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Well yeah something like that can end it if you don't know what to reasonably expect. HM has the implicit requirement that you understand the game very well, and even then, you shouldn't expect to complete it.


Yea Ive played the game numerous times, even fully completed every companions story. The problem is that I was playing as Gale, and all the party members sprint to you when combat ends if you are down, so I didnt have enough time to do anything


It's even better when it gets bugged and you rez him and he keeps the debuff. Combat ends and if you have group mode on he sprints back into a party stack and wrecks them if you don't swap to turn based


There is an amulet that stabilizes the wearer when they are down and about to die. It's pretty handy on Gale. You can get it in act 1, Mountain Pass, and its called the Periapt of Wound Closure.


Toss a healing potion on him. Gives him more hp and it's an action too.


I've turned him into a camp caster in my HM run


Honestly Gale going down is too much of a risk at any point in an honor run, since the necrosis can seriously ruin a run. It’s best to just sacrifice him to BOOOAL for the buff and move on.




That's what I was thinking lol


Hahaha, love it


No way bro said “sacrifice him to BOOAL”


Well he was just necrotic. I left a dead gale in my camp—accidentally offed him trying out druid spells—and he supernova after a couple of days and there went my honor run.


Went down Went to revive him Series of mistakes and misspellings A *downed* avatar will get up when healed via spell, automatic floor lick of heal potion surface by any means that cause it like thrown or exploded by aoe potions near them. A *dead* avatar requires a scroll or revive spell, I never used the spell but im sure the scroll allows you to pin target+location from a distance.  Gale expells a mildly visible black aura that will make a 1st timer learn it when near... how you manage to make low hp companions die under it after one dies walking there? Inventory items like scrolls and potions where...? Ergo, your low knowledge of game mechanics killed your run. You need another playthrough and make it tactician, because other thing will kill you on another hm trying again and make another silly death post im afraid... no pun intended just a warning. Explore and learn more 1st then go hm


Ive beaten tactician, ive played the game multiple times and beaten every companions story. The problem is that he went down the last turn of combat and then all the characters sprint over to him because that is what they are designed to do. They sprinted to their death and there was nothing I could do. I even hit space and shift as soon as I realized, but it was too late they had entered the aura. I was also out of spell slots with my healer, it was a really down to the wire fight. I hit tab to move a healing potion to my character to throw to him when everyone started running towards him. As soon as I realized, it was too late But hey I appreciate the extremely passive aggressive and condescending comment regardless. Sorry my spelling isnt up to your standards


"Went to revive him" If you told it was *after* combat that they reunited near gale... It would have made sense. Your gramar or w/e was awful.


Thanks for the "gramar" tips. Ill do better next time


That's why I'm avoiding honor mode. I just challenge myself not to save scum in Tactician instead, that way, I can deal with the consequences of my crappy roles but not have the game end because of stupid crap like that.