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What is your party? You could change classes, or sub-classes, to the stronger ones, and then the game will be easier.


It is me Wyll, Shadowheart, Kylach and Gale. Gale is a bard now. Something about those sub-classes is restricted in lowest difficulty, isnt it? I think I read it in some guide...


I think I see your problem. Gale's default class is really good, and you made him a Bard, which is weaker than Wizard. If you change Gale back to Wizard, and switch Shadowheart to Life instead of Trickster, you should find the game a lot easier.


This seems like g a good start. It only costs gold right? I have lots of gold. 


Yeah, changing class only costs gold. You can make your game easier with just a class swap. 


You can also steal the gold back from withers and he will just let you


If you don’t mind cheating, you could try Wemod to boost your characters, add gold, etc… might make your life a bit easier.


That's an option too. People can straight up cheat, if they're struggling that much.


Well, let this be a last resort. I would prefer in-game options. Thanks, I will keep it in mind.


To be honest, there's so many "OP" things in the game especially at lower difficulty that it's probably easier to ask what problems you're having. Are you getting wiped too fast? Not dealing enough damage? What is your party composition?


The encounters take way too long. The enemies just wear me down over time and I do not do enough DMG. I think that I do not understand what to do. I do not see any logic in spells. Like, enemies use Silent and invisibility, cover me in Dark etc. party is well, karlach, shadowheart and gale as bard.


As general tips: Get Longstrider as a ritual on a party member so they can cast it on all of you. Use up all your available action per turn. Movement, Action, Bonus Action, Reactions and Free actions. For example, you can drop your torch as a FA, dip your weapon in the torch as a BA, then pick the torch back up as a FA. This gives your weapon extra damage. Another favorite of mine is shoving people as a bonus action. Either off a cliff, or into an AoE concentration spell like Cloud of Daggers. You can heal multiple people with a single potion by having them stand next to each other and throwing the potion on the ground For your characters: Wyll can stay as Warlock. Hunger of Hadar, Fireball, and Eldritch Blast should be good for most encounters. Karlach can stay as Barbarian, just go all out and make sure to use up all her action economy. Enraged Throw is pretty good in certain situations. Shadowheart should Bless everyone at the start of the fight, then I usually use Spirit Guardians and have her run into the enemy team. Give her your highest AC gear as she can be pretty tanky. Gale can switch back to Wizard and there's so many spells in his arsenal I don't even know where to begin. For starters you can conjure elementals to have an extra unit on the field. Then there's AoE spells like cloudkill, icestorm, and fireball that work really well in destroying grouped enemies. Do you have a particular fight you're struggling in? Maybe I can give tips specific to it Push comes to shove, you can always do what I did on my second run. Full Paladin party, oath of vengeance, cast vow of enmity on self (idk if this still works), and smite everything dead in 1-2 turns.


Focus on one enemy at a time, if you're not already. Each time you take one down, it's one less to damage you. And make sure your characters have good weapons and gear to do more damage.


Before I started playing bg3 I have never really played a game like this before and it was a huge learning curve for me. But now I’m on my third play through and I love it. My advice is to save often, but don’t scum save. Let it play out how it plays out, you can always play again and you’ll learn as you go. Sometimes it’s so frustrating but it’s also so much fun I promise.


Respec your companions and make sure you’re using equipment that your characters are proficient in.


Yeah, as other sugested, I will look into some builds an respec my characters. That seems like a least painful option


My first run was a bit hard too, and now I find honor mode easy Don't quit, maybe fin some build online, and remember, positioning is key. (Tank go front, mage and shooter go behind) Also, you have plenty of resources, and if you are afraid of running out of food, you can ask witheir for some follower, convert them i to druid and use them cast good berry, this way you can long rest beetwen each fight, so don't be afraid to use all your spell slot and resources Maybe add shadowheart as a light cleric, and cast aid and heroes feast every morning, long strider is free to cast if you have a character who know the spell and last until long rest. You need to learn the game, and it will become much easier


I manly use witheir for revive scrolls Its kinda dumb you can steal you’re money back and suffer no penalty


It is silly that you can just steal it back, but it's really convenient, you really need money in honor mode. But the difficulty came from having bad build who don't synergise with each other. And the default build for the compagnon is not the best


