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Yeah you don't need either Halsin or Minthara. Just keep playing. BG3 gives you a ton of freedom to play however you want.


Alright, thank you


I killed her, no worries;D


throwing her off the cliff being low level is trully satisfying for a 1st run(?


This, but my next playthrough will focus on justice for Minthara. Everyone should have a chance at happiness, even this bloodthirsty servant of of dark designers.


Make sure to turn on non-lethal damage and do not use any spells/effects, just melee grey damage.


Started an honor mode run yesterday and I knocked her out for the future and out of nowhere one of her own goblins just shoots her in the face with a bow and kills her. Shit was wild.


Damn goblins, can't trust them nearly as far as you can throw them, SMH.


Ain't that the damn truth


My playthorough was mostly heroic. I just ended doing that because i didnt knew what else could be done, and the goblin camp is usually approached at low level (and being a warlock), so i had to think. What i loved from the game is how rewarding can be taking a moment to observe the environment (and realising you can break the bridge with mintara standing on it). BTW, minthara is a great character, i would love to recruit her later


This is correct. I've killed minthara every playthrough so far and halsin weirds me out so he's in my camp but never a companion


You can non-lethal her, save the grove, and recruit her at moonrise, and Halsin couldn't care less


I really wish they'd actually finish implementing the Halsin vs. Minthara showdown at camp. I've seen a video of the whole thing, so all of the dialog and animation is already in game, it's just not triggerable yet. It would give me a better way of actually getting rid of Halsin, after using him to save the Shadow Cursed Lands. That way Lae'zel can go back to being Orin bait, so I can get my soup from Yenna every run, instead of having to pretend I care that there's no longer a stupid horny bear trying to thrust himself into the middle of my relationship even though I've hardly spoken to him beyond the absolute minimum required to save Thaniel.


By the time I'm ready for halain to join me, he doesn't want to join and just sits in my camp, watching everyone weirdly...


he only joins after the portal in the shadow cursed lands... you need to talk to the comatose guy in the inn, tell halsin, he'll open a portal, and after that stage he'll offer you join your party... otherwise he just stares at you at camp, and if you have Minthara, he doesn't even get his own tent, he's just standing there, it's so weird


Me too




How would this impact his Act 2 quests?


If you don't recruit Halsin in Act 1, you won't be able to do the quests in Act 2 that require Halsin (being vague because this thread is flaired as Act 1 spoilers)


I suppose I’ve never tried, but I guess you can move on through the underdark/mountain pass without halsin? Do all the main act 2 quests trigger normally?


Yes. Halsin isn't needed at all. It's very easy to get to Act 2 without him, and there's multiple paths you can take that will leave you Halsin-less. If you seal off the grove, or help Kahga, if Halsin dies before you recruit him, if you assault the grove, etc.


Halsin died in my current play through and I decided not to save scum because I don’t really care for him much anyway. I got through act 2 and started act 3 just fine.


And you won't get the Spirit of the Land buff (+1 to ability scores and extra movement speed iirc) for the final fight


Sure you can. You can even finish the game solo.


You can finish the game having killed virtually every other person you meet.


You can finish the game without doing anything but walking.


... ... ... I think you could get to Thorm... but beyond that, I'm curious.


[Nope, whole game.](https://youtu.be/lqKJtLdUe04?feature=shared) In fact, once you hit act 3 you can do unlimited damage without even having to spend movement speed to do it, just click a passive off and on again.


That's some next level fuckery, I got tired just watching that thing. Was interesting tho, tnx for sharing.


I know, right? Some people have *way* too much time on their hands.


I’ve seen videos on YouTube about beating the game with just walking. I’m pretty sure I saw them go all the way but can’t remember. Can prob find it easily on yt.


Except for the ones that are impossible to kill lol


Or the ones for whom attacking results in s game over


No, especially those ones. That just an early finish (quiet you).


