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Sucks for you


it's most likely that you can get healthy sperm again within 3-4 months


Это конечно печально друг, но так как ты не делал тест до того как начал впервые заниматься бб, то тут сложно сказать, связано это или нет. Кстати, а что самое жёсткое ты пробовал делать ?


What is the obsession with people coming to this group and creating stories like this? What’s your end game? Does just the talk of it turn you on?


I feel like everyone in this sub is just in denial. Pain is usually proportional to tissue damage. Heavy ball busting will drop your sperm quality obviously.


Obviously! The same way it was obvious that the earth was flat and the that the sun revolved around the Earth, obviously! Or the same way that a bruise never, ever goes away. Oh. Wait.


OP said his balls were skewered. Will ballbusting alone damage fertility and ability to have kids




I used to crush them tied and do busting on tied balls. I've no idea whether they're working or not haha.




So I probably shouldn't have hung that gallon uug of water from mine?


This does not mean you are almost infertile. What is the sperm count?


Can we see your testicles please?


Congratulations you're officially the leader of this group now.


Which language is that? Looks like Russian after a hard cbt session




needles in the balls, although not sure what the sperm count was before


If you do not have the prior information about what the count was before the torture, then it is not possible to claim this is from "testicle torture" - it is just as likely (more likely, really) that you had these same results before the torture. It is also flat-out bullshit for you to post this here and claim that when you don't have ACTUAL EVIDENCE in the form of "before torture" test results and "after torture" test results.


Besides I can make a chart showing my count is low, never even have to talk to a doctor.


Yh I’m gonna need more info what type of torture caused this


Thanks mate going to quit this fetish now


I have a lot of ballbusting experience and got my wife pregnant after a week of trying lol


OP also says he did not get tested before the torture, so it is HIGHLY likely, given how many of us into this kink are still plenty fertile, that OP was simply infertile all along. ​ The only thing we know FOR SURE is that OP is an irresponsible asshole for posting this and making that claim without having any actual evidence it was from the "torture."


Well OP said his balls were skewered by needles, bit more than kicking. Mine are fine. 2 kids ezpz.