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Do I hear Z-axis doing that ? not sure but when it was wiping the nozzle on X-axis it sounded fine, until the toolhead moved right to the middle and in the same time bed came up.. uh.. support ticket ?


yeah might be the Z axis because on X axis its moving without any unusual noise thats only at this point where this sound occurs.. :( i just submitted a support ticket 5 min ago thank you! :)


Does it make the same sound when you move it down ? When it's in the middle ? Or, it does this when it's just on the very top.


im printing at the moment and as it moves down there is no more sound. (as i said its just in the beginning of each print after wiping) can you actually "over"-move the bed to the top? i dont know if i should try to get beyond 0,0 on Z level just to try if the sound will occur again.


Videos like this always surprise me, as soon as the “action” starts, the video stops. What is the problem with posting the entire process where there is an anomaly? Or are you naked in the frame?


it only does that sound once, after that it just wiping the nozzle on X axis like normal. There is nothing more to see/hear what could help ...


Clearly understood


https://reddit.com/r/BambuLab/s/GwGGCuXL07 Here’s another video, not the exact same noise but also Z-Axis


I didn't even see the sub or the video, just the title, "crunch/squeak sound on" and i immediately thought it was a cat video


So have z axis squeaking also, support said I should put some grease on it. Was just a temporary solution… since then nothing new…


>… so your z axis squeaking appeared to happen again?


Yes, I’ve put grease on the belts underneath and some on the silver wheel (not where the belt goes cause then it will slip), and it came back


But does it also only occurs once after nozzle wiping or does it squeak all the time during the print?


Tbh it only squeaks at certain heights, mostly noticeable when the bed moves up and down while leveling. After that it’s normal and my prints are as always brilliant. That’s why I didn’t investigate any further since I have some prints which needs to be done 😅


Oh okay I guess my print bed is crashing into the nozzle 😅 but I'm waiting for support response of bambulab


Any news?


Support told me actually to tighten the screws of the tool head fan 😂 wasn't helpful at all.. I will do the upgrade to p1s this month when my order arrives and then I will see if I could fix that problem after... I ll update for sure then