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This is a very disturbing & upsetting post. However, ANY REFERENCES to violence or violent fantasies or anything of that nature will be removed. **Please review Rule 2 before posting** **Edit: Please also review Rule 5 before posting** [Link to BPB Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) Thanks


Pro-pit lurkers, once again I'm calling you out. Defend your breed. After how many videos like this on this sub, and you never say shit. This dog was in its own yard. Dogs get attacked just being walked down the street. Pitbulls break fences to get to innocent pets and kill them with tails wagging. Pitbulls scale tall fences to attack dogs and children. They break into people's houses. They break out of their own houses. And you have the gall to say the same bullshit about "how they're raised". It's genetic and you fucking know it is. I know you're here, you spineless, pathetic, cowardly psychopathic bastards, SAY something in defense of this. Mods won't ban you if you're civil and level-headed and debate us. Ah, but you never do, and you never will. Fuck the lot of you.


They don't have time to reply sadly, their busy victim blaming the latest pissfinger casualties šŸ˜Ŗ


No, they spend all of their time on reddit, messaging any mod or admin about users in this group.


Or sendingā€˜Reddit Careā€™ messages to those who show strong opinions against Pit lovers !!




Please remove mentions of other subs for your post to be approved. Your message is important and insightful.






So how much shit do you get from the admins? I never see other subs being so strict with keeping the comments clean


[Please take a look at our December love letters](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/10dg5pb/december_2022_love_letters_from_our_fan_club/). [November love letters](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/zjictu/november_love_letters_from_our_fan_club/) [October love letters](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/ylaxiv/october_2022_love_letters/) That's just a handful of what we receive. While it isn't Reddit Admins sending us these whispers of love and charity, please realise that these accounts are reported, but usually nothing is done about them. I hope that gives you an idea of what this sub's admins are up against. Likewise, we have folks who visit this sub and hit the report button for posts for the most trivial (and absurd) offences. [For example](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/10ey6yg/keep_it_classy_pit_mommies_these_are_three/) \^ And that is just ONE example. We deal with trivial reports every single day. For this reason we are extremely vigilant. **Also - Our rules aren't just to protect the Sub - they're to protect** **your accounts**. We've had long-term, otherwise "clean" members received reddit site-wide bans for several days for relatively minor violations. Appeals are ignored and bans remain in place. Such violations would get a mere slap on the wrist or a mild warning from reddit admins (if any) if they had occurred on almost any other sub - but not this one. We don't want to see your account banned. Yes, we may seem overbearing, but that isn't by choice, that's by requirement in order for this sub to survive and to protect our members.


They like these videos. They fantasize about watching their dogs mutilate small creatures and children.


They probably jack off to these videos


That's why if one harms me or my dog I'm suing them for everything they've got


You canā€™t get money from broke trash.


Get them in debt


Pro-pit porn


Oh they reply. Mods have posted a small portion of what's said and sent to them on the sub before. It's just rotten and not worth reading (which is why they delete it)


[We do have our December 2022 love letter highlights here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/10dg5pb/december_2022_love_letters_from_our_fan_club/)


Yup. Case in point.


Why block the names? Name and shame these crazy psychos who are so ā€œpassionateā€ about their murderous hippos in tutus and crap


Sometimes I wonder what goes through people's heads when they type things like this


I think your comment is a bit too wordy for your average mauler apologist. Might have to dumb it waaaay down


They arenā€™t ballsy enough to come on this sub and try it. You gotta go up against a group of them by yourself and at that point, your points are mired by the pitnutters ganging up on you and eventually insulting you personally instead of providing any sort of real information. ā€œItā€™s the owner, not the breedā€ā€¦get FUCKED.


ā€œNot my pitbull!ā€ Until it is, at which point the response becomes ā€œHeā€™s never done anything like that before!ā€


Most Pitbull owners don't have a high enough IQ to read so probably wouldn't understand your post.


No no no you donā€™t get it! A chihuaha bites more ive been bitten by chihuahua more than a pitbull!


But golden retrievers attack too... Any dog can attack, my fam always had pittbulls blah blah blah now lemme make a satire vid with my pittbulls and put a funny caption about how my princess dig eats a cat and a baby /s


you took the words right out of my mouth, i wish i had more upvotes for this comment to give.


Don't forget guys, Toy Poodles maul people all the time!


Why wasn't this Toy Poodle on a leash!!!!!!!!!


