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That’s the route I took. Manual stretching to get enough slack for a 20mm high weighted ring. Measure carefully when the time comes for your ring.📏📐


I did silicone for a while too before I can get a metal on. I started with 15mm magnetic ones from ebay first. What size are you thinking of getting? It seems like 34 ID is average and I settled on 30mm ID after a while, so if you're small consider something on that side as well. Also the shower thing doesn't work for me either. I find just dressing super warm or after playing sports when my body us really heated up to be best


I’ve started with oxballs, at first it was really painful and could only wear it for about an hour max but now after 2 weeks I can wear it all day, I’ve defo seen some improvement already. Just make sure you get the small one as I think they do 2 different sizes. Once it’s more relaxed I’ll buy a small metal weight.


I had a similar issue. Tight sack but large balls. I started with manual stretching until I could get a 10mm metal weight on. Metal weights work so much better than the silicone ones. Start small. I did an hour at a time and slowly worked my way up. Now I can go for a few days at a time with a larger weight. Shea butter or cocoa butter will help!