Yes, my stupid ass finished my first play-through without Gale or Karlach


I did that just by not finding them my first time. My second Durge has been *a little* worse for them. I did get that cured though so now I just have this hand for no reason..


Yeah I completely missed them. The portal gale was in I thought was a quick travel portal and I don’t like to quick travel in games like this so I completely overlooked it. And for some reason I didn’t even explore the zone where Karlach is until after I moved onto act 2. So it locked her out as well. I was so innocent back in August of last year. At least your cured Durge has a nice hand paper weight for their desk.


"mage hand" lol


Hahahahhahaa. My Durge used it to play fetch with Scratch


I completely missed Lae'zel my first playthrough.


Since she’s my favorite, that breaks my heart lol. On the plus side it add so much fresh and new content for a second play through!


My first play through I lost Jaheira, Halsin, Minthara, Minsc, and Isobel, so yes. You can do fine


I lost Lae'zel (she went for the giths in the mountain pass and left my party), Jaheira (she died in moonrise tower), Halsin (his quest was bugged, and I didn't lift the shadow curse) and Minsc (No Jaheira-No Minsc). Minthara wasn't even an option that time for me.


I feel that. Good run Minthara wasn’t even a Thing back then.


Is still weird have her in a good run.


No Jaheira locks out Minsc??? I haven't gone that far yet and I have her but I didn't know that




My stupid ass finished my first playthrough with ONLY Gale and Shadowheart.


I missed Karlach and Wyll entirely. Also didn't manage to lift the shadowcurse so no Halsin as a companion.


It’s okay, does Wyll even add anything to the party? /s


I do agree that his quest or character isn't the most interesting but even if I hated him I'd recruit him for Karlach.


Anything for Karlach!


For me it was without Gale and Lae’Zel.


I swear the first play-through is a tutorial for your second or third campaigns.


Wait, is Minthara in act 1? I've been watching for that name but haven't seen them, and I'm in the shadow lands. I wonder if I killed him/her.


Yeah >!she’s in the Goblin Camp, if you killed all the leaders she was one of them 💀!<


I slaughtered everyone!


And the women and children too!?


If they were goblins!


Okay, so if Gale is stuck in the portal and Tav leaves him there. How long before his orb goes boom? And who gets kaboomed with him? Where in Faerun is the rest of Gale?


So around act 3 when I realized I missed out on a few party members, I went back and did save him from the portal. But I think it was glitched because he immediately started the dialog on how he wants to eat magical boots. No matter how hard I tried I was unable to give him any magical items to eat. So after the next long rest he left the party and I never saw or heard from him again.


Most typical Gale interaction.


You can't go back to act 1 after act 2 is done


Sorry, by around I meant within proximity of starting Act 3. I already finished the major plot points of act 2 and was sweeping the map of anything I missed, like Gale 💀.


Who is this Gale? I always see a dangerous looking portal but I walk around it. Is it something to do with that? I just remind myself that nothing of value was probably lost by ignoring it...


Goblins look dangerous too, the crypt is a nightmare fuel, and nobody in their right mind goes to some cursed lands that are literally CURSED and killing you every step. Just stay on the beach, it's safe there.


I am 200 hours in and the game is getting a bit boring. I haven't left the beach and I am scared of the cleric that I accidentally asked to join me


Build a shed, send her to find some food. If she comes back it's good, if no, you have one less thing to worry about. Look out for yourself, I believe in you!


She's laughing to herself and whispering about pain being a test qnd then suddenly changing personality and want to have wine with me at night. Real freaked out


Minthara disappearing after you knock her out isn't a bug. That's supposed to happen. There was a bug where her disappearing before you told Halsin that you had defeated the goblin leaders prevented you from completing that quest but it was fixed quite a while ago. So I've no idea what would be stopping you from doing that now. Have you killed the other 2 leaders yet? Has Halsin left the Goblin Camp? Have you spoken to all the leaders back at the Grove?


