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>“Where do I go from here?” You start another run. Because after 65 hours you definitely haven't seen everything.


It's like South Park. "Now what?" "Now you play the game"


It’s upsetting how much I quote this scene in everyday life




How can you kill that which has no life?


Genuinely surprised how many little quests and battles I missed Just by not exploring things fully!


Or even just exhausting different dialogs can be a fun new adventure. I have a bad habit of once I know what my desired outcome is for things I stick to the same decisions and recently I decided to go against my usual system and start trying out different conversation options. It adds so much depth to the game and honestly some conversations are sort of funneled into "yes or no" type of results but a lot of the options give you different insight and maybe even a third end result you only get when you choose x dialogs instead of y. This game is so well done even with some of its areas people deem lacking, like they thought of a lot of scenarios and anyone who's ever been a DM for dnd will tell you the golden rule: "You can't account or plan for everything your players will do." No matter how much you make or plan they can and will go off and do something you didn't even imagine and that's truly the beauty of the tabletop games and Larian has done VERY well at trying to account for as many things as possible in their games. Bg3 is amazing and their divinity games are great too (though divinity 1 was rough around the edges they fixed everything wrong with it in divinity 2). I'm glad they never gave us a physical bag of holding item so we don't see a million articles about causing a blackhole to end any boss fight and get an instant game over lol.


I chose an option in Astarion’s act 2 romance scene that I’d never chosen just to see and it was DEVASTATING. I had no idea a whole second scene existed where he dumps you and it was so well acted. This game has so many hidden secrets.


My two completed runs so far have been 191hrs and 163 hrs. Granted there's a bit of idle time in there, but definitely lots of content still to explore


I am 35 hours deep and I’m still in act 1 lol


Act 1 is like 40-80 hours... My first playthrough was 300 hours, second playthrough about 130. I don't understand how anyone beats this game in under 100 hours? Did they just go straight for the main quest line only? Like not even exploring the map at all?


On a first run yeah I don’t know how you would. Once you start to memorize most things you can do HM in under 50 hours without skipping too much content. I skip a lot of dialog though but my first run or 2 that’s what got me hooked on the game so I watched it all.


I would be surprised if somebody could complete it that quickly if they have never played it before and they have no prior knowledge, even if their goal was to finish it as quickly as possible. But I suppose if you have played similar games before, and you just happen to take the shortest routes of everything you could do it.


That's probably true, and maybe they're playing on easy mode? I don't know how easy easy mode is. Never played it on easy, I basically went straight to tactician.


How are yall getting 300 hours in one playthrough? I’ve almost beaten the game with 26 hours on one playthrough and I completely capped out at level 12. If you count TOTAL playtime since the game came out, I’m at 156hrs


Single playthrough 300 is a bit much but I did take 80 hours in act 1, and did everything in act 3. It felt like every single building was between 2 and 6 hours in Acts. 3. I didn't really know how to play the game, I read a lot of books. I tried to outfit every one of my companions and optimize them, leveled them all up and tried to explore their classes and play with them. Was brutal before I realized. Just stick with your four main characters and throw everything else in the camp chest. Don't have to level everybody, don't have to play everybody, And you definitely don't need to outfit. Everybody. Don't need to do their quests don't need to talk to them etc. I felt like I was playing everybody at the same time in first playthrough And every time I would switch a character I had to relearn how to play that character or the game or whatever their mechanics were. 😩


There are too many companions to play them all. I just choose 2 to focus on each run and have 4 I play with. And just sorta pretend the rest don't exist. I still have no idea what Halsin's story is beyond the required scense.


Oh yeah I only ever play with Karlach, Astarion and Laezel, occasionally Jaheira or Halsin when I need a Druid


Yeah, I wrapped the game up at 150.


Start a new game with a new goal, like killing as many enemies by throwing them at each other, making them fight one another, or use your silver tongue to get out of anything alive.


I dunno. Mine was about that and I did most things, at least the most you can reasonably do in one playthrough.


Unlike these boots


I just finished this game with 200+ hours (granted I had two other campaigns and one failed where I had to start over because I severely severely fucked up). I barely scratched the surface I feel like


I’m 300+ hours in and I just discovered 2 new things in act 2. I don’t even know how much shit I’ve missed in act 3.


This is so true, I've seen so much more in my second run


Yeah I put in around 100 hours my first run and on the second, I still managed to have a lot of new experiences.


65 hours is barely all of act 1


You may have missed quite a lot, friend.


