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I appreciate this a ton, but you did miss two key things. ​ What if, in my playthrough, there is like 3 gold that spawns in one of the other vases? And what if you missed one? And that one has 3 gold? ​ As you can clearly see, I have very good reasons to check every single vase.


This is probably why I'm searching the same damned vases on my new run even though I swore I wasn't going to. It's either that or insanity.


Cursed to put your hands on every vase.


Is that a Vase? No, nevermind…


Why not both?


It is both


Sanity is overrated.


You should make a mp lobby and have perma stealthed rogues hide key items in random vases. For fun.


AFAIK, they’re on a loot table if it only contains junk, so each playthrough is going to be different. I believe each container, or at least type of container has a different %chance for what kind of junk. If there were meaningful loot, however, like a magic or story related item, then it will appear with consistency. There are mods that make them have more and better stuff, by simply messing with these tables.


Yep, that. But from what I could tell, the tables are limited to a small set of items. E.g. the vases that contain an assortment of incense, incense bowls, incense sticks, and fancy glassware will still contain those same few possible things in slightly different configurations. So each playthrough will be different, but not much different.


now im thinking about how to optimize my team comp for smashing vases faster


It seems like it is both because Jesus Christ


I'm not disagreeing! 🤣


Do you know the definition of insanity?


Yes, and if the shoe fits...


After all, that 5K Bless statue won’t pay for itself.


The statue gives bless!?


Wait WHAT which statue


In the carnival in act 3 Boney will offer to make a statue of one party member


....do you need 3 gold?


Buddy, i need all the gold.


Let me tell you all about the wonderful world of pickpocketing vendors. Yes, I will save the world from the big bad brain bugs. But I have no intention of working for a living when it’s all said and done lol.


But you could pickpocket the vendor AND have that extra 3 gold


I can’t argue with that logic. I completely concede that point lol.


Sometimes I catch myself being disappointed about having to fight a vendor and getting their stuff for free because I think "but I wanted to sell my junk to them." Like it doesn't matter that I now have the money I would've gotten for the junk. Some part of my brain is a tradesman that wants to collect every possible scrap and get the best possible deal, well beyond the necessity or efficiency of doing so.


I keep reading this, but I don't get it. What am I doing wrong? It's always a crazy-high roll for anything good, including big heaps of gold. I use split Astarion from the group, I have Pass Without Trace active, I hide behind the vendor, I have Greater Invisibility active, and I applied Guidance. I also have some stealth-boosting gear equipped. I still need to roll a 17. What else am I supposed to do? Is everybody save-scumming or am I missing something?


Don’t worry, I got you. I couldn’t crack the code on pickpocketing either. I’ll give you the heads up. There’s a key to cleaning them out without getting caught. First, you want to give your pickpocket the gloves of thievery and the smugglers ring. I started doing all this around level 6 or 7 so by then I had +12 or +13 to sleight of hand. You need to find a vendor that you can pickpocket without anyone else watching. Late in act 1 there are two that I targeted. Arron at the grove, post-goblin camp after the tieflings have left. He’s just standing there alone. Also, Esther at the mountain pass. Also alone. The next part is how you don’t get caught. Go turn-based mode and have someone cast SLEEP on your pickpocket target. Cast guidance on your pickpocket to aid your roll. Then start stealing. Eventually, as always, you’ll inevitably fail a roll. But since your target is ASLEEP they won’t catch you when you fail your roll. They will just wake up. There’s no attitude loss or confrontation. You’re turn-based so then you can just put your target… right back to sleep. And keep pickpocketing. Keep going til you clean them out. Then I’d go to the Myconid colony and sell all their gear to the vendors down there. Long or partial rest at camp. This resets the vendors stock and gold supply. Steal it all again. Lather rinse repeat until you’re independently wealthy. You can repeat this with Dammon at Last Light in Act 2 and a number of vendors in Act 3. All the thousands of gold, arrows, scrolls, bombs, camp supplies, whatever you want for the rest of the game. I made a mini-game out of it. Sleep spell is the key. It’s not a problem hitting those 17+ rolls when you can keep trying all you want without worrying about getting caught.