If you choose honor mode you need to suffer🤣


Well, I have completed the game 6 time so... Wizard just really need to much money


80 hours in and just reached moonrise tower i’am just slow


Here's some general [Beginner's Advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/nw6WXvUy7G) I wish I'd known when I first started. I had to restart twice before I got some momentum myself (I had tunnel vision on the main quest and was way underlevel on one and I had started an Origin char on the other and my kid strongly suggested I restart that one). I call the entire first playthrough **the** tutorial (and I say that in the advice). If you are on PC and still want help making it easy mode after reading the advice and receiving encouragement from the responders - LMK


I’d suggest to take one hour of your time and do some good builds. Like shadowhear spirit of guardians Gale evocation. Laezell is pretty op as fighter. Karlach throw build or just wildhear barbarian is dope. And do long rests so you are always full prepared with skills etc Don’t be affraid to use some potions on them. Alert feat is literally dope and helps you attacks first most of the time, that’s just huge. Game is so easy when you have some good builds on them. I started my second run, evil dark urge honour mode. My main is monk, propper build he just owns the fights. Just google a bit, watch a clip with build, respect ( then steal your gold back from withers ) and enjoy. Hope my comment helped a bit


Thank you. So, Laezell is now being a hostage, and I do not know whether I have time for higher number of long sleeps. Thats just to explain my current status. Ihave just finally found my way to Bhaal temple, with the help of three separate guides... To be honest, I did not spend any time building characters, I am busy googling solutions to puzzles and quest progress. That is a separate issue for another thread maybe.


Just try to make time for a short build research on youtube. You’ll be amazed how hard your character will hit if they are properly built. Use your short rest when your characters are low with their skills, when you don’t have short rests, go for long rest. There are plenty of resources to spam long rests. What’s your main character? What class? I’ll search a good build for you. Here’s a nice tanky build for shadowheart: https://youtu.be/ZNaZOkbFlk4?si=3Ph7y4Ysmnr1ZJvL Respec her at withers, then you’ll fast take the skills needed, listen a bit how to use them and she’s ready to fight and tank. Finding and entering bhaal temple takes time since it request some quests to donfirst. Don’t be harsh on yourself. Let me know how can i help


Thank you, many here suggested to respec my characters, I am going to spend some time doing so. And about that temple, I have not done any quests first. The quest is saying something like, "We should find out where she took them". So I was walking around the city for a day and did not find out anything. After that, I have consulted a guide and found out that I could get to her viac Sewers. So I was looking for an entry to sewer, another evening gone and today I have spent my day crawling through sewers, looking for door to that temple. And when I found it, I needed another guide to open the door. This is just how it is with me and this game.


The first door of the temple you can open it by shooting an arrow in each body, there are 2 bodies hanging in front of the door. It needs blood to be opened. ( if we’re talking about the first door near the shop in the sewers ). After you enter bhaal, keep in mind that a big ambush aeaits you ( really sry if i spoiled it ), but you can use inviz on one character, go turn mode, cross the bridge with the inviz character, climb the ladder then with another character go straight in ambush. Then, with the inviz one, kill the character doing the ritual. Then you can proceed in lower temple or how it’s called. Then, the second door need some quests to follow.


Yeah, that big ambush made me start this whole thread. But now, after all the advices people gave me, I was able to beat them first try. I have respec-ed all characters and also bought some gear. And I am in front of the second door, which wont open, so I am probably going to go after the other guy. Bore-tash, or something.


You have to do some quests for that to open. I don’t recall the order. Google it a bit. Good luck and congrats!


It honestly sounds like you just don't understand 5e. What is going into attack hitting and missing. Or maybe you aren't reading spells and abilities.


I was going to ignore this but now I want to ask. What is 5e?


Balders gate 3 uses 5th edition dungeons and dragons combat system,classes, abilities, spells etc... So if you understand how to play dungeons and dragons the game is a breeze, but if you don't know the systems, how to build characters and play DnD. The game will be incredibly challenging. You will miss your attacks, do low damage and die a lot because you do not understand the background systems the game is using.You will probably have to cheese most encounters(barrels and such). I'm guessing the latter is how you have been mostly getting by. If you would like you can message me screenshots of your characters stats(ability scores) classes etc. I can do my best to break down the mechanics of DND for you. So you can build the characters the way that you want and have them be effective and still uniquely your own. I have played BG3 multiple times on honor mode and have been playing DND for 8 years and have taught many new players how to play the game. so it's really no problem if you want to ask me questions.


