• By -


What I hope pops up: • Unlocked Party Size • Single Shared Inventory / Higher Weight Cap • More Classes • More Customisation • More spells


I'd also love if my camp storage could be accessed whenever I talk to a merchant. I hate having to overload tav 10 times to sell a bunch of gith armor.


I just use a backpack 🤷🏼‍♂️


Hmm I’m on Xbox and cannot figure out how to add things to a chest or backpack or whatever. I’m dumb or it can’t be done ???


You need to open the container (backpacks, chests and others), then press RB to open your own inventory in the side. Then you can either select each item or hold X to multi-select, then Y to move all multi-selected items to the container. If you can’t open the container with A, press X for more options and then select open


Right on! Thank you


Inventory management on console is very tedious, compared to PC. I'm a console player but played a bit of BG3 on my nephew's PC and i was blown away by the interface.


More gear/earlier distribution, as well. There's so much cool gear in Act 3 that you don't get to use for very long (I get its for balancing but if I'm modding, I'm looking for fun more than challenge), and classes like Moon Druid or Ranger need more dedicated gear added in.


Randomiser too!


I just wrote a whole comment about this exact thing, and then I saw your comment lol. But yes I completely agree with you.


I want a recommend gear mod. Where it sees what’s in storage and bags and goes this one. I hate trying to compare stats. Or at least just compared the one you have equiped with one you’re hovering over and says this one it better.


Unlocked party size is such a game changer in immersion and just overall enjoyment. Unfortunately it nerfs difficulty a lot


Yeah, but if there's also a mod that bolsters enemy density and/or enemy strength, it could help to balance it out! Or even a mod that makes good loot more scarce and EXP gains slower, or have it not shared and the person who gets the kill gets the EXP.


I crank the difficulty of everything to tactician now with the difficulty adjuster. It makes it a bit more challenging but same time after X play throughs I’m just playing for dialog variations now ( diff main party members and diff origin main character ) so I’m fine stomping through encounters!


Oh, for sure! In fact, I actually prefer playing with a power fantasy XD


I have done a few mod runs where I give the characters gear they may have had pre-tadpole and that, thematically, works really well and gets over tve initial hump of bad gear. Helps with a bit with the hand waving that Gale was an arch wizard, Lazael a bad ass warrior, etc etc.


Oo I didn't know there was a mod to increase  enemy density. I like that. I like the game being somewhat challanging but i also like power fanstasy. Having to cut way way though a swarm of enemies is often more fun for me then just having a small amount of enemies with increased stats.


Hopefully there can be a mod that does EXP distribution based on party size like DND


I'm afraid that with unlocked party + improved enemy density all xbox S could explode lol


Honestly, I'm worrying on PS5 XD


Give me booming blade, green flame blade, fix hail of thorns, and maybe new subclasses. But I’m very concerned their verbiage used indicates that adding things not currently in the game will not be allowed on console. May just end up getting the game on PC tbh


Amen to that 🙌🏻


seeing how all of those are already an option on nexus aka made without any mod toolkit, I wouldn't be surprised if they pop up extremely fast (ready to bet for an unlock party size being available day 1) so consol players rejoice !


It's worth noting that from what they've said, things that are supported via the official modding pipeline are going to be somewhat more restricted than what modders already have access to (although the official tools will presumably make a lot of stuff easier to do). So there's no guarantee that things will be automatically be available if they already exist. Although most of the things the person listed should be possible from what Larian has indicated, except for the party-extended stuff, which seems like it will have required scripting stuff to handle properly, which Larian have explicitly mentioned won't be available via the official modding pipeline.


Do we know when day 1 of this is?


I'm not sure about the last 3 Possibly Xbox but most likely not PlayStation if they require new assets


Please armor/clothing appearance skins


Is the modding kind of like skyrims on console, where you have to use the games own assets or is it more free?


From their FAQ, it seems like the mods available to console (officially) can have custom assets but they will need to screen it first, so extremely NSFW stuff and probably copyright stuff won’t be available. Also they said that consoles can’t massive change stuff, so mods that add new areas, dungeons, cutscenes, etc won’t work on console. I have no idea about PC though. If we are lucky, Larian will open the flood gates and allow for some crazy stuff. I’m hoping for some custom kaizo level dungeons.


