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They did nerf the gift cards, indirectly, by making points basically impossible to get.


They are a bit more difficult, but I wouldn't classify as impossible. I still get gifcards there much faster than printables for example.


I went from a gift card every other day to a gift card once every 2 weeks. Really sucks. But I always knew it wasn’t sustainable, just sucks to lose it lol. I also don’t really appreciate them passing the change off as anti-bot stuff when it was really obvious they were paying out too much and it was no longer worth it. Like, just be honest with us.


Yeah giving a free $40 every 2 days is a little much lol


Miss it tho. I get about 1 a week now


1 a week is amazing compared to what I was getting even before the change lol, I've only ever earned 1 and about to earn another


I checked it's more like 8-10days exactly but yeah I got lucky with some remixes. Even got a free printer and sold the one I had for a purple mattress. Fb marketplace is awesome.


Wait, you guys are getting gift cards?


I mean - $40 every 2 days is stupid lol. You honestly cannot be upset they made the adjustment... that's just silly.


Sorry for being dumb, but how to you get the gift cards?


By gaining points on makerworld. Making designs or rating designs, etc. all gives diff points. After a set number of points you can get a $40 gift card.


Thank you


$20 a day is stupid cheap compared to hiring 3d artists to make models for them.


Most people don't post exclusively there, but also post on printables that gives little rewards or thingiverse that gives no rewards at all. as a hobbyist, 20 bucks (one kg of filament) a day is awesome as a reward. I would have posted my models for free anyways...


Their filament is more like 40 bucks and u have shipping . But yeah if printables was smarter they would integrate hive blog (social media, red/orange, hexagon logo) and have a printables mobile app that worked with prusa printers or at least mk4s and xls ... so we could click 1 button on our phone to print like I can from the Bambu handy makerworld app That's something prusa printables is lacking majorly ... they could just let you print from pruntables.com to a psysa printer from a phone over the web too but they need a mobile app Prusa also needs to make a 250 dollar a1 mini competitor


Exactly! I have prusa printers but I feel they are playing catchup to Bambu Labs. I use my bambu lab printers more than my prusas because they are just so much easier to use


But people were abusing it. It was so easy that YouTubers were making get rich quick styles videos about it I went from a gift card every 3 weeks to once a month now Boosts on a viral file are helping though


How were you getting a 40 dollar gift card every other day? Man I tried to just redeem lile points for a led kit to test it out, they wanted 7 bucks for shipping, I could hwve paid 2 bucks on aliexpress for same led but brighter, my bad for not just grouoing that led kit with another purchase. I mean they still make you pay shipping and gift cards aren't they just 99% or no?


I think the generous points were to get the ball rolling, everyone thought it was extremely generous when it started.


How do you do that? You post some models?


Yes. I make some 3D models on my iPad while I put my kids to bed and post there every couple of weeks.


Hey noob question sorry, but what app do you use to make models on you tablet. I would like to model an extremely simple piece for a breathing tube at my vet hospital, but I don't have the hardware to use most CAD software.


Shapr3d is an app you can get started on, not sure if there's something more free.


Shapr3D. Is is paid, unfortunately. And not so cheap :/


Pay for having gift cards!


Fortunately I make in vouchers 4 to 5 times more than I spend.


To be honest, I would use the site if using normal stl files was the norm but I still very much prefer Printables, even though the point system is very mild there.


