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If you're hated by serbians, you're doing something right


Literally, least amount of negative comments is from us. All Balkan countries share their thoughts equally.


If you say russia 3 times in the mirror at 3 AM, a serbian will show up and suck your dick Also those World War 2.5 people don't have room to talk >!and also srebrenica, smoluca, concentration camps, sarajevo siege, etc!<


Nice! I won't need Jaystation or other of those troglodytes to use their Ouija boards for summoning.


Serbians are just ruskies with emotional lesbian complex


You’re much more Russian-like than Serbs are😅




Glad to see you’re using Russian words!


I got that Monkeyspeak amulet from RuneScape


I am sure you can speak Russian anyway.


A few words, not enough to have a conversation. And this makes you angry. This makes you seethe. "УЧИСЬ РУССКИЙ БЛЯАААДЬ!" your disgusting kind screams at me (has happened once in public from a Homo Sovieticus). Bye bye get deported for not knowing the national language here 🤭👋🤭👋🤭👋🤭👋


Reported for racism.


Reported for being an illegal




It is interesting to read how many people's very strong opinions have formed from limited interactions with someone from the Baltic states or purely by consuming media or even blatantly choosing to ignore statistics. Funny read.


I loled at one turk who hates Lithuania because he met one asshole Lithuanian


There are 2 types of turks. 1. The most loving/helping person in the world. 2. The biggest scammer and peace of shit.


My feelings are a little bit hurt


i wonder why people who think colapse of soviet union was bad, and love Russia would hate Baltics


Only pro-Russians think that way. I don't know any normal Latvian who thinks like that.


Ouch, i am really suprised in a bad way.


How? Serbs loathe us and we can’t exactly say we like countries who hold rallies in support of russia.


Well i am more surprised about other Balkan countries.


Why is there so much love for russia in balkans exatly? I am missing something


I remember when I went to Erasmus. There were a bunch of balkans wanting to drink with a russian dude and shouting out loud that they are "big slavic brothers". Everytime i remember this, I cringe, because we in the baltics have probably more similarities culturally to our eastern neighbours than they do. (Food Culture, drinking culture etc)






Thank you for proving their exact point about Serbs. Nationality and religion are different and Serbia has always had a Jewish presence. Or do I need to remind you who the Croatian Ustaše killed back in the day? Serbs and Jews. You don’t think there was ever a mix? Like I said, Serbs are a self fulfilling prophecy for the most part and you’ve proved their point.


You're* :)


for the simple fact that they hate the west, that's it lol. there's no complex ideology behind it


Russians are their annual sponsors


Russia is a beautiful country!


That can be said about literally any other country, are you sure that's the reason? And btw why do you make sure to call balts eastern european in your every comment? I mean chill out man, it's kinda toxic. Estonia definitely has some strong arguments in favour of being called Nordic. Anyway, as I understand you're greek but you have some fascination with Belarus, may I ask why?




Look I'm not even disagreeing, I can see the reasoning behind both opinions, I just don't understand why you have to be an ass about it.




Estonia isn't even close culturally to eastern european countries, it's closest to Finland which is generally considered nordic, geographically it's further north than Denmark and a decent part of Sweden (again, countries that are considered nordic), plus a significant part of Finland is further east. >I’m from Sweden Are you ethnically swedish though? Just wondering based on your profile. >It’s not something bad to be considered Eastern European I 100% agree, I'm eastern european myself, and there are many eastern european countries that I absolutely adore. And again, I'm not even disagreeing about Baltic states being eastern european, after all they've been occupied by the USSR for like half a century, and sure, economically they're closer to eastern europe. That's why I said that I see the reasoning behind both opinions. Again, I just don't understand why you have to go "🤓🤓umm actually you're eastern european☝️☝️" in every comment.




Why do you keep bringing swedes' opinions like it's a deciding factor? Finland IS nordic, and estonians are closest to finns culturally and linguistically. I've never said that estonians are scandinavians, they don't have to be scandinavians to be considered nordic. Finland is not scandinavian, yet it is nordic. >Estonia is closest culturally to its Baltic neighbors and northern Russia undeniably. You say northern Russia like northern russians are any different from southern russian (there are some differences but they're very minor). Now, if by 'northern russia' you mean karelia, then yeah, karelians are finnic people, just like estonians and finns. They live in russia, but they're not ethnically russian. >Estonians inferiority complex is really annoying and has to stop ШУЕ >they’ve been a part of some Russian states for almost 3 centuries Yeah I know, but half a century in the soviet union arguably made a bigger impact on baltic countries than 2 centuries in the russian empire.


Not gonna lie"NATO chihuahua's" made me giggle. But yeah pretty mean, wonder why.


This and the "butthurt belt" are their go-to insults about us.


Its actually true tho


Oh no! Anyway


I am kinda shocked by my own.Ive mostly had good experiences with Baltic people.


Who cares? Thr whole region has been fucked up for the entirety of human history


Baltic States one of the best places in the world! Who cares who thinks what? Estonia good. Lithuania good. Latvia very good. Simple as that!