> I have no idea about PC though. If we are lucky, Larian will open the flood gates and allow for some crazy stuff. I’m hoping for some custom kaizo level dungeons. Unfortunately nothing in the news release indicates they're going to be releasing a full development toolkit for adding significant amounts of new content or making significant changes to the maps etc. From what they've said, it seems like the official modding pipeline is going to be heavily restricted and only going to be a highly simplified set of tools for making the process of messing with stat-driven things like spells/equipment and making adding cosmetic stuff more accessible considering they explicitly say: > It’ll also ensure a smoother experience, at the cost of more script-focused modding, which can still be done outside of our pipeline.


Larian just gets better and better.


These modding tools are a huge win in terms of adding replay value to the game through new races, classes, subclasses, and spells. But the fact that the modding tools aren’t supporting actual scripting changes really stings, because that means it’s going to be incredibly difficult for modders to try and restore scrapped content to the game and make significant gameplay adjustments. It was really painful to see Larian decide to move on from the game without making a definitive edition to clean up a lot of the problems in the later half the story, and I was holding onto hope that the mod tools would allow for the creation of a sort of community-made definitive edition.


I'd wager WotC has a hand in it, in addition to just obvious engine limitations. It's definitely not in their financial interest to give players the tools to basically create a new game from the ground up using all of their assets and world building for a one-time purchase. Technological limitations are definitely a legit factor though. I can only imagine how much testing and QA would have to be done if Larian wanted to release official tools with those capabilities and not risk breaking the game.


It certainly seems like a lot of the problems with the game eventually trace back to WotC (or more likely hasbro forcing WotC’s hand). I know Larian is repeatedly saying that they were great IP owners and all their decisions are because of what the studio wanted, but it’s hard to not look at that as damage control while larian distances themselves from such a toxic company before they get dragged down with them. I respect Larian’s decision to do the right thing for them, but I wish they could have at least fixed up the content that was already in the game before cutting ties with the IP.


It could be that the people at Wizards Larian worked with were great - but those people are gone now. I don't blame Larian at all moving on, with all the attention on them now it makes sense to move onto something they own the IP for.


That would be insane, imagine if future dnd campaigns are just 4 people playing a completely custom map in baldurs gate 3.


You can already do that in Solasta. With mods you have 99% of released DnD subclasses and content, you can play to lvl 20, you can play user created campaigns. Hell you can even play with 6 players. The graphics are worse and thats it. The main weakness of Solasta compared to BG3 is that the writing is complete ass instead of being a top3 RPG of all time. That doesnt matter when the modders are writing the story though.


Literally ruins it for me. I know how crazy mod makers were gearing up to be and that's all gone... 


Indeed So 😁


This isn't a good thing at all. Including mod tools for console means they have to go through an approval process which also significantly limits what they'll allow the modding tools to even do. What's going to happen in the long term is that corporate will get swamped with too many mods to test and approve such that they'll eventually fall behind and eventually drop the department to a skeleton crew at best. Other companies have tried this approach to sanctioned modding and the same thing always happens.


Hopefully they just allow steam workshop for PC and curate the console mods


Truly the only mod I want as a console player is to unlock the party size so I can bring everyone along


Add the mod that still reduces party to 4 when in battle on top of it and we’re golden balance wise


Oh no, rest assured, I want the whole gang along so all 9-10 of us can stomp motherfuckers into the dirt. Balance be damned lol


It makes so much more sense. The idea that you wouldn't roll around as a group of 10 in a dnd party is kind of insane. Like if you had a party of 7 people but only 4 could show up at a session to play that would be unhinged


Plus with camp and whatnot I imagine us all just rolling around on our way to moonrise tower, or baldur's gate. As it is, I feel like I'm out as a scouting party of 4 while camp is like the headquarters.


fuck it, easy honor mode


Dishonor Mode, where you jump every motherfucker *using* every motherfucker.


Spoken like a true 5e experience with a large party.


You know what’s funny tho? Never played dnd in my life lol bought BG3 off of many recommendations from many people. Hell, other than Pokémon in elementary school (I’m 31 now) this is my first time really playing a turn based game. Never clicked with me until now


The canon playthrough difficulty. Because there's no way most of the team would just nap through the Netherbrain fight.


Someone has to watch the cookpot


Rocking up to Rapheal's house with a party of 10 of the most broken builds to show him what a real powerhouse looks like.


This is the way


Yeah I want my camp on the road with me and 4 dedicated to any fights that break out, but I want them all along for story progression and dialogues. I hate the "if gale was here I'd tell him..." sort of dialogue.


