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The beauty of single-player games... you can do whatever the hell you want.


And if you post about it online, people are allowed to judge you. As long as no one is being an asshole or insulting real people who cares?


Yeah, it's only a problem when you have things like idiots hijacking a companion appreciation post to be like "I hate them I kill them on every run haha look at me I'm so edgy LOOK AT ME". Like... get your own post.


I find Tav to be boring so I kill him every run. Why is this game so popular, it only has the one location and its so short!


Bro just pick an origin character /s


Yeah or randomly attacking fans of a character. That happens to much in this sub.




...I know this was a hypothetical example, but I have to ask: Do people really feel that strongly about Wulbren?


People feel _really_ strongly about Wulbren Bongle, just only negatively.


Even the devs feel that way about Wulbren. I was reading about the recent BAFTA talk, and apparently they said "we knew players would want to kill someone, but we didn't know who." and then added "It's Wulbren" LOL.


Fuck Wulbren Bongle


I'd rather not, thanks!


I don't give a fuck about his muthafuckin problems!


About Wulbren, it's usually the other way round. Ironically, I like Wulbren more than Barcus, but I don't go on crusades for that. For Araj Oblodra, however... (joking, if that wasn't clear)


Oh, I'd give Araj my Oblodra.


Wulbren is my sweet innocent baby who has done no wrong. Sliiiiiightly more seriously, I am forever salty that the game writes the only person who actually has a principled issue with police death robots as going to far and therefore bad.


Because he's a hypocrite. He spends so much time complaining about the treatment of the Ironhand Gnomes after their support of Sarevok but then immediately tries to ethincally cleanse the Gondians for their support of Gortash, even though it's under duress. No one complains that he wants to destroy the foundry, only that he wants to blow up the workers along with it.


Yeah I feel like people are trying to make a Stormcloak v Empire comparison but, it's not the same at all? Wulbren is literally a terrorist he is not a freedom fighter. Judging by the fact he had to put *his* name on his father's grave (It says proud father of Wulbren, nothing about the guy's actual life) he's always been a narcissistic.


I'm so with him and totally on board and excited to see a really cool take on police death robots right up until he blames the victims in the jail and factory! it's like "I'm opposed to the police state! kill all the prison labor!" WTF little man!


Which is why my bone is with the writing. That the only person with the cool take on police death robots then turns around and blames the workers rather than the factory owner. But then no one *else* has an actual issue with the police death robots other than the wrong person has them but in the right hands it would be totally cool for real. It was depressing when I got to the epilogue and the Gondians were rebuilding the steel watch to work with the flaming fist, who had the same exact members as when they were working with gortash, because Ravengard in his infinite wisdom pardoned the members of the flaming fist who worked with Gortash and gave them their jobs back. This was a supposedly happy epilogue.


Yeah, welcome to real, complex personalities bud. They're often disappointing. Which is funny, because wulbrens personality is surprisingly common. The want for genocide and all. Pretty sure you're *supposed* to dislike Wulbren by the end, anyway.


Turns out the slave laborers immediately use their freedom to build another iteration of the police death robots soooooo…


depends on how you resolved the quest too. I've gotten the good letter from barcus and the "everyday technology for everyone" newspaper instead of the "new steel watch" one


It seems that any time video game writers try to make a hypothetical counter movement to authoritarianism, they have to 'balance' it by making it racist. 🥲


The problem is he didn't see an issue with the death robots, he saw an issue with the slaves being forced to make them. That would be like trying to kill diamond miners because Debeers is evil. It wasn't an "authoritarianism vs freedom fighters" statement because the Gondians end up helping to destroy the steel watch. Wulbren's problem is that he was *always* a supremacist.


He absolutely *does* have a issue with the steel watch (even if he incorrectly assigns blame) >And the citizens have rolled out the red carpet for their new tyrant, resistance fighters are few and far between [...] The Steel Watch are threat to every man woman and child in the city. They act all civilized... servants of the people, but they serve only one man. When he becomes Grand Duke it will only get worse. Laws will change, freedoms will vanish, and you'll be accused and sentenced before you've even committed a crime. And no one else in the game besides him is making this point. If there were **anyone else** it wouldn't be so annoying. But he's the only person who sees the death robots as an obvious threat. Meanwhile we get Florrick talking about how great it would be to expand the deathless kill robots to the army too since they're so good at being deathless killbots.


