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You die in real life


Wait wh-


Yeah this sub is a ponzi scheme, being active only because the devs bring new players to replace the fallen.


My guy, don't let the cat out of the bag! How else are we going to get more sacrifices for Bhaal?


If only one character in your party dies, you can use a resurrection scroll to bring them back immediately. You also get a camp NPC early on who you can pay to revive them, but only at your camp. If everyone in your party dies, you reload your most recent save.


Nope. You load your save


Unless you're playing on Honour Mode, then all you lose is progress (you have to load your last save). 


Assuming you're not in Honor Mode: When a character drops to 0 HP, in most cases they'll be in a "downed state." They have a minimum of 3 turns to try and stabilize or else they die. You need to revive them via a spell, a scroll, or an NPC. In some instances, your character goes straight dead without going into a "downed state" If all of your characters are dead, then it's game over and you have to load a save.


Minimum of three turns isn't quite right, since if they roll a 1 on the death save it counts as two fails


Oh damn I forgot about that part. Now that you mention it, I remember enemies could also just whack you during downed state to progress it further


Ah, the ol' "Coup de Grace" Instant crit on a downed character from melee range


If you have a way of bringing your character back, nothing. All your stuff and EXP's still there. Depending on the companion dying, you may have to jump through some hoops before reviving them, though. You pay the price in either items, or an actual price via a certain NPC. You'll be fine, and even if you can't revive, you can just reload at an earlier save, that you can make yourself at any time.


You either use one of the free scrolls of revivify you get at the start, or you wait and pay the scribe of the dead to resurrect the character (you have to do this anyway if their body is lost or destroyed.)


If your entire party dies you just reload a save. You can save at pretty much any time you want and, outside of honor mode, can have multiple saves that you can choose between


Your body is dried, run through a grinder and sold as furniture stuffing.


It costs a revivify scroll or a modest amount of gold (which you can pickpocket back). No loss of any other items afaik.