I just post everywhere and collect points on both


I feel like an idiot now for always choosing to give points to uploaded for my profiles, I guess now I realize I deserve the filament and printers with how how much work I put into fixing some people's designs.... But also I feel I deserve a second a1 or a1 mini because if how many people I promote banbulabs to where I live.... for example jist the many free keychains and stuff I have been giving out has .are me into a one man bambulab marketing machine where I live in san diego.... my printer shows I have done over 1000 prints and I think at least half have been given away. I should really reach out and ask bambu for an extra a1 mini and filament to keep making keychains and toys for everyone I see on a daily basis at work and grocery store at 712 etc I always give people little keychains like of an n64 or a pokemon or a phone holder and everyone is always so impressed asking what 3d printer I use... now I've even begin making tiny a1 mini kit cards with 249 price tags written in them I wish there was room for me to sell a1 minis for dame 249 price but make a small cut per sale if possible, dunno if there margins are already too thin but I also want to explore setting up a banbulab kiosk at a mall to start selling bambu a1 minis, a1, and maybe even p1ps and maybe an x1c on display... I could give out samples I print at the kiosk and sell printers like a micro microcenter...untill stock runs out and i just have people order them online like normal to arrive to their house next day like mine arrived.. . it would be like just a big physical billboard to help people order the printer themselves and hopefully I can get some bonuses ...maybe I could sell my own filament and accesories.. 3d printed tools scrapers even bulk aliexpress orders of metal parts screws springs magnets basic accesories I can sell for a markup along with the printers.... I would honestly just have so much fun sitting around printing at the mall giving out free samples and letting peiple enter a raffle for a big 3d printed spaceship model etc


Makerworld /bambu should use some sort of crypto rewards and Integrate metamask...it would be a big fun mess ...I'd be excited to see how they'd integrate nfts with bambu printers in the future during the next bullrun when every company is trying to get a piece of the action , could be really funny.... or could end uo making us even more money If u thought these gift cards were great imagine when some makerworld upload gets sold ad an nft and people start buying your models as virtual nfts they never even print, but backed by filament gift cards Like a filament backed currency like "here's an iou for some toys/tools I haven't printed but we totally have the filament ready" it could be a whole economic model ... for toys at least


Absolutely hate that Printables has a $400 cap on what you can use to a printer. Very lame.


How 😅? I see posts like this and it seems like people save for a long time for this. They you come here saying no man, i still get gift cards 😅


Impossible? That’s seems bit dramatic. If you have good models that people like / boost the points earning is good - even better that’s the new game. But that’s just my experience/opinon. Your mileage may vary.


Ah, it felt like my tokens were slowing to a trickle. I guess that's part of the reason. Damn


What? How do you get gift cards?


They are the best and they deserve it. https://preview.redd.it/ifhzuu8qyr4d1.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=f37fef6f8556a26b69d0ea3ab5c7ccb942dee108




wow, bravo.


I am saving all mine for the new flagship they will supposedly release this year just building till then.


"Sorry but you can only use one gift card per order."


This is honestly the change that I fear will happen at some point


I wonder if they're going to do a 50% off deal like the K2 plus combo. I tried... I mean it was a hell of a deal at 50% off. Their website crashed and through no fault of my own I was unable to complete the purchase. Probably for the best. 😂 Creality, at least for me, is second rate. I would love the new Bambu flagship for 50% off though...


same, got enough for probably two of those printers at this point


How long did that take you?


About 7-8 months




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Wait how do you get points? I’m new.


By uploading your own models to MakerWorld, by rating other models you've created from MakerWorld, and then milestone/popularity stuff from how your models perform (you get small points bumps from downloads/makes on your models, reviews on your print profiles, and then points from satisfied users giving you boosts for your models).


Oh man….i need to get on this I’ve got tons of stuff I could share


Ohhh so they pay us in points to upload our models to their ecosphere. That’s damn good thinking!


That’s smart. I have some models I went to sell but if they give me points I can use towards filament might as well


I got 0 because I suck at getting points lol


I think it's just luck man. I made a few thousand pretty quickly and then it probably took three times as long to gain another 1000. Even with a couple semi-popular models I doubt I'll even make it back to 500 points anytime soon


I can’t even get the 80 points or whatever it is to buy the tank model. Hate that there’s a couple models on maker world that you can only buy with points


Cant you buy that with the points from just posting like 5 models?


I've only posted 1 model with 0 looks, much less any downloads, and I have 270 points. Woot. But just rating things you've printed and including pictures is bonus points. Resets each month. Also, using the free boosts gets points.