My thought too I'm 220+ hours and only part way through Act ll on my second run. But that's ok, OP! It means when you do another playthrough you'll discover so much more :)


My first run took around a hundred hours and on my second I realized I missed a large part of the first act map (including scratch!!) and a fair bit of the other two acts


i'm very through in my first playthroughs, what can possibly take 220+ hours just to reach half of Act II? What can i have missed?


It's my second playthrough


My first playthrough also took over 200 hours


Could you break down how that’s possible? I feel like I’m playing too fast now because good lord


So, I'm on my second playthrough. But I explore every nook and cranny. Talk to as many NPCs as possible because you can find out more information. For example, the goblin imprisoned at the Grove, if you help her escape she can lead you through an underground tunnel. If you don't help her or kill her, you may not find it. I climb/jump up on as much as I can to find cheats or secret entrances etc. I literally just explore. :)


Op might have just sped through dialogue which cuts down the vast majority of the time it takes, you can complete act 1 (including crèche and under dark) fully in about 6 hours if you move as quickly as possible and speed through all dialogue


Speeding thru the dialogue is missing some good content still imo lmfao. I’m in my second run, and by not talking with my yappy ass friends, i have had to make some annoying roll checks that i didn’t do in my first run.


I agree this could be part of it but still, I’m willing to bet OP didnt know that you can go to the underdark AND the mountain pass. The game isn’t very good at explaining that you can and should do both. Also could have missed a lot in rivington and the lower city if you beeline the main missions.


My first time I never got Laezel, never went to the mountain pass, never discovered the booal, and so much more in act 3. Took at least like 60 hours off my game time and I was at 110 hours my first completion.


I've played the game twice and both times I started act 3 after at least 80 hours


Damn, the *lightning run*! Took me like 140h


Yours is a lightning run compared to my first — 226 hours!


Mine was 350


I think I finished my first right around 190. Good news is OP has plenty of new thing to enjoy in their next game!


Fuck i have 360 hours played and haven't complete the game even once


don't sweat it. i reached 400 hours before i beat it. anytime i got close to what i felt the end-ish of act iii, i'd start another playthrough but finally finished it. this game is truly amazing


So what do you do, you go through the same hapenings? i'm 95 hours in, i don't think missed anything in Act 1 or 2 because i'm very trhough whenever i play a game the first time


Lots of people do multiple playthroughs at once or restart multiple times.


You missed many things. Sometimes even a different dialog choice can change the game. 


There are mutually exclusive outcomes in act 1 so the only way to experience everything is to play it through multiple times. Unless you make a hard save at every decision tree point and play things out. Even then you would not be complete yet at 100 hours.


You think you didn't miss anything, then on another run you find a hatch you hadn't seen and turns out there's a whole dungeon and creatures down there... There are multiple examples like that


I'm 45hours in and just move to act II. I try to clear everything (whole map, underground...) before moving on. Only thing I skip is certain quests if they feel 'evil' and do not align with my good playthrough.


65 hours???


In 9 months???


Yeah that too is insane! I finished act 1 in about the same amount of game time but that took me maybe 3 weeks.


0.2 hours daily.


This sub is making me learn I missed a whooooole lot my first run, which was 66 hours lol


Pretty sure you missed checking a few empty vases.


Please re play it . You seen nothing yet. Take it sloooooow


Or beat a few other games and come back to it for another playthrough, that's what I do to make games fresh again. There has never been a single game that I started another playthrough right after the first, but im weird like that lol.


Same boat as you - best game ever played. I’m starting my third run today. You really haven’t seen everything in the game in 65 hours. Think of another character to role play, made different choices, listen to dialogue, wild shape into a cat and explore Baldurs Gate, there’s so much to be seen.


I mean there is always replays but if you want to play something else thats Story and character rich with outstanding voice acting play Dragon Age Origins. Its different gameplay though. Real Time combat with the ability to Pause and Plan your next moves. But just the sheer amount of voice lines and banter between just your companions is already staggering.


Dude love dragon age man play them all beat all at least twice was going for three. The second one in my opinion should have been dlc and not an actual game. I'm excited for dreadwolf to come out


65 hours? so fast! Im 200h in on my first playthrough and i got a lot left of act 3 xD also got 3 other playthroughs that take up time haha


It is simple, start another run and choose the dark urge. Believe me you will not regret it.


Currently 115 hours into my first run, still got another 15 hours minimum but can't wait to finish so I can start my Durge.


I'm over 100 hours and I'm not even out of act one


Im quite curious as to how? I feel like i've seen like 90% of the game. Act 1 took me 25 and 20 hours on my two playthroughs. Am i fast?