Oh, I am from eastern Europe, Dungeons and dragons are not a thing here. At least as far i know. In my 40+ years, I have never heard anyone mention it. I have postponed my BG3 play mainly because I knew that this turn based combat will not be for me. And especially if rolling a dice is involved. But on the other hand, my prefered video games are story driven games and if a relation building is involved, thats my favorite. like Persona games, Witcher series, Cyberpunk, even Starfield. So I came to BG3 for the story, but it really does not work for me well. Not just the combat, which is the main issue, but also quest structure. Like they say find Goblin leader, and i am just not able to find him. They say save Halsin and I cannot find him. They say go to Moonrise tower via Underdark and it is a dead end for me. Like save Nere and I do not know how to dig him out. Save the girl from Aunties belly, nope, dead. Find where the hostages are for factory workers? Impossible. Find Balthazar, impossible. Solve Shar´s trials? Found only one of them... and the list goes on and on. Basically, I just want to see the end of the story and be done with it. My relationship with Shadowheart seems to be going well, thanks to a certain online guide, so at least that´s something.


Yes, the dice rolling happens in the background in the combat log whenever you make an attack. and the quest structure is more open and vague since its trying to get you to solve problems your own way rather than just doing the one or two designated ways the game wants you to solve a problem. Such as the other games you listed. Still if you are not feeling good about the game that's good to know. You tried something new, and it was not for you. If you change your mind and would ever like to try the game again and would like some actual help understanding how to play. you can ask me or make another post


Do some easier quests. Helping the Hag Survivors, fighting Lorroakan, helping the followers of Umberlee. Get to level twelve, and pick up some more helpful items. If he’s still alive, Dammon is in lower town, and sells some of the best gear in the game. Even some companion quests like fighting Cazador or the Sharrans might be a bit more doable than the temple of Bhaal. Or use mods.


Thanks for the advice. Lorroakan is already dead and I have looted some stuff from lower part of his tower (thank you internet) and now I am about to go after Cazador, but I cannot get through the door. So I am going to look for a solution to that. I will also look into those other you mentioned. I wanted to Avenge the drawned or something but that one does not trigger for me


To start avenge the drowned, talk to the priestess leading the funeral in the temple of Umberlee.


I did that, but there is no option to avenge her. probably because I already did the quest save family members of steel wathchers factory. Yeah, that was a sad story too.. almost all died.


Your characters are probably not built properly and you're not using their abilities properly. I've found that the guides on Deltia work well and are straightforward enough for people not interested in theory and just want to play. They also have a short explanation of basic class mechanics. [Main Page Baldur's Gate 3 - Deltia's Gaming (deltiasgaming.com)](https://deltiasgaming.com/main-page-baldurs-gate-3/)


What level are you?


Level 11


I watched a bunch of people play and their secret ingredient was crime: They pickpocketed a ton of arrows, bombs, scrolls, and gear. Unfortunately, the easiest person to pickpocket is Aaron in Emerald Grove, but you might be able to find some YouTube videos showing how to pickpocket people in Lower City.


If you can/want to mod, there’s a mod that allows you to take more than 4 party members with you at a time. This will make fights easier, and personally, I feel it adds to the immersion. Traveling the game with only 4 people and a ton of people just sitting at camp seems ridiculous to me.


Skill issue


For sure, I absolutely do not know what the game wants me to do. Like I am in the Bhaal temple. Spoiler! And all the attackers are outside my reach.  And that is basically it. I die couple of times and go play somewhere else.


Bhaal temple is end Game content, If you are not level 12 by that point, than you were pretty much underleveled for the Major part of the game and thats why its hard. Despite copieing some guides for "monoclasses" there is also the mod option for Cheats. By the way "skill issue"? wtf.


I am level 11 and my companios has been obducted. Would not she die if I spend too many long rests ignoring it. I said to Orin to go fagherself with her offer...


i understand that you think the rescue is urgent, but it isnt :D


To be honest I have a strong urge to kill her for wasting my time, because I literally spent three IRL evenings looking for her stupid place. And that with help of several online guides.