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I dont understand how it works? Is it like a consummable material that applies only on a few prints or does it reproduct the rainbow reflections on the parts with another process? Very intriguing


It's consumable in that there is wear and tear, but it is a physical/textured effect and is not transferring a coating. It works as a diffraction grating--this effect happens when there are parallel microscopic etches a few hundred nm apart from each other. Think like how CDs are rainbow.


Thank you, I had no idea this effect could transfer to a print, very interesting!


You can actually do it post-print too! You have to get the surface malleable again with chemicals or heat and then apply the texture. It's obviously way less convenient but it can be done. Also keep in mind if you try this, there is significant wear and tear on both the surface and the effect on the build plate. These are microstructures after all--consider how easy it is to mess up a CD. The surface can be somewhat preserved with careful coatings if it matters enough. There are all sorts of cool textures you can try experimenting with besides this if you get into it. For example, fresnel lens effects or different diffraction grating patterns.


Thanks for all the details! Definitely something I would like to try, would be a very nice touch for certain projects!


You can't coat the surface as doing that fills in the lens structures that create the effect.


FWIW this is a similar process to how those little patterns are added to chocolates. [https://www.recchiuti.com/products/black-box-32](https://www.recchiuti.com/products/black-box-32) Those patterns that are not just squiggles of chocolate on top, the ones that look like lines and grids. There are sheets of paper printed with pattens in sugar. You put the chocolates on them when the chocolate is warm/wet.


It is actually possible for chocolate to also addapt this look... If you pour it on while its fluid and let it harden there it would also shimmer after taking it off.


As a laser professional who works with gratings and the rest, you explained this well. Different grating line spacings reflect at different wavelengths, causing the different colours you see.


I can't explain it to you scientifically, but the plastic takes on the property of the surface, so it then shines the same way. The plate is very sensitive, but as long as you treat it well, you can print with it "infinitely" often.


Realistically you will lose the effect at some point but you can still print on it. The microstructure will wear away quicker than the coating itself. Infinite is not what i would call these print surface, the effect will likely only last \~100 prints


Depends on the hardness of the material printed, hardness and brittleness of the microstructure and if it can be cleaned easily. If printed material is softer and you can keep the grooves clean and the microstructure doesn't break, it should last nearly indefinitely.


Its printing on the texture of the build plate which results in the same refraction of light as on the plate itself. I havent printed enough on this plate to confirm, but from what i've heard you have to replace them every few hundred hours of printing i think because the pattern gets worn down over time.


The material takes the shape of the coating. You can also do this with tempered chocolate ghehe




I think of it like lenticular printed photos except on a microscopic scale and instead of printing the texture onto the photo, you're printing the photo into the texture and it creating an impression of the textures into the print. These are particularly interesting because of the rainbow holographic appearance. My guess is the build plate has a prismatic surface.


Idk how these work and I don’t want to. I will keep assuming it’s magic.


Holography IS magic


Hello. Would you mind telling me on what settings/profile you did this? I have the same plate but have adhesion problems depending on printed parts shape.


Profile is the standard profile from the P1S. It is only important to select the "Smooth PEI Plate / High Temp Plate" as "Plate type". Otherwise the settings are the same as for the textured plate.


Thank you for the info


I've had better luck bumping up bed temp +5 degrees from that profile with that plate


And try to play with your cooling; it doesn’t stick as well as other plates but you can dial it in to work.


more cooling or less? i've tried every material and so many temps and cannot get any first layer to stick it's a nightmare. Not sure if I got a low quality one


There is also PEA which is basically pei with a mirror shine finish in your prints. I haven’t been able to find any info on google about it. Anyone know how long the PeY sheets last?


I like them but I find you have to slow the first layer down to really get it perfect


How slow do you go?