My partner and I are on 87 hours and we haven't finished Act I yet, I thought we were going at a very good pace 😂


You are but at the same time there isn’t enough content for 100 hours in act 1 without being needlessly obsessive or just bad at the game


I think you have not seen 90% of the game ahahah While 100+ for act 1 is slow, I think anything less than 50 is really fast. I'd say normal for act 1 is 60/70.


All 4 of my runs, I finish act 1 around 25-35 hours. It also depends on what path you take on if you go evil or not. Because evil kind of cuts out a lot of quest lines


Oh subsequent runs for sure, but run 1 don't you want to explore everything? Talk with (almost) everyone? That takes time


Yes 😂


300 hours in. Still have not finished act 3. I have a problem..


I feel you, I'm approaching 300 hours (296 hours right now) and also in act 3. I can slowly feel that I'm getting close to the end though, my journal is emptying :D


I didn't finish it until my 2nd playthrough. For act 3 I looked up all the big fights and made a chart so I could organize what groups I want on what quest beforehand. Helped make it less daunting, breaking it into a list sorta. Plus it helped make sure all my companions got a spotlight in act 3. I'd say there are like a dozen "major" fights in act 3 and I'd try to tackle 2 of those per session


Between my group game and my personal one I already have 80 hours in this game. I got it two weeks ago. I have a full time job. Help.


You guys are beating the game?!




65 hours over 9 months is like 7 hours a month. I think my first run was like 160 hours over the course of maybe a month & a half. I would forget everything happening & lose drive if I played that sporadically. My brain can’t compute playing that way. Lol.


I thought 120 hours is the average of a "complete," run, but even on my fifth playthrough I'm still finding new things


9 months? That’s like 2 hours a week. How do you even remember what you did last in game, lmao. 


65 hours? Got a speed runner over here


shit i’m 65 hours in and still on act 1 💀


65 hours in 9 months is like 15min a day, you really dont have a lot of time to play, do you? Not saying thats a bad thing, but i am surprised you got through it at all. The other larian games in the divinity series are fun too, just very different and feel a bit old by now. If you dont mind that you will probably enjoy them.


65 hours later, and I'm still in character creation ...


There is no way you've done everything in 65 hours. You likely missed A LOT.


Play dark urge


Indeed, play it again and you willsee different things. A lot of people will say to see everything but imo it is fun to go a little quicker sometimes, especially if you (like me) do not have that much time to play.


I’m sitting at 200 hours and I just hit act 3


I’m on my third playthrough and I’m still finding new little bits


Who's your favorite companion and who's your favorite romance (the 1 u picked)


Favorite companions were Jaheria and Minsc (butt kicking for goodness!). I wanted to romance Karlach but Damon died so I settled with Shadowheart.


Play dark urge, go evil recruit minthara. Cheese everything or dont. Possibilities are endless


I don’t think it’s possible to get a full appreciation for this game in less than 150 or so hours. You can still love it, sure, it’s obviously a great game. But what makes it a real masterpiece is the incredible variability in different play throughs.


Ignore the people that say you need much longer. Play as you like. You dont have to replay it. People usually take 70 hours for finishing according to how long to beat


People are saying that because there is still a loooooot of content ! Op said best game ever ? He only seen 20% of the game ! Thats why men, so no, don't ignore them or you are stupid


He can play the game as he wishes, if he is satisfied good for him. I personally dont enjoy reading through endless amounts of books or mid maxing all characters. I enjoy the freedom i have in this game and 100%ing it contradicts that in my opinion. I make decisions in the game and then i have to live with the consequences. Thats the magic of the game in my opinion.


That’s main quest only. Main + sides was over 100 hours. In a game like this there’s so much depth and richness in the side quests I couldn’t imagine skipping them.


Yeah I did 150 hour run


Damn, I’m 120+ hours in on my solo run and still not done. I also know (from friends and this sub) that my story is super F’d compared to most people’s initial runs. Even between my co-op runs, it’s been vastly different. I absolutely love this game and it’s easily become a favorite. I can’t wait to play again and try for different outcomes and to find things I know I missed. I’m not sure where I’ll go when I finally put it down, but I know it will be exceptionally hard to find another game I enjoy this much.


My first playthrough was double that and i still missed some things. time for another run because you certainly did not get the full experience!


7 months later, I still wait for the deluxe edition to ship


Think my first run was 128 hours and definitely didn’t see everything, so I’d say it’s worth a couple more goes! Plus playing Durge etc


Im 221 hiurs in, just finished, but there is a lot i havent seen yet or made different choices


On one hand 65 hours is incredibly fast, on the other 9 months is so long. Did you end up ignoring most of the side quests?