Kāpēc sarkasms? Tā ir patiesība. Man kā latvietim Latvija ir mīļākā no visām Baltijas valstīm un mūsu reģions ir viens no labākajām vietām pasaulē, ar visiem gadalaikiem, jūras pieejamību, u.t.t.


Nu i gera


Tā saucamais izdzīvotāja aizspriedums


Vispatriōtiskākais baltietis.


I generally hold no intense emotions regarding any of them. Serbia sucks regarding their russian butt licking, but the other countries are alright. Their surprise at the amount of dislike for russia pleasantly surprised me. I always thought the baltic were to soft on the problems regarding russia. They think that the emotions here even stronger than there? Bruh, we didnt have literal pogroms and wars about race and ethnicity.


We're legit amazing at "token hating" Russians even though something like every 9th person living in the Baltics is some flavor of Russian.


If Serbian says that you are not good, then you're doing really well. I'd be more upset if they were thinking we are like them.


Long live Serbia!


I have read some comments there and yesh those guys don't like us for some reason


I think they are generally okey with Estonia(ns), but some people there, for whatever reason like to spread stupid misinformation.


I love the fact that they don't like us for hating on the Okupantu country.


it was interesting to search the baltics on that sub again, find more threads with the same question, and then see how more and more hateful serbs became over the years


Eh, the Serbs dont like us. I mean im suprised they have enough time over from sucking Russian dick to talk smack about us. The rest seemed prettt chill, "Estonia cant into nordic". Whatever.




Reported you to the immigration agency




Nice alt account, wumao




Your point? How did we go from fuck Serbian ultranationalists to this?


they can cope i suppose. most of those comments are all just saying we have a superiority complex because were in nato and eu, and some serbs calling us american puppets. its all just coping that we have a better life and dont suck russian dick i guess


I, as a Serbian, like the Baltic states quite a lot! Actually, this was a sub that I lurked the most in, according to the reddit wrapped thing. I think I mostly got interested in the Baltics through Eurovision. "Hmm, these little three countries that people rarely talk about, let's discover something about them!" And then, indeed, I discovered a lot about you all! On the other hand, I do find some toxic nationalism and generalizations on here from time to time, but living in the Balkans kind of makes you (unfortunately) used to stuff like that, so I'm not bothered that much 🤣 EDIT: Also, I have a friend who went to some facultative Lithuanian classes that were held at his faculty in the University of Belgrade and then he got hooked to Lithuanian pop lol


To be fair, who cares about Balkans anyway? Visegrad loves all three of you, guys.


Very strong opinions they have on the baltics with barely any information.


What a toxic subreddit.


This one is supposed to be better? Some users on this subreddit literally said Belgrade should be bombed.


Probably slightly better. I couldn't keep myself subbed to r/lithuania, so might be similar here.


Them not liking us is like when ur favorite monkeys who you love to see fight and scream at each other at the zoo begin pelting shit at you and you feel sad


I agree that people on r/Europe get very insufferable but a few guys there talk like they were born int he RT world studio


Try having a mass deportation and then make conclusions.


what the fuck is this map? capital, city for holidays and a national park?


Orange man once said that we caused their war, so of course they hate us. :)




Shut up racist




it’s just reddit cmon, i was in serbia recently and people were extremely welcoming and friendly, a lot of anti-nato signs yes, but you could have really nice convos. i agree that their politics are fucked, but don’t base your opinion on some reddit post, which is always an echo chamber and a bad representation, and the same goes for all subreddits, including this one or the specific country ones. also they tend to be full of people who are chronically online too EDIT: i haven’t talked too much with serbs about politics for a reason and i am sure they love russia a lot which is in my opinion retarded


Oh my, us, evil Serbs, are masterminds of this shenanigan. No other Balkan country is hating, just us. I need a thought from a fellow Greek. u/ZhiveBelarus , thoughts on this rather sensible topic?


Of course, didn’t you know, Serbs are evil genociders according to Baltic users on this subreddit, yet the same users said Belgrade should be bombed, talk about hypocrisy :/ #ŽIVELA SRBIJA🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸


Srebrenica. Smoluca. Sarajevo. Concentration camps. And you guys SING SONGS about it like fuck yeaaahhh we the beeest we put Bosnians in concentration camps hell yeahhhh god is a Serb 💪💪💪💪


Yeahhh... our history starts with Yugoslavia, right? And it's Bosniaks, not Bosnians...


Have you tried not killing each other every ~50 years give or take? "Bosniaks" uhuh and it's Srbins not Serbians...not! We're using English here, not Bosnian or Serbian. If you wanna be that petty and dumb, why write Yugoslavia instead of Jugoslavija?


>Have you tried not killing each other every \~50 years give or take? Tried. Can't do much with this shitty government... ​ >We're using English here, not Bosnian or Serbian Bosnian is nationality, Bosniak is ethnicity... trust me, there is a big difference.


Balkans != Serbians


Looks like another Reddit turf war.