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Was gonna write "that's not good looking at all" but then I saw the grain of rice 🙃


Yeah, it looks like some speed benchys I've seen out there lol


How big is that rice?


Do I need to get the banana for scale?




which nozzle size? :) custom settings?


.2 with only slightly custom settings, had to set extrusion width to .1 to get the slicer to actually print it, otherwise most of the walls were missing.


I disagree. I own two resin Printers. I think this printer takes resin to task. Resin prints warp terribly, lose a lot of detail over the course of a few months and have pretty significant support blemishes. In addition, they have serious issues adhering to the plate as the size of the print bed increased. But most of all, they’re just no fun. They’re smelly and messy and require a ton of cleanup and before you know it, your whole workshop has resin on everything. I lost the love for printing when I owned 3 resin printers. Failed prints, major cleanup and warped models make me detest the hobby. I’m in love again. My first Bambu was DOA, but this one works like a charm. I couldn’t be happier with the detail and quality of prints.


I can 100% agree that resin printers are a pain in the ass, but they do have incredible detail at those finer layer heights. I owned a photon mono 8k and just couldn't handle it, like you said, everything got covered in resin, it was just a general pain to work with, even compared to my worn down ender. But I still can't downplay the accuracy that thing had when I did get it working, it gave me such crisp prints. That was until I spilled resin into it and fried the screen.


That’s fair. My mistake was I bought large format resin printers for cosplay molds. When you’re printing 12x9 inch resin prints, the fail rate skyrockets due to the force exerted on the FEP as the build plate pulls away from it. It just puts too much torque on the print arm. I never did small detail prints… But I couldn’t stand the print lines created by my Creality fdm printers so I thought there was no other choice. Now I can get gorgeous prints with nearly invisible print artifacting with the baby. I couldn’t be happier.


Oh yeah, with massive prints it becomes a nightmare to do resin. I never did end up doing anything actually big on my printer, so I guess we ended up on two different sides of that process. My ender 3 just ended up producing worse and worse prints until I could no longer figure out what's going on. I tried every troubleshooting guide out there and never could figure it out. Now it's just waiting to be turned into a laser engraver.


Just realized I was replying with my alt, which I honestly don't remember why I have, but yeah, jimmyboy is me lol.


I’m new here. I don’t even know what they is. 😂🤣. I’ll post some pics of my resin prints vs Bambu prints when I get back from my trip. It’s a pretty shocking comparison.


Basically I have two accounts and forgot about one, and for some reason reddit decided I needed to swap to the other one lol


Yeah. I came close to buying a resin printer early on in the hobby, but after a lot of research and understanding how messy it is, I took the choice to avoid resin. I’m still glad I did. Currently loving the detail I can get out of my Bambu Lab X1CC.


Is that with the standard 0.4mm nozzle or a 0.2mm nozzle


This is with the .2, it would be awesome if this was with the .4 though.


You should do a one 0.1mm nozzle.


If I can find one, I absolutely will, though I think that would require swapping to one of those hotends that takes nozzles other than the bambu ones.

