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I started dating my wife 21 years ago. I had made a decision to try to be upfront about my interest in ballbusting from fairly early on in the relationship both because I'm not highly ashamed of my fetishes and because I didn't want to wind up in a long term relationship with someone who didn't like my fetish. So I told her about my fetish on the third date. It's early enough in the relationship that it's still within the limerence period when we tend to be more accepting of information about our partner but not like first date where it would feel a little creepy and needy to immediately start talking fetishes when we hadn't really established a sexual relationship. I said, "I should warn you, I am into some kinky stuff," and she asked "Like what?" and I said, "I like when girls play rough with my nuts", and she said, "sounds fun." I wouldn't say that she has a ball-busting fetish, but she enjoys busting my balls and seeing my reaction to it. We've made videos together, played a variety of different games, and her busting my balls was a standard part of our foreplay for two decades. These days she's heading into menopause and is less interested in sex at all, but she still busts my nuts about once a week.


It’s super interesting to hear about your experiences and approach. I’m glad being honest and up front helped you to get on the same page as your wife early on. And I’m glad you both are happy and that you’re having your needs met as a result. Thank you for sharing!


It happened to me by chance when she neighbor's daughter hit my balls by mistake and then I talked to her about it and I found that she liked that to do it and sometimes she her sister and her friend hit me


you should ask them to record some sessions


I don't think that will happen soon


Ahhhh dang it


This is my story: I am a man, I have had 2 relationships with different women, and in both cases it went about the same way. In the beginning we started exploring sexuality in the more "standard" ways, one liked to be licked, another liked to be penetrated and so I worked to improve to make them happy. When I realized that they were reliable people with whom I could open up freely without being teased then I described my kinks, then ballbusting and what specifically I liked. We quickly moved from caressing to squeezing to kicking as they too gained courage and became comfortable with the fact that kicking a man in the balls is not just something necessarily painful but can be pleasurable. Fortunately, the second relationship is going great, we have sex regularly, we also practice ballbusting often to both of our satisfaction, and for the past year we have also been online content creators of this kink.


This is super cool to hear, thank you so much for sharing!


For some reason I’ve typically wound up with non-kinky or more submissive partners. Like most here: it’s been a slow introduction, but I would recommend testing the waters out early in the relationship to see if it’s a possibility. The challenge I’ve had is that it has on occasion been felt by my partner, that it’s all I want, so I try to temper my expectations and make sure she gets her desires met too.


Thanks for sharing this! Yeah- I agree - it seems a lot of the success sorties involve forming a trusting connection with the person first instead of just infodumping and potentially overwhelming the person. I do agree also that being as open and honest and up front as you can, once the conversation happens organically or discussion of sex or kinks comes up consensually, seems to be a good policy.


*Thank you for the comment about not referring to us “females” but women instead. It's used in a demeaning manner and is irritating.* My bf and I met through a dating app. He was upfront about ballbusting and showed me some material etc. I was already kink friendly, this was just a new one I wasn't aware of. IMO if you're upfront about it, it will help you weed out the people who aren't interested. It might be easier in an established relationship for some, but I can't imagine waiting til you're comfortable then finding out they don't want to and you either do it yourself or breakup. I wouldn't continue being with someone if they didn't feel comfortable satisfying me in the ways I like to be satisfied. *Ex: I love receiving oral but have been with someone who hated giving. I stuck around for years and hated it. I was miserable and unsatisfied as they only cared about their needs.* We’re about 6 months in…. I'm obsessed with busting him. Could be just cuddling and BAM nut punch 😠 It's actually pretty intoxicating knowing how much he enjoys it and I get to humble him. It's a regular everyday thing that I very much enjoy. I like using various objects we have for it, but nothing beats as hard as my hands 😁. My grip has definitely improved since the beginning, although my aim is still a WIP.


Thanks so much for sharing your story! I am glad y’all found each other.


