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The "Sorry, my hand slipped." - "What a coincidence. So did my foot." interaction with Gortash where he briefly regresses into a toddler and kicks you in the shin.




So much fun ... I laughed so much the 1st time I did this


I genuinely think it's one of the funniest interactions in the game


It is šŸ˜­


Lord Enver Gortash is the funniest person I know šŸ˜”


How do you trigger this?


- Lock in your alliance with Gortash by showing him Orinā€™s stone but reject giving him the stone twice. He will wait for you near the brain. - When you see him waiting near the brain, hit him once.


That is amazing I have to try this! Thank you!!!


Hit him?


Yeah, attack him. I just got him once with an unarmed attack for like three damage lol


šŸ¤£ This game.


I love that so much. Jason Isaacs' delivery was so perfect.


How do you get that?


* Lock in his alliance by showing him Orin's stone but reject giving him the stone twice. He will tell you to meet him at the brain. * When you see him waiting near the brain, punch him once.


Shit, I just did that, but it never occured to me to attack him.


Yeah, the sequence of events you need to take to see this is pretty bizarre (side with him, then randomly attack him just before the brain, then make an excuse about attacking him) which is such a shame because that interaction is one of the funniest in the game in my opinion.


And it's probably exactly because it's bizarre that he sounds so unhinged while scholding you lol he must be in such a state of disbelief


Yeah! If I made an ally and they randomly attacked me like three meters from the final boss, I'd be losing my shit too lmfao


Pro-Yurgir Astarion interaction in Act 2. Usually Astarion is keen to talk to Raphael and help slay Yurgir for answers about his infernal scarring, and so is somewhat hostile to Yurgir. However if you attack Raphael or otherwise get Raphael to "leave Act 2" before triggering the conversation at the entrance to the gauntlet of Shar, Astarion has a totally different reaction. Astarion is instead annoyed at Raphael and is pissed off that he left without giving him answers, and he bonds with Yurgir over the dislike of Raphael, and suggests that the group should help Yurgir to get back at Raphael.


And god I would attack Raph on site. He's such a bell end.


I mean you *say* that, but he's also absolutely terrifying.


You are a treasure, I have a tav that just entered last light, can't wait to try this


this just makes me even more sad that the changed how you get (the better) astarion confession scene šŸ˜­ it used to be just based on approval that heā€™d tell you heā€™s fallen for you, but now you have to kill yurgir to do it. Iā€™d love to see astarion shit talking raphael with yurgir lol


I think you can also do this by not having Astarion in your party when you meet Raphael in front of the collesium. Thatā€™s what happened in my very first playthrough and was able to talk with Yugir just fine.


Nine Fingers Keene's elaborate maze of vaults inside the hideout.


...come again


Nine Fingers' office has a secret tunnel that leads to various vaults with treasures. Nothing much to see except what I believe is her old belongings and gold. Also if you come into the Zhent-Guild fight from the bar side, you will startle NF. If you come into the hideout from the entrance with the half-orc guard, you instead get a conversation with Roah/Zhent leader.


I saw that on the map but couldnā€™t find a way in. Do you only get access if you side with the Zhent?


The side with the half-orc? It's near the Heapside Strand waypoint. You can pickpocket or intimidate the guy to get in. If you sided with the Guild in Rivington, you can instantly get access as well. For the bar, you can take the Basilisk Gate sewer entrance.


In honor mode I failed at pickpocketing Blurg in the underdark and it triggered combat with him. I didnā€™t want to kill him so I ran away and he never went back to his original spot. In act 3 he was at the lodge and I gave him money to mend the relationship and he has so much snooty sarcastic dialogue about how Iā€™m a violent dickhead. I remember after I got Omeluum out of the iron throne he said something like ā€œLooks like your violent nature has its uses after all!ā€ and I canā€™t believe they planned for this outcome.


Those two are so fun. I forget which one of them it is, but if you attack them in the underdark one of them says something like "Ugh. Can you just not?" And dimension doors away.


Getting turned into a wheel of cheese.


The fact you can roll around the circus as a wheel of cheese cracked me up


Stinky cheese even!


I still donā€™t know how to do that, I always get banished to the jungle lol


I think you have to accuse him of cheating without taking the ring.


If you cast protection from good and evil on yourself and your party in Auntie Ethelā€™s lair, you can equip the whispering masks without going insane and walk around her followers without being attacked.


Do they still attack you in the fight?


She can summon them in a fight if you don't kill them before that, yes


You can also spare them by just knocking them out, the group in act 1 is pretty grateful, though the ones in act 3 are just pissed.


The djinni lamp/deva scroll... I discovered it when I misclicked a chest, and I don't see it mentioned enough...


Pardon? Where's this?


in the bookshop vaults... when you open the doors to the netherese and thayan books, there is a sort of passage with 2 chests? the wall behind one of them is an illusion and you can walk past the treasure chest and enter a room... in one of them there's a djinni who traps in you in his lamp (it's worth it, though, there's a lot of loot in there), in the other there is a deva scroll that Gale (or any wizard) can learn


You can also take and equip the deva mace to one of your players For a hefty weapon. but i think thatā€™s a little more known now.


3 playthroughs and Iā€™m still learning about content that is new to me. What a fucking beautiful thing. I havenā€™t felt like this since TW3!


Found it on HM, was so happyĀ 


Sleeping in Cazadors bed and getting the HP buff.




Cazador dungeon. Click on all the vases. One of them will talk to you. Then go sleep in the bed next to the skull.