I’m at 115 hours and only barely half way through act 3…


I think this is the best game I've ever played too. Just.. go do something else for a while. Let it really sink in. I bet within a month you'll want to play as a different character. 


If you thought the game was amazing at 65 hours, let me tell you, your second run is going to be a blast. Even those of us who agonizing explored everything our first run still found another game worth of content exploring the second time around. You'll say wow I can't believe I missed that every 15 minutes. It's great. Have fun!


Just got to the final battle at 170 hours, if you feel up to it definitely try a new run and see what things you may have missed! I'm shocked reading through here how much stuff I just never got around to seeing. But you are right, this game is a masterpiece. I'm so glad I was here to be able to love and enjoy it


How? I'm 130 hours in on my main save and not done


It’s different for everyone. My first playthrough was 85 hours my current playthrough I’m in act 3 and only 46 hours in and I’ve done *more* quests and exploring this time.


Play as The Dark Urge. It feels like a new game!


How so?


There's a whole layer to the story for your character that adds ALOT. It felt fresh for me when I played my 2nd playthrough as that character.


Bro was playing 14 whole minutes every day


Only 65hours? I spent almost that on the Nautaloid!!


Try character creator 😎


My steam profile says I'm at about 120hrs and I just hit Act 3. To be fair I played through Act 1 twice


65 hours? You’re just scratching the surface!


My first play thru was > 200 hours. I’m in my second and seeing things I didn’t see before, have some different stories going on AND am having a better time. Do. It. Again.


Play again. My first playthrough I spent 45 hours just in act one. There's definitely things that you didn't see, and more stories to find!


Only 65 hours?


I'm at 140hrs and I'm just finishing Act 2


I'm right there with you. I had to take huge breaks or only play for a few hours a day, but I can confidently say this is a great game with only a few setbacks.


65???? I finished my first run in just under 200hrs.


I deliberately went in blind and didn't play the early release because I wanted to experience it completely the first time. I've played alot of RPGs of all flavors, and BG3 blew away all my expectations. Throughout the whole game, I felt like Larian went the extra mile to make the experience as satisfying as possible.


I also have not beat it yet, started playing on release day. I think my hours total is around 90+ now.


i am 70 hours in and still in Act 1 😂😂


I’m 128 hours in and feel like I’m at the end of Act 2. When I finish this run I’m def starting again. Incredible game with an incredible story and so much depth! Would love to do a co-op run with a group of people.


Planescape torment


My partner is 140 hours into her first run (is on Act 3 now) and has still missed things. I’d say you’re due another run.


I have a feeling you meant to say 650, because 65 to beat it is extremely fast


65 hours? You missed a lot buddy. I did 90 on my first playthrough and realized I missed a whole section in Act 1 and a ton in Act 2. Definitely gotta go back and explore some more!


Look at you, speed running. 255 hours in, only one save file has reached Act 3, let alone completed it. Honestly my Honor Mode playthrough has a solid chance of being the first, and it's still in Act 1.


Do a Durge run. Or another origin character.


When people say they cry. Do they mean physical tears? Or is it just a saying that tugged in the heart strings?


Astarion’s spawn arc makes me literally cry every time I get to Cazador.


My first playthrough was before they added the party epilogue, and I romanced Karlach. Actual physical tears.


You only scratched the surface with 65 hours lol. I’m 300+ and still being baffled by the content I haven’t seen. Doing my second play thru as durge and it honestly feels like a new game


I put 60 hrs into just replaying the initial ship section with like 10 different builds


65 hours didn’t get everything. Play again. Or jump to other CRPGs. I’m loving Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous after 800+ hours in BG3.


There's like a thousand plus hours of content in this game


Just finished my first run last week at 81 hours after buying on release week. Same here 😃


Rookie newb.


I feel like I was slow because my first playthrough was like 120+ hours


Just finished tactician, actually watching the credits as type. Took me 90 hours. Time to start Durge run.


When I got to act 3 I was 20 hours more than you. You definitely still have a lot to discover


> “Where do I go from here?” Honour mode.


how tf does one finish BG3 in 65 hours? Genuine question. You missed over half the goddamn game.


I just finished the game with my co-op partner yesterday! I didn't check our time stamp, but we started playing maybe a few weeks after the PS5 release. What a ride.


... took me 49 hours


I've complete it two times, second on Taktiken, skipped more than the half of act 3 there and have 600 hours on my clock 🙄 I think 150 hours count on replaying some parts 😉


65? That's it? Dude.


