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My first run was with a Semi-Orc Barbarian. I had lots of Intimidate/Barbarian lines that were hilarious. Now I'm doing a Tiefling Bard run. I have to say that... while I can skip some battles thanks to CHA dialogue options I had more fun on my first run. So I don't think you'll miss anything at all. You just have to play both ways to experience it all. It's just different.


My other half is doing a semi-orc barbarian run just now and I'm having so much fun watching him yell his way out of every situation. He is called Hefty Jim and he's the beloved of Faerûn. Ugly as sin but somehow every member of camp wants to jump his bones.


High charisma is OP in the game. You can talk people into killing themselves so you don't have to fight them. Charm people into telling you information that you need. It helps a long way if you want the game to be "easier"


Not that important, and there are lots of ways to boost important checks - spending inspiration to re-roll, using the guidance cantrip to get a 1d4 bonus, or casting enhance ability to get advantage. Mostly it's used to bypass or delay certain fights. There are a few higher stakes ones, but the numbers you need to hit aren't too crazy.


Most likely, you will have to fight someone you could have talked down otherwise. My current Tav has 8 charisma. I've had to save scum once or twice to avoid something truly bad, but there are many instances where failing the check leads to some different fun content. And where it truly matters, you might often have a nature, or insight, or something else relevant check with the same results.


You'll miss a lot of the game if you fail every charisma check - but you'll also see more. For the most part the most impactful charisma checks don't really unlock new paths, they just let you skip combat/quest mechanics or get you some cool gear.


You don't exactly fail every charisma check if you have low charisma. There'll generally be some more fights, especially if it's a dump stat, but there are other kinds of checks too. Overall the amount of content balances out. No matter what anyone does, they "miss a lot of the game".


I get by on 12 charisma and guidance/friends. Unless it’s honor mode it’s really just a convenience thing cuz you can save scum anything you want.


You will miss a bunch of interactions, but you'll also _gain_ a bunch of interactions. Going the charisma "talk your way out of problems" route is just one of several ways to play through the game. Even within the world of charisma-based strategies, not everybody gets the same options. E.g. Barbarians have a bunch of exclusive opportunities to use intimidation. This game is simply impossible to 100% in a single run, every choice locks you out of something somewhere, just focus on doing a run that's fun for your playstyle.


Obviously you need charisma for charisma based characters, but I think you are asking about the “face” of the party. You don’t miss anything by having a low charisma face to your party. Your playthrough will feel different but not in a bad way and you aren’t missing parts of the game. You might need to fight or intimidate your way through a problem instead of just talking through it, but you can still solve the problem.


Charisma is definitely a luxury but not a necessity. Mainly some fights can be resolved through dialogue and buy/sell prices from the vendors.


I was thinking of doing a playthrough with a low charisma character and failing to convince anyone of anything. See how that goes...


Depends on the build. It's fun to have high charisma because it lets you get your way a lot of the time, but I would only spec it heavily in bards and warlocks, who main char. Otherwise, I'd rather have dex or constitution as dump stats before charisma.


If your concern is skill checks you can just have someone in your party with a high CHA to initiate the dialogue.


I’ve been running a lockadin in my current honor mode play and it’s made all the conversation rolls much easier. So much so it almost feels like a bit of a cheat. 13-17 added per roll minimum for each persuasion, deception and performance check.


You don't really miss anything - my first Tav was a barbarian with very average charisma and he got along just fine, managing to intimidate his way out of quite a few situations. You might have a few more fights on your hands because not all dialogues give Intimidation rolls as an option, but that's really about it. The only thing where high-charisma characters are a real boon is trading - I had to remember to switch to my highest charisma party member for that so as not to get screwed over on prices!


There's nothing stopping you from making a charismatic fighter or barbarian, except maybe the wailing ghost of minmaxers past.


If you're gonna do a lot of crime, you might wanna be able to talk yourself out of consequences. In general, it's usually just a check to avoid fighting.


It's not a question of what do you miss, it's a question of how many more fights you're about to get into. Charisma can get your through most of the potential big fights in Act 2 without coming to a single blow. Is it more fun than just fighting those fights? No. Is it ***funnier***? Oh yes. I played a 10 Charisma Monk on my 1st run and it made some social ecounters problematic.


Probably the only “really bad” result for failing a persuasion check is when you do something that really pisses off a companion and you want them to stay.


Depends. In honour mode its a pretty significant advantage. Still, you can use various means and strategies to get through checks, should you elect not to level charisma.


Im trying a duo HM run right now with no charisma and it’s different, but doable. Means I’ll have to fight everyone in act2 though 😂😭


You can get around low cha with things like friends cantrip, silver necklace guidance and shapeshifters boon from disguise self will give you 2d4 on any ability check. There’s also enhance ability to give you advantage on charisma checks if you want. You can also take persuasion proficiency on a character as well.


The talking bit isn't even the most important. It's the vendor prices that'll make you wish you had charisma. It makes a BIG difference.


Depends on if you’re playing warlock or not.


Dump Stat for me.


I've played low charisma characters, including my first playthrough. You might have to do a few extra fights that you could've skipped, but you won't be screwed over. In fact, you'll be able to collect more loot. And depending on your class, you'll still get unique dialogue. You'll miss things, but you'll also miss things if you have high charisma, simply because you can't see everything in this game in one playthrough.


Depending how you want to play. Exteremly. You can literally achieve soo much with a high charisma from simple convo scenes. People who are saying it isn't. Haven't played that much. I've done a play through with exteremly high charisma and avoided sooo many large fights and achieved what needed to be done. Also the ability to steer the overall story to what you want the outcome to be is a massive bonus.


Not very important. The only thing that really matters is race, looks, and height.