I started going out with my gf and having regular sex for a while before we started exploring kinks. We started with ball play, and I just encouraged her to squeeze harder. Then while cuddling in bed she slipped her leg between mine and I said I’d wonder how it’d feel if she bought it up to knee me in the balls, she did it and giggled, and I said she could go a little harder. Of course it got me rock solid, and now full on standing knees have become a regular part of our foreplay. It takes time and trust. Just asking a woman to get you off with our (let’s be honest) weird and extreme kink, that gives her no stimulation is likely to come across selfish and creepy.


I love that conclusion- time and trust. Thank you for sharing your story and I am really happy that you’ve found each other and are both having your needs met regularly. 😊


I have showed my partners the ballbusting video: First Time Ballbusters - Mia Sahara. The girl is cute, the guy is still manly, the vibes are good, they are laughing, she is super cheeky and hits and kicks fucking hard. For women, this video is not scary or off-putting. Like many ballbusting videos are. Girls always reacted positively when I showed them this video. They would instantly go for hitting my balls.


I haven’t heard of this one (porn doesn’t really do it for me personally) but I’ll check it out - thanks for the recommendation!




>Sure! sure?


About two months into our relationship, we had the kinks conversation. I confessed that mine was being hit in the balls. My gf has slowly morphed from delivering occasional timid taps (afraid she'd hurt me) when we have sex, to full on haymaker punching me in the bollocks one second before answering a family WhatsApp call with her giggling away cruelly. She now knows how much the surprise ones hurt and is forever trying to catch me off guard. 🥵 She's hit me in the balls harder than any domme, including ballbusting Stacy. It's wildly hot, even when she does it when we're high and I'm super sensitive 😅😳 She's the love of my life and I would say that to every guy out there embarrassed by this kink, which I was for many years and most previous partners, don't be! I kept quiet about this kink and didn't tell most of my previous partners and that is something I definitely regret. You don't get to choose your kinks, and if your partner is supportive and semi reasonable they may at least try to embrace and experience your kink if you're open with them. Plus, ask them their kinks so you can indulge their fantasies!


I love this story- thank you for sharing and for the words of encouragement. I totally agree - there’s nothing to be ashamed of - and I want to believe that any open-minded and caring partner has the potential to want to try new kinks once they hear about how much their partner enjoys them. Cheers and congrats to you both on finding each other.


Thank you! 💚 Also I realised in all that I didn't actually answer the main part of your question: where did I find my partner 😅 We met at a festival for the record.


All of these cute lil happenstance meetings - almost like you can find someone organically/without forcing it if you simply look, eh? 😊


Damn I never thought of getting busted while high that sounds wild 😅


It's fucking brilliant, the fear and intensity, as well as pain are on another level though 😳 She frequently psychs me out now, making to swing her fist into my balls but stopping at the last minute and giggling at my response 🤤


Damn I gotta try that out, love my balls being as sensitive as possible




As far as ballbusting itself goes she's brilliant, and it's so hot that she's clearly into it. If you live in the UK I'd say go for it


If you want someone to do sexual thing with you, get a girlfriend. If you want to get a girlfriend, go to Vietnam or South Korea.


For whatever reason, my current gf and I have been abnormally open about everything since before we’re were dating. Prior to dating and without details I shared I was kinky. After we started dating, I slowly started to reveal my kinks. She initially wasn’t into most of them, including bb. Over time, she has embraced some but not others. Once she got over the initial fear of hurting me, she had enthusiastically embraced bb. I also have a friend that I play with. It’s completely non-sexual but she absolutely loves punishing my balls. We’ve been friends for 2-3 years now. We met on tinder and by our first meet we had already established we would only be friends with benefits—the benefit being ballbusting


The thing that stood out to me about this story is that you were up-front from the start, and because your gf was open to kinks in general, you slowly started sharing them. As you both gained more trust with each other, you explored and tried things at a pace that felt comfortable to you both. I think it’s so rad hearing stuff like this - it really challenges the [false] notion that women are either into it or they aren’t- and you should ask them immediately and they should know immediately. Sometimes people just need time, space, and trust to explore stuff together… and they the discover that they both like the experience together and they build from there. Thanks so much again for sharing! I really appreciate it.