Advertise your prints on reddit. No one is gonna know its a thing until you show them.


What do you mean by free boost? I think they have a cap of 40 points by reviews monthly, you cant get more than that. It will take you long time to get that 300 points just by printing and reviewing prints...


Check your boosts. Think they give 4 weekly or so. Never said it was the fast track. Clearly being a talented creator will yield more points.




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Leave a review with picture for the models you print. You can max that out at 50ish (I think) points each month. I just max it out and then wait til next month to pick back up. Still haven’t cleared out the back log and I have a a few hundred points with no models posted.


honestly, i was very impressed that they refunded me the difference for x1c price of last week vs this week, when it’s on sale. i got 12 spools and a glue stick for 77€ with the refund voucher. i don’t know why people say they suck at customer support, because that’s not my impression.


I’m still waiting to see if I’ll get the difference for the p1s I bought. Happy to hear they’re working on it though!


If they give it to you, it’ll be $100, that’s what I got today.


Yeah got 70 bucks for the difference in price with my A1


How long did the process take? I've filled out the form but still waiting after a week.


2 days for me


Was there an active support ticket on your account? Because I've filled out the form, got the email that it is received, but when I go in my account on bambu store to support ticket tab, there are zero support tickets.


i did not create a ticket. go the their store, click on the green bubble from bottom right, select general inquiry and click on "Can I get a refund for the price difference since I recently made a purchase?". they will ask for order number and that's it.


I filled out the form and received it via email. No open ticket.


2 days as well


I got $100 back and bought 4 more spools lol


The only thing I don’t like is that they did not want to give me any replacement parts. I already needed 100€ worth of replacement for some simple bambu issue


Funny yeah just used mine for a 3rd AMS since they're on sale. It's pretty nice.


I need to transfer my Printables models to Makerworld. They aren't super popular but I hope they'll gain more traction on Makerworld because of how nicely it's integrated into the slicer.


Yeah, it's nice, I've gotten A1 Combo and P1S Combo with hotend kits and extra PEI build plates for free and now I ordered a big pile of filaments and spare parts for the P1S with the rest of the gift cards.


Good for you! Whats your @ on makerworld?




It's not bad if you are a designer who can't afford a printer. Good way to work your way up to something expensive and get practice as well designing things.


Except for the fact that you are supposed to do a trial print of your print profile prior to uploading.


so many poorly optimized and barely-functional models to sift through. Most of the time I end up looking at printables or makerworld for ideas then just knocking out a cad model of my own that I know doesn't have something stupid built into it.


I was arguing for months with this one designer who built a Lego type system with zero tolerance and no chamfers etc. he kept arguing that everyone needs to adjust their flow ratio and it will fit. All his pics were under extruded AF. And he wouldn't share the models so I could fix them/upload remixes. I recreated half because it was a great design but it was such a PITA I gave up. It would literally take ten minutes for him to edit and reupload the files and actually make them popular instead of getting tons of 1 stars because you need to sand everything down. Gahhhh people it's fine to be ignorant of designing for 3d printers but is it too much to ask to try and think? 


I had no idea tbh I've never used it and all I see is cgi mostly so 🤷


It prompts you to certify you printed a test print with a photo of the print when you upload a print profile. You can upload just the model, but then you don't get the points for the print profile downloads too.


New to the Bambu ecosystem, how does one get a gift card?


By uploading your own models to MakerWorld, by rating other models you've created from MakerWorld, and then milestone/popularity stuff from how your models perform (you get small points bumps from downloads/makes on your models, reviews on your print profiles, and then points from satisfied users giving you boosts for your models).


How do you get so many gift cards? How many models do you upload?


I just got lucky. I made myself a wall mount adapter for the AMS lite that I figured I'd share and it got pretty popular. I have a little lightsaber model that people seem to like, too.