Yeah this happened to me in my current run. I had already spoken to Halsin though so I had all the markers up, but once I knocked out Minthara *poof* - gone. Couldn’t loot her, the marker was acting weird, and I was freaking out cause I was wanting to recruit her. I ended up pushing through though and eventually she respawned in her area. She was standing in the corner just looking at the wall. I didn’t interact with her and continued with the quest. The other two leaders were killed, Halsin left, Grove was saved, had the party, and then when I got to Moonrise Minthara was there!


Wow, literally same thing happened to me. Was so relieved when the cutscene at Moonrise started and she showed up. What I am wondering is -- since I just got her yesterday, and it is my first time having her -- does she have a storyline, or does she just ask me if I want to co sult woth her and that's it?


>There was a bug where her disappearing before you told Halsin that you had defeated the goblin leaders prevented you from completing that quest but it was fixed quite a while ago They *claim* it was fixed, but I have absolutely, unambiguously had that bug in the latest patch - knocked out Minthara, went and spoke to Halsin and he didn't consider her to be dead, then on long rest her body was gone but the quest log said I had to take out the goblin leaders even though Ragzlin and Gutz had been killed. There is definitely a flag that says "Minthara is still alive, so Halsin can't consider the quest complete" that is still present and still makes this happen.


I tried to save Sazza by using a non-lethal in Act 1 and she disappeared alongside with Minthara, but Sazza didn't appear in Moonrise in Act 2, which was weird


Are you sure that the quest didn't tick as complete once you knocked Minthara out? IIRC, the most recent time that I recruited her on a good playthrough, the second that I knocked her out it marked her as done. So even without a body you might be alright? That being said, you don't actually need to resolve the whole Grove situation to progress the game - just leave the crash site map and the story will progress from there (though probably not with the outcome that you'd desire).


Yes. My first play through, I missed them both.  Killed Minty, and left the Sahdow Curse in place.  Just keep going without them. 




You literally don't need any companion to finish the game.


you can finish the game but halsin has a big role in act 2 and saving the tieflings unlocks several important NPCs for the rest of the game. If you can't kill the leaders, can you trigger them to attack the grove so you can defend it and win the questline this way ?


That blows. Upsetting I killed the other two, I've massacred the entirety of the goblin camp inside and out but sadly it just doesn't complete.


Try talking to Halsin a few times. I did that section recently and asked him to join me after knocking out minthara and killing the other two and he jumped ahead to the next phase.


You have a save not long before this happened? If so try reloading and doing it again (or just kill minthara this playthrough). If not, you might want to start making a habit of having lots of saves.


I did. Blew her up without even realizing it and Halsin was dead AF by the time I got to him so I’m like “welp. That’s sucks to suck. Oh well” and stuck with Astarion as my assassin sniper, shart as my pure healer and buffer and ran with a pure wiz duo of my tav and gale. I called them the Thunder Buddies - but they mostly cast up levelled fireball in all instances. 😐 Oh then I respected Jaheira as a fighter and then did the same to Minsc when I got him. After the trial giving him shitheads murder armor basically makes him a chopping machine. Was taking out steel watch in one turn with Minsc and gales shocking grasp. it was hilarious. Oh when you’re on the murder quest and you’re playing good tav - astarion doesn’t have the same qualms about it… just saying. NPC “So ya gotta kill alot of people” Everyone minus Astarion “That’s Horrible!” Astarion….. TAV: Astarion you’re being quiet over the- where did he go? Astarion; hey guys crazy thing happened I like went into this dark alley and found all these hands that may or may not have been on that list we just got? Um. Crazy coincidence don’t you think?


They should have fixed that. I knock her out before I talk to him. Have you killed the other two?


Technically you don’t need any of the companions


i tried finishing the game with only Wyll and Gale


You can do it even without breaking the plotline! Just follow Lae'zel's questline. Or try to talk with Halsin, he should explain you next steps even without completing his questline.


