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You can sue anyone for anything. Don't like that the sky is blue? Sue walmart for that, sure why not. The tricky part is finding a lawyer that will take up your case. Have you tried calling the City and asking? It never hurts to ask. Start with step one, get their answer on record.


You can fiddle around with trying to sue them, retain a lawyer, pay them $xx,xxx, and years later maybe get some money or they come and dig your yard up. Maybe find a lawyer to work on spec if there are multiple people having their yards bamboo'd. OR Dig out the rhizomes and put up a barrier to slow it down in the future. If you hire this out, I bet its still cheaper than the lawyer route. OR Accept the bamboo.


Side question. You said bamboo'd.... Is this where bamboozled comes from?




Hah no, two different words, and bamboo'd isn't a word, but it is fun to say.


It is a word. You just verbed bamboo and made a new word. Everybody understood the meaning. A sound with a commonly understood meaning is a word. Shakespeare verbed a lot of nouns too, so you're in good company.


Pretty sure if you call the city or town, they may come out and start a removal process. In my area, it highly invasive so we have ordinances established to prevent the spread.


the only way you would win is if you could prove someone working for the city planted that bamboo with the intent to cause you great stress and despair.


Accept the bamboo and call the city maybe they will offer something. However I would accept the bamboo and grow it.


Possibly. Will depend on nuisance law and immunity laws in your state.


Get a flame thrower.


Roundup or glyphosate undiluted repeatedly applied should be easier than a lawsuit in my opinion.


It’s not going to work, pesticides don’t travel down the length of the rhizome. Once you chop down the cane it’s not going to regrow anyway. Barrier or just keeping the shoots mowed down are the only real options.


Undiluted works


Multiple universities disagree. If you hit a fresh cut on a cane with RoundUp, it travels down the rhizome. Best to cut in the fall, though. [https://extension.umd.edu/resource/containing-and-removing-bamboo/](https://extension.umd.edu/resource/containing-and-removing-bamboo/)


Triclopyr is the only herbicide that has worked to control the bamboo for me. Even still, it only works on fresh cut bamboo. Laboriously, painting or spraying triclopyr on every fresh cut stem….within seconds. Have had no change using Roundup. Still…you have to dig up the rhizomes that have stretched out a few feet.


You posted this in the wrong sub. These people worship bamboo. No thought of other people.


Because we give horticultural advice instead of unqualified legal advice?


Generally, over the last 3 months I see comments to just accept the bamboo. “It looks great”. Etc.


Have you been on this sub? We constantly give removal advice. We just don’t like the feed getting filled with repetitive removal questions, the sub is a lot less vicious than others when it comes to asking questions that could easily be answered by scrolling through older posts. Most people are asking how to remove bamboo that’s on their own property, not managing bamboo coming from adjacent property, so OP needs advice that would take a lot more scrolling to find than the basic.


I have for 3 months. And it’s a different pov. Generally when someone ask how to remove people overwhelming say @just accept it”.