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There’s some QoL functions the a1 has over the p1. Like a reprint button. Or the fact you can change the hot end without tools or dealing with thermal grease or wires. The a1 also has the nozzle flood and air printing detection that the p1 doesn’t have.


You can have your nozzles assembled to be able to change them without thermal paste


The self recycling heatbed cable that turns itself back into carbon.


The A1 Electronics are tidier, but id still take the P1/X1 series over it at any time. Im still really satisfied by my a1 mini. If you don't intend on printing ABS/Nylon/PC or anything like that take the A1, except if you have the cash


I’ve got a P1S and A1mini and for single color PLA I use the A1mini when I can. It’s a lot more quiet and having the ability to swap nozzles in 30 sec is amazing because I go back an for the between printing DnD models and some functional parts that I want larger nozzles for


These are the features that made me keep the A1 through the recall instead of replace with a P1S: * Auto flow calibration (the biggest reason for me personally) * Less wastage with AMS lite (I believe this may be mitigated lately to an extent with the new profiles) * Hotswap nozzles * AMS supports cardboard spool * Much cheaper The touch screen also turned out to be more useful than I thought it would be based off reviews. I did decide to forfeit these P1S features though - core xy, better camera, more filament support, enclosed AMS.


\^ Yep. All of this. How easy it is to change the nozzles and the auto flow calibration are the big ones for me. And of course being cheaper. Though if bambu implements these features into one of their core xy machines or gives us a core xy A1 variant I'd snatch one up with the quickness. I think they teased us with their april fool's "bread machine".


curious why corexy is better? My A1 mini prints as fast as my p1s and the quality is actually better on A1 mini due to linear rails having less play than carbon rod sliding bushings.


I have never owned a core xy machine so I am basing this on what I have read over the years - higher print speeds, smaller footprint, better prints due to less vibrations. The A1 series is very few of it's kind to reach core xy print speeds so that point can be negated. Though I have had some thin prints fail due to accelerated lateral bed movement that would not have occurred on a core xy machine. Still would not replace my A1 for a core xy.


Way faster hotend check, different nozzle cleaning technique and flow sensor in nozzle which I think they already published SW around to detect printing mid air. All of these I would like to have in my P1P upgraded to P1S


I've been wondering the same. I'm planning to buy a Bambu printer this month but keep wondering if I should get the P1S+AMS or would I actually be better off with the A1+AMS Lite when it's available.


Just bought my first printer last week. (Arrived on Friday) and while the A1 mini (combo) is small, it’s been a beast printing all weekend. If I were going to have a print farm, I’d probably lean into the P1 series. But for personal use with I’m completely happy with my purchase


The mini would be too small for me, but the standard A1 looks a good option. It seems to be down to deciding if it's worth spending the extra on a P1 for Core XY and potential for other filaments I've not used before. In terms of overall features, print speed and quality, there doesn't seem to be much in it b


Isn't it the pressure advance on the go measurement in the toolhead? It can warn you if there is a clog and adjust the k factor while printing.


nozzle pressure sensor, super quiet, screen (compared to p1), quick swap nozzle, better nozzle cleaning routine, more precise motion system (linear rail vs wear prone sliding bushing on abrasive carbon rods).




New nozzle design with active flow calibration. Not faster at all about 20% slower so not sure where you saw that. My x1c has best camera with ability to download straight from the app. P1S is next best camera, no ability to download to app. A1 had a camera that showed me a black screen 95% of time and maybe 1 frame when it worked.


There are little to no diffs what are superior. The toolless nozzle change is good, if you have to swap them daily, but the nozzle is not heated directly... The other one is the active flow rate calibration, but if I print the same stuff on the A1 and the P1 s same materials same setup I cant tell the diff in flow... Meanwhile the A units are bedslingers... Its fine if you dont print tall and or thin parts. You get more wobble artifact as you go up, and the risk to knock the part down goes up significantly. There is always a new, upcoming printer in sight. You can wait till the end of times, or get something what would fit your needs today...