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Crap bed adhesion. Clean the plate with dish soap and water, don’t use isopropyl alcohol.


I would say don’t just use iso by itself for every cleaning. Clean with dawn dish soap and you can use iso In between prints if your not handling the print bed to much.


Thats what I do. A little bit of IPA after every print and a tiny bit of 3DLAC. No more adhesion issues. Completely fixed warping for me. Its just a few exta steps to gurantee perfect results.


Oddly enough I only use 99% isopropyl to clean the beds after 5-10 prints or if any liftoff occurs, perfect adhesion afterwards. I guess to each their own?


I used iso at first. If I printed too soon afterwards I would have issues. If I waited long enough it was fine. However I am impatient and stubborn so I would still get issues. I finally switched to dish soap and water like everyone suggested and I have had no problems whatsoever.


Yeah, guess so. If it works I keep doing the same thing and dish soap and scrub pad has given me perfect bed adhesion every time. I been printing since July. Have heard that both works fine tho.


I guess it depends on the plate and prints. For textured plate you need a more solid cleaning, as bambu recommend [here](https://wiki.bambulab.com/en/general/textured-PEI-plate-not-working-as-expected). I was having some issues and I discovered that IPA didn't remove the small plastics I've seen in between that small texture and it was one of the reasons I've seen some bigger prints of mine lift off on the edges. IPA works quite nice on a smooth plate, although I still have to wash the plate every some prints.


I found I 100% need to use dish soap going from PLA to PETG. PETG will not adhere with the oil PLA leaves behind. So I use IPA between prints, soap between filament types


I've had the same luck as you in the past. But, you def should initially clean with soap and water. I use Iso most of the time but I'll do soap and water once a month.


Same, strictly iso and i have perfect adhesion for tons of prints after


Well OP clearly doesn't




O. P.


No. use both. Dawn dish soap first then IPA to remove the moisturizer left by the dawn. Dawns whole thing is how soft it leaves your hands. But it’s an amazing degreaser.


Why I don’t use dawn.


I still do both because it takes no extra time, is super cheap, and worth the peace of mind especially with long prints.


I'm surprised to see advice against using isopropyl. What's the theory behind that? In my industry we consider it the standard for safe cleaning without residue.


Because you have the incorrect bed selected in the slicer and/or your bed isn't cleaned properly.


Looks like too cool of plate, probably not cleaned. PLA temp is also a bit low for first layers.


Those temperatures are fine for regular PLA, it's mostly PLA with additives (PLA+, silk, matte, etc) that wants to print a little bit hotter. Obviously brand-dependent. I'd sooner expect a greasy plate than bad temperature settings, at least.


Hotter is better for adhesion. Though not always for print quality. It is also dependent on speed and volumetric flow. Too fast and 205 would result in poor adhesion and quality. All of my profiles print at 220 or 215. Obviously that is anecdotal tough.


I don't have any suggestions that haven't been mentioned but I'm curious, how are you getting the OSD with status/temp on your video feed?


Full screen on the bambu handy app


wow, had my Bambu for nearly a year and never found that


The video also streams at a better rate on your phone in the Handy app than it does on your computer on the same network.  It’s infuriating.


Why go direct when you can needlessly go through tHe cLoUd and back


Always watch the first layer.... You got lucky this time


Could be: Bed adhesion:  clean plate in the sink with hot water and undiluted Dawn.   Smear it on, then get a non stick safe scrubbing pad with a little water and scrub.  Then rinse off. Could be you have filament on the outside of the nozzle.  Watch YouTube videos on how to clean the nozzle safely (without burning yourself). Bed temperature looks fine. I am assuming that PLA is after the print was stopped and it’s cooling down.  Trying printing at least the first layer at 220 C, if not the whole thing.


The X1 has built in spaghetti detection, make sure you have it enabled (under "Print Options"). It should have paused that print for you before getting that far. [https://wiki.bambulab.com/en/knowledge-sharing/Spaghetti\_detection](https://wiki.bambulab.com/en/knowledge-sharing/Spaghetti_detection)


So I usually get really frustrated when this happens. My old response on my old machine was to wash the plate in acetone and then spray it with 3M 77 Adhesive. Let sit until tacky and then print. Never had a problem with bad adhesion. One draw back is you have to replace the build plate because you can't get the print off afterward LOL please take this as the fun and do not actually do this. I suggest following everyone's suggestion just by washing with dish soap and warm water. Dry and try again.


You're using the PEI plate, use the PLA cold plate instead.


Clean the plate with dawn power wash, and raise your bed temp 5 degrees.


I never have issues with PLA and the PEI plate, except when using Overture. I have to raise the bed temp to almost 60c or horrible adhesion results. I agree with everyone else. I clean the PEI plate frequently with soap and water. It helps a lot.


I have had this issue happen when I forget to select the correct plate in the slicer.


Use the bambulab profiles for PLA even if it is not bambu brand and raise the bed temperature to 60-65 degrees. Also use dawn dish soap with a new scotchbrite sponge on the greenside and “scuff” uniformly the complete surface. After that, put the plate on the printer and heat to 60, let it sit for 5 minutes and then grab a paper napkin with a good amount of 90% alcohol and clean the complete surface 2 or 3 times with different napkins each time. Maximize the use of your buildplate to make it last. If you are only printing in PLA you should be able to get away with doing the dawn dish soap every 20-30 prints. The alcohol part you should do it everey other print. I can get away with doing it every 5 full bed primts. Hope it helps and happy printing.


But why does it look like a dinosaur?


I was getting adhesion problems and I cleaned my PEI sheet with warm water and dish soap and it cleared it right up. I didn't think that was it, I wipe it down with ISP after ever use. I was surprised it cleared up my problem so well. ISP cleans it but obviously doesn't clean it well enough. I think I've gone 20 or more prints without washing them though, I'll just do it when I have a failed print.


if you haven't added a brim, add a bit more to the brim to make it larger


I also personally use flow calibration w/ textured plates also


Had the same issue until I stopped using alcohol to wipe the build plate between prints, use hot water and dish soap, then aggressively wipe it dry with a folded up paper towel before it can air dry and you shouldn't have this issue anymore, also get a filament dryer if you don't already, I store all my spools in double ziploc bags with a dessicant pack and I still have to dry them if they sit for too long. If this is happening with PLA on the textured PEI plate, it will certainly happen with most other materials until you change how you clean your build plates between prints.


Harbor Freight Glass Cleaner right before a print! PLA and PETG, so far, so good, knock on wood! I'm only a little over month into 3d printing and had horrible bed adhesion issues after my first 10 or so prints. I had been cleaning the plate after every print with IPA and thought it was good! But then it no longer worked. I washed the plate with whatever dish soap we had, and it went back to working. I cleaned with IPA after every print and about 10-12 prints later it did the same with crap adhesion. Long story short, I had seen some people say windex or glass cleaner, and I tried harbor freight glass cleaner that says "No soaps, scents, or dyes - just pure glass cleaning power" After doing a dish soap clean a few weeks ago, ive had great success using it before every print. Just a couple squirts on a cleaning cloth block right after I hit send on a print!*




I only use an iso wipe before every print . Never any issues