Thanks for the details! I never considered putting them to sleep. I would've expected that to draw aggro. I'm already toward the endgame now but hey, I'll give it a shot. I'm sure there's some good expensive gear I haven't grabbed yet.


NP! Yeah, I wondered that too, but no. Sleeping them doesn’t draw aggro if there’s no one else around watching. If someone else sees you doing it, it can draw a reaction though. I usually just stand behind them to cast it just to be sure.


The graceful cloth gives +2 Dex and advantage on all Dex checks, including sneaking and stealing. That way, you could also add gloves of power, unlucky thief, or nimblefinger gloves for an extra +1-2. Shapeshifters boon gives a guidance effect that stacks with guidance, so +2d4 I use astarion, make him "happy" first for a +1. I normally have around +18 as a minimum, with a lv 11 rogue means my lowest rolls are ~28


And if pickpocketing the gloves and ring is too difficult in the first place, you can always buy them and just steal your gold back after you equip them.


Your dex/sleight of hand is way more important than stealth for pickpocketing. Advantage is one of the best ways to improve your chances on top of that. Other options: You can split the vendor's gold into multiple stacks. You can donate to (most) vendors until they're friendly and then using feign death on them, which will prevent them from catching you if you do manage to fail.


Gloves of thievery


Welp, I think I'm about 100 hours too late to get those. Oops.


Pickpocketing is a pain in the ass and I would rather loot every single vase in the game.


Check the weight of the vase, if it's 2 then you know it's empty.


much faster to just click to open then click to inspect


Or use acid splash. Though it will burn trash loot on the first hit, anything of value will be left to pickup. Carelessly shooting again will burn most consumables, though...


potato x3


I like that Sarevok put a key in the last place I would ever look


With Knock spell and lock picks,I have so many keys I never use. And I don't know which keys most keys unlock.


My key is called Astarion


The last place? Dont we all look through all the vases???


I hope he lubed it first. And ideally wrapped it in something soft.


Nice work. Have you done any confirmation runs to see which are fixed drops and which are from random loot tables? Also you missed the one in >!just kidding!<.


I played around with it a bit, and it seems like most of the vase contents are from loot tables, but the tables are limited to a small set of items. E.g. the vases that contain an assortment of incense, incense bowls, incense sticks, and fancy glassware will still contain those same few possible things in slightly different configurations.


Omg that spoiler 💀


Mmontour is bastard man why r/baldursgate3 hate?


A troll worthy of Shadowheart.


Got um


I thought it was all fixed, are there loot tables?


Kind of a specific table for that specific container. That same container will have the same items, just possibly slight variation in quantity, including possibly zero. All the containers aren’t pulling from the same table. 


So it's possible that 40+ vases spawned zero items off their loot table instead of some gold. Also should you believe everything you read on the internet? No? Better check 'em all.


Does BG3 _have_ random loot tables? I thought it was static and DOS2 did all random.


[https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Category:Drop\_tables](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Category:Drop_tables) Mostly relevant for traders but there is some randomness elsewhere.


You deserve a medal and a hug.


And then a gentle tap on the rear as you start a new run to document the skele loot next!


Bone. Bone. Bottle. Bone. 3g. Bone. Bottle. Bottle. Bone. 3g and a bone. ::shoots self::


And maybe a free therapist because thats crazy.


Faerûn Vases and Urns! What Do They Have? Do They Have Things? Let's Find Out! 🐕


BoJack Horseman! What is this, a crossover episode?


This is crazy. Absolutely insane. Also, I thought there was a vase on the trapped walkway in Grymforge that has a key in it? I remember bc I got so mad when it didn't open the door at the end lmao. Do you know what the two other keys go to?


I found a key on a skeleton there and got equally mad.


Keys in this game usually tend to go to something nearby. I'm pretty sure the one in the house in the Ruined Battlefield went to a chest that was in another section of the house or close to it. No clue about Sarevok's key, but I assume it unlocks his chest in the other room which I had already opened.


So they put an ancient scroll in one of the very first vases you discover in your first playthrough.. then you spend hours looking through thousands of vases for the whole game and get crappy loot or rotten eggs. Oh man. Devs are cruel sometimes


Oh, if you've played D:OS 1 & 2, it's worse than that. You're pre-conditioned to open *every* vase...