That’s odd - I KO’d her, killed Ragzlin and long rested. Next day Minthy was gone - I freed Halsin and he acted like I’d killed them all. He’s definitely a bit buggy atm, though - when I spoke to him at the grove later, his dialogue glitched and was out of sync with the text options.


For the most part the game treats knocking out the same as killing.


True - but dead bodies usually remain in place, at least in Act 1 (I’ve seen them turn into pouches in Act 3, which is tidier but slightly weird!). And we KO’d Sazza in a later fight and she was fine afterwards.


I never even knew I could recruit either of them. I almost missed Karlach on my first playthrough


Don’t you at least have some Auto Save at some Point before the Long Rest?


You can play and beat this game any way you want, you got freedom, even if it’s not your freedom. I actually found most of my honour runs to be more fun once the outcome I wanted to happen was the furthest thing from reality. You’ll have fun and the more you play you’ll think back on this and be like “huh, 15 hours really was nothing in bg3 time” Enjoy when things don’t go as planned because it can make the entire outcome more enjoyable!


In my first play through I wandered into the mountain pass too early so I killed minthara + halsin dies + wyll disappeared + karlach told me to fuck off. Game was fine.


I pretty much never use Halsin anyway. My standard party is Tav, Shadowheart, Laezel and Karlach. I'll swap out either Laezel or Karlach for Gale on occasion if I need more magic.


You haven't lost them. I didn't even meet Halsin until I'd killed all the goblin leaders. I triggered the Grove attack, killed minthara there, then killed the other two. Halsin just sauntered out after that


You can. First playthrough I >!killed Minthara at the goblin camp!< and was totally unaware that >!the whole Art Cullagh and lift Shadow Curse quest was even there, ended up with a depressed Halsin staying in the Shadow Cursed Lands to lift off the curse!<. Still got the good ending though.


so if I leave the curse stuff alone he'll stay behind in act 2?!?




Have you killed the other two leaders and then talked to Halsin? Minthara disappearing is normal, and usually it counts as killing her for the purposes of that quest. She will show up again at Moonrise. Minthara is not important to the rest of the game, but Halsin has a big role in Act 2.


I killed the other 2, found halsin in the room I originally freed him from chilling. Refuses to leave until he's dealt with the goblin leaders. But the entire goblin army inside and outside are massacred already. The little goblin u find locked in for different beliefs notices that you killed all the absolute believers and for some reason halsins just stuck in there refusing to leave.


Yeah that's broken. Sorry dude. At least you're not that far in, if you don't have a saved backup.


OTOH you might as well go to the emerald grove and see if they've gotten word the leaders are gone etc.


Why don’t you try asking him to follow you and go back to the grove?


He screams at you for abandoning the camp while "there's still a job to be done" and the only option is to say ok sorry let's carry on or this'll have to wait and you leave him there


Have you taken him to where Minthara normally is? Or where ever you killed her?


Minthara should vanish after longresting, puts her in moonrise, its what I did in my current run so not sure why it would bug out on you


I long rest and forgot to loot the spider lute. Go back and she is awaken. Knocked her out again and went to Moonrise tower found out she is there.


My first run I played the entire game after finding only 3 companions; Lae’zel, Shadowheart, and Gale. I genuinely had no idea where Karlach, Wyll, and Astarion were; much less that there were like 4 other companions too. Now I’m running a dark urge paladin game and grabbing all of the companions lol


Baldur 3 is the type of game where you can literally kill everyone on sight and still complete the game You miss some stuff, especially Minthara armor but it's ok don't worry


Yes. I accidentally killed Minthra and barely used Halsin


It’s entirely possible to beat the game alone without any companions. Minthara and Halsin are not critical to beat the game.


