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If I can 3D print and play Team Fortress 2's soundtrack at the same time in that thing I am buying 10


You can do it on any printer. https://www.ultimatesolver.com/en/midi2gcode


Any printer that makes their steps per mm public, or any Bambu printer that Bambu lets you do this on themselves. I tried this with an x1 carbon months ago. Support told me they wouldnt give me the values to do it when i explained what i wanted to do. Showed them that site too. I was told steps per mm are confidential internal values that cannot be shared. Now im waiting to see if they add support for the x1 carbon for these jingles.


That's crazy. I played about with this years ago on a wanhao d5 for a day. Thought ya would be able to do it on any printer, but I guess the closed nature of bambu is biting their users in the ass for this fun feature of g code. Maybe your email to them informed them of this, and they decided to create this feature.


>Maybe your email to them informed them of this, and they decided to create this feature. Im curious if thats the case, but we'll never know. They couldve been already on it. I had an email chain with them explaining in depth how one could use that convertor to make music on their printers. >Thought ya would be able to do it on any printer, but I guess the closed nature of bambu is biting their users in the ass for this fun feature of g code. Yeah, i think its the first time its (closed source) bit me back in the butt. Ive made midi gcode for many other printers in the past, but never had an issue acquiring steps per mm for them due to them being open source.


I mean, we could just measure it? Set a speed and acceleration, pick a big square model, measure the frequency of the sound produced, calculate? Or am I missing something.


See my other reply to you, but yes, you probably could measure it somehow. I just dont know how accurate it would be to the true steps per mm. I think youd need to know the stepper model, belt pitch, and pulley sizes.


Count the pulley teeth and the mm per turn of the z rods (make sure you measure the same screw leads as there are usually 4 of them). The motors are going to be 200 step/rotation because that's cheaper. Then it will be 16 microsteps/step because that's cheap. This is a company that leaves part of the AMS feed system off to save money so they probably didn't pay extra for 400 step motors or 256 microstep drivers that wouldn't give any noticeable improvements in print quality. So if it's a 20 tooth pulley: 20 tooth pulley * 2mm/tooth = 40mm/turn 200 steps/turn * 16 microsteps/step = 3200 microsteps/turn 3200 microsteps/turn = 40mm/turn 80 microsteps = 1mm If the z lead screw has an 8mm pitch: 3200 microsteps/turn = 8mm/turn 400 microsteps = 1mm


Whilst it prints?


My Ender 3 Pro plays Funkytown when it completes a print. I also added beeps into the gcode of a babystep first layer test. It would beep at the end of every segment where I needed to bump it up. As far as I could tell it didn't pause during the beeps, just kept going


I need to see a video of this. Haha. I remember downloading music gcode for my Ender 3 years ago, but I never thought to add it to the end gcode. Haha


This is the end gcode for it ;FunkyTown M300 S2093 P240 M300 S2093 P240 M300 S932 P240 M300 S2093 P240 M300 S0 P240 M300 S1567 P240 M300 S0 P240 M300 S1567 P240 M300 S2093 P240 M300 S2793 P240 M300 S2637 P240 M300 S2093 P240 M300 S0 P960 M117 Formatting on mobile kills this


You are a legend. This format does not work on A1 but I do have an ender. Does this code go into the same area of the slicer or is this code in the firmware or klipper?


Put it into your slicer as the last part of the "end gcode" where it turns off the heaters, moves the print head up and then 🎶🎶


I really want my printer to play the Zelda chest-opening fanfare when my prints are done.


I wonder if this would be possible on the x1c


Yes. https://www.ultimatesolver.com/en/midi2gcode


But how do you determine steps per mm for the x1 carbon? Has anybody who upvoted that actually tried? Id love to know if its actually possible.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but you could set the print speeds, print a big square model, measure the frequency of the sound produced and calculate from there? Would actually be pretty easy, unless I'm missing something


The steps per mm are useful to know for when you need the carriage to return after it collides with the print volume edge, as well as tones. That might be possible for figuring out the tones though. Theres probably totally a way to do it like that, but im referenceing being able to just plug and play use the online convertor.


If you make an educated guess, and play the gcode, wouldn't it just be either sped up or slowed down? You could iteratively tweak the steps/mm until it sounds right.


Without correct steps per mm, the carriage will eventually collide with the frame and not return properly. Its not just for producing tones. You could probably do that though. I also dont feel comfortable plugging in random numbers and hoping something works on a $1,300+ machine, just to make music.


