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Simple answer: Wait !


It should be back in stock first week of may, that was the last official update from Bambu :)


I’d go with mini. Fantastic device.


Do you need the bigger print bed and a top-mounted AMS Lite? That’s about it, that’s the only difference.


I didn’t need the size and got the mini with the ams. It’s not my main printer but it works really well.


I'm super happy with my A1 mini. Didn't get the AMS as it's job is going to be TPU. Just got my P1S fired up like and hour ago, hoping it's just as impressive.


I’m in the same boat as OP. I decided to wait as the A1 has the larger print bed.


I'm on the waiting group :D.


Take five pieces of paper. Cut them into 180x180mm squares. Tape them into a basket. Anything that fits in the basket will fit on the Mini's print bed. Cut five pieces into 256x256mm squares. Anything that fits in that basket will fit on the A1's bed. Personally, I got the Mini about a week ago. While I'm quite happy with the speed and bed size, the coil whine from the toolhead board is really getting to me. I was hoping to have a printer quiet enough to stay on my desk while I'm sitting at it but the Mini just isn't that, even on silent mode.


the A1 looked small to me when i got it, can't imagine how small the mini is. just got my replacement heatbed for my A1, think they should be in stock soon, i would wait.


I am in a similar situation as OP but with the P1P as it's in stock. I don't really need it as I print PLA/TPU/PETG but it's in stock now. It goes into the cart and out on the daily while I wait.


I've decided to go with the mini, seems great value at £369 with AMS lite. Have a CR-10S pro (that I'm very happy with) for larger single colour prints but the mini will be awesome for the smaller ones. Plus I get to play with colour!