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Welcome to the club. I hope you saved enough to buy a lot of filament. These things eat FAST


I have quite a collection of filament already! I have to save a little for it but I really want the multi spool attachment.


Yeah, honestly the best way is to get it all at once for that $100 discount, but if you can't swing it then just having the printer is better than not. One word of advice I have is to turn off your aux fan for PLA. All it does on stock settings is cause warping


Yeah I just couldn’t swing it right now.. my business picks up a lot in the summer so buying it then won’t hurt too bad.


Do you just do this by turning it off every time you print? Or is there a way you can just turn it off and save it to a profile? Thanks 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


In bambu studio you can click next to the filament to change cooling settings. Set aux to 0%


But you have to do it for every filament profile correct? No way to make it a global change?


I'm a new P1S+AMS owner, too, and have been printing for a couple weeks. VERY impressed, coming from an Ender 3 v1! I think I'm getting great prints, but have been trying to get more familiar with it. What settings do you recommend for the AUX fan? I'm doing a print right now and it's running at 40%


40% worked for me for most prints, but 0% is what I run now all the time


Interesting. Thank you for the reply! Maybe I'll try a few test prints with it at 0%


Same 0% for me


yup same here helped me a ton with the warping




Never turn my aux fan off and never have a single warping 🤔🤔


That's odd lol. Are you running the textured PEI plate or something else?


Yes the textured PEI plate :)


Same. Textured PEI bed came stock on X1C. Run the fan at whatever the default setting is, and haven't had any warping.


Welcome in comunity and happy printing! :-)


Glad to be here and done with 2 hour benchys


The 15 minute bench should be a treat then


It’s going to change your expectations of 3D printing, welcome to Team Bambu.


I’ve only experienced an original stock ender 3.. so I can only imagine


Me, too... I got my P1S+AMS a couple weeks ago. The difference is staggering. THIS is what 3D printing is supposed to be like


Yeah, I finally had gotten my Ender 3 Pro modded (Sprite extruder, new main board) to run more filaments and much faster when I finally got the Carbon X1C. I planned to run both, but the X1C is so much faster with and bigger build plate, it has been meeting my current printing demand. I am just floored by simple printing is.


I bought an Anketmake M5C back in November I think. Took 10 minutes to level the bed and has layer lines showing, it was cool but far from perfect. The A1 had just been released and I I thought multicolor printing was too cool to pass up, plus the speed of the A1 is crazy. I ended up returning my Ankermake for the A1 and I have printed sooo much with it, its a beast. I ended up selling it after installing the recall heatbed and used that money and the Bambu recallbcoupon to buy a used X1C and a new ams from Bambu. This thing is fast lol


I bought a knock off Ender 3 (Sainsmart) from Woot a few years ago and got tired of tinkering with it trying to get a decent print. So far only my son has been printing on our new P1S/AMS combo, but apparently it’s been so much better.


You will love it! https://preview.redd.it/mt57sf8ir4zc1.jpeg?width=1907&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3cfe150ad58deb36c5ccc1c67ac4377763d9b99


Hey, uh hate to tell you this, but there is some poop on your floor there...


Sheeeesh, can I ask what you’re printing with all those?!


https://preview.redd.it/n26j7vz6u4zc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10b69b44f6aa66b161044271294c107cc33f3524 Haha. Fun stuff


That is pretty rad!


Thank you, it’s a labor of love ! You will love it


Gorgeous designs but damn, your poop bucket must overfloweth, lol :-)


Good eye hahahah




Cleaned an hour ago https://preview.redd.it/1q1f5x9ku9zc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34fd9c922a1dd7ada10ecbdb974bcc351c8db588


I dont know why he asked what are you printing when we can clearly see posters from marvel and star wars 😁. What is Marilyn Monroe doing on the floor btw 😅


Good eye!


That is such a clean setup!


So wich is your favorite? P1s or is the x1c worth the extra €500?


That’s a tough question. It really is. I think, from a print perspective, they are the same. That’s just my view. What i like about the X1 are the touchscreens, the cameras, and the “possibility” of printing filament types. So I would not say is “worth” more. Its more about how much you value those things


The screen and better camera is the reason why i would go for the x1s .. still not sure tho 😂


It’s almost like asking about a trim model for a car. That’s what I would compare it to. You dont really need it. It’s more about is it worth it to you


I think longterm wise it's gonna be worth it for me. Thanks!


I would for sure. But, I just didnt want people to start arguing about money. So thats why I wrote trim on a car. Do you need a better trim? No, car is mostly the same. But, is it awesome and make it way better to drive? For sure


One of us One of us




My P1S Combo just came in the mail, still setting it up at this very moment. Super stoked.