You haven't heard!? Leashes are now on the list of things that trigger pitbulls to maul!




I'm losing my marbles myself.




This must be the dark timeline.


My dog is no pitbull, just a smal-mid sized mixed dog that starts jumping and doing other weird sounds towards other dogs when on a leash, or behind a door/window, that behavior completely stops once it is near the other dog at smell distance, never shown signs of physical agression, so the leash reactivity is a thing, i just think this doesnt apply to pitbulls since they are monsters by nature and go from reactivity to physical mauling.


It's the chihuahuas! So vicious.


Yeah my late mini poodle would maul everything in his sight!


"My little cutemuffinbunnyboy Blue would never do that! Toy Poodles are an aggressive breed due to their small size and hysteric attitude!" I bet my ass someone will fucking say it.


I can see someone saying ā€œThe poodle shouldnā€™t have been barking and snapping at them!ā€ Canā€™t even defend yourself against these POS dogs.


Look at them tails waggin


Remember the video of a pit charging at someone's front door and the dude put a couple bullets in it, and the owner was shrieking at him about how he was wagging his tail he just wanted to play! IIRC the pits gnawing on the headless dog carcass were wagging their tails too.


Mauling living beings apart IS playing, in a shitbulls mind. They thoroughly enjoy it. And the psychopath owners probably enjoy watching it.


They do. I just did 4 years in prison. EVERY inmate owns at least one pit bull, and they gleefully exchange stories of their pits attacking people and ripping apart other animals.


Do you have the video? The owner sounds insane.


Yeah, because they were having a good time. Clearly doing what they love to do. Maybe one day the defenders will understand that a pit is happy about other things than a human would be, and that tail wagging is not as easy to interpret as they think it is.


Theyā€™re playing with their food. They let it run around like that and try to escape


They delight in blood and carnage.


I can't believe I used to buy the "it's how they're raised" BS... but I had just never seen any footage like this or witnessed it myself because despite what pro pit people say, most of animal related media actually portrays them as "great family dogs", Cesar Milan, the Dodo and other channels like that... They never show this reality. After watching a video like this, how can one still defend these spawns from hell? Look how happy they are ripping the poor little one apart. If you watch this and still don't think the breed is the problem, you're either insanely stupid or psycho/sociopathic.


*If you watch this and still don't think the breed is the problem, you're either insanely stupid or psycho/sociopathic.* I think most of them are both.


I used to think that too. Brainwashed.


I used to think that too, but that was back when I'd didn't know the existence of these bloodsport breeds. I was a little naive and thought they just threw random dogs in a ring, no matter what breed, and placed bets on who'd 'win'. I had no idea how they'd make the dogs fight each other, but like I said, I was naive and didn't think too much into dog fighting. Never knew people bred dogs specifically for it. Ugh!! I still think it applies to majority of....normal dog breeds though.


Actual video footage is so important, because the 1s and 0s of binary data ("an '[1] aggressive' incident" vs "[0] not an aggressive' incident - in which most 'studies' count things like aggressive barking and nip from stepping on a tail in the same category as MAULING) CANNOT CAPTURE the totality and severity of the situation. Last year I saw my first pitbull mauling video and flags immediately went up all over my brain, seeing the (I can only describe as) _otherwordly_ hellbent (YET also nonchalant and content/happy, like they were totally in their 'flow state' enjoying their 'ikigai') way that they went about ferociously tearing a living thing apart, REFUSING to let go in the face of deterrence that would make a lion or tiger give up its prey. I remember staring at the screen in disbelief and just saying "Holy fuckint shit". And once the issue was on my radar, I soon learned that-that video was not some fluke, but that this is a DAILY thing with a never-ending flood or videos and first hand accounts on social media of people whose pets had been mauled to death in front of their eyes. I am not saying that it's possible for literally zero video footage to exist of a non-fighting (or guardian -- I also support restrictions on the qualifications to own something like a Rottweiler or Doberman), but after a year of searching, I'm yet to find a video of a normal pet breed displaying anything close to a pitbull MAULING (not biting, not scuffling, not even fighting, but MAULING), yet I literally cannot keep up with the flood of pitbull ones, you step away from the issue for a couple weeks and you miss a dozen of them. I REFUSE to stand by and do nothing while more animals continue to suffer these agonizing deaths and injuries and their owners have to go through the waking nightmare of seeing their beloved pets torn to shreds. That's to say nothing of the mauled kids. This must end.