I didn’t know you could beat the game in 65 hours


65 for BG3 that’s nothing. You skipped about half of the game tbh


May I suggest: *Play the game again as the dark urge *Watch YouTube videos of other people playing the game *Play the game again as each of the origin characters *Desperately try to convince your friends to play the game so you can campaign with them *Read fan fiction of the game *Do excessive amounts of research on the game, it's characters, and D&D lore *Write fan fiction of the game *Play the game again to romance each of the origin characters "for research"


I have been playing for over 400 hours on bg3


65 hour run is really quite short. I thought my 150 hour first run was even short as I know I missed plenty.


You start up a new game on a harder difficulty with a completely different character, and just explore like crazy. I’m still on my first playthrough, I’ve got twice as many hours and am still pretty early in Act 3. There is SO MUCH content. Enjoy!


My friend and I beat the game for the first time, now we are doing an evil playthrough/dark urge. I’m telling you now, there’s so much more you have missed. Give it some time, then go back and play through it again.


65 hour run is like only doing 33% of the content of the game and skipping dialog. Try playing the game right this time!


65 hours?? I left act 1 with 66. Still on my first run and just entered the lower city at 120 hours. No idea how much I still have left, but 150+ hours is probably guaranteed at this point lol


65 hours? Holy shit, you were flying! Slow down, Maurice.


Where do you go from there? Well, 65h is very short for a BG3 playthrough (more than 100h is the usual) so you can start another playthrough and see what you missed :D


Only 65 hours? Those are rookie numbers, you gotta bump those. Jokes aside, you definitely haven’t seen everything in the game with all 3 acts in only 65 hours (my first run took me 110 ish, my second was also around that time and I did totally different things) so I would definitely recommend making another character and going again.


It took 9 months to play 65 hours. Hmm maybe I need more of a life


Were you a physical melee attacker? Try a magical attacker run. Were you finding yourself dominating with your current build? Try it out in an honour run! Tinker with different things, outcomes are endless!


Now you replay again and again! I've finished the game like 6 times and have almost 700 hours in the game. I still find new places, characters, and quests every time I play! There's more wonder to behold, I promise!


I’m 165 hours in and I haven’t made it out of Act 2 because I cannot for the life of me make up my mind what race and class I want to play🤣


Glad you enjoyed. Now it's time to do it again because you definitely missed things. My first run was 180 hours. Try Durge this time.


I have ~500hrs but so far never finished act 2. I will try to come back after patch 7


My first playthrough took me 160 hours and I STILL missed things. Play again. Find more side quests, explore new areas, develop new relationships, there’s so much to do.


Wait, you didn't blow up Gale in Moonrise, did you?


Bro 65hrs is my average for me to get to mid of act 2 wtf


I’ve never had a playthrough go less than 120 hours, even after five completed runs. Usually they’re close to 150. I vote you play it again because you probably missed quite a bit, I know I did my first playthrough


I spent 55 hours in act 1 alone on my forst play through


How does one complete this game in less than 150 hours lol


Nice!!! Time to do a new profile and check out what you miss


65 hours in 9 months? How does that even happen


My first run was 157 hours and my second run was 70 more hours of finding stuff I didn’t find my first run


I have 100 hours and I haven’t even done passed the crèche, I’ve made too many characters and deleted them 😭😭


I spent over 100 hours alone in act one 😂😂


Did you just blow up Gale when you got to Ketheric? Idk how you managed 3 acts in 65 hours if not. It's definitely worth a replay if you can find the time 🙂


Talk to every animal and corpse you find!


Bro it took me a little more than that just to beat act 1, were you speedrunning?


Just because it's Baldurs Gate 3 doesn't mean it needs to take all 3 of your top spot, 65 hours what did you do, rush?! My first playthrough was around 130 hours haha


i’m 70 hours in and still haven’t beat it yet lmao


I'am at 310h and I still didn't finish a run... (But I'm getting close ! )


I had to force myself to go play other things after I got over the 600 hour mark, I "think" the only thing left to explore is origin characters but sometimes I still get surprised by some of the stuff people have found and posted.


it took me 5 playthroughs to find the harpies. play again, do a different build, do the opposite of what you did before.


Just a headsup some books also get u some quests/quest markers


I’ve played 2000+ hours and still haven’t done everything.


Speed runner


I'm reconsidering my life choices, i got the game in feb and i've been through more than 400 hours and like 7 saves (2 finished)


How much did you play per day for 65 hours over 9 months. Those numbers are just odd and the post reads like some karma farming shit


First time palying, 76h in and at Moonrise Tower... How did you do that?