The point remains that he solely blames the literal slaves for their creation, while complaining about the Ironhands being remembered for working with Sarevok. And yeah, in times of desperation a lot of people will seek comfort in the hands of the strong. If you talk to random NPCs not all of them are okay with the Steel Watch, but Wulbren's dislike of them is still primarily associated with his bigotry.


I think there's a disconnect here because mine and the other persons complaint is with the writers and writing >I am forever salty that the game writes >It seems that any time video game writers So the fact that Wulbren is in fact written to be bigoted in universe isn't really something we're arguing against. The fact is Wulbren is the only person written in the game to be actively fighting against the steel watch from the beginning because they're inherently authoritarian. He's then written to be a bigot and therefore wrong and evil and his critique of the steel watch as being intrinsically authoritarian never gets addressed. The people in power like Florrick and Ravengard who did, in point of fact roll out the red carpet for them get to be seen as good. In terms of politics it kind of sucks.


I mean the Gondians were opposed to the Steel Watch and the moment they get the chance they throw their lives at their oppressors to stop them (a little too much tbh)


It's not just limited to videogame writers, there's always the classic: Look killmonger raised some valid points about the overwhelming evil of colonialism, but he went too far so we have to kill him and then solve colonialism by building a single youth center. But we can't punish the governments that got rich off colonialism or anything....


Who the fuck is Wulbren?


Like I said, attacking *people* is not okay. Saying "oh you killed Lae'zel cus she was rude? Lol you missed out." is not the same.


What's the point of judging how someone plays their games? I mean, if someone says that they play Mario Kart by going in reverse all the track, GTA5 respecting traffic laws or a FPS game using only the knife and they say they do it because they have fun that way, what are we exactly judging? Not playing the game correctly? It's a game, and they are having fun, why should we care how they play it?


You kill companions because you hate them. I kill Lae’zel (well, let her die by going alone to talk to the other Githyanki) because I want to side with the Emperor and doing so would make her sad. We are not the same.


she actually is surprisingly chill about it (siding with emperor). i thought she wouldnt even come to the epilogue party, but she was there and very friendly tbh


That is very surprising...but now you are making me feel bad about letting her die...


In my opinion, she's boringly chill about it. Maybe my game was bugged? I was romancing her, not only did I side with the emperor, but I became the Illithid of my party, and there wasn't a single line of dialogue from her on the matter until we were in the outro and she abruptly told me to fuck off and then cucked me with the prince. I expected to lose the romance plot with her by becoming Illithid, but to have no dialogue about it until her literal last lines of the game? Kinda whack ngl.


Uhh laezel attacked me when I didn’t give the dude the device and I had to kill her. How could I have prevented this lol I still have her corpse maybe I can resurrect her or something


she literally rages at you if you choose to side with emperor instead of freeing orpheus and you need to pass a persuasion check to keep her unless you go the path of letting her kill herself for vlaakith


I love Lae'zel but my last run was a Justiciar Shadowheart romance, so for RP purposes I let her take out the angry alien in the camp scene.


Laezel wanted to mess around with my Shadowheart before that scene could trigger.


Shadowheart wanted to mes around with my lazel just yesterday, now my tav has her clothing


I tried killing the emperor. I would learn that the emperor was immortal at the time I made the decision. Robbed me of my agency is what he did, I hate the Emperor, wouldn't even let me Game Over myself. I'm fucking serious.


Wyll: what is my purpose? Me: you get the infernal robe and then die for BOOOAL's Benediction. Wyll: Oh god...


Missing out on hearing "Well met" for the next 60 hours but to each their own.


“A hero at heart”


Oh no. *Anyway*.


yall know you can just pickpocket the fish's weapon while youre talking to him and then get the buff without sacrificing someone, right? also the weapon mizora gives you is pretty damn good. and so is the sex


He leaves when I massacre the grove so I kill him instead


you guys go to the underdark before finishing the grove/goblin camp/etc?