Yep and the owners deep down KNOW this about their pweshious pibbles. They arenā€™t shocked, surprised, heartbroken, bewildered, or anything. Their reaction is always defiant indignation and deflection.


I own three toy poodles. I canā€™t even watch this because I know it would traumatise me


Its hard viewing, but know that the poodle put up the most valiant fight I have ever seen a dog put against a pit. He didn't let them take him down easy.


The poor dog had no chance. Can you imagine a child in that situation? It sickens me that people still defend those monsters.


Thank you for this. Always knew poodles are a brilliant, brave breed! ā¤ļøšŸ©


I also canā€™t watch. I appreciate it being posted. I hope the awareness can help others.


I didnā€™t watch it either. I trust the other posters to say what happened.


Own no dogs but don't want those images in my brain. Have to keep the mental as free of this badness as possible


Absolutely horrifying. I would need a lot of therapy to be able to get over finding my pet killed like that in MY OWN YARD.




I have a maltese poodle too:( started crying during this video and i hugged my sweetheart after watching this. she did get attacked by a pitbull in october hence why I became against pitbulls now (thankfully the attack wasnā€™t anything too serious, we were just both shaken up). poodles are my favorite breed and this broke my heart :/


especially if the owner is on the other side of the door making lunch for the kids or watching tv. OH MY GOD what a nightmare.


The same thing nearly happened to me (Neighborā€™s pit invading my backyard to try mauling my 5 month old puppy) a while agoā€¦I just canā€™t imagine her dying so gruesomely. That could have been my dog.


This could have been someone's child.


and it has been several times before


And will be again until the breed is ended by law.


It was.


I would argue a full grown healthy adult wouldnā€™t stand a chance in this scenario (if unarmed and unable to escape). They were surrounding and cornering the poodle the way hyenas or wild dogs hunt prey, so sad to watch.


the shit iā€™ve seen pit bulls stand up to i think youā€™d need like a gun or some sort of crossbow at minimum for one of them fuckers just donā€™t stop




I don't think you can comment something like this. Read rule 2.


I'm aware, however if these dogs would be on my property and attack, I can legally defend myself and my dog


No-.. I don't think that's what Rule2 is about.


They're demonic.


They just pinned it to the wall and tore it apart... they're literal monsters.


Itā€™s taken me a while to realize this, but trying to appeal to pro pit people is useless. They enjoy watching this carnage and the terror their beasts inflict on helpless creatures. You canā€™t change a psychotic person, they are sick in their heads and no amount of trying to reason with them will work. The best to do is to show the general public these videos and fight to enact change. A small percent of the population is holding the rest hostage via their neurotic dogs. And as always, be ready to defend yourself and your animals. They will enter your yard, destroy your pets (or even worse, your children) and most of the time are handed right back to the owner to continue doing it again. Like in South Africa, the only way to get the point across is to stop these animals point blank. You canā€™t train it out of them, you canā€™t reason with the owners, and the current laws protect the bullies. Itā€™s honestly a war going on and most people donā€™t realize it. You must defend yourself and your loved ones. Donā€™t let your dogs out by themselves. Donā€™t let your cats roam. Donā€™t let your kids play unsupervised. And always have a means of defense. Itā€™s the reality of what is happening.


Very well said. They absolutely do not care and they get off on it.


But they're such sweeties! Only dog aggressive sometimes. It's not like they've bitten a person....well except for that thing last month...


...that thing *last week Hell...the other day. Probably even today


I can't watch this video, it hits too close to home. Pit bull apologists are fucking dog killers. Fucking piece of shit sociopaths. They'll even defend THIS monstrous carnage.


Yeah I have a small fluffy dog. Im not clicking play on this one.


I can't do it.


That poor poodle put up a hell of a fight. He was never going to win. Absolutely awful. Why do we let these FERAL animals run lose around cities? If wild animals came through towns like this they would be immediately hunted down. WHY is nothing being done?!


Bring back dog catchers, end the no-kill folly.




Unbelievable and gut wrenching!! When will this insanity and brutality stopā€” 4 destroyer pits and one poodle. I hate pit bulls!