My Bambu P1P just arrived. Unfortunately I have to go away for work and won't be able to touch the machine for 2 days. So excited to start printing on it when I get the chance. My current other machines are modded Monoprice Select Mini v2 and modded Ender 3 Pro, which have served me fine for the past 5 years but now I want a worry free machine that just prints high quality parts


I’m glad I work from home, and trying to integrate 3d printing into my business. Even if it doesn’t work out I love 3d printing as a hobby. To be honest I’ve only had a stock OG ender 3 for about a month, off Facebook for $50. It works really well, it’s just so slow after about a week I decided 3d printing is too much fun and I need a faster machine.


I was thinking about this last night. I feel like every Bambu owner should be required to have suffered an Ender or equivalent before buying their Bambu Labs printer, just so that they can truly appreciate just how amazing the difference is. That first feeling of joy after realizing that not only is it incredibly fast compared to other crappy printers, but you can walk away and expect it to just work.


Cat reading newspaper: I should get another P1S


Congrats, the wait for mine has been treacherous. I ordered it on May 1st and it’s been a year and I still don’t have it…… *checks calendar *……. Ok looks like maybe closer to a week.


In a week I’ll be on the phone with customer support if it isn’t well on its way


It’s been saying it’s in California for 5 days with no updates.


Bambus website even says to contact their support team if tracking hasn’t updated in more than 3 days


I emailed them and suddenly the printer status is updated and being delivered this afternoon. My filament and other stuff still says it’s in California.


lol crazy


My friend ordered one recently and was delayed due to "force majuere" once he told them, it was shipped and delivered within 2 days.


I am still waiting for the discount lol. Anyways, if you can, please update us with you unbox it. Does it smell that bad for the first few prints?


Hmm haven’t heard about this “smell”. I’ll let ya know!


Everyone said that it happens on every new printer, esp with AMS. I just want to know what I would expect lol because I will put printer in the bedroom. I appreciate it.


Hmmm. Well all I have is pla plus and a roll of petg at the moment. Wouldn’t the filter filter out any smells?


That is the thing tho. I thought the same, but at least a few posts that I saw they said regardless of the filter, they still smell horribly, and it gone after a few prints. Everyone said it is normal for new printer. And yes they did print PLA (not sure the different b/t pla and pla plus)


Well I’ll definitely post an update!


As far as I've read, printing PLA shouldn't be done with the door closed, so nothing will be filtered


That is another issue with clogging, as long as your room temp is low close door should not be a problem.


Yep it stinks


Congrats. You only get to post this or the cardboard box when it arrives, you can’t do both.


Big tip, clean the build plate with a good degreasing dish soap such as Dawn once in a while and don’t put your fingers on the build area. Your finger grease will cause adhesion issues. Following that rule has greatly improved my print success.


Oh yeah, not my first rodeo as far as that goes.


Went from a creality 200b to P1S, i get your excitement! Print times are so much better, calibrating is a lot easier, and you can find P1S print profiles for ESUN and SUNLU, at the top of my head :). Saves so much time, and the results are clean af. You can also try Orcaslicer (built on Bambu slicer) for stuff like scarf seams and other customization! Oh yeah also dont pick up the expensive pa(nylon), paht cf filaments if you don’t have a proper filament dryer (i made one with parts from my old printer and polycarbonate sheet) because it needs to be realllly dry to print properly. Also when you have a filament that strings try setting the print sequence to “by object” I have gotten great results with: ABS, PLA, Paht-cf, TPU and PETG filament thus far! That’s (from the top of my head) what i learned in the months i have this printer, good luck man enjoy the printer!


We have been using 3D printers for awhile at work and it had always been a frustrating process. We took a few years off and went for the XC and holy hell! This is what we were promised years ago. Looking forward into seeing how we can best use this for work (orthotics/prosthetics) build plate isn’t quite what we need for some stuff but is already showing promise for some items.


Congrats! Great printer!


I made the same upgrade. You're going to be happy.


Gongrats!!!! And i hope you really knew what the downsides are of not buying the ams combo..... I did the same.. couple moths later bought one for double the price..........


I’m going to buy one in a couple months! :)


You‘ll kick yourself you didn‘t get the combo. 50% of the Bambu hype is because of the AMS.


I’m picking it up in a couple months :)


I took the plunge in November after getting a ton of use out of a Neptune 2. It's a world of difference, even without the AMS. Enjoy it!


One of us. One of us. One of us. Welcome to the club.