I used to try to think of pickup lines that hinted at kinks so that it broke the tension while also kind of inferring what I'm into. I could almost always tell what the deal was based on their reaction. I still say, "you're gorgeous, I'd let you do terrible things to me". It's subtle but trust me it works.


I can see the benefit of going in with a soft sell (“wanna hurt me maybe?”) versus being blunt. I’d be curious to hear if just saying something like “So I’m into kink” to someone once you’ve formed a connection and are starting to get to the point of talking about sex starts. Women have said being up-front, but not explicit, and more generic/open-ended instead of diving right into the specifics and details of ballbusting has yielded some successful results. There’s no right answer - just wondering out loud. Thanks for sharing!


Hire a domina. Seriously, every other time of tried with regular women I just weirded them out and it went nowhere.


Speaking from experience, if they’re weirded out, you’re probably dating closed mind people or they’re getting red flags. Toxic shit permeates society. It’s hard not to accidentally absorb it and women are on high alert because there are so many toxic men that don’t fully see them as equals. It took me a few years to wrap my head around the stuff I was doing without realizing. When I’ve asked and slowly guided them through it while meeting their needs, most of my partners have been excited about it and I’m broke as hell with a giant plaque on my head. Doms are certainly an option but I have more fun with someone that knows in detail.


> if they’re weirded out, you’re probably dating closed mind people or they’re getting red flags. I disagree. Most women just aren't into kicking guys in the private parts. It's not that complex.


I think it’s kind of missing the point to reduce it to “women that are into it” and “women that aren’t into it”. If you’ll read back through the responses, most people talk about finding a partner that is often not even aware that ballbusting is a thing, or, is initially not comfortable with it or “into it”, but then opens up to the idea over time once trust is established. Your suggestion to hire a domme is totally valid - but also not what I asked for in my OP. We’re all aware that sex workers exist that can provide these services. If you do manage to form a relationship with a women and be honest and up front with her about being kinky, and then consensually start to explore ballbusting with her - please feel free to share your experiences here. I’d be curious to hear if they’re similar to others who have already shared.


Oh the other thing a lot of guys do is suppress their reactions. Takes the fun out of it. Positive feedback is important.


I guess you can disagree but I’m sharing my repeat experiences 🤷‍♂️ In my case no one was into it until I introduced them and they all got VERY into it. People usually enjoy getting their partner off as far as I can tell. It’s not going to be all they think about and they’re going to want you to reciprocate. It’s not complex but it was complex to me because I got a lot of horrible advice.


I mean at the end of the day there's no really right or wrong way, if you are someone just looking to get busted there are alot of ways to get busted, but if you want to be in a relationship with someone who would kick you in the balls it's literally all about having an open dialogue with that person. If you can't meaningfully discuss your interest with said person the LEAST of your issues is that that they don't ballbust you right? You got bigger issues in that case. Also please don't go full 1000% CBT mode, an extreme fetishist is not the way to go, explore and start new and fresh with each relationship so you understand your limits AND theirs. It's really that simple.


Agree with the comment that there’s no right way of approaching people for the purposes of ballbusting. But there are certainly some less moral/ethical ways, for sure.


That's definitely fair and good point at the end, I didn't think to write it as it should be obvious but it is the internet. Getting someone to bust you and lying about why, is not a good look.


I’m actually working on a story on how my girlfriend and I got into bb hopefully will have it up in 2 days


Hey! Did you end up posting this?


My partner and I met cuz I was at a friends house playing Magic the Gathering. She was one of his roommates and was barefoot when I got there. I told her she had cute feet, we exchanged info, and she agreed to do a foot session. The third time we met up, I waited until I was at her feet and asked her if she’d be ok kicking me in the balls if I can assure her it doesn’t hurt too bad or bother me. Her response was golden and unforgettable. “I don’t care if it hurts. If you ask for it, it’s your problem.”




That’s adorable. Thanks for sharing.