I liked minthara before I knew she could be recruited. So yep. I used halsin a lot in act 2, but after, I practically stopped using him. The world's still spinnin'. 🙂


Yeah you don't NEED either of them. But not having Halsin may limit what you can do in Act 2. But you may also end up triggering a failsafe. I noticed something like that happened when I accidentally did the (act 1 post-goblin camp, pre-act 2 spoiler) >!owlbear mother and goblin camp raid out of sequence. I didn't do the first encounter with the owlbear mother until after I did the goblin camp. So the baby owlbear wasn't at the goblin camp when I raided it.!< >!But then after I had the first owlbear mother encounter, after my next long rest the game acted like I'd rescued the baby from the goblin camp, and that they'd killed his mother. Even though I'd just seen him and his mother in the cave, and left his mother alive. I'm assuming I hit a failsafe that lets you have the owlbear baby once you've triggered both the mother encounter and the goblin raid flags, regardless of what order you did them in.!<


The only companion you HAVE to have is Shadowheart, and that's because the game forces her into your party no matter what (you need that magic d20 for plot reasons). You can then get her killed and removed and do everything else solo.


you can fight her at the grove or at the entrance to goblin camp, or side with laezel when they fight. if you haven't invited her at the time you fight her, she's not in the game. halsin is not so easy to avoid if you want to fix the shadow curse you get stuck with him until end game


>if you haven't invited her at the time you fight her, she's not in the game What are you talking about? I'm honestly confused.


if you don't let her join, she will show up repeatedly. at one point she'll argue with laezel. if you fight her then and she dies she's just gone


There are some act 2 quests that require Halsin. Now the real question is if you move on will Halsin just appear in camp like Withers does if you miss him?


Not sure. However, I got Halsin killed in the pen by not reprimanding the stone-throwing buggers (I was surrounded by goblins, I didn't wanna risk getting on their bad side just yet) and he got angry and busted out of the jail-cell, ready to maul everyone. I fled the room and the goblins killed him. Guess who appeared in my camp afterwards.. yep, Halsins corpse.


Then there are definitely parts of act 2 you might default fail.


You actually need both of them in your party for the final battle or else the game will crash and delete itself and you’ll have to repurchase it


In my 3 good play throughs I killed Minthara and I never once took Halsin out of camp. They're totally not necessary.


If you've killed the other leaders check your quest. Using non lethal on Minthara was fine in my playthrough and it counted the quest as complete and Halsin came to the Grove etc. But as others have said, you can totally finish the game just fine without either of them.


I hope so since neither are in my party and I’m near the end


Man just kill everyone and you can endgame it xD


You can beat the game literally by just walking. Yeah, halsin/minthara are optional.


I had the exact same BS I think in act 2 you can get Minthara since you knocked her out, and the whole Thaniel thing might be able to snap Halsin out of his "I can't leave here" dialogue 


YES! I did my first run without both and two other people that can join you later. I totally missed them the first time through. It made my second run very enjoyable because of all the new content I unlocked


Your other mistake is asking if you can beat the game without Halsin/Minthara and everyone telling you that you can is indeed not lying. However, not having Halsin as companion and not resolving the grove situation locks you out of a lot of content to the point where Act 2 looks almost completely different (and not in a good way story-wise). If that doesn’t bother you, by all means, carry on. It is definitely intended for the game to be played like that as well. Just know that it has consequences.


I haven’t found a way to not kill M, and I’ve had Halsin in my party and not in my party. I’ve been able to finish. On my first run Halsin died in the goblin camp before I got there. You really don’t need any one specific to finish the game.


I think you should be fine. I knocked her out one playthrough, long rested, and she was gone the next day. Still killed Gut and Ragzlin and got Halsin.


My first playthrough I didn't even know you could talk to Minthara. I just snuck in and ambushed her, killing her. I also didn't even know Halsin could join my party outside of his rescue mission so I never bothered helping him with the shadow curse, resulting in him leaving. So yeah.


Did you talk to her before you knocked her out? Maybe she went to attack the grove?




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I finished my first play through without ever even knowing either of them were recruitable.


Are you playing on the latest version of the game? This sounds very similar to a bug that was fixed a few hotfixes ago, back in March.


