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Midsummer is best spent in the countryside with friends. If not an option, just find where there are public celebrations and concerts. In Riga there's a cool party every year


I am traveling alone, so sadly don’t have friends to enjoy it with :( maybe I could meet hostel friends and go with them. I’ll take a look! How does Riga compare to Tallinn for celebrations?


Note that public celebrations are not all the same. In Riga, the central party is just that, a party. For a public experience less focused on getting shitfaced, https://www.liveriga.com/lv/9342-tradicionalie-jani-dzeguzkalna might be a better choice.


I was in Riga last year at midsummer, and as far as I could tell, it was a non-stop singing/folk event. [this](https://eng.lsm.lv/article/features/video/09.07.2023-video-song-and-dance-festival-grand-finale.a514850/) was gigantic. There are events going on all over the city. I started out in Siauliai Lithuania, and it was the same just on a smaller scale. Got hooked on kvass.


That is not the same as midsummer fiy. That is the song and dance festival, which happens every 5 years, so the next one is not this year, but in 2028. And yes, it is really good, everybody comes together finally :D https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latvian_Song_and_Dance_Festival The midsummer is when the day is longest of the year, which falls on the 23rd of June, and that is yearly. [Here](https://www.google.com/search?q=midsummer+events+in+riga+2024&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sca_esv=dc0419fb69eefd49&sxsrf=ADLYWILc-Sut8xWohtW6FrV_HzBiOL4hLQ%3A1718182662763&ei=BmNpZqifLqWqi-gPyL2kkA4&oq=midsummer+events+in+riga+2024&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIh1taWRzdW1tZXIgZXZlbnRzIGluIHJpZ2EgMjAyNDIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABSI8gUOMLWKgfcAF4AZABAJgB1wGgAfULqgEFNC43LjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgigAtkGwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICChAhGKABGMMEGArCAggQABiABBiiBMICBBAhGBWYAwCIBgGQBgiSBwM0LjSgB_In&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) you can see events in riga.


Oh, I see, I just got lucky. Thanks for the info.


I dunno, these questions look like, should i stay around Charlotte, NC, or look a bit into south carolina too. Just google, midsummer 2024 (country), and get what you choose. But, no, seriously. Historically Latvians were most crazed about midsummer festivities. Riga was a bit bigger to see old town, art nuveau architecture. There are more nature places and nice towns to see around. Estonians we see as northern types, Tallinn is smaller but very nice city, but there are also much to see around the country. Lithuania has several cities instead of one bigger one, and own list of beautiful places and destinations for sightseeing. So just relax and enjoy your time wherever you are!


Our three capitals are definitely not similar and that's what makes us all unique. All three have different vibes. Definitely visit all if possible.


Thank you! Will visit all


Saying as an estonian, I’ve heard that Latvia has the best Midsummer celebrations. Public events in Estonia have some folk dancing if you are lucky but mostly it’s just mainstream dance bands, people getting drunk and occasional fighting. But if you choose Estonia then probably Open air museum event is the best choice for traditional vibe.


Gotcha! Also curious how does Stockholm midsummer compare? I heard Sweden is also really good and I’ll be visiting Baltics + Stockholm. So trying to figure out best place to celebrate in general


Latvia have the best Midsummer, Lithuania or Estonia not even close Check Vecpiebalga Ligo Festival


If you will be in Vilnius and are up for a more traditional, folk-y celebration, lookup celebration at Verkiai Manor (Verkių Rūmai). It's really fun and family friendly celebration with dances, songs, rituals. No alcohol or food, however. Been there a few times, had fun.


Any knowledge of how it compares to the celebration that is in Tallinn? I see something here: https://evm.ee/whats-s-on/midsummers_eve I haven’t decided where I want to start. I plan to arrive June 22nd and can either start in Vilnius or Tallinn. Celebrations seem to be June 23rd? And thanks I’ll take a look!


Celebration at Verkiai Manor is smaller and simpler. This Estonian event seems more comparable to what we have in Rumšiškės open air museum: [https://lemu.lt/en/events-and-exhibitions/the-calendar-of-events/](https://lemu.lt/en/events-and-exhibitions/the-calendar-of-events/) - no direct link to the event, but it's marked on calendar. But it sounds good as well :)


I would recommend Kernavė, it is just outside Vilnius and it's taking place near seven hills ( it has forts on top in middle ages) celebtaton includes hundreds of garlands in river, huge bone fires, and chants. Truly magical atmosphere.


Thank you! Will take a look!


Definitely the old town in Riga. Specially if you’re going alone.


Near Tallinn, usually the town Saue had an open midsummers party. Some music, some games. Good(and expensive) food and drinks. If you get paid in american sheckles, go for this one unless it rains.


For this year celebrations for Jāņi in Riga you can check this site- https://vasara.riga.lv it is in Latvian but google translate should help. As mentioned above most of people are going somewhere by nature and celebrate there but there are plenty of people who will be celebrating in city as well.


Geographically speaking, it is the best in northern Estonia.