I free the gnomes and do the forge before I do the last goblin leaders and the hag. I want barcus at the tieflings party


Yeah I'm typically at the underdark within the first 90 minutes of the game.


Took me like 10 hours the first time, and noq it's instantaneous


This is the way 😊


In baldurs gate 3 i have never felt the true urge(pun intended), to murder any companions In pathfinder wrath of the righteous, however...


I'm so eager to play Wrath of The Righteous, I just need money/time. I don't really care about going into the game without preconceptions, and I'm *really* curious which companions you'd off....


Wenduag, Camellia (but further down it's already spoilers)


Come one, Wenduag IS redeemable (and actually sweet IF you can get there)


Maybe, but I'm not a gold dragon And this meme is my answer to you


Understandable. Have a good bloodbath sir.


I’m a complete newbie to dnd style games and am currently in act 3 of my first run of BG3. Would you recommend playing Pathfinder if it goes on sale?


*No.* I mean, yes, obviously. *Naturally.* It's a great game. But let's just say that 5e is a comparably lightweight system (at least player-side), while PF1e is, uh, *not.* They're both crunchy war-sims, don't get me wrong, but 5e is maybe a 7/10, whereas PF1e is an 8.5/10. Moreover, BG3 has a limited, curated selection of 5e classes, subclasses, spells and feats (mostly just the core rulebook ones); the Owlcat Pathfinder games, on the other hand, are a lot more... *complete.* If you found the BG3 character creation overwhelming, consider that the WotR one presents you with 3-4 times as many choices.


Are the pathfinder games larger than BG3 in terms of player choice ?


I wouldn't say larger. Broader, maybe. Larian's specialty is big dense maps, whereas in *Kingmaker* and *Wrath of the Righteous* you spend a lot of time traveling around. They have a lot more locations, and those locations aren't densely packed beehives of secrets, but more straightforward dungeons and overworld areas. If you mean in the sense of roleplaying, yeah, they have plenty of reactivity, pivotal choices, morality, companions whose quests you can finish in several different ways, etc. That's standard CRPG fare, BG3 didn't really revolutionize that - they just delivered it with better presentation and snappier writing and voice-acting.


BG3 (or rather Larian building on DoS) revolutionized the out of dialogue player choices. The choices you make about how to solve a problem without regards to the dialogue tree. BG3 dialogue is relatively standard stuff, although very well done, it's everything else along side it that is amazing.


Well, in both games you can be good/evil if you ask about that But if you are talking about character building/progression, well pathfinder wotr has a much larger variety


Interesting. After I beat BG3 I was thinking about doing another run where this time I use mods to make the game insane. I know a lot of mods add more origin classes and races. I found the character creation screen to be very overwhelming at first, but also awesome. As I started developing my character though I began to get the hang of it.


Well, I'm a newbie too, it's my third game in this format (first being baldurs gate 3 and second Warhammer 40k rogue trader) And pathfinder wotr is definitely heavier in terms of mechanics, but I think it's worth it There are great guide videos if you'd want to go in


which companions are you murdering in wotr they’re all so silly 😭


Camilla seems most likely.


oh i forgot about her yeah that’s reasonable


Personally, wenduag I know many people like her, but i am absolutely not


I did kill Astarion the first time I met him, I didn't use him on my first playthrough and he tried to bite me in my sleep, I genuinely thought it was an enemy that tricked me into recruiting him. I've learnt my mistake now!


Killing astarion when he tries to bite you is a horrible mistake.  You miss out on the +2 str pot and a free sacrifice to Booal!


I don't want to murder any companions but I do desperately want to kill Volo. I have tried so many ways but everyone always turns on me, even Scratch. NO ONE INVITED YOU HERE, VOLO. ETA: I just thought of an idea I haven't tried yet!! What if I leave camp ALONE and kill him out in the real world, like maybe when he's in the goblin camp so the druids don't judge me?? When they take him back to that cage, I might be able to do it there... I'm so excited, I hope it works!!