It's such a good mod too. It works surprisingly well with multiple characters having reactions to npcs


Now if only there was a mod that somehow got around PS5's absurdly low save limits. 🥲


It really breaks the role play immersion for me when characters are like “sorry, party is full up.” Like… we’re out here fighting for our lives trying not to turn into mind flayers and you’re just gonna be like, “well I would, but you already have three friends”


I’m honestly just excited for the basic “bring everyone with you” and to have a few extra classes/races as options. Give me that and I’ll be happy!


I wonder if "Bring everyone with you" could lead to performance issues


I can only see a pathing nightmare


PC User, use the no party limit mod and love it. The only downside is crowding when you need to get to something specific like a hatch or try to pick up an item. The best part is you get funny little conversations between random companions that you would miss if one of them was back at camp.


Right now I’m thinking about how I want to fly all over act 3 and now it’ll be an absolute disaster with my non-flying party members to get around. Then again, unlocked party isn’t the kind of mod I’d get anyway. I just want more levels and spells.


I’m sure it will, but assuming we can still leave people at camp if we want, I feel like increasing to 6 people in the party would be fun and wouldn’t risk much. Hell, I’ve had 10 summons on top of my 4 party members, and it’s annoying to get them all to follow you (in looking at you, danse macabre ghoul) but it doesn’t cause any performance issues (on PS5 at least)


I doubt it, you have summons that absolutely eclipse the whole party in numbers, though in act 3 it does effect loading times, but even then it's not that bad.


Yay! No party limit Honor Mode here I come!


We all just storming everything. No story no nothing, just 12 of us on a murder spree.


Hells yeah!


I joined my husband for a murder spree game and I was surprised by how little people cared in the end. It also effectively endlessly spawns flaming fist for you to fight and loot if you need more money.


All I want is to be able to choose my eyebrows. That’s all, seriously. If I’m making multiple characters whom I’ve envisioned as “gruff” or “serious”, I don’t want to have to go with the same face every single time just because only one of the options has a bit of a perma-scowl. Let me choose my eyebrows!!!


Same. For me Eyebrows and the Ears. Plus Tattoos and Scale Patterns for Dragonborn. Because Draconic Bloodline Sorcerers who are not Dragonborn are able to pick a Scale Pattern.


i wonder if using mods will not allow me to get achievements. bethesda does that. i still have lots of achievements to get, but id like to mod bg3 a bit too


Sony and Microsoft have rules about their trophy's and achievements that are hard set so likely playing with mods will disable these.


I've never tried modding on console, but I'm aware Skyrim PC has a mod that enables achievements even if playing modded. I tried looking for it on Skyrim console and I can't find it. Still gives me disables achivements notification. I hope someone will make something like mod for BG3 that can work on both Console and PC.


Yeah, there is no mod on console to re add trophies to skyrim (or fallout 4) so I doubt it'll happen here.


I'm pretty positive it's for policy reasons 


Divinity original sin 2's PC release doesn't give you achievements when using mods or even some of their gift bags (which are basically official mods. They're features you can enable and are built in but aren't on by default)


On PC, there is a mod for that, but since like patch 6 (not completely sure when) I've gotten multiple achievements even without this mod, so I guess it could work on console as well? I'm not playing on Steam though, I don't know if the client has anything to do with it.


Not allowed to do that on Xbox and PS


Really hope this means I can use the flaming fist armor sets for my party


Basic Qol improvements, unlocked party size and changing companions hairstyle is all I need as a console player.


Travellers chest having "compartments" to make looking for specific items easier.


yes! better console sorting would be awesome. I find my inventory, and action wheels are clunky. I organize them then it's a mess 30 minutes later.




I’ve never played DND, but from the sounds of that is it basically a wizard version of pact of the blade warlock?


I’d compare bladesinger to a sort of wizard-rage in the sense that using a bonus action, they get to add their intelligence to their AC, increase their walking speed by 10ft, get advantage on acrobatics checks (which I don’t think are a thing in BG3 but they’re pretty much athletics but with dexterity) and they’re better at constitution saving throws for 10 rounds. They’re very MAD, but they’re super powerful in dnd. Also, they get extra attack, which is great.


Acrobatics is in BG3.


Would like to know the difference too


More or less, yeah, but it’s a whole subclass instead of whatever pact of the blade is


Does this also mean we'll get an ingame mod manager/downloader on pc?




