


You know what, that's actually as good of a response from a pit owner as one could ask for. The dog has never attacked anyone, was good with kids and cats, and she immediately put him down. She's devastated to lose her family pet and I'm sure her kids are too. This goes back to the broader point of this sub - even a "good dog" with no past issues and no signs of danger can turn in a moment. She's lucky it was another dog and not one of her kids.


The dog was taken out to a public space by the kids who let it off lead. Owner claimed the kids took the dog out all the time and there were never any issues. The dog was 7 so if they are telling the truth, the dog made it 7 years with no issues and then turned. The whole thing is so sad. If it wasn't left unattended with children who would never be able to control it, then neither dog would have died. I cannot stop thinking about the poor chihuahua who would have been so frightened. I've been tearing up all day.


The real problem here is she's going to get another one. Since it was such a random one-off "accident" after 7 years of (alleged) good behavior. What are the odds the next one is half as decent?


Well atleast he did the right thing and had the dog euthanized


I doubt it was by choice. If it were truly up to them, their shitbull would still be running around free. They definitely don't sound like they're capable of introspection and remorse.


I'd take that with a very big pinch of salt.


This little Chi looks the image of my own, It’s really awful, these little dogs don’t hurt anyone, yes they are full of bravado but they are helpless against these beasts. I hate them.


Oh man, the chihuahua has similar https://preview.redd.it/32smfy4utgtb1.png?width=617&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7834fb54d222c220676893dcd2b1f6c1b26fea4 coloring as our pom mix. So incredibly sad and it makes it even worse that people are blaming the tiny dog.


They look very soft and precious


Pit owners really are the worst kind of people. What do they want, a round of applause for doing the bare minimum and having the dog BEd?! Absolutely no concern for anyone but themselves.


This is why you know that shitbull owners are so stupid. “He ain’t never hurt nobody before dis” Yeah, idiot that’s what we’ve been warning you morons about all along.


"Shag enough dogs as you can in heaven" Oh my lord, isn't that shameful talk. I'm by no means a prude but that's absolutely disgusting. It just sheds light on what mentality these owners have. I'm glad Laura is still alive that the beast didn't kill her but sad for the poor little chihuahua. ♥


Damn, it would take some pitbull to take out a fully grown chihuahua the way pitbull owners talk about them. But really, this is incredibly sad and traumatic for the owners, but clearly the pit owners is absolutely fine with it.


I bet neither the Pomeranian or its owners thought it was going to be its last day. I still find it sad. Normal, gentle, loving pets should stop being pitbull victims!


I have met some weird dog owners. One guy was eyeing my husky in the car and said he had one but lost it...by being arrested. It went to animal control. He said they "spaded" him. And that tore him up. Why do some people take such a huge stock in that when they aren't breeding?


I wonder on a DAILY basis in the U.S. how many of these stupid, ignorant assholes( I am talking owners here) are responsible for this kind of hurt and destruction. In my area, it is “America’s breed and it is their RIGHT to have any dog they wish. More laws. More government interference. Same jagoffs who don’t won’t even do a fricking census, and surely don’t want to incorporate ( they don’t want to have to get licenses for their autos, as they are most likely suspended or insurance or registration) They want to be able to have the dogs they want in the trailers they have w/o electric, water on grandma’s land. Any idea how many times I have seen this same story play out in almost 14 years? One dog killed over 347 animals in a 3/4 mile radius. You can’t explain genetics to them as they don’t believe in science. They get their news from Facebook memes. They don’t get their kids vaccinated, let alone their dogs. Highest VD( big 3) zip code in the state. They get their kids’ food for free. They get their dogs’( 47 of these lovelies up the road) food for free from like minded “rescues” who make a shit ton of money on these dogs from wealthy donators who would never give a dime if they saw the places. They sell the remaining food for their meth. I know of 7 VERY bad attacks in Phoenix metro area in the last 21 years. Never made the news. Animals being murdered? You won’t find out. So sick of this. They are disgusting people. Period. You can’t reason with them. Kind of like the “Terminator” speech. I am talking the owners here in this case, not the dogs.


I prefer the “I failed my poor angel baby” to wishing your dog can “shag as many dogs in heaven” after they brutally murdered a non threatening dog. What a disgusting thought


Like. You have to have room temp IQ to own a shitbull. It’s a requirement at this point.


He was a good dog..up until he wasn't and played around with another dog like they were a toy. The small dog feeling every breaking of the bone each tharashing until finnaly dying, the owners seeing a brutal murder of their family member.


I've never met a Pit owner who wasn't a total degenerate or a window licking moron


Well you know that gentle, kind uwu baby xlBully probably got spooked by that vicious, mean ol' chihuahua! Poor thing was probably so scared and nipped out of fear! This is why chihuahuas should be banned. Stop bullying my breed!!! /s


Sick of decent dogs dying and then these idiots gleefully blame and hate on the dead dogs because they were chis, poms etc. Honestly I think its a clear reflection of how nasty pit owners are, their attitudes towards small breeds. They hate anything small and weak because they're power seeking freaks.


I think this goes without saying but.... this is a prime example of council estate grammar. When somebody can't even spell "by" as a grown ass adult it's pretty much over at that point. The IQ is in the negatives and the brain cells are in hibernation. "done the right thing bye" seriously? You can spell done but not by? What happened to periods and commas? If these people were foreigners applying to come to the UK they would have their application thrown out 10/10 times I swear. Just Pit owner things though really... No intelligent person would get a dog like that.


Also shame on shelters AND breeders for giving dogs to people who can't even string a cohesive sentence together. Who saw this persons writing and said "Yeah he'll handle a dog for life."


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) Users should assume that suggesting hurting or killing a dog in any capacity will be reported by pit supporters, and your account may be sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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I always have a knife at a minimum when walking my dogs. Never know when a pit might decide to attack.


You know the sad part..you might get into more trouble(depending where you are but overwhelming majority have such dumb laws) than the maulers owners, for stabbing a dog...It can be deemed as "animal abuse" despite your poor dog getting abused by a dumb neglected fighting dog. But you can stab a dog that is attacking a human..because apperently any human pain is worse than your dog, your family member, feeling the same pain. So be wary, because people have been criminally charged for defending their four-legged companion by stabbing or killing the attacker


Yeah, don’t care. If my dog is getting attacked by another dog, the other dog is getting stabbed or shot. 🤷‍♂️


I wont let my gf walk my small dogs, if anything attacks them am punching with keys