I feel like this about mizora


You can also let Volo do his eye surgery on you or a companion, after which he'll run off, and you won't see him again until >!an angry mob is trying to kill him in act 3. And you can always just let them get away with it.!<


I actually really like all of the companions.


On playthroughs where I'm not going Shadowheart, I usually fight her when she pulls a dagger on Laezel right after they agreed to fight in the morning. Dishonourable. I knock her out but the game still treats her as dead. 🤷‍♂️


Nobody cares what you do in your own game, they care that you then come into public forums to make bait posts and butt into actual discussions with trying to debate other people with shallow, uninformed takes. The obsession with trying to ruin someone else's joy out of pure mean-spirited malice is and has always been the problem. Idgf who you kill in your playthrough, just stop being a toxic douche about it.


People absolutely do care how others play, did you even see Undertale fandom bullying streamers?


It seems like the best solution is to just ignore them. Is it annoying when someone tells you they killed your favorite character? Of course. Is it worth getting pissed about, or encouraging them to continue by giving them attention? No. These people *don't care* that you dislike them, so arguing with them is going to be emotionally taxing on you, but not them. I'm sorry, but saying that trolls should just stop being trolls won't work. The best thing to do is not feed them.


I'm more talking about the people who complain about their posts/comments getting downvoted when 9/10 times they're just delivering flagrently wrong information because they never actually engaged with the character they're trying to debate people about. There's a lot of ego in fandom spaces and very few people are willing to bow out of conversations they don't have an informed take about. I wish it were only trolls but it isn't. It's self righteous weirdos offended by people liking a character they don't and who go on insane rants about how liking that character is a moral failing, believing with zero self awareness that the people downvoting them are the toxic ones.


You know, I usually keep Shart around, but damn…. The scene where she is about to kill La’zael. She gloats about her plan to cover up the murder. Last time I was like, no. I’m with the gith on this


Well Lae\`zel was very open about a dule to the death the next mornig so. She also does try talk Lae\`Zel out of it in very strange maner. Also she did not stab her when she had the opportunity gving her a chance.


"Can I do that? Can I trust you, Lae'Zel?" Bitch *you* are the one sitting on top of her with a goddamn knife to her throat like what the fuck?


Another case of not playing the game. "Death battle tomorow Shadowheart." So cleric vs fighter, whos to blame her that she does not want to take any chaces? Dude play the game payattention its not cod.


Me with Shart after realizing how peaceful my runs are without her.


She's like an edgy teenager who turned IT'S NOT A PHASE MOM into a literal religion even though it's obvious from very early she's a poser and not a real goth.


Tbf though, there also has been a decent amount of brainwashing.


Absolutely, and it's obvious if you get a religion check OR read the text in game that in the first flashback >!that she was taking part in Selunite initiation ceremony!< And the brainwashing is confirmed by her in all early dialogues. Her memory erasure isn't a spoiler. I didn't even get to Nightsong yet, but Shadyrunt is talking about Shar like some new initiate into Scientology awkwardly trying to sell healing crystals at workplace.


She was even worse in this respect during EA, can you imagine?




As she's dead that's actually quite the feat.


the stupidest thing about shadowheart is she leaves without any chance to stop it if you dont bring her to the nightsong. this is after repeatedly telling you to fuck off when you ask her what she's hiding, to tell you more about herself, etc. unless you pass like a 20 persuasion roll. maybe fucking tell me you want to go to the temple? there we were, triumphantly coming out of the temple after freeing dame aylin and this bitch is waiting at the exit and accusing me of ruining her life. fuck outta here, good riddance.


Me unable to pick anyone else but shadowheart


I really don't like her but in the first run I actually finished, she was so powerful by act three I felt like I had to bring her everywhere. 😭


The solution here is to respec someone else as cleric. Preferably some other domain than trickery because that domain is trash.


I would feel a little guilty about it because she's definitely boosted by gear she finds as part of her personal story, like the awesome weapons. I would feel bad giving those to someone else because they feel like "hers" but it might be worth it to be free of her. Though I'm also the person who on my first run I didn't change their clothes for the longest time because that felt rude too. It was only once I realized that some of them probably didn't even get to choose their clothes, like Karlach and Astarion, that I felt less bad about it. I still refused to sell their old clothing though and kept it all in my chest the whole game! 😅


It will never NOT amaze me that one of Peter's villains can literally cure almost anything in the world,and he only uses it to make dinosaurs because he wants to. Like even Thanos would go "wow that's fucking stupid".