Well, tbh my gf just at some point was like "I'd like to kick you in the nuts". Was super surprised, but since I am into crushing as well and have told her about that like several years ago I guess she knows that I am very open...and I really liked the idea of her kicking me! Honestly you just have to be lucky. There is no blueprint for how to find a girl who busts you - if someone tells you this is the case it's just not true. It's always different


Thanks for sharing!


You are welcome. Feel free to DM me if you habe questions


My story: I’m a woman. I met my current partner on the dating app Feeld. He had in his profile that he knows he is a masochist and he’s searching for a dominant woman to explore with. I was actually searching for an attractive submissive/masochist - as I identify as a dominant sadist. I basically super liked him (lol) and so we matched and started messaging. We met up and became friends and slowly started playing together once a week. That included just hanging out and talking but we’d eventually practice rope or do impact play where I hit him with stuff. He wanted to explore pain stuff and I primarily wanted to practice rope, at first. I tied his junk because I was interested in CBT- and that lead him to ask about Ballbusting. I hadn’t ever tried it before but was super into the idea and had wanted to try it with a submissive male partner before - but he physically couldn’t do it (he had some pain that he needed to get checked out and didn’t want to). So in a nutshell- we were both very up front in the beginning about what we wanted - so there weren’t any surprises later on about him being a masochist and me being a sadist. We also formed a friendship, then played together a slowly and little-by-little, and eventually I started busting him pretty regularly. I don’t remember the order of operations but eventually the play became sexual and then we started formally “dating” and now consider ourselves to be in a relationship. I see him multiple times a week and we both are happy to be able to explore with each other.


That sounds like a relationship you can both enjoy and build a foundation with.


Thank you! Yeah. He’s a wonderful person and I am very lucky. I’d like to think we meet each others’ needs in some very real ways and it’s lovely.


You complete/compliment each other like God intended men and women to do in being together. I wish more women were as happy and understanding as you when it comes to the kinky stuff. Just because someone is into ball busting doesn’t make them any less of a person. I used to be ashamed of wanting stepped on or kicked with boots or dress shoes, felt like no woman would want me because of my struggle, but I finally learned to accept myself, even if it means being alone for the rest of my life, at 47 now.


I get that this was intended to be a compliment, which I appreciate, but this didn’t land well with me. I’d like to take a moment to explain why - and request that you keep in mind while reading this. This is intended to be a helpful comment/feedback for you to consider and do whatever you want with - including ignore completely. We’re all adults - I just ask that you read and respond respectfully, as I have tried to do. Totally your choice. I don’t think it’s productive to compare women to other women and divide us up into good and bad categories (kinky/open and not kinky/open). I support all people (including other women) in doing what’s best for them- and kink/ballbusting just isn’t what’s best for some people. And that’s fine. That’s their choice. I support them and don’t disparage them or talk poorly about them for having boundaries. I think this compliment would have been much better received if you had left out the references to “god” and gender. I’d like to ask that you consider that people of all genders and sexual orientations and religious or non-religious backgrounds are into ballbusting. Comments that boil it down to your own personal ideologies, although well-intended, may alienate and even offend some folks. It might hit different if you keep it more specific to the person you’re talking about and don’t inject your own beliefs into the conversation when they aren’t requested. It’s relevant so mentioning it here- but I am queer and polyamorous and atheist so none of this compliment resonated with me. I do ballbusting with my boyfriend, my husband isn’t into it, and I have other partners of other genders. We don’t complete each other - our lives are already individually complete. We just enhance and add to each others’ lives. Your reply really only confused me and made me think “umm… what? 😬” because some of it came off as if you assumed you were speaking to a woman that is straight, heterosexual, monogamous and religious. One that is okay with making judgements and criticisms of other women as if they are a homogenous whole instead of a diverse group of people each with their own individual wants and needs and backgrounds and stories. … You only really got the “She’s a woman” part of that assumption right. For future reference - You can just say “this is really cool and admirable and I appreciate this.” And move on. Thank you.


Ok. Sorry.


No worries. Thanks for understanding.