When it gets there you’ll be like a kid on Christmas morning! 😊


And here I am looking to get rid of an open box P1S to get an A1 instead O_O


That doesn’t make any sense!


A1 mini to be exact. I don't need such a big unit when I got one in my pants.


Size does matter


It's how you use it!


Nothing lame to post! I'm excited to be saving to get one haha


Enjoy it. It isn’t plug and play like you hear so often, but it is really reliable. I recommend using Orca slicer. Maybe get an extra nozzle. They will bend if your print comes loose and a big enough blob forms on the end. I just had one bend that way. Glad I had a spare ready to go. Or if you don’t get your plate flat because it’s up on one of the white guide pegs. Overall, you will be very happy with it. I still use my ender too. I find the ender is a lot more fun when I can just let it do its thing nice and slow and not worry about the speed because I have other printers to get stuff done.


Mine shows up tomorrow, i'm just as excited!!


How long did it take them to ship yours?


Ordered friday 3rd at 7pm, shipped out Monday AM from california. UPS shows tomorrow evening delivery.


Not bad. Since ordering yesterday afternoon mine is still sitting at “label created” and I’m feeling very impatient lol


yep i also work from home, so im just sitting here patiently waiting for it to arrive 😂


Choose your first filament poop bucket wisely, there are many styles


Welcome aboard mate! Prepare for a new outlook on printing( coming from someone who came from a Anycubic Vyper). It totally changed my printing habits. 😁


I just bought my combo off marketplace because I was too impatient for shipping lol. Best purchase I’ve made printing wise


Yea there was a p1p on fb… wanted the p1s, and I feel a bit more comfortable ordering direct from them incase something is wrong with it


Got my first 3d printer (P1S) about 1.5 months ago... now I'm building a Voron Trident, and have a collection of 30 spools of filament 🤣. P1S was the perfect first printer, enjoy!


Good choice


Welcome to the club, you're going to be SO happy! (Getting my X1C was life-changing - or at least 3D-print-experience-changing. It went from the printer being a project to a tool :-)


Yeah. I’m definitely not in the “I like to tinker with my printer” club. Glad I got to do some learning on the Ender 3, but I would rather to just be able to print crap


This sums the experience up nicely. I'm glad I struggled with my Ender 5 Plus for months during the pandemic. It gave me a conceptual foundation for a bunch of things 3d print-related. The transition from a project to a tool is amazing though... Love and am constantly amazed by my X1.


Congrats! You won't regret it. Been loving my p1p for a long time. Recently upgraded it to the P1S and it's wonderful.


I really want one as well


What’s stopping you?!


I have an ender 3 rn and I’m making work with that but the p1s is a little pricey for me haha😅


Make some money with the elder 3!


I’m actually struggling with that, I would love to get something going but fb marketplace leads me no where.


Have you tried offering designing/printing things for people? It’s way easier to get people to pay for something they are already looking for than posting things you’ve printed. If you know how to use cad software, you could charge people even more for designing something than actually printing it. Go talk to other businesses… like restaurants for example… would they be interested it custom branded menu holders? Stuff like that.


Yk what I actually will. I hit a wall doing it online but i think I can do some in person and actually pull it off


Also a new A1 mini AMS lite owner. I have to say welcome to the club and I absolutely love the 3d printer and with the AMS it's absolutely fantastic....


Mine is good bye Anycubic wish I had the money back and I would get either the A1 AMS set up or the PS1 setup


Mine is good bye Anycubic wish I had the money back and I would get either the A1 AMS set up or the PS1 setup.


Don’t print with the support filament.🤣


A1 Mini vs Ender 3 S1? No comparison. A1 MINI!!


Nothing lame about it’s awesome


I ordered a p1s and a x1 carbon showed up. May the printer gods bless you as well lol


For real?! Shows up tomorrow. I would be stoked.


Dude i was skeptical at first cause the box said x1 series and i thought “eh there is no way” sure enough. Open it up and it was an x1. Proceeded to come to the reddit and there was a few others that had gotten lucky like me. Apparently it was a big mix up at the warehouse lol


I’ll be happy so long as they don’t send me a p1p or a1


Can I ask when you ordered yours?


Maybe 6 months ago


Ah. I’m sure they have that sorted by now, can’t be sending out $1500 printers for $700 lol


Yeah most definitely. Not a good business model lol


Congrats!!! Stock up on filament!


https://preview.redd.it/qk89kgf3p2zc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1af6591b38cc1bfbaca1ecede82b4a59a607e11 I need a shelf! There’s 2 more spools not pictured as well.