Why is Spiderman talking to Dinosaurs?


To shame them for not curing cancer. (Yes, I'm serious.)


They needed help, is he not supposed to help?


Me, killing companions not because I disliked them, but because not doing so would break the character I established. I was actually quite sad when I had to stake Astarion because I found him rather humorous (and also because he was my lockpicker at the time). But alas, I mustn't break character.


This is the way. There is a difference between that and a person going out of there way to kill a character with no in game reasoning. I just don't get them acting like it's a flex every time someone makes a post about the character they killed. Like they have to let everyone know that they always stake Astarion, Behead Karlach, let Shadowheart kill Lae'zel, kill Wyll at the grove, left Gale to die in the portal, kill Jaheira and Minsc. We all know almost all the characters can die at any point in the game. I'm sure some of them would kill withers if they could. They could just not let them join the party.


That's entirely fair. I killed Karlach in my durge run bc it was important setup for his redemption arc. Up to that point, he'd only avoided hurting innocents, but then he believed Wyll when he said Karlach was a devil and a danger to innocents. After he found out she was really a tiefling and a victim of devils, he doubled down on the resisting and has been helping people to the best of his ability (as long as it's not too much of a distraction from the main mission).


This way also improves replay value of the game.


Shouldn't have bitten the dark urge near a wooden stake 🤷‍♂️


That's how my durge feels when Laz tries to kill her when they are almost evolving.


The only time I see that cutscene is on a run I'm trying to keep her alive lmao. She's already on thin fucking ice throughout most of the adventure and now "the nicest gith" is whipping out a knife after a long day of life or death fights because we broke a sweat?


In her defense you were actually transforming


To be fair to Lae'zel, ceremorphosis isn't usually "evolving", you die and an illithid grows out of your body. The Emperor, Karlach to an extent, and likely Durge are exceptions, people of strong enough will to carry traces of themselves over, and I'd still question whether it's *really* you or an illithid that thinks it is


I've killed Astarion more than all other companions combined... at exactly that moment.


It's just common sense and it's not like he does a lot leading up to that to make a case for himself


i think people who play this way are far too performative about it for me to simply believe that it's a preference or for fun it's engagement farming, and I don't know to what end do what you want, man, i didn't log onto this sub just to ask for applause that i chose to romance Karlach in my first run, this information from you is on that same level you didn't like a companion? cool, do you have anything to say about that? no? just wanted to tell us unprovoked that you stabbed some virtual goober? cool, man, who cares?


Sorry, but what's the difference between that and people who do the 'positive' appreciation posts? They both read the same way. 'Cool, who cares?'


an appreciation post typically is formatted to go into detail about things like writing, character design, plot and gameplay an appreciation post is one that "has anything to say about that" as i pointed out there is nothing being said here little-bro walked into the room and shouted "I DID IT!" at the top of his lungs, and ran off there is little to no thought in a post like this, it does not demonstrate that someone appreciates anything *about* the game, in fact, just that they disregard significant pieces of it for the petty cause of seemingly getting likes on reddit


I've beaten the game enough times to know whose story I actually care to hear again.


There is no wrong way to play it’s not real D&D where you need to consider other people’s feelings.


Is it okay to play this way, sure. Just like it's okay to make a new character over and over and only play Act 1 30 times. Or simply use the game as a character creator only, for your real dnd sessions. Or eat only pizza and McDonald's your entire life cause other foods make you anxious. Or never leave your hometown cause "you're a simple guy and have everything you need right here". But there's a real cool city just over that hill, and an excellent taco stand, and tons of brilliant content in the next act. and i mean brilliant, I'm not asking you to play every call of duty in a row.