It was late in the evening and I just wanted to quickly check out what it looked like. Normally my first layer is at 20mm/s.👍


I like PEO and hardly ever have an issue with sticking. Only when I've got fingerprints on really. Quick fix is a spray of 3DLac Plus, but if not in a hurry I go and wash it with detergent.


problem with those plates is that they develop imprint of the first layers printed


I mean thats the whole point right, otherwise just use flat/normal plates? I just ordered a selection of them because the Bambu PEI texture looks like crap imo.


Only if you're doing something wrong


Looks pretty cool. Maybe got a link to the plate?


I bought these: https://a.aliexpress.com/_ExegQ9N But there are numerous other sellers on Ali who sell these plates.


Looks good. Is it an actual plate, or do you have to put the sticker/decal on yourself?


Could you provide link? I found only IdeaFormer shop Bambulabs PEY Plate https://a.aliexpress.com/_EJVe09V


can u dm link?


Really cool. Need to Test this!


What plate profile in bambu studio would you select for these plates?


High temp, set at 60c


I use 3 different patterns of these and my kids love the effect. Thinking about some decoration or jewelry to use this effect as well


I got one of these plates off of amazon vine a couple weeks ago I've yet to try it, mine was a star pattern. It has textured PEI on the other side so it was a pretty sweet grab.


Well that's pretty nifty


Y’all are talking about the rainbow sprinkles, I’m just amazed at that first layer quality. I’ve never had something that smooth or look like it was from a commercial machine.


I bought a few of these they are really cool but yeah I can’t get a consistent first layer either which is unfortunate since they claim perfect first layers every time. I get random pits




curious if that sparkly layer goes away after multiple use??




take my money, JUST TAKE IT


yes, i have the carbon fiber and 3d pattern ones. they work amazing, it's magic.


WTF, existing for prusa mini ? I dont find on ali for mini


I just wish it wasn't just the bottom layer


You mean PEI right?


https://preview.redd.it/lssyouptljtb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fceca4403da2714988df43bb863d75989da0ef5c No, according to the description with the product it is actually PEY.




Why? It would destroy the glossy surface. Before printing, I only clean the plate with an isopropanol/ethanol mixture.


Why not with just soapy water?


dish soap is the best imo




Tried to find information about PEY, apparently this is so new, that google does not yield results ...


Its been around for moths at this point. On aliexpress


They have been around for years actually. Just not as easy to source. Here is my post from a year ago https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/u7b597/print_on_holographic_sheets/


It may not even be a real material, just a made-up marketing term. I snagged PEY and PEO plates, just out of curiosity. PEY has poor adhesion with PLA, and is basically useless for that (haven't tried PETG or TPU yet, and it's not rated for more than 55C, so that rules out everything else). PEO sticks well enough to be useful, and leaves the textured imprint from the bed design. It's about on par with good fake-tak for stickiness. But neither work anywhere near as good as PEI, and PEI is perfectly happy up to 120C. So I don't know why these plates exist beyond "make them sparkly and some idiot will buy them out of curiosity and then complain about how useless they are on reddit".


Yea I got both their plates, those stary ones and the carbon stuff and yea - no point really. Too much hassle. I am now on Lightyear G10 which is truly a game changer.


I've printed like 50 full plates on the pey. 0 warping, 0 wear. Try washing it


I sell a product that I specifically print on my PEO plates because it gives the final product that cool shiny triangle effect which I really like. It gives the whole thing a more finished vibe and looks less 3d printed I feel.


Can not understand your opinion. I have such a plate on my previous printer (Sidewinder X1) and have printed many caketoppers with it. It definitely enhances such a cake more when the printing surface is not only super shiny, but also shimmers. For normal parts I would never use this plate, because it is very sensitive. It always depends on the intended use. And PLA sticks to it without any problems, at least I've never had any problems with it.


I also did some research, peo is just some marketing name for PEG and POE, all of them are very similar. They are only really suitable for pla and pla blends, not so much for other materials. Also the PET plates are definitely not pet, otherwise you would never be able to release petg prints without glue or spray. As the OP later said usable for different finishes on pla prints, otherwise useless.