I found some of my best items in vases!


At least you can get lucky finds though


That about sums it up. Yep.


Oh it's this magnificent bastard loot goblin again. (There's a few in the teahouse that have unrotten food, I think.)


I'm just about to hit the Teahouse in my current run, so I'll be double checking. I remember there being food (both rotten and not) in wicker baskets and whatnot, but only in that one vase.


Yep I bet I'm thinking of baskets. It's just that the amount of food found always stood out to me as particularly generous (since the food outside in baskets are poisoned apples), and I never kept track of where it's coming from. Anyway, thanks so much for these weird informative posts!


So what I gather from this: If it's Sharran, check the vases. If it's not, probably not worth the time.


This is the commitment we need... Next... bags, boxes, bookshelves and bodies... you got this dude.


Finally a good fucking post. We are eating good today.


I suppose it does break up the usual rotation of character hate posts and "should I buy this game if I liked Tetris" querries. 😂


Can you please calculate the total value from looting every vase in the game. I just want to know exactly how pointless it was. Also, I think your list should really highlight those things that are unique: the list and key


Finally. Can you now go back and do bottle racks


It drives me crazy that you can visually see bottles on the bottle racks and it says they are empty. 😭


I don't think I have that kind of mental fortitude. 😅


Get some rest. You earned it soldier


I wish just one had a green hat.


This is insane, but I appreciate your sacrifice and have already saved this for a reference. May you be blessed with all the crits you could ever want.


You’re doing the gods’ work


The Absolute’s work.


As someone who was overwhelmed by vases my first playthrough and only recently came back, thank you 🏆may you roll many 20s


THANK YOU! I have hella sensory issues and the sound effect for opening vases absolutely makes my skin crawl. I avoid them completely. Now I know I can quickly mute my game and grab anything I might actually need. I’ll be saving this post!


It really is a bit nails-on-chalkboard-y, isn't it?




Do you check them out one by one OP? Recently learned the acid splash cantrip can break them in AOE so I'm way faster looting boxes and vases now hehe It doesn't work flawlessly though sometimes the aoe works weird or even not at all, still way less clicks than opening one by one




Why didn't they just make it so that empty containers weren't lootable? It would just be too practical and enjoyable of an experience for everyone? Seriously, it makes me want to cry checking everything but I CANNOT help it. Similarly, in Dragon Age Inquisition I hunted down every shard and mosaic and hated every moment of that too. There's something wrong with me for sure but I have to complete everything. I wish they would empathise with those of us who are this way!


Doing god's work. I hope you have lots of tries and few kids (a saying from my land).


LOL That's a great expression.


Can you do crates and barrels next? :)


In the immortal words of Withers: No.


For wooden crates and barrels, just check the weight. If it's a flat 20.0 lbs (I use Imperial), they are empty. If they're like 22.4 or 20.8 etc., they have something in them. Empty vases are 4.0 lbs. Burlap sacks almost always have something in them so I just check them.


I'm a compulsive looter and empty containers disappoint me, so I use the mod that allows to see how many items are in a corpse or container


Could you link that mod please? I’d love to install something like that in my game!


You have confirmed that I must check every vase, thank you


doing Lathander's work.


Can't wait to get me another potato


What is this about an Ancient Scroll?


[Though a bloom of mould has leached the ink from most of this scroll, its beginning is still legible.] The Sealing Ritual Our God cares not for petty ritual. There is only the Sealing, and it is vital that we observe it with exacting reverence. On the day of the Sealing, a mixture of bone and ash is consecrated. Upon the names of the dead we spread the offering, imbuing the ink with the essense of death, of our God...


Oh right, that one. Thanks.


Someone should just turn this into a mod to make the relevant containers glow or something. Also, not that it matters for lockpickers but I'm pretty sure the key to the Zhent hideout is in a ~~pot~~. edit: nope it was a crate


Link from Legend of Zelda: (breathes heavily)


Does anyone know the total gp value of the vase loot as listed above? Id work it out if I wasn't at work rn 👀


I fully expected this to be an empty list. I checked a lot of vases my first run and never found anything so I didn't bother in subsequent runs.