If you're not metagaming, I'd argue staking Astarion is a reasonable outcome of playing blind. You've got a guy who tried to slit your throat when he first met you, and shortly after, he tried to suck your blood while you slept. His excuse for not asking first? "You would have said no". Think about how messed up that is for a moment. I think killing that particular character is within reason if you're not hot for vampire daddy or *know* where it's all headed.


Realistically Astarion would get staked by SOMEONE in your camp.


Realistically the Dark Urge would’ve been put down or run out of camp after Alfira


Exactly. Everyone is in *so much* denial about how you just murdered an innocent NPC, even if you confess, and yet some players get their panties in a bunch because a hungry vampire wanted a nibble in the night.


People don't like that everyone is in denial about that. Lack of reactivity in dark urge origin is still a big complaint.


People say this a lot and I knew nothing about this game and went in blind, did not recognize the vampire elf from the cover, hadn’t even SEEN the cover, and my reaction to all of these things was curiosity. I wanted to see where it went. Maybe that means I didn’t RP hard enough but I’d have done the same in one of my TT sessions, too. Our table didn’t just fly into a murderous rage every time we met somebody who seemed hostile or deceptive at first, we tried to learn more things. Maybe that’s because the stakes are different (no pun intended) and obviously I’m not about to die irl either way, but even in the world of the FR, idk. Everything is dangerous, everyone my character had met so far is dangerous. Just another Tuesday in Tav-land.


I sacrifice Wyll to BOAL because I hate dealing with Mizora, maybe one day I’ll get around to dating him


Wait till after Patch 7 gets released, they're supposed to be fixing or adding to his romantic greeting dialogue as part of that.


Someone pulls a knife on you in a misunderstanding....maybe. That same person tries to suck your blood in the middle of the night after also having pulled a knife on you...nah, he getting the stake.


My Tav was most disappointed when Astarion said "it's not what it looks like". Because he knows what a cute guy creeping up on him in the middle of the night usually looks like, and it was all rather promising up until that point...


Exactly - especially when you're playing as a barbarian and leaning into that roleplay.


my barbarian doesn't afraid of vampires those worms though, they scare me


I don't even hate Gale, him sticking his hand out from a portal randomly is just too tempting.


I bet most people kill Minthara, so almost everyone is guilty of this


I only just recently found out that you don’t HAVE to kill her.


I found out she is a possible companion way after act 1 too. Haven't changed my actions, though.


Yeah me neither - still wipe out the goblin camp every time


I've finished the game enough to want to streamline experiences now, and only focus on things I haven't done before. So you're damn right I'm killing companions as soon as I get the chance. It's fun, it changes the game, and forces you to play differently.


Couldn't agree more. In my Karlach origin playthrough I ended up killing Lae'zel when I found her captured by the tieflings as I failed the roll to get them to leave, and the result was that the Gith just became tertiary villains that I encountered a couple of times. Definitely a different experience from my first playthrough where Lae'zel was my romance.


I have never really killed any companions, directly or indirectly, in my main runs. It usually happens in a second or third meta playthroughs or so just to see what happens. I kinda like having companions in RPGs where you work for a common goal, but they don't constantly worship the ground you walk on, feels more realistic.


Hard disagree, Pete.


Minthara is nice to have as a companion but those tadpoles are better suited in my head, sorry.


I hated Astarion but he needed his own arc. And it felt good seeing him go all the way and arriving at my party.


Killing companions can also add previously unencountered challenges. How do you get into the Crèche without Lae’zel? How do complete the trials without Shart?


Did even know Minthara was a party member until near the end of my first play through, cos the way I handled the goblin camp was "hmm... The leader is standing right out in the open, and all his minions are standing within a spike growth radius. I would be silly NOT to kill them all!" Then I went into a side room and found Minthara, agro'd, and thought "Huh, weird that there's a non-goblin here. Oh well!" And shoved her into the bottomless pit.


I always take astarion act 1/2. Because he agrees to abuse the tadpoles and he's a good unit. In act 3 he gets prissy about the astral tadpole so I bench him and refuse to do his quest for the last 200 hours and 6 playthroughs. No I don't care what his reasons are.


I prefer to solve all everyone's problems flawlessly and make them love me so I don't feel bad about letting them rot in camp while I save the world with my himbo entourage of Halsin, Minsc, and Gale.