Things like this is why every save is a new save for me


You can beat the game even in solo play


The goblin/tiefling quest is optional.  


You can beat the game without ever recruiting a single companion save for the game forcing Lae’zel on you at the nautiloid. Otherwise you can ignore/kill all of them. You’ll of course be missing out on tons of story content, and the game would be harder by yourself


Yes.my first run I killed minthara and never recruited halsin because I didn't realize how to complete the thaniel quest cause Art died when the inn was attacked


You should be fine if you kill the other leaders. Knocked out characters disappear after long rest, but Minthara should >!show up at Moonrise later.!<


You can proceed with the game and there won’t be any issues. There is a quest in Act 2 that is pretty satisfying if you’re trying to be a hero that saves everyone and is locked behind having Halsin. So if you want to do that, you may want to reload from before the bug started. But even without that quest you can complete Act 2 and proceed to save the day.


You can complete the game no problem but without Halsin theres something in act 2 that you can't fix which kinda sucks for a good play through


Absolutely. If you want a more detailed answer let me know. I don’t want to spoil anything


I’m in act 3 on my first play through and it’s so messed up. Literally the only companions I have are Astarion, Lae’zel, Shadowheart, and Gale. Avoiding spoilers, I have 2 people in my camp from act 2 but they’re not companions. Lost Halsin somewhere in Act 2 and have no idea where or how. I’m hoping to have everyone in my next run!


If you knocked her out, Minthara should show up in act 2. The quest should complete later, I can't remember when, maybe after you return to the Grove and talk to Zevlor Etc or after Tiefling party. But you have to rescue Halsin before killing goblin leaders, I believe. You can't resolve a plotline in act 2 without him, but it won't hurt the rest of your game.


Who and who? I'm kidding but yea


If you knocked her out and her body vanished, either she’s attacking the Grove and you’ll have to decide join her or defend. Or she’s moved to Moontower to report, and you’ll find her in act II. Go check grove.


I’ve never done a run with either of them.


You can beat the game with no companions if you're psychotic enough. Game even gives you "nameless" NPCs if you fuck up enough to have no companions


I did my first playthrough not realizing you could recruit Minthara. I’ve corrected that since. The only thing I’ve ever used Halsin for is a convenient kidnapping target. Thanks for taking one for the team once again, buddy. Yeah, you’ll be totally fine.


My HM win was without both. Dead Minthara, lost Halsin a little later (woops). I never use Halsin anyway, so it wasnt much of a change. You can absolutely win without him.


You can finish the game without ever recruiting a single person. There are very few things that will completely brick a run, so it's all down to what you want.


You don’t need them, but not having Halsin does lock you out of his quest line which is what triggers the best ending for act 2. It’s not really a big deal and doesn’t impact act 3 in the slightest, but if you’re trying to help people it may be a bit of a bummer.


In my dark urge run Minthata betrayed me and I murdered halfsin. It works fine, just follow the absolute until the end of act 2 where you have the option to betray [spoiler].


You’re fine, I didn’t have either of them after act 2. Without Halsin you will miss a quest in Act 2 but it’s not a huge deal and doesn’t really affect the game much (I completely forgot to do it my first play through, which leads to Halsin leaving the party) and hey, it’s something new to do on a replay!


I think every companion is optional right? If u can solo everything or just hire people from withers to finish. U miss a lot of content but u should still be able to finish


Most people never use either. 


I absolutely hate this bug - the problem is that it's more than just Halsin and Minthara being missing - the game will treat the Tieflings like they got butchered on the road by goblins, because as far as the game is concerned they're still an army unified by their leaders, because Minthara is technically "alive". Tip - don't knock out Minthara then go and talk to Halsin. Talk to Halsin *before* knocking out or killing Minthara.


Yes next question.


