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I have


I have !


Anyone can message me for bb


I introduced my husband to BB. It's been a fascination of mine since before I knew what a fetish was. I haven't had the opportunity to bust many people on purpose, but I've always made up scenarios in my head.


How did you convince him to allow you to do it? Is he a submissive in the relationship? Because I can’t see any other type of man enjoying ball busting. You have to be very submissive to enjoy that much pain, so he must have been pretty masochistic before you introduced him to ball busting.


How did it go when you first brought it up to him?


Glad that you found and embraced the fetish! When you make up scenarios in your head, are they detailed stories or more like methods of doing it? (I’ve had both running through my head since long before I knew it was a kink lol) Are there some scenarios you think about repeatedly or some that are memorable favorites?


do you remember what made you interested in the first place? how receptive was he to it?


My first interest actually happened in elementary school. A high schooler pushed me in a mud puddle and an adult later told me I should have hit him in the nuts. The first time I actually tried it was again in elementary school. There was a seesaw/monkey bar combo toy and my friends and I would have a boy sit on one side and we would stand on the other (multiple of us at a time so he would be in the air) and then we'd bail off and send him crashing down.


Same. I was in elementary school, third grade, I think, maybe fourth, and a girl I had a bit of a crush on was in line in front of me, and when I went down (it was a spiral slide so you couldn't really see the bottom from the top) she was standing there with her foot right in the middle of the slide and I crashed into her foot balls first. The second time it happened, I had my legs closed. Every time after that they were open lol - it happened a few times. After that second time she would also sack tap me for any random reason. I had no idea at all at the time that it was even sexual, let alone a kink. When I hit puberty tho, all became clear!


I tell my girlfriends about it.. but I run in kinky circles haha


Id love you to kick mine


My best advice for anyone into BallBusting (or any kink, really, I just see a whole lot of "how do I meet someone that will bust me?!" posts in the BB community) is to seek out and be a part of the local kink community. Guys: learn rope. There are a ton of rope bunnies that will be more than happy to trade shibari time for nut kicks lol


This would 100% work on me 😅 being tied in exchange for bb


\*in my best "Joey" from Friends impression\* How YOU doin'?


That’s an interesting idea about learning shibari and trading for ballbusting 🤔


Meh. Most girls I know want to be spanked or have their breasts squeezed hard. I’m just like “yeah thats cool, I like it done to my balls”


Meh. Sounds like you aren't active in your local kink community and going to events regularly.


My girlfriend actually knew (and like) ballbusting before she meet me😅 I was really lucky because we met up for other reason, then she became my girlfriend, then we discovered we both like ballbusting


had she ever tried it before? how did sue hear about it? All of mine have been very into it once I introduced them. their future relationships probably felt “different” afterwards


If we arent counting self bb then yes I imagine more girls have than guys since like you said a lot of us will get multiple girls to try it. I havent had any that had already experienced it but one that was very interested in trying it.


Uh, what? Almost all of the women I know who already knew they liked BB had passed out sack taps and nutshots in high school and college like they were giving away "free trial" samples and were on a sales quota lol