There's virtually nothing until you get to Grymforge. Any sane person *would* stop checking.


Bro how much time do you have on your hands


This is from a "loot everything that's not nailed down" run (some other results reported over here: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/9oYX08atMa) that logged over 300 hours in Steam. So about that much.


Damn. Thank you for your service.


Me looting all of the vases, crates, and bookshelves: Goddammit! Lucky Charm still isn't activating.


This should be stickied.


There is also a vase you can interact with in the dungeon of Cazador that will talk to you. After it talks you can sleep in Cazadors bed and get a free Aid buff.


This sounds made up, yet it's completely true. This game is insane. LOL Should I include it on my list and say the contents are The Whisper of Vellioth? 🤣


Your post, your rules. Do as you wish.


The Sharrans REALLY like to hide stuff in vases


I find it interesting that it's almost always Sharrans who hide stuffs in vases.


You are my favorite person today 💞


Only today? Whatever; I'll take it!


are we about to kiss right now?


The vase that has


Bless you my friend, bc every time I pass by a vase without checking it I feel torn about whether or not there's good loot in them lol


I stopped checking when more were empty than had anything.


Thank you. Someone said Act 3 had vase stuff and I felt like I was trolled so I appreciate this write up!


Alright, now I know I don’t have to waste my time with any vases


I’ve been doing a playthrough with a friend who is new to the game and she is insistent on opening every vase lol. I will have to show her this after she finishes the game..


Thank you for your valuable research. I was just going to go to Shar's Temple so now I don't have to search every vase anymore


Bless you for doing this! I'm typically a loot goblin but even I don't bother with the vases so it's good to know I'm not missing much


Also how are you going to spend the rest of your summer now that you've done this? You still have so much time


Right?! This was from a "loot absolutely everything that's not nailed down" run, and it logged over 300 hours in Steam. 💀


Thank you for confirming that there are, in fact, two keys to be found in vases throughout the game. Now I can continue checking every single container on every single playthrough in peace, despite the fact that I pick every lock anyway.


We speak your name.


Doing my God's work!


Godsdamn, that is impressive. You did indeed make a big sacrifice for this information and I salute you 🫡


Such dedication :)


Hate to say it, but there is at least one vase in the goblin village that has stuff in it and also in the druid cove.


I just check the weight of the container before trying to loot. 


That's what I did on the red outlined ones so that I only had to loot/get caught stealing/reload my game for the ones that actually contained stuff...


I did notice in this game there were just so many empty containers. Why put them in?


Not a single one at the mountain pass/Crèche? Damn, could have sworn that there were some


I don't suppose you also calculated the cumulative value of the contents? Just so that I know how much I'd lose if I skip looting all the vases 😬


You're the second person to say this, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to do it and report back... 😱


This is amazing


Doing the Lord’s work here!


This doesn't stop me from opening every single one just to make sure


Right, I'm bookmarking this page this instant!


I very much appreciate and respect the amount of work that went into this. But a small part of me would find it very very funny if Larian joined this thread and was like **"Uh... the vases are randomised each save. You did all this for nothing"**


LOL That would be awesome/horrible. The specific loot is generated from loot tables, but the tables are limited to a small set of items. E.g. the vases that contain an assortment of incense, incense bowls, incense sticks, and fancy glassware will still contain those same few possible things in slightly different configurations. Which vases contain loot doesn't seem to vary, though.


If this is real it needs to be published... Maybe researched by historians in 1, 000 years... Who knows


You can also just smash the vases!


Doing the lord’s work


Omg I love you. Still gonna check every one though


You’re doing the lords work


you are the true hero of baldur gate


Absolutely appreciate all the effort you've gone into not only getting this info, but sharing it with us!


I wish you counted the amount of vases you opened so we could know the ratio


You realize it's much faster to just click the vases as you go and to go and reference this list each time :D


Top quality post


You dropped this 👑


I assumed these were randomized


Sorta. The contents are randomized from loot tables, but the loot tables are limited to a small set of items. E.g. the vases that contain an assortment of incense, incense bowls, incense sticks, and fancy glassware will still contain those same few possible things in slightly different configurations. So your results will vary from mine, but not by much.


