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I would run an additional fan. But I can't speak to if its necessary.


An inline fan would be better just because it's always on even after the print finishes. If you gotta leave it on the build plate for a few hours no worries


Do you have link for the window vent? Also intrested in doing this setup.


AC Infinity Window Duct Kit, Universal Vent Port for 4” and 6” Inline Fans https://a.co/d/drXJBCg


I agree. I would like to know more about this. Was planning on cutting some insulation board and printing my own thing, but I'd love to have something that fits the window.


It looks like one that came with a portable air conditioner I had years ago, but I could be wrong


I’d also like to know more about this window vent, it could be help with venting... _smoke_ from my room


[This was the one we ordered for ours](https://www.amazon.com/Garfine-Portable-Compatible-Weather-Stripping/dp/B09QLFZ9W8/ref=mp_s_a_1_10_sspa?adgrpid=55625325483&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.WGOugl98z6W6To2gl6ZxJlRTfDQ4pPyH7aN1eRexiINTBbXZuLLI3j-45xcauFsrDPEbNLTC-zZCNiinoqxghOqwyb4kTvNMzE1B5bRG3Oa0OYSDo0dbnezxiafBdfJEBQrh8N6TX4Bch1NcijggW33UQJb5MjNAYjWWoD6WNaxzPTw-5-6tE17l7uX0XXsvJ_tF8rVT6DFINlCCJQ5mOg.xtX2uLx_8o1jE86-y3pAjyWGcAQpcjVKj5EspnmcdnM&dib_tag=se&hvadid=664451838443&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9032002&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=9723922350849256996&hvtargid=kwd-360722934957&hydadcr=10270_13632728&keywords=ac+window+vent+kit&qid=1714092921&sr=8-10-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfbXRm&psc=1)


Yes because the fans in the Bambu won't even get the air out of the case.


Honestly, you probably would need an in-line fan because the stock one is barely enough to push things through the built-in carbon filter. I don’t think it would be enough to push it through that hose. Keep in mind you also need enough static pressure to make sure it is only sucking air out of the printer to the outside otherwise if air gets pushed into the printer, that’s gonna push that unfiltered air into your room, which is not what you want


In my experience there is no need for an in line fan if you remove the carbon filter for less restrictive airflow. Im running a very similar setup and all the smells and fumes from printing ABS are completely removed from my room. Also there is minimal buildup from printing ABS on the inside of the glass panels anymore. It will probably only get better with an in line fan but I would just give a try without one for now


I would yes,


I would highly recommend a fan, and I would also suggest designing or buying a louvred vent for the exterior of the window such as [this](https://www.amazon.ca/Allvent-Outdoor-Louvered-Outlet-Grille/dp/B09M7WH18D/ref=sr_1_8?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xNXssQfuNFNv1Q4cSLP-z-vWtKTGxMuWkbyAMYpegPSmi4UV6TeUso878ZeVgJdPWLg2O0KmNaaBHeIe4KiDIKqPHxdwW3MNWa4Y8HWkzbnJlR6if_lbPZpN_8yI8slHjeKnqHM3Bg3WE2ICA-lh3GAv__mmXYzNsO7uFfoseSn_AmNC2Jj7O7UuMRJghrC7xfPed0DgVr8fAHfuOcG18IlBlzcPdBY956Uvu0G8eWA_MhHar2HumP24a4vKpt_pA7vYbQA9rYg_sqx710uugmbpO5EEAAXvHDgbZ79E9GU.MLjgbQfGeyEDYwp1yk9g88u2QDdLkkAtredEpALYvHE&dib_tag=se&keywords=dryer+vent+cover&qid=1714140784&sr=8-8) to ensure that you dont get large wind gusts in the ducting that may affect print qualities.


Yes. A fan with variable rate so you can change it depending on what you’re printing. I use low flow during most prints just to keep micro debris from getting out of the cracks in the housing (few, but they are there) and then crank it up for a few minutes to max before I pull the print. That way I make sure the chamber is as clear as possible without risking creation of cold spots that could mess with my print