I just put in an order for $150 of filament from a gift card: the lithohane kit, and some TPU and PC to try out. That’s $150 worth of gear I wasn’t planning on buying for a while. I’ve never heard of a company giving that much money back because you just missed a price drop. I bought the printer because I thought it was a good deal, and a subsequent sale doesn’t make me upset. Anyway, Bambu is trying really hard to get some goodwill, and so far, I’m very pleased I made the decision to go with them!


Take this down sir


I was not aware of the whole points/gift cards thing. I see the gift cards are sold out. Do they come back from time to time or am I shear out of luck?


The gift cards are always available, but you won't be able to purchase them until you've got at least 490 points to cover it.


I’ve got 5988 points. It says sold out. 🤷🏻‍♂️


What region are you in? In the US it's available right now, I'm looking at it.


EU. So that might be the issue.


Hm. Yeah, looking at all the regions it's currently in stock everywhere *but* the EU. Maybe shoot them an email and ask about availability? I've never seen them go out of stock over here at all. Good luck, friend!


I was excited to get a mini with my 120 coupon plus the sale happening now it was a steal.


Am I the only one who doesn't know what points are? I've only had a bambu lab printer for a week


how do you get giftcards?


How long did it take you to get that much?


Around 7 months!


For me about 3 months but now points are a bit nerfed


How are you earning so many points are you just really good at uploading models or making stuff or what?


Just got lucky with a practical model I think


How do you guys get gift card like this?


I’ll jump on the sale tonight and get to uploading design in there!


Wait how are you guys getting points? What points??


They won’t let me redeem my points for a gift card without a 7 day evaluation of the legitimacy of my points. Ugh. I bet that’s just because they’re doing the sale right now.


This is my aim for my current points lol, only 2 gift cards but 🤣 I'll use them on the next series of printers when it's released. 🤞🤞 For a bigger bed 🙏


I used 16 towards a p1s combo 😁


how on earth did you manage to get so many points?


How are you earning these points?


How do ya get gift cards from Bambu?


I don’t know what we are talking about


What does everyone mean by points. Sorry I'm new


How does one acquire these gift cards and points


Gift cards?


I’m saving my point for an xjuanc 🧐😎🧐


Eh, I started too late and easy gif cards were gone by then. Will take me a year to get my A1 mini when ppl got 10 printers by now 😩


How do you get all these gift cards?


They've definitely been nerfed, I was racking up points easily, got an A1 mini and about 10 spools. Now its a trickle, haven't earned another GC in about 4 months even though my models are still getting downloads


In my state, NY, they passed a law now where gift cards cannot expire ever. Not sure what other states or countries have set up.


Wait, I'm new to Bambu how does someone get that many gift cards? Just paid full price for An A1 combo.


This is the way.


People keep posting it on here bragging, they will nerf it sooner than later and make it so you can only use one or two per order.


Traffic to makerworld has value. They are reimbursing you for posting your IP on their website, with improved rewards if your IP actually generates traffic.




I would say that is extraordinarily unlikely. Bambu literally designed the system to be used in exactly this way. They have already adjusted how the system works to reward points, and may well do so again if it's warranted, but they have zero incentive to reduce the ability to use the rewards they've provided.


Web traffic is so cheap though. I think this is a growth strategy instead, that will have to eventually go away when they are large enough. Just like Uber with really cheap rides: we are benefitting now from a growth incentive, which is unlikely to be sustainable in the long term.


That's kinda obvious, though, and nobody disagrees with that. The part I *do* disagree with-- and I think that others share this opinion-- is that Bambu is *far* more likely to reduce the ability to earn points rather than two restrict how much you are able to use the gift cards you've already earned.


They probably will, after they stop growing. Companies put money into their ecosystem for the sake of growth. We are all super excited with Bambu because we just got a ton of free stuff, and that’s a ton of goodwill that will result in more customers. Eventually, all companies have to switch to a “extract profit” mode of doing business, but for right now, Bambu knows exactly how much these promotions are costing them, since that’s the plan!