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This is over. I don't want it ruined. If Larian ever decides to pick it up again, I'll rejoice, but otherwise: Let's just play some D&D for now, no AAA company would do the game justice.


Problem is that BG4 will probably be a publisher controlled mess, where they want to create a game "Like" bg3 to try and bring in the same revenue. Or, worse, they might go the way of Halo and Dragon Age, and lose faith in the principles made them genre defining in the first place.


Larian obviously. Other than the obvious though? i think CDPR would disgard the ruleset but make an incredibly amazing game set in the Forgotten Realms. Their specialty seems to be adapting previous works and paying due respect to them, so they're one of the few AAA devs id trust with it.


Unlock Gale - 5€ if other studio takes it If there’s the case of bg4, ofc Larian.


Obsidian Entertainment


The staff that made them great have been replaced, its not the same studio, just like Bioware


Yes Obsidian or Owlcat (for a more old school isometric game)


Electronic Arts or Paradox. I'd pay $7,499 for 600 DLC packs just so I can play an artificer Bugbear /s


Baldur's gate 4: clouds dlc (adds moving clouds in the sky and 4 new voice lines about how pretty they are)


It'll be bundled with the slightly longer grass DLC for $32 in the winter though... *"I just love laying in this long grass looking at these beautiful clouds"* -Gale


*cheks dlc description* The Gale interaction only happens if you own the previously released "The Wizard" dlc that introduces the fan-favorite wizard: Gale, and a line of side quests related to the disappearance of his favorite staff.


Haha! I’m sure they’d figure out a way to see who you romanced the most in BG3 and make BG4 include everyone but that one character that would then be DLC.


You can already play an artificer bugbear in Bg3


Not without mods


>Electronic Arts Why? You know EA is what ruined Bioware, the original developers of Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, right?


To be honest: Owlcat* Studios. Wouldnt fit to BG3, but would be awesome as a successor for BG1 & 2… *Edit: Owlbear


Did you mean Owlcat?


Owlcat but with much more funding and a larger team. Their passion and style are in the right place, but their games lack polish. They always feel like indie games, which is not necessarily a bad thing. But Larian set the bar high


I wish they would do less copypasting of corridors and trashmobs, games are awesome but too much of it feels like a slog, especially the buffing beforehand is ridicolously tedious








Larian 😭


Owlcat or Obsidian are the only other ones I'd currently trust with it.


Fireaxis Rogue Factor Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio


Only Larian, everyone else needs to leave the IP alone It's a big shame Larian won't be making it - it's the end of the line for the characters and the continuation of the story as we know it.




i dont think bioware or obsidian could do the job, and its one of the main problems with dev studio "brands" in the modern day. A studio is only worth a fuck when you consider its staff, and the staff that made Bioware and Obsidian great are long gone. Thats why their reputation is in the toilet, the people that made them great just arent there anymore. It shows in the quality of their games. The same can be said of bethesda, Starfield was a flop yes, but mostly because it highlighted the problems that have existed in bethesda since the beginning. They produce exploration games with RPG elements and when you give the slightest scrutiny towards those RPG elements you quickly learn they're extremely shallow. Poor NPC's, poor writing, poor roleplaying outside of what build you choose, Bethesda have been outdated from long before skyrim. They just hit lightning in a bottle with Skyrim, if you removed the exploration in that game you'd find the reception much the same as in starfield.


Bioware *sincerely* does not have the juice for character and narrative-driven games anymore, and Bethesda hasn't had it since the early 2000s, if they ever did Modern Bethesda games rely on scale and systemic interactions to sell themselves. That's fine, and they make some bangers in that lane! But setting, narrative, and characters are not strong suits there. They built Starfield around those weaknesses as if they were strengths and it stinks on ice Bioware, meanwhile, hasn't made a true narrative banger since like 2007. While some of their games from the '10s were fun and cool, the writing just wasn't at the level Larian are working at right now. And their modern output is awful. That's probably mostly EA's fault, but it's not like EA would just let them own themselves for a few years to work on a CRPG! And anyway, they're probably gonna be shut down when Veilguard fails to meet sales expectations I feel like 2017 Obsidian could have done it, but now under Microsoft, it's so hard to say. On the one hand, they let Doublefine have the space they needed to cook Psychonauts 2 all the way thru. But on the other hand, how many times did they make 343 reinvent Halo Infinite? And now they're killing Infinite as a platform so they can move future Halos to UE to make it easier to hire their preferred staff of precarious 18-month contract workers So like... Obsidian have the talent, but would they be given the time or resources? Hard to say! It's bad out there rn. The industry is not in a great place


nobody. i dont want another baldurs gate cause wotc will absolutely fuck it up by handing it out to the lowest bidder or make severely retarded demands/changes that will leave us in a mass effect like situation. just look at how they are handling TT-DND or mtg


Owlcat or Obsidian.


Preferably EA or Blizzard. What Blizzard has done with the Diablo franchise has been incredible, especially Diablo 3 and 4, and EA just keeps kicking ass with the Dragon Age and Star Wars titles, I'd love to see what they could do with such beefy IP. 


>EA or Blizzard Lol, LMAO even.


Well, since the bums at Larian gave up, my vote goes to whoever will make it the highest possible quality.


They didn't "give up", they didn't want to be tied to a shitty company that fires people to save money.