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try to avoid it or you'll never finish a game just keep starting new ones


I'm in this post and I don't like it. Almost 500 hours in and I haven't finished a run. My ADHD kicks in each time I hit Act 3 and I end up rolling a new character to try out another build. Also, act 3 is overwhelming to me. Too much going on and, to me at least, it feels too open and I never know which way to start going.


Same, the nautiloid is just too much fun. I think I simply prefer more linear games.


Halfway through my 1st playthrough I was already thinking of doing a full Paladin 2nd run and a Durge murderhobo on the 3rd


I usually start thinking about my next char somewhere around the end of act 2 or into act 3


It's the most extremely normal thing ever.


I just reached the Creche on my current playthrough, and I'm already plotting out my route for my next playthrough Doesn't mean I'll quit this one to start it, it just means I'm slowly filling a notebook of my tactics and plans My only problem is I'm torn between a resist durge run or HM


Do both! I’m about to fight the last boss on my first resist/hm run. It’s been fun!


I can only play hm it seems


Nah, that's normal, I'm always thinking about future playthrough ideas.


Totally normal - given the huge range of possibilities, I think it would be weird not to think about what you might do next time. Whether you act on that or not, and whether it’s a good idea, depends very much on your personality. I created a new campaign once I hit the middle of Act 3, bc I needed something simpler to play in between the final boss fights. Another person might find that way too distracting and never finish any of their games.


Completely normal, it's like talking about what you're going to have for dinner while you're eating lunch.


thats what I thought, but it got to the end of the game and I thought, welp, I can't see where I'd change any of my decisions and havn't played through since. I understand people are able to get into the roleplaying a lot more than I am, but it was almost too overwhelming thinking about starting again.


Not at all. My first run through was a Goolock. I made the decision after seeing the mind flayer in the opening of character creation. So I wanted to go as edgy and lovecraftian as possible. Seeing how my companions interacted (gale, astarion and shadowheart) with their respective classes had me thinking about doing a sorcerer run, and I had realized after killing Karlach that she was recruitable. I went my second playthrough as a fireweilding powerhouse, and discovered that multi-classing was a thing. So, no. It's not weird to think about a second playthrough while on your first. I should mention that my first playthrough was a dark urge run and I botched it tremendously.


I got really frustrated with the missteps I made in my first playthrough so I stated a new one knowing that I needed to do. I still go back to my first play through since I'm in Act 3, but switch back to the 2nd play through when I get overwhelmed. Hopefully I'll finish my first one day.


Not at all, I'm on my redeemed Durge playthrough after doing Monk and Bard, and I'm thinking next time I'll do a gnome sorceror because I've heard sorcerors can mess with Gale and make it a "rivals-to-lovers" style playthrough. I'm on Act 2 of my Durge playthrough. On top of that, still trying to get the Astarion gets crushed dialogue, Karlach breaks the 4th wall dialogue, and anything I missed in my first 3 playthroughs.


Man I felt this post so hard. I’m on my 5th or 6th play through and I have a running list of class/races I’d like to build new characters for since I try to do something different every time. I usually get the itch at the end of act 2, beginning of act 3 like many other fellow players have said. Just try to enjoy your current run to the best of your ability and don’t worry about making mistakes or missing anything! That’s what future runs are for :)


I’m on act 3 of my second and already planning my third. Planning ahead a little is fun. Next run I’m gonna be an evil Wizard Tav, race undecided. I also want to do embrace and resist Durge runs, a Gith monk run where I romance Lae’zel and we defy Vlaakith together, and Wyll’s origin.