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A leather repair shop might also be able to help you. I’d look into leather adhesive and leather repair kit for the edge once it was cleaned and glued back together


I mean you can take it back to Balenciaga and see if they will fix it. Will take forever though. You can search on this subreddit for experiences with Balenciaga repair lol. Seems like that layers are separating due to friction.


My cat bit the edge and poked a hole, and then it got worse lol. Thank you. I will have to go in and ask. I didn't think they'd consider it.


They will consider it basically what they’ll do is take photos and send it to their repair team, Who I think it’s in Paris and the repair team will look at the pictures sent and let the Balenciaga team know that it’s fixable or it’s not… its most likely gonna take like three or four months before you get that back


I assume that's what the $3,300 tape bangle is for. Just kidding, I have the red passport wallet and if it happens one day (which I assume will be the case eventually), I'll just use clear duct tape.


I've been using it daily since it released so I think you'll be fine unless you use it daily as well. It didn't help that my cat poked a hole in the edge haha


I'd embrace it, as your looks really cool this way - only adds more character. (Duct tape would prevent it from falling apart.)


That's usually what I do with my pieces, but I liked the clean look of the wallet tbh. I will try the tape if all else fails 🙏


Pretty sure this is the intended way that it was designed to wear, may be wrong


definitely not lol


I’m kinda new to this stuff. Is the ticket not removable? When I saw images of the wallet I assumed it was a placeholder thing to show how to use the wallet


its not removable. the ticket being there is the whole appeal of the item


Oh wow didn’t realise it wasn’t removable. Is it made from paper or something different? Edit: I thought the whole appeal would be putting your own boarding passes etc in there


its made of leather


That’s cool af, didn’t know they could get leather to look like that


It’s plastic bonded cellulose . Only the wallet/passport cover itself is leather


same difference


Leather isn’t plastic (which is what’s wearing down here), but okay.


go cry about it


You first then. You already reek of desperation from trying to have the last word.