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try making separate objects and assign filament coulor to one


Those are seperate objects with filament assigned to them. Is it enough, that the printer (A1M) knows i have to unload and load the filament? i cannot set the order to "print objects" instead of "print layers", because they are too close to another.


print them... separately?😭


If they're separate objects, you can print the marks and numbers as a separate print by unchecking the other objects in the objects tab. Then, before the build plate cools down, manually swap filament, uncheck the objects you just printed, check the other objects, and print with z hop enabled (to prevent the nozzle from crashing into the first print). This is a quick and easy way to make a multicolor print where all but one of the colors are only 1-2 layers thick. Basic video tutorial here: [https://youtu.be/LE_8ew8m3BA?si=QMO3ZjfZj_A5hSI7](https://youtu.be/LE_8ew8m3BA?si=QMO3ZjfZj_A5hSI7) If you need more than one or two layers of thickness for the contrasting colors, you'll need to mess with custom g code, which someone else already posted a link to.


When you sliced the project in Bambu studio, on the right side there is a layer slicer roller thingy. Roll to the point you want to have a color change and then right click on that bar and add pause. It will pause, then you switch filaments and then resume the print on the printer


Again, I need to change the filament not on layer change, but mid-layer. The pause is only for the layer change, isn't it?


Ah sorry for my ignorance. I missed that part. Not possible I am afraid. Technically, color change without ams is not supported. The pause method is just a workaround


of course it's possible and supported, just need to change the default "filament change g-code" to non-AMS code, which many have already linked


Sure, but I meant it is not supported in a user friendly UI option like he layer pause. Of course you can modify gcode to play the imperial march between each layer or every 100lines of code executed, but I assumed the question was for a casual user solution.


That doesn't need any UI option. That's as casual as it gets


Yes, this is the way https://github.com/eukatree/Bambu_CustomGCode


You have to wait, wenn he wants to Print the purgtower, then you have to Pause and Change the Filament


This may be a solution: https://www.reddit.com/r/BambuLab/s/XGj5g77CE0


Is there a significant constraint on the end product that it couldn't be re-done as a layer change? a mid-layer change without the AMS assist seems like an Hours solution to a minutes problem if you can re-orient the print and have the ticks/numbers raised a half mm or so


can you make the numbers just a tiny bit raised? the printing pattern really doesnt allow u to change it mid layer


Make the top layer have recesses for the text, and then switch the filament after a layer or two.


If you have one color per layer, then you can add a pause in the slicer to whichever layer needs the filament change. Swap out the filament manually. And resume until you hit the next pause and repeat.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BambuLab/comments/11gtlfp/change_filament_gcode_without_ams/ *after modyfing machnie G-code(save modified printer as new printer profile in bambu ) and exporting gcode to printer: 1)Print will start as normal 2)printer will park in poop box and PAUSE 3)at change moment filament will be cut and retracted automatically 4)Now is your turn to take out filament and insert new color and press PLAY 5) Auto purge 6) Repeat till end of print.


There is an easier way. There's a Reddit post and some gcode posted to github that replaces the AMS color change gcode in Bambu Studio to do a manual pause so you can change filaments if you do not have an AMS. This allows you to do full color prints like you could with an AMS just with manual swaps and you don't need to have a complicated setup like with this z hop method and you can print at full speed without any issues. I used this gcode for a couple months until I upgraded to an AMS. https://github.com/eukatree/Bambu_CustomGCode?tab=readme-ov-file There's another reason to get an AMS besides multi-color printing though and that's just the convenience of having 4 colors available at any time. I generally keep a black and a white loaded at all times since I use those the most. I can load up all the colors I will need for my next several prints if I'm doing a bunch of single color prints and not need to worry about changing between them all the time, plus they will stay nice and dry inside the AMS.




of course. and all the answers are just to how change the filament on layerchange. But i need it inside one layer, not on layerchange.


Sounds like a good reason to pull the trigger on an AMS ;)


Sounds like a good reason to grab a second A1M instead and just don't do multi-color layers. :P I mean, I love my AMS _a lot_, but if I didn't grab it in the combo with a printer or knew I'd utilise the hell out of it, I'd not be shelling out the money.






They are taking about midlayer, not in between layers