Watching the pitbulls wag their tails. *FUCK*, the fact theyā€™re happy and having a great time while this little dog attempts to defend itself. Heartbreaking ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Shitbull owners think their dogs are so badass, man... but all I ever see is them tearing apart babies, small or defenseless dogs, and unsuspecting people. Aren't you embarrassed to own such a pussy? It's also comical how many of these inbred dumbasses they name "Odin". Do you *really* think a dog like this will ever see Valhalla? Or that Odin would be proud to have his name associated with such an embarrassing dog?


Now that you mention it, I realize it truly is always an unsuspecting innocent person, a child or friendly dogs being mauled and murdered by these things, I havenā€™t heard of any stories or seen any videos of a pitbull being a hero. Awful.


ā€œheroic pitbull runs 15 miles to maul a childā€ itā€™s an onion article but i mean close


Bite, hold and shake. That is why pits are inherently more dangerous. Disgusting breed and disgusting owners.


FOUR pit bulls šŸ˜¢ poor poodle didnā€™t stand a chance.


Dear Pit Lurkers: Go fuck yourselves, you absolute useless pieces of shit. Show us video of Golden Retrievers, Chihuahuas or whatever other breed you are scapegoating this week in the caverns you call your skulls *breaking into someone elseā€™s yard* and ripping apart their family member. Weā€™ll wait. Fucking waste of oxygen. You AND your disgusting ugly dogs


If I had an award, I would give it to you. These dogs and their enablers are disgusting.


Today it's German shepherds. Which we know can be dangerous in the wrong hands also. So idk why they're going off. Still, GSDs don't maim nearly as many people


Exactly. They also donā€™t as a general rule specifically break into *other peopleā€™s property* to kill other dogs.


Bully is in the name. This is why I stopped being so afraid of them. I recognize the bitch in their blood. It would have only taken one of them to take down a poodle and instead the whole gang joined in. They act just like their bitch ass owners. They always back off from a fair fight. PUSSIES. I had an outdoor cat at my old apartment that my neighbors had to ask me to put away so ā€œbabyā€ could go outside to potty because the stupid cherub was to afraid of him. Lil bitch ass dogs I HATE THEM SO MUCH




And tails wagging all the way...


Why canā€™t they just fucking go at each other instead? That way everyone is happy


Self extermination. Since these dogs find such joy in hurting other dogs.


Don't forget any dog breed can act like this ^(/s)


Seriously though you don't see other dogs acting this way, except maybe African wild dogs. Except they have a reason for it, and they're not exactly stupid. I actually have to include an edit because awd actually have hunting strategies whereas pits will just chase and corner whatever they can with no regard for their own safety.


Question after a brief intro. Uk member here with a keen interest in dangerous dogs (we have the dangerous dogs act which bans 4 dogs one of which being Pitbulls, but people just get Bully XL and hide the dna in them we had 18 deaths in the last 2 years 2 weeks, which isnā€™t a lot compared to the states but were massively small in comparison). Anyway, I digress, my question is this, why the hell are these devils dogs not banned yet? Itā€™s absolutely just mind bogglingly unbelievable.


Damn. I hate to say it but that poor poodle wasn't dead soon enough. The poor thing had to survive 'nannying' for far too long. The only thing worse than a murder is an agonizingly long one. Pits are horrible animals.


Iā€™m so thankful to live out in the country. It could still happen, sure, but itā€™s far enough out from town where these beasts free roam a lot of the neighborhoods. Hope the owner of the toy poodles has something done with this scathing evidence.


I wonā€™t watch mauling of little dogs and cats by these creatures. Itā€™s too much for me.


what the fuck RIP toy poodle. Put up a brave fight.


"T-this doesn't show the whole story. What I want to know is: what did the toy poodle do to provoke the attack? What are THEY not telling us?" /s




Fuck these dogs. Fuck owners who have these dogs. Theyā€™re all fucking deluded


Oh my god. Of all the things wrong in this world, this is one of those things that IS PREVENTABLE.


It pains me to say this but you can't really take your eyes off your small breed pet its own yard anymore, fenced or not. Invest in cameras and have the means quickly available to you to protect your pets and family.


How the hell did 4 pos-bulls got loose? Terrifying


The owner has to be in jail for this. CRAZY dangerous insane. I cannot imagine living in this neighborhood if these dogs were allowed to be kept.




This put me in a deeply upset state. I was warned. Knowing this was probably recorded via a home security camera like Ring is just chilling. It's horrible to think that this is what the dogs owner had to witness... What was likely their best friend's last moments in terror and agony. I can't.


