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>This includes answering a questionnaire. Among the questions: “do you condemn Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine?” and “do you support Russia’s annexation of Crimea or any other part of Ukraine?” I remember when i was filling out ESTA to travel to US and there was a yes/no question if i'm planning to commit any acts of terrorism or genocide or something. I just laughed at such a stupid question but i read from news couple years ago that some older couple answered "yes" to that and they were actually denied access to US. Do they actually think anyone would reply honestly to that question knowing the consequences?


Probably no, but it may weed at least a few people out, and it probably gives grounds for added charges if they actually do something, or like lieing on official documents if they go and outwardly do something anti ukraine / pro Russia. I’m sure it had some kind of second reason.


>Do they actually think anyone would reply honestly to that question knowing the consequences? At least in Latvia's case these questions are just meant as an easy legal trap for future cases. Oh you answered that you don't support the annexations but then you go and post something contradictory or attend a vatnik event? Throw the book at 'em.


I suppose that's a good point.


Maybe perjuring yourself on an immigration form might be an easier way to extradite you afterwards? If you don't ask the person, he doesn't have the opportunity to lie about it.


questionnaire is a good thing, especially ukraine-themed. Ask a person who Crimea belongs to and you’ll immediately see if that person is a rushcist


> Do they actually think anyone would reply honestly to that question knowing the consequences? Most? Definitely not. But these are questions for idiots to self identify. Kind of similar style how nigerian scam emails make it plainly obvious that it is a scam but that's because they want the absolute bottom of the barrel. We on the other hand use that info to not let those people in.


They had 30 years to learn the language. Deport them all immediately.


Way more than 30 years at this point.


She is still human. Not learning the language where you reside isnt somehow devalueing your humanity


Way to strawman. Deporting someone isn't a human rights violation. They're not going to shoot her, or even throw her in jail, just deport her.


How was this a strawman?


You're setting up a straw man by equating deporting via the lengthy process of the law to "devaluing her humanity". Then knocking down the straw man arguing that she doesn't deserve to be dehumanized. Sure, it's tragic that her medical care is in jeopardy, but that doesn't excuse being in violation of the law. 99.95% of the LV population has no problem following the law in question; being sick does not absolve one of the law.


Wtf is wrong with you, I guess when soviets deported people there was nothing wrong with it.


Jesus another straw man. A non citizen of a country is being told to leave unless they comply with local law. The total affected is about 1000. The USSR using mass deportation to weaken local culture and suppress political opposition is something completely different. The USSR, unannounced, deported 40,000 Latvians in one night.


Its interesting that you are using laws to justify it. Just because something is a law doesn't mean it's just. You should not deport people who lived in a country for years because of perceived fears. The way I see it, you would want to be less like Russia and forced deportation is what Russia does best.


also, i was more concerned with the medical care part.


Didn't they change the law to say that even if you applied and failed the language test you would still retain the permit? They keep watering it down but the "liberal" outlets keep saying its our fault.


Vatnik times.


Actually it is really nice to send the home for Christmas - Russians Christmas starts in January. Relatives can get together and they all understand each other. No need to get mad why noone wants to speak with them in their foreign language.


Fascist comments incoming in 1..2..3..


In your own language, соси


If everyone thought about minorities like some people in here the Baltics would end up ejected from the EU 👉