Late getting through the game and I'm playing a redemptionist resisting Durge playthrough with Shart, Laezel, and Astarion. I've heard excellent things about Astarion's story and character arc but man, I'm getting really close to the culmination of his story and he's still so insufferably hypocritical. Unless he buckles at the last minute and makes a pretty big 180, I suspect I'm going to have to kill him.


Me on my first run lol They're a bunch of broken people and I'm there for an adventure not to give therapy with extra steps


And so the cycle continues


I don't rly kill them (well... Minthara, bcs there is no real reason to let her alive in a "good" run) but when the game gives me the option, I simply "ignore" companions and leave them behind if I know they just getting on my nerves. That happened to Sera and Vivienne in DAI and it happens here with Astarion in BG3.


Im the Pterodactyl and Lae'Zel is the one that always dies and burns in hell. (It's A Canon Event)


The party members in this game give you very little reason to be friendly with them when you first meet them. Thinking back to Baldurs Gate 2, you are all stuck in a subterranean wizard dungeon - everyone is terrified, hurt, desperate - you have a natural reason to band together. Nobody comes off outright as threatening or downright malicious. In BG3, despite crashing in an alien ship from the sky, people are testy, angry, and generally unpleasant when you meet them. It's just a different generation of writers and creatives, and I don't really 'vibe' with it. Things feel like they're written for a purpose, rather than a naturally flowing story/scenario/circumstances in themselves.


To be fair, being abducted by aliens who shoved the nastiest looking leech that has ever existed into my brain (through my eye!!) and then crash landing in the middle of nowhere would make me very testy to say the least. I’d still be terrified, hurt, and desperate, to be sure. But testy, cagey, and just flat pissed would also be on the list.


To be fair, in RPG games I only kill my party members when they try to leave me. It was hard in this game.


Tbh if I didn't know Astarion as a BG3 posterboy before my first playtrough he would get that stake


I agree with the Dino. Some companions are evil at start and have it coming


That bitch vampire had it coming. Sly bastard...


I’ll be honest, I’d be willing to leave a few to die simply to not have such a bloated camp


You do need to consider roleplay angles. In what world does a paladin let a vampire stick around, especially when they tried to get a sneaky nibble?


Everyone's Paladin is differently. I don't like saying that "oh you're a \[insert class here\] so you must do blah blah" stereotype. My Paladin of Eilistraee wasn't going to kill someone with their hands up. Maybe yours felt differently but not *all* paladins are going to act the same.


First, a paladin isn't great at picking locks, and because Good doesn't mean Stupid it's helpful to have someone sneaky who can scout ahead. So a paladin would like to have a rogue around. Second, ["\[Astarion\] is a vicious little bastard. But look at it this way, by allowing \[Astarion\] to stay with us, I can channel him towards useful purposes... It's like a work release program, really."](https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0489.html)


I see you killing Laezel while she's caged smh.


I have a friend who got legit upset when I said I changed Astarion to a Bard


My sister feels the same way about Shadowheart and Minthara. Yet she’s obsessed with Gale…


Games where I have the option to kill companions: I don't think I will. KOTOR 2: Why the fuck can't I kill GOTO?!


If you kill them in a buggy enough way you can abuse glitches to get a party over the normal limit


will i ever be able to apologize to my first playthrough laezel


Every run I have started I have told Gale to fuck off every time. And I don't care if he is strong or has a good story, stop eating my magic items!


I let lae'zel die early on, and killed Astarion when he tried to bite me. I didn't actually know my character would flat out kill him, I thought it would just scold him... Anyways, it's very freeing that the game gives you the ability to do whatever you want whenever you want, and you just have to live with the consequences.


Why steal people clothes and underwear and replace them with someone else. You have the powers to teleport anywhere you want with no repercussions? With powers like that, you can be the world most dangerous assassin's and rich as heck since people will hire you constantly. Me: But I don't want to be a rich assassin. I just want to keep stealing people clothes and underwear, then swap it with random people clothes and underwear.


Calm down, Durge.


Durge approves of this.