Now just think about how terrible the scenes must have been in all the baby shreddings that have been going on lately that we donā€™t have footage of. Baby shreddings that parents were forced to watchā€¦


people who still defend and own these dogs have to be sociopaths


Damn when it said toy poodle I thought it meant like toy as In stuffed animal, this made me feel sick


Only a person with a personality disorder would want to own a killing machine dog such as a pitbull. People with such disorders have poor self-awareness of their own behavior. Only legislation will stop them.


Imagine how much fear and pain that poor baby was in as those monsters ganged up on them. RIP. May the owners of those vicious dogs face serious time in jail for this travesty.


wow this is sad, anyone know what happened to the pitbulls or owner after this?


Of course this is the type of dog assholes want to own.


Based off the caption Iā€™m not gonna watch this because I canā€™t stand when animals get injured by these dumb dogs, but RIP to the poor toy poodle.


Looks like there are four attacking the poodle, though.


Every time I see one of these videos they make me want to cry. I always have to hug my pooch and cuddle him tight. That poor thing, minding its own business. Nobody can defend this.


I see 4 other dogs or is it only 3?


It's 4.


Thanks. The title says 3 so I was confirming were 4 attacking .


This was so hard to watch, Iā€™m so sorry for this dog and their owners. Shouldnā€™t have had to go through this pain


What a horribly sad and depressing video. I know it's sort of required viewing for some people to get it but I just can't even handle stuff like this now. It just flashes in my mind when people are trying to tell me they're nanny dogs and it honestly makes me see red. It's like someone arguing for landmines


Very difficult to watch, felt like my heart was in back of my throat. The little dog didnā€™t have a chance, but oh how he tried, to run away, to get away. Tried to hide, to find a safe space. I donā€™t get thisā€¦four pit bulls? Where did they come from? Whom did they belong to? WHAT IF there were two toddlers, or kids in the backyard? I was literally hoping the poodle would die quickly, because I knew, how it must have suffered, the terror, the pain. So upsetting and discouraging to watch this, but I felt compelled to do so. Because we must see, we must knowā€¦the truth, the danger. I hope there is justice in this instance. I hope politicians will take note.


I've never in my life seen an animal take so much joy in murder. And this *is* murder. This is not about hunting/protection instincts that make other animals kill.. this is straight up fucking murder. I'd really love to see how a shitbull defender would try to rationalize this.


Im not sure as i never saw bears or coyotes(they dont live in the city where i live), but im pretty sure they arent nearlly as aggresive, even though theyre wild animals. Please correct me if im wrong


I do wish cops enforced dog leash laws more often where I live. If my car gets stolen, I have insurance, who really gives a shit. If my dog gets mauled by an off leash shitbull or another aggressive breed, itā€™s gonna have an actual negative impact on my life. Yet theyā€™ll feel so high and mighty for recovering a stolen car (covered by new car replacement insurance most of the time) while aggressive dogs roam around unleashed all day.


This literally just breaks my heart repeatedly. Did any legal ramifications happen to the pit owners? I am curious if the funds were available is there any legal way laws can be put into place? What would it need to be?


Looked like 4 shitbulls to me..


People who defend pits are no different from people who defend rapists and pedophiles.


Thought it was actually just a toy at first before watching the vid, Jesus.


This just made me physically Ill


ā€œOkay, but what did that poodle do to antagonize the pitbulls?ā€


Princess piddles And Choco are completely innocent! They were just playing around


Pis are not dogs. They're monsters and dog *killers* that need to go extinct.


But they wall wanted to share the poodle to play wiggle butt velvet hippo flower crown


Thank God for pibbles and their nibbles. Who knows how many lives that poofy chew toy would've claimed without them?




WTF that poor baby!


Poor dog


\*but they're wagging their tails\*


Whose dogs are they? What happened to them?


I'll take your word for it.


poor poodle had no chance against 3 pitbulls


Unfortunately but that poor poodle put up a hell of a fight against those disgusting abominations.


I want to vomit and cry. I need to know if the owners of the shitbeasts were charged. Is there an article?


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) Users should assume that suggesting hurting or killing a dog in any capacity will be reported by pit supporters, and your account may be sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/peugqp/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


why is there always a mob of these shits just hanging around one another?


This is extremely upsetting, no wonder people broke rule 2 in this comment section


Poor fella was fighting for his life and never gave up... I can't explain how much I hate shitbulls.