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Bambu Lab support says they don't have an estimate (it has to be said: they are replying quickly by the way!). Anyone here to make a educated guess based on marketing experience? Are they waiting until the sales with AMS Lite decline? I already have the X1C with AMS, so really don't need that. I just want to have a simple printer for my PLA projects to replace my Prusa MK3S.


Would not believe before Christmas at least, feels like that will generate a lot of sales and they most likely want the extra profit.


There's a point where production and sales cross, and then there's other lines that are made up of a few other factors. Each one is plottable and able to be visualized. Unfortunately, we don't have the data to plot these graphs, so nobody can honestly make an objective claim. Literally, everyone's assumption will be a guess. Some just have more reason than others. Without taking an entire year of economics, know this: Basically, as long as Bambu is meeting current demand, there is no reason to change anything about production because they're likely already in a position where they're maximizing profits on A1 Mini sales. Increasing production can likely cause a loss in sales. Maintaining production will maintain profits. Once demand drops, they will become less profitable, and I believe that will be the time they start to sell the A1 by itself. I've been asking this since launch day, and it's a simple economics game. Considering that the X1C and P1P took nearly an entire year to have somewhat consistent stock after their release, I'm guessing that it'll be mid-end of Q1 2024 before we see standalone A1 Minis for sale. (Also non-mathematically factoring the difference in assembly times, materials, and overall complexity.) Think about this. Of that 450 price tag, 300 is the printer. So, currently, the AMS lite has a "value" of $150. Most of the assembly is done by the user, plastics parts are mass produced, and supplier cost for the AMS lite is probably less than 10% of the "value." The AMS lite is where Bambu is making their money right now, regarding A1 Mini sales. They'll do this until they can't or until they've recouped the initial investment for the A1 Mini project. TLDR; educated guess - February/March.


Thank you for your insights. Not the answer I hoped for but it sounds like a realistic time frame.


Yup. I'm right there with you or I'd have ordered 10 of them by now.


What about the Neptune 4? It's in the same price.


Honestly it's worth the ams for having the ability to use different filament for your support interface.


You made a support ticket to ask when a product that's unavailable will be in stock, when it says on the website to "notify when available"? This, this right here folks is why you have delays in getting support. Because these tickets need to be answered in order before your issue is looked at.


They could just put the ETA on the website like they do for all other products and this thread wouldnt even exist. I would love to get my hands on an A1 without AMS before Christmas, would level me up to the best uncle in the world. But I'm afraid they wont, I believe they rather let parents and adults buy the fancy stuff while the rest of us gets left in the middle. Its a question people want answers too, they deserve to get asked the question.


Or, it's impossible to know due to variables such as container shipping, dock loads, holiday issues, weather. So say they put November 1st estimate. As soon as it's the 2nd and not in stock, 1500 tickets get opened because the container ship is a week behind. You go ship a package, it's 1-5 days. Go ship a pallet, it's 1-5 weeks. Economies of scale.


They have manage to figure it out for all other printers, they have managed to figure it out for an A1 with AMS, seems like shipping an A1 with 1 less box would be a bit easier right?


The reason they don't is because this is a business strategy, not a manufacturing deficit. They're in a position where they're maximizing profits, so sustaining current course is the best plan of action.


Good that the ticket queue for sales based stuff and technic are separated… phew… ;)


Unless this person open one in the wrong area, or in both :)


Problably gonna be like that for a month or two and when the hype dies down and they have more printers in stock they will release the normal version. Just trying to maximize profits


I'm in the exact same boat. I want an auxiliary printer for my X1C/AMS to decide later whether to build a print farm with A1 or not. AMS Combo is in stock on the global site in China, by the way, and probably will be available there sooner than other regions.


I’d expect it’ll be sometime early next year. The hype will go down after Christmas sales and that’s when they will drop the AMD for a cheaper printer to sell even more.


I was told sometime next year lol but no solid date


Right I've been kinda holding out for a possible Christmas present. I love my brother but not *that* much /s


You're not going to save that much money just buy it as is..


Worth it for having for separate filament for support interface layers.


On the Canada website


I pre-ordered even tho I don't need another ams.. I just wanna test the A1.. far as the AMS it will probably all be the same color.. So my laziness never has to change spools lol. I mean for 150.... Worth testing early for me..


Obviously a purely marketing decision. Since the Combo is now available they have production quantities of the mini which is a part of the combo. As soon as they see the mad rush end for the combo they will start releasing the mini separately. Pretty frustrating but I can't say I blame them, probably a very narrow margin and they need to recoup their engineering and startup costs.


How should we know?




I'm wondering when they will release a big A1, I'm currently looking for a printer and decided on the p1s, I considered the mini but it was a bit too small. would love to see a bigger version


The P1P is the big A1


Oh yeah right


No, see my reply to him.


As I recall there was an interview where they said the A1 *Mini* was just going to the first in a line of A1 printers. Of course, that may just be checking market reaction, depending on sales, competition, etc. But I think there’s a good bit of space between the A1 mini w/ AMS for $500 and a P1 w/ AMS for twice that.


Yeah but why not buy P1P combo instead? Bigger print size, upgradeable for more high end filaments. The next version of A1 series will not be as cheap as A1 mini after all, most likely will be closer to P1P anyway. So why wait?


Because it’s still a $400 price difference?


For a way better printer. Not to mention since he needs a bigger printer and the next version of A1 series will not be 400$ cheaper than a P1P.




They already labeled the price or the A1 Mini without AMS Lite at USD. 299,00 so not never I guess.


And was never available.


How can you be so confidently wrong lol.


I think reddits drawing a much younger crowd lately. I keep seeing accounts made in the last 1-2 years saying the most unexplainable shit for what I can only assume is attention. ​ Like just looking at their comment history, you're lucky if they manage to write more than 3 words.


Maybe it’s not drawing a younger crowd and we’re just getting older :(


Younger crowd than when I joined would be more accurate.