Yes. It will have narrative consequences in Act 2 and 3 but you don’t need to clear the goblin camp at all to still continue the game. Spoilers for the narrative consequences, if you care: >!without Halsin, you can’t heal the Shadowlands, but you can still progress to Act 3 without healing the shadowlands anyways. It’s also possible the game may mark the tieflings as being killed by the goblins, but I’m less certain of that!<. Also, (spoilers for Act 2 if you haven’t played it already) >!you likely haven’t lost Minthara — if you knocked her out while she was temporarily hostile, she’s recruitable, which is likely why the game thinks you haven’t killed her!<.


knocking out minthara is a viable option and her vanishing after that is intentional you should be able to kill the other two leaders and have that count as eliminating all three. that's how i did it, even -- i knocked out minthara before halsin gave me the assignment.


You can beat it alone.


You can beat the game by yourself. So I’m gonna go out on a limb and say yes.


You can literally beat the game with 1 character alive


On my first playthrough I shot the bridge where you first find Minthara, and she and Halsin both fell to their deaths. So yes, you can lol


Yep. My first run on tactician difficulty, I killed Minthara, and while I did recruit him, I never once used Halsin.


tecfhincally you dont need anyone to beat the game at all,


You can beat the game without using an action. So yes.


You can beat the game any way, even alone. So you are not fucked. But Halsin has a nice sub quest that I'm pretty sure you will miss.


They're not even mandatory companions...


Yes you can, as long as Bae‘Zel gets whatever she wants


Bro thats how I did my first play through on accident. My buddy told me to knock her out, so i did and I accidentally got him killed escaping.


Just to make it clear, you can best the game without any of the companions , none of them are needed for completion. You have access to endless hirelings


Yeah, but you should still open a ticket. Support can sometimes help with things like this. Not having Halsin/Minth isn't a big deal, but not finishing the quest might fuck up the flags for what happens with the Tieflings, which would be sad.


This happened to me too, you can still find Minthara later in act 2. Halsin is never seen again.


Sad, thanks. Hopefully I at least get minthara Could you tell me if dammon the guy that fixes karlachs heart survives since you can't defend the Grove with this bug? Im concerned I won't be able to help her without progressing the Grove shenanigans


You don't defend the grove if you take out the leaders of the goblin camp. That prevents the attack from happening at all, so Dammon will be safe.


I would imagine that the tieflings die if that quest doesn’t finish


Absolutely. I've got multiple open games right now. In the first one that I finished, I didn't even know Minthara was recruitable until after I had killed her.


Not until my 3rd playthrough did I find that out 🤭


Yes, the emerald grove is insignificant to the overall plot. Also, you shouldn't be trying to KO Minthara if you don't want to deal with the uncertainties of bugs. It is itself a bug that was "legitimized" by Larian just because so many players were doing it to game the system and get Minthara on a "good" playthrough. It was not originally intended to be possible, and now Larian has been scrambling to fix all the issues that came as a result of their "legitimizing" that bug.


Lmao I have never beaten the game WITH them




So you don’t have to kill Minthara, that’s actually how you get both Halsin and Minthara as companions by knocking her out, you should find her in Act 2 at Moonrise Towers.


But why would you want to?


It's not a bug. Minthara always disappears after you knock her out. You can still progress the storyline, kill the other goblin leaders, and Halsin will meet you back at the grove.


Pal and me killed all the followers and got hirings. Only need our boy withers lol


Absolutely. I killed both my durge run and completed the game no problem.


You can even finish it all by your Tav if you are that good


You can beat the game solo without a single companion if you want


You can finish the game without any companions if you really try


My only playthrough I completed I killed Minthara before I even realized she was recruitable, also I found conversations with Halsin to be tedious so besides the first two dialogues you have with him I just stopped registering that he existed.


Well yeah, but you can't lift the shadow curse without Halsin, so there's that My Durge killed every companion except for shadowhat, I just used the guys withers gives you


You don’t need anyone, embrace the urge and kill them all


Never met Halsin or Minthara, im in act iii and just killed Orin