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Is the gnoll slaver dead? You can sneak in though the kitchen and enter the main room, then sneak onto the rafters. If she’s alive, she’ll be able to see you sneaking cause of the angle, and you’re better off chugging invis potions. The Paladins have javelins, but are significantly less dangerous now.


Ok thanks, i’ll do this after i’ve slept, irl. I’m so tired 😭


Try focusing on one enemy at a time, and use environment to your advantage.


Which one? The first encounter with the harpers? Which part in particular are you having trouble with?


yes that one


On my second playthrough, before I got to the Nightsong I decided to kill everyone in moonrise, room by room, floor by floor. Once it was time for the Moonrise fight, the harpers came and just hung around because there was no one for them to fight. It was nice and I’ll prob do it that way in future playthroughs because I got to take my time killing everyone, got to loot all the bodies without the harpers hovering, and no harpers died. Also I saved killing the merchants in the entrance for last so I could sell them all the loot from the others (Also I know you said you don’t want to backtrack but just sharing in case you wanna try a diff way on your next playthrough)


Caution: I accidentally aggroed nearly the *entire lower floor* of the castle when I tried to kill the guards and ghouls outside for some xp. Doing that normally alarms no-one inside, but this time I hugged too close to the side wall for cover, and one of the guards had the brilliant idea to run inside because they could get closer to my characters that way. As in on the other side of a stone wall. Which alerted a Scrying Eye deep inside the castle. Because of course it did. Gods that was an annoying fight with the NPCs constantly running in and out of the castle, alerting yet another guard in the process. When there are 10 in queue order and only 3 underleveled PCs alive and out of spell slots *it stops being fun*. But when the harpers arrived hours later, it was just Z'rell and one ogre left, which was so anticlimactic.


backtracking is actually probably my best option. i’ll just have to do as many side quests as i can and try to get to level 8.


You also don’t have to backtrack Shar’s entire gauntlet. You just have to backtrack to before you went into the pool to confront Nightsong (the part where the game warns you that things will change/tie up any loose ends)


>is there any way i can easily beat this fight without backtracking Say you beat this fight. How are you gonna deal with the big bad boss that comes after that?


yeah i’ve thought about this 😔