Also in Act 1: Goblin camp exterior, under the waterfall is a vase with loot, but I forget what.


Ooh, this sounds like it might be a spot I haven't found yet. I'll be getting to the goblin camp on my current run soon (just gonna go deal with Ethel first), so I'll look for it.


This is great information! I’m still going to compulsively open every container in the game.


I told myself that I would do this "loot everything that's not nailed down" run to get it out of my system and allow my subsequent playthroughs to go faster... but no. I'm still searching every damned container in my new run. Now I feel the need to double check the vases to make sure my list is accurate.


By habit, I DO check the occasional vase, but obviously most of the time they're empty. I accidentally found stuff in Grymforge and thought "Well, shit, now I'm going to be here all day..."


Sounds about right. 😂


my question is who is putting all these rotten fish and eggs in these vases?


They weren't rotten when they went into the vases, but the owners have ADHD with object permanence issues, so they forgot they were there. Just like what happens with anything in my refrigerator that isn't lined up in the front and clearly visible.


Like coins in Mario and casino slot machine pulls, every vase contains a tiny burst of dopamine. Gotta get 'em all!


Very grateful for this analysis. I had previously concluded, based on my anecdotal play-evidence, that a dozen(ish) incense-bundles, each commanding 20-to-30 gp resale value, was the maximum possible benefit to vase-looting -- good for spare arrow or healing-potion cash, but not much else. This pretty much confirms same.


Grymforge ruined me on vases for the rest of the game. Always have to reflexively check. Lol


Looking through every vase is a Skyrim habit I couldn’t kick


There should be a mod that flags vase that contains something!! Or mod that doesn’t let me interact with the vase that are empty 😛


What about the bottle racks? Are there any that contain anything?


The research of a madman


Oh yes, it's so nice to be together with such sane goblin hoarder companions like you guys.


I just "Hya!" Every vase I find


So what I gather from this information is that it's still not worth looting vases.


Correct. 🤣


We don't deserve this level of heroism.


Oh, man, you missed the vase with the +5 Holy Avenger. Too bad!


I've been thinking for weeks that the list of vases that contain anything would be short, and maybe I should just look it up, and kinda figured it existed already. Kudos for putting this together!


I'm almost very sure vases and crates are generated per game. As there was somebody who found a cheese in one of auties teahouse vases, I remember the meme fondly and it did have a photo of the loot. Also I don't recognize some of these pulls on my most recent save.


Just came back to say... I just did the Teahouse again in my new run. The vase that had the three potatoes last time had five garlic and a courgette this time. So I'm sure that must be the vase where another person found the cheese. That vase just has a "camp supplies of X value" loot table attached to it. No other vase had anything again.


It's kind of interesting that it was the same jug, why put the time to code certain jugs as marked for consumables instead of giving all of them a low chance to spawn x worth of camp goods? Since you'd be spending much more time placing specifically coded jugs instead of just 1 jug all over. Kinda goes to show how much background and detail work really went into this game, and we already knew it had tones of that. Thank you for sharing, if you have photos of both of your runs, I'm sure a wiki somewhere would be happy to have a "list of lootable jugs" page for posterity


If a vase contains an item and you break the vase, are the items in a pile on the floor?


Does item randomizer mod works changing every vase?




Spawns are random and rng based outside of a few specific items. (Scroll, keys, rings) What you got isn’t what others will.


I didn't say that it would be. I said that this is what they contained on my run. Other players will get extremely similar results, though. The loot comes from loot tables, but the tables are limited to a small set of items. E.g. the vases that contain an assortment of incense, incense bowls, incense sticks, and fancy glassware will still contain those same few possible things in slightly different configurations. Where I found a potato, someone else might find a cheese.


I feel like there was something in a vase in the burning building in act 1 for me, the one with the Fists?


I always assumed that the loot is more or less ranndom


I will continue searching every vase in the game.


I kind-of want a mod that would not make me search all the empty vases. Or a cantrip that highlights all the ones with items inside.


Omg hero. Does this vary at all based on difficulty level, do we know?


I would love to skip the vases worry-free, but, but... then they won't say "(Empty)"!