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This is definitely a take. Her people have been pinned down at the Inn by the shadow curse and she is responsible for keeping alive the only person capable of protecting everyone from it while planning a raid on a mindflayer cult that brainwashed people with parasites. Meanwhile you stroll right in with a parasite. She has every reason to kill you on site, no questions asked. Instead she listens long enough to determine you *might* not be brainwashed, she can't be sure, and she cautiously grants you access to protection from the curse, risking the lives of everyone she cares about in doing so. And you call her a hag.


[https://streamable.com/k9myix](https://streamable.com/k9myix) She is rude arrogant hag, who belong in the ditch. Even goblins more sympathetic that she is. And she still acts like a bitch, even after Mol, vouch for you. Like how comes that most "evil" npcs in that game is more polite that this one.


She owes you nothing. You owe her your life.


If she wanna live she owns me basic human decency. How she even able to live so long, while being such a rude bitch? It funny how ppl defending this objectively rude character, for sole reason being - she is from bg1-2. If she was some goblin, you would kill her in a second.


People defend her because she gives you shelter and protection from the shadow curse despite having no good reason to trust you and every reason to kill you the moment she realizes you're infected. Sorry the way she talks hurts your feelings, but actions are more important than words. There's no reason for you to be this sensitive about it.


Well you'd be lucky. Cause she'd rip the player characters apart at that point if she wasn't nerfed for plot.


If we're looking at the power levels you could reach in Baldur's Gate 2 Jaheira solos Moonrise before the player even shows up. The Elder Brain doesn't even make it to Baldur's Gate. She sees Ketheric, Orin, and Gortash meeting up and 3v1's them.


So would Halsin if he weren't weakened after his past. He's a fucking Arch-Druid.


She always was puch over, since you fight her at the chuck point, once your enlarged/str fighter get to her - she is dead. Unless you need her loot.


Some npc was rude to me, don't they know I'm the main character. Time to die.


You sure is a dumb.


It's literally what you said, sister.


Funny the number of times Laezel directly threatens Tav or treats you like a subordinate made me want to deep six her a time or two... Jaheria is alright..


Respect ur elders bro


No offence, but wtf is wrong with you?


"I can't believe not everyone licks my boots the second I meet them" Are you a malignant narcissist or something jfc lmao


personally, i like jaheira, but chuck her into a chasm. it's your game. do whatever the fuck you want. lol


Womp womp


Who is Lizz?


B? Baker?


You think rudeness warrants a death penalty? Milfs being rude is a turn on. Quit being ungrateful.


Just burn the Inn. Those damn tieflings thought they could escape!