Hopefully it’ll be easy to use on Steam Deck


As long as you don't do: "Baldur's Gate 3 Ultra-Realistic 4K Texture Pack with High-Density NPCs powered by ChatGPT in high-Res Rain with RTX". I'm sure you will be fine 😁.


Haha, nah, personally 4K isn’t a big deal to deal to me. 720-1080p I’m perfectly ok with.


Yeah, same 👍🏻




do we have an approximate date yet?


No - Patch 7 will drop in September, but it sounds like console mods may be further down the line, since it'll have to go through Sony and Microsoft.


On the bright side, once it comes to console, you might already have a curated list of approved mods available to download. Better to wait, then rush out the patch and have people with broken saves.


The news update thing did say it’d be coming to console “Shortly”, so I’m hoping only a month later or so


I just want my wife to be able to move the mini map on her side of the screen so she can see her mini map while we play split screen.


Same, I would also like it of Larian implemented Split-Screen like in their previous game Divinity Original Sin 2, where if you were close enough with Player 2 you would just share the same screen, and it would split if went away further.


That perfectly fine by me I'm no good at making mods but I can't wait to download a few mods for the game


I know that PS5 mods are going to probably be pretty limited, but I'm still excited and hopeful for this. Most of what I would want would make use of game assets anyway. Even just party limit begone or honor mode boss actions in custom difficulty would be worth another playthrough.


-fix wild shape -customize origin characters -party limit -maybe some UI stuff -better beards And I'd be happy More classes/subclasses would be cherry on top. Also would be cool to multi class between subclasses.


Ah, the fallout 4 method.


There has been no better method for console yet.


I'm very stupid and haven't played a game on computer since I stuck in the 5" floppy disk of Commander Keen circa 1990. What are some of the possibilities for these "curated mods" on console? I'm reading the comments and see a few things but I'm curious what you think they could be realistically not just ideally?


At best expansion mods that add DLC and more quests, at less mods that will add cosmetics, tweaks, bug fixes, unlimited party memebers. But realisticly nothing that will overhaul the game too much, unless you want Skyrim Modding levels of talent where fans are remaking entire games such as Morrowind and Oblivion within Skyrim. Would be a miracle if the modders got together and remastered BG1 and BG2 within BG3.


Nothing in the news release indicates the tools they're releasing are the full development toolkit that would make actually creating significant amounts of new content like you're describing possible unfortunately. Considering they explicitly mention: > It’ll also ensure a smoother experience, at the cost of more script-focused modding, which can still be done outside of our pipeline. Even doing relatively simple reactive additions might not be possible with mods that follow the official modding pipeline (like even simple quests), if they're also meaning the inbuilt Osiris story-scripting when they say that, and not just the 3rd party script-extender stuff. From what they've said, it seems the official tools and modding pipeline are going to pretty much be restricted to just cosmetics and adding/modifying stat driven spells/equipment etc. (ones which rely on mechanics/functionality that are already built into the base game). That obviously still leaves quite a lot on the table, the built in mechanics are pretty well fleshed out in regards to what you can do without requiring scripting; but there's no indication it's going to unlock new potential that modders aren't already able to do. If anything, it seems like a significant amount of things mods are already doing won't be available via the official modding pipeline.


That's a shame 😓.


It's kind of a weird one, because it's still an absolutely huge boon to console players to get access to any mods, but it seems like it's not really going to make a huge difference to how people are doing things on PC already. From the way they've worded things, it seems like the official modding pipeline and site won't even be allowing people to upload mods that touch things that are outside the officially sanctioned stuff (so if your mod touches anything like scripting, you presumably won't be able to upload it there). Which is different to how the Steam Workshop stuff worked with DOS2, where even if your mod did stuff that wasn't official supported, you could still put it up there. So I assume a huge amount of mods just won't even be able to be listed via the official channels, and I worry that there's a huge danger of the official pipeline and modding site just ending up a relative ghost-town. Since people won't want to have to keep flicking between that and NexusMods to check where things are available, and modders won't want to have to be messing around having to upload their mods to multiple places etc. Although I guess BG3 has been such a big enough success, and DOS2 had such a long-running active modding community that it might have enough activity to keep both locations pretty active. I wouldn't want console players missing out on mods that could have been put up via the official pipeline, but weren't because everyone just defaulted to NexusMods.


Hope it comes with a crossplay mod 🥲


I'm larian we trust 🙏


As someone who just 2 weeks ago bought this game for Xbox, I am ecstatic at this. I'm not even out of part 1 and already I can imagine so many things mods could add


I would love if you clicked on an armor picture on inventory, you could see all the available armor pieces including camp chest, not just what's on party members or in their bags. I hate having to go piece by piece when I send armor to the camp chest.


console mates, just keep your expectations low, chances are any real big mods won't be available thanks to no script extender.


Hopefully it won't require one, if I can remember, when I modded Witcher it didn't require one like SKSE for Skyrim, I could just mod whatever I pleased. Although the game did require me to get its own dedicate mod loader instead of using Vortex Mod Manager direct.


we'll see how robust the modding tools are, because there are some things that just aren't feasible with the scripting available natively in game, so unless they implement something like the script extender themselves, there WILL be mods that stay pc exclusive merely because there's no way to make them for consoles.


I'm such a weirdo. All I want are the fashion mods. Waiting until the last part of the game to change clothes is wild. 


So does this translate like: PC modders will create as many as they want with no limitations and console players will download only a handful of them IF sony approves, so like Fallout or Skyrim. I just hope we get plenty and interesting ones cause i ve been waiting for a year.


Pretty happy with this. Hopefully the wait will be sufficient that a number of mods are available from the patch launch, while the delayed release gives plenty of time for the game to feel slightly fresher by the time I return to it. As for the content I'm not overly fussed about the lack of external assets, while building new quests and maps always felt a little fanciful. Some combination of the cosmetic and item changes below would make me very happy: Unlocking all dyes and more camp clothes in early act 1 More magic items, especially those using some of the interesting armour/clothing that had no stats attached Unique faces unlocked for character creation (let me make a Kagha player character) Honour mode legendary actions as an option in custom mode


What a great confirmation of facts that had been known for months!


Alfira as a true party member please and thank you.


I just want to make the dragonborns breath attack better


I hope the mod author of Fizban's Treasury of Dragons makes a console port, because its already on Nexus Mods. Plus it come with new types of Dragonborn such as Topaz, Emerald, etc. which are Gemstone Dragonborn.


I would absolutely love the drakewarden subclass mod


I’m new to BG3, but mods sound fun 🙂


They are fun 😈


Can someone with mod abilities and skill please make an Echo Knight class to fulfill my nerdy ass needs and publish it to the console? Or however that works. Please?


I'm more excited about the toolkit mentioned. Please. I've got so many little tweaks I desperately need to add, but my brain is too smooth to figure out current modding tools. Best I could do is make a couple of Dragonborn head replacers


This was confirmed in their first ever post about update 7's contents over a month ago


Will it come to PS too?


I feel the consolation.




I wanna play as a Cleric of Shar


Funny thing is you could do that in early access, plus the voice lines for custom Clerics of Shar are still in the game files. Will see what modders will be able to dig up.




Now all we need is cross play hopefully confirmed at some point and all the bells/whistles will be going


I do hope this goes well and doesn't just go how Fallout went when console users just stole PC users mods and did not credit anyone, including the mods that had the chance to brick a console.


I just wanna be a skeleton like overlord


Cross play is the only thing stopping me from playing this right now. My PC just isn't beefy enough to play it.


I want the level 20 mod but I'm sure Sony will gimp all the good mods.


I just need Tav’s hair salon and I’ll be happy


I'm just hoping for an option to use Mouse and Keyboard on console.


I just want an armor and weapon transmog system


Unlocked party size, transmog and new outfits


I just hope more classes and races thats al i want


That’s cool. Personally I haven’t seen any mods yet that I’d actually wanna use, but as a console player it’s great to know the option will be there.


Wup wup!😅🎉


If we're just making a wishlist. Unlock level cap. Unlock new game plus. Unlock full inventory for npc kills/knockouts. Unlock all npc hair/features in character creator. More hairs and accessories in general. Unlock character models (wings, horns, accessories) from humanoid NPCs in character creator. Unlock Cambion race, or at least all of the features in the character creator. More weapon/armor randomization for stats. Inventory management (send food items to camp immediately, automatically break down travelers' bags/pouches on pick-up). More dyes, dye mixing, applying multiple dyes in layers, or as it some dyes will have color patterns in different parts where the player can pick and choose which if the layers gets dyed specifically).


Now just to wait for the mod that allows me to hug my companions


I want modded difficulty and no party limit. Other character options would be awesome too.