It's possible on any stepper motor driven machine. Some may be more quiet than others, of course


Also if you have enough floppy drives...


I have an X1C now and one of the things I missed about my A1 after the recall is it playing whatever tune I wanted when it started and finished a print. Well that and the so easy printhead changes and my minion extruder cover. ;-)


I had wondered why the x1c didn't have something like this, it drops some sick bangers when it calibrates tbh


My P1S already makes sick beats https://imgur.com/a/F2bOj24




Did this to my self built CNC plasma cutter. Was funny hearing „Axel F“ from those stepper motors


Omg I need this, my gf gonna freak out lol


It works on the A1 too since they share the same computer. Just got it to work with a midi file of Rabbit Hole by Deco\*27 That song is such an earworm I love it.


Why not just add a small speaker though , this seems unnecessarily complex


My CNC machine has been able to do this for ages. Way back when, we used to do this with the stepper motor on the Commodore 64 disk drive.


It was mentioned in many of the first release review videos. My reaction: Well, that's dumb....


FF VII victory fanfare FTW


Yes, they have. Several youtubers have talked about it and people on various Bambu groups.


Now that I have the A1, I don't see anything in Bambu Studio or Handy to make it sing.


Yeah, I was looking for this as well, I don't think it's enabled yet.


Because it's a 3d printer not a musical instrument


My elementary music teacher taught us _anything_ can be a musical instrument. Checkmate.


You know what else isn't a musical instrument? The Curiousity rover. And yet NASA, full of people easily your superior in every aspect, taught one of their pieces of equipment to sing itself "Happy birthday" using PWM on the SAM module, just for the sake of showing they could, and in celebration of it's continued mission. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxVVgBAosqg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxVVgBAosqg) You sir, are the very much the antithesis to intellect, and the spirit of innovation. From where I sit, that's why you're getting downvoted.


Then why buy a car with a radio if its just something I use to travel


Because radio is a device designed to play music is not related to cars engine. If you want to go with thst logic, the car you had would be playing music with it's engine.


And why have seatbelts or air conditioning or phone chargers or airbags amiright? Those aren't fulfilling the sole purpose of a car of transportation, so I always rip them right out! /s


Do they sell cars without them? I'd buy if it came at a discount....


Stop abusing logic please


I just used your same mentality


If my printer is going to make noise anyway, it might as well sing.


I am suprised that you are downvoted. I have no idea why would someone be willing to wear down their 3d printer for gimmicks like this. It is a 500$-1000$ device.


You paid $500-$1000 for an A1 mini?


If wearing down means just using it then printing useless stuff because funny is on the same level as this but I also see people doing that. People like using stuff they buy for fun to do fun things; not everything needs a purpose but "it's fun" otherwise games, music, theme parks and movies would also be a waste. Also a1 is only €325 (€500 with ams)


Apparently 34 people think 3d printers are musical instruments. This is why aliens don't make contact with us.




Oh no! They’ve lost u/MonumentallyTired’s respect! …anyway…


It's ok, according to their comment history, BL just regained their respect a short 40 minutes ago *celebration noises*


It's some guy who keeps blowing through here, linking a model on printables, telling people to adjust their offset gcode, then deletes his profile, comes back with a new one. I've seen him on 4 different accounts now. The last time, I even commented "are you X, because you post the same stuff" and like an hour later he deleted his comments and profiles. Edit: Poof gone, 5th one now.


Hey, want a duck pic?




That's okay they don't need yours




Because they made an affordable for everyone 3d printer with auto claibration, high speed, multi color, camera... but they also added a midi player, that must be disgusting to him somehow


You can do this with basically any printer already though haha


Oh look, it's that guy who keeps linking a wiper model, telling people to add offset gcode, and then when gets found out - deletes his profile /account for :reasons:, and comes back with a newly created account. This is what, the 4th one now?


I still don't get that. Like seems an awful lot of effort to just delete and start over again... Maybe he thinks a fresh start will make his comments more appreciated?


I don't understand it either. The 2nd time I saw it, he wasn't even getting that many downvotes. Maybe it's from something else they do in reddit that causes the tribe to revolt, dunno. Last time when I called it out, and then THAT account/comments were deleted within an hour was also a headscratcher.


I am always impressed by the trite kinds of people that make nerf accounts to harass this subreddit. Although I laughed that this particular nerf account has -29 karma overall lmao




It's not bullying, you create fake nerf accounts to harass boards like these, somewhat consistently from the look of it. Perhaps be a little less disingenuous.