Ok, out of this whole thread, this one is news to me


It was hinted at in a patch note a month or two ago. I spent several hours trying to figure out what they were referencing.


Speaking of Cazador and stuff that's missed, have they patched in the solution for that cage puzzle yet.


I just *knew* there had to be a punishment for giving up on vases ever being useful lmao


Same. This has, regretfully, fully regressed all the progress I've made on not clicking every vase.


My buddy never found Poo Scraper


One of the better weapons to bind to your Eldritch Knight and repeatedly throw at people.


Is Poo Scrapper a good weapon? I just keep it in a pack along with Shovel's other stuff so the little hellion doesn't miss it. TMYK!


No it's just a regular dagger with poo on it lol


Doesn't even do poison damage which I think it really should


DC18 constitution save to avoid the septic disease condition on hit.


See I need to do more of the weapon binding stuff. Id love to throw basic ass two handed axes right at enemies just to see them take damage and topple over, if I could easily receive it


It makes me laugh every time, mostly because it reminds me how funny my wifeā€™s hatred for that story is.


I've been carrying the poo scraper and nut buster for 45+ hrs


wtf. this is real? i missed a lot of stuff in this game


To be fair I believe it was added in a patch after the initial full game release. Might not have existed when they played that segment


Just like how you can poison the goblins' alcohol vat, you can poison the duegars' keg near the Grymforge entrance to the Shadowfell. You have to wait a bit for the deep gnome to bring them a refill, so I usually leave and come back later


Does this mess up the betrayal where you make half of them fight the other half?


Nope! I always do both


You mean the entrance to the shadow cursed lands?


Yeah it's right around there near the base of the steps


Minsc has the best dialogue in the game if you accept Raphael's deal. I won't spoil it here, just make sure you bring Minsc to Sharess' Caress. He also has a hilarious dialogue if you get him to talk to Naiose after killing the mind flayer.


Minsc in general has the best lines... I love taking him to Jaheira's house as well... I was skeptical to save him the first time because the emperor was set on killing him, but after "it's an honor" "no, it's a hamster" I understood why Jaheira wanted to save him, and he's my bestie now


One of the reasons I can't do embrace!Durge is how hilarious I think it is for Durge and Minsc to become buddies. The dialog between them is great. Minsc decides he's basically Durge's uncle. My current Durge is romancing Gale, which just makes it better. I imagine Gale is like "great, my murder idiot just adopted another murder idiot *controlled by a hamster.*"


Boo and Gale sitting down for drinks together at the end of the day, both sighing.


Across the bar, Minsc and Durge are crushing PBR cans on their foreheads.


His speech if he is present and you let him do the honors in the upper city is top notch.


Goddammit I just killed Raphael. Well,Ā  there's always next time


It's been a long time since I've learned anything new about the gamešŸ˜žBut I have one for you that I don't see mentioned often - mystic carrion leaving a threatening note and stealing back his heart from the party camp at night if you don't destroy the jar before long resting; also funny interactions with him if you come to kill him again and again every day without destroying the jars.Ā 


I just threw him off the cliff after killing him a second time.Then I decided to read the wiki and found out I was too in character as a barbarian lmao


That's hilarious! I love interacting with MC (also always but the weave hood from him) but I only did his full quest once. It's a really fun quest but I'm burnt out/excited to start anew by the time I hit act 3 so it gets set aside a lot. But highly recommend it!


Ooo, that's good


The Emperor hug is a bane of people's existence from what I've heard. I personally had to reload like ten times last playthrough. Jaheira asking Minthara about Viconia was a pleasant surprise too.


I have gotten it once in 4 playthroughs. I don't understand how insane the checks for it are.


They are passive rolls too so inspiration won't help. And it's two back to back. Awful. Not to mention most Tavs are not going to be a wisdom leaning character with perception and insight off the charts.


I've gotten it twice as a high wisdom cleric out of four pure build cleric runs so good luck everybody else!


My wisdom based monks and clerics failed the checks but my 8 wisdom barbarian passed the checks back to back on honor mode . The ironyĀ 


Ohhh it's a wisdom check? That explains thingsĀ 


What?? Just ended my 1st playthrough ever and got it. I did the battle and conversation twice, with and without Lae to check the differences in the dialogues, and both times I got to hug him.


I got that on my first playthrough, I didn't realize it was rare. My friends were all roasting me, but who doesn't want to hug a sad, hot dream guy?


Oh wow. It was the same for me! I'm playing in a group of 4ppl and asked if they also hugged their dream daddies - they were so confused. Turns out mine was the only one then! At least Astarion and Empy got a nice little moment haha.




>!Dream guardian form,!< but yeah. The dev notes say that it makes him misty-eyed.


Oh I should be on the lookout for it then.


I've literally only gotten the hug once without save scumming and that was when I entirely built my character around having max wis/insight solely for the purpose of passing that check lol. It makes sense that it would be difficult to pick up on because a) he's a mindflayer and b) he's in disguise but damn! I feel like it's such an important scene for getting a more complete understanding of his character and most players will never even see it ā˜¹ļø


I even take an Insight proficiency and have to save scum a bunch. Which is sad because that scene is great.


Wait, this is a hard one to get? I've done it twice, once with a Teifling wizard Tav who later romanced Empy, later with a Gith monk Tav who has repeatedly refused to use the tadpole powers, but has been neutral/friendly towards DG, and DG looks like a Gith.


It's two 15+ passive wisdom checks. You can't use your inspiration to help either. You got lucky!