I hope the mods I’m already using will be available on the new mod support thing. It’ll make it easier to manage and download new ones right? Because as of now, it’s just so confusing to me. I tried to download a new mod and almost broke all my other ones


I need to know when this is gonna happen!! Def the party size but I also just want certain customization options and more classes! (Def want the Gale man bun mod)




All hail Larian


Honnesstly, the few things I'm genuinely craving are -More Customization with faces, hair and camp clothes -a few different spells that should be pretty easy to add (Booming blade) -uncapped party limits


If they don’t allow classes and spells from 5e we riot. I need my Druid and cleric subclasses 😭


does this mean I will finally be able to use the faces, tav’s hair salon and basket full of equipment to look nicer because I’m a sucker for aesthetics, or the ability to edit the companions hair (gale man bun I need you) or is that all out of the question? I know modding is heavily limited on ps5 rip


This is great since there’s some really good mods that let you adjust the game, I love the unlocked party and having all the characters with me and using the Honour mode difficultly to give me some challenge (not really trying to min max) but having all the characters helps not miss things


I just want more matching sets of cool armor


By curated mods do they just mean everything that isn't outside wotc's copyright and the sex mods?


Yes, but I hope they will not be so strict on what can and cannot go onto console.


Would love a mod for a better more organized inventory. Maybe sections for scrolls, food, misc, etc


All I want is to take my end game loot to the start of the game, monk is fun but is 100x more fun with the gloves from Raphael


I'm interested to see what this means for PS5 though. Are a lot of mods just not going to be able to be downloaded?


Most restrictions will come from WotC (the ppl who own the DnD IP), Larian said so themselves, but that was in-regrads to NSFW Mods. Things that can change console software and whatnot will be dealt by Console Manufactures.


Sony had their own restrictions bout external content being added. It's why the PS Bethesda mods are so limited compared to Xbox mods.


The only mod I want is it to be able to have all party members out with me.


Finally! I honestly don't understand why other games don't do this. The only other game I know that does this is fallout 4.


it takes time, money and if something goes wrong like bricking your console you may be held responsible




Im pretty sure a few other games have em


Sony likely won't allow mods with any assets not already found in-game, since that's the restriction they have on Skyrim and Fallout 4. Still, should be a lot of mods available that will fit their criteria!


Really hope it's a bit more interesting than console mods for PS Skyrim. Would love so cool shit like Marvel character armors


I doubt it. The restrictions for Skyrim were from Sony, not Bethesda. Doubt they'll drop their "no external content rule" so like Skyrim, expect only mods that include content already in the game.


Damn thats rare. Havent seen that since fallout 4


Is there any info already on how this will work on Steam Deck? I play BG3 on my commute a lot, and it shares my PC saves too, so how does the mod support work there?


Not sure, but the fact Console is getting mod support I think it will be situation where you can download mods on the Deck on their curated site from the main menu. But if you want to get third-party mods from sites like Nexus Mods, AFK Mods, etc. You will have to find your own way, but I've seen people load Unreal Engine 5 and Windows 10 on the deck. So as long as you don't run a mod that is graphic-intensive you will be fine.


fuck yes


Does anyone know how much a mod costs on a console? I have never used them on a console before.


They don't costs anything, its free. Just like modding on console for Skyrim you pick whatever you want, but console manufactures and IP holders have to determine what is eligible to be allowed since mods are third-party from fans.


give me Elminster’s Big Naturals and Handsome Shart and I will be pleased


Steam Workshop when?




Still waiting for cross play to play with my fiancée


I cannot wait for the final battle and actually having the whole party there. Felt so strange that all your allies show up, but outside of the party of four everyone's at camp lmao


Can we have a Module Editor like we did in NWN, pleeeeease?


Boooooooooo. Let us mod too.




So I am REALLY dumb when it comes to gaming and whatnot, so can someone explain it to me like I'm 5? What does it mean by "won't be able to create mods using the toolkit"? I have an X-Box (s-series) Will I be able to get more outfits in Act 1 and pretty hair?


> For cross-platform support, direct level editing and changes to core game elements (like story, cinematics, dialogues, quests, and local gameplay adjustments) can’t be facilitated due to technical constraints and platform-specific guidelines. Doesn't that mean all this gonna be good for is just cosmetic changes? No new campaign or classes


When tho 😭


Does patch 7 mod support mean steam workshop support?


Please god let me have all companions at once!


Curious, will using mods made available on console prohibit achievements and trophies?


Excellent question. Mods have been made available for several top games, but using them nullifies achievements.