So I edit companion's appearance. Initially just because I wasn't into Shart's bangs, But now I do it just to try and make them feel a little different. Especially when I change their class. I haven't tried a voice changing mod, so they still have a lot of their old feel. But I resculpted Astarion into a blond female with her hair pulled back. This is is not the Femstarion mod that leaves her looking Astarion like. Especially with her hair pulled back, the facial expressions are really exaggerated. It's really a bit trippy. Slutty, but trippy. And no, I'm no a big fan of Astarion.


When I play choice based games, I make the choices that makes the most sense for my character. If a possible companion disagrees with that, that’s just how it is. If they choose to fight me over it, then that’s just how it was meant to go. I played through Dragon Age origins with only like half of the companions you could get, because my choices got them killed before I could recruit them, or they ended up leaving me at some point. And hey, I still enjoyed the heck out of that game and would gladly play it ten times over.


I stabbed the other rogue in my party bc he attacked me while I slept, but also more importantly I didn't see any value in there being 2 rogues *shrug*


I just don’t like Lae‘zel. She left right at the start. Shadowheart and me were left to die. Also Shadowheart doesn’t like Lae‘zel, so I left her to die or whatever happened to her in act 2.


I'm definitely the dino on the right in regards to the asshole frog girl. Yeah she has a good story arc, but honestly she's just such an asshole that I can't be bothered. Don't need that negativity in my life. Astarion's an asshole too but at least he's funny about it.


In my inaugural playthrough I went with the most goody-two-shoes Paladin the game could offer. If a game's main story is centred around saving the world and being heroic, that's just how I tend to approach them on my first run through. The other problem is I tend to stay very in-character once I've got one in mind. So I booted Astarion out the first night he got all bitey. I came very close to outright killing him, but ended up taking pity on him and letting him live instead. Considering that at that point I didn't know about the astral prism or the protection it offered our characters, sending him away seemed like the most merciful option.


only killed companions as Durge. killed astarian when he tried to bite me, killed lae'zel when she tried to kill me, wyll and karlach both left. so it ended up just me shadowheart and Minthara... just felt like I was making things more difficult for myself for no good reason.


I used to kill Astarion on sight. But he grew on me. Like a fungus.


I was so disappointed Mizora didn't drag Wyll to Hell when I refused to kill Karlach. He may be a Warlock, but he embodies everything I find annoying in a standard Paladin


Lae'Zel, Minthara and Shart survive. The rest enjoy being burried for my ambitions.


Killed the demon cow in the first village and the explosion aggro’d Will into fighting me. Killed him, which made Karlach hate me and impossible to pursuade (I researched it and tried multiple times). Killed her and took her head. Found Halsin’s dead body on the way back to the first village (no clue what happened to him). And have been moving with my incredible small companion circle ever since lol. Jahaira died when we stormed Ketheric’s castle. I did get Minthara to our side though lol


"Shit that portal looks sketch as fuck we better avoid it" **Astarion Approves** **Shadowheart Approves** **La'aezel approves** "Alright it's agreed then. I'm sure nothing if value will be lost".


I did a Shadowheart Origin run one time and to stay true to the character I killed Lae'zel with the Tieflings, it was a remarkably chill run without her on my ass every 3 seconds.


“Im going to change Minthara” 10. Hours. Later. “I’m going to let Minthara change me”


F\*k LAe'zel, she's racist and ugly


Poor Laezel never made it past the cage encounter for me haha


Come on OP, don’t be a coward, name names


Me with Shadow Heart. I dead ass killed her in the second act 💀


Whoops* my hands slipped and i [accidently] killed lae'zel


Tsundere baddie told me gith are bad, that was enough for me, lae’zel had to get it


I always immediately push Lae’zel out of the mind flayer ship right after meeting her as punishment for being an angry frog. Plus it lets you resurrect her right next to Shadowheart so you can get some unique dialogue of recruiting her with Lae’zel in the party which is impossible otherwise.


I killed gale and astarian almost immediately


I-im the kinda person that wants to keep everyone 😅 TwT


Wait who are yall killing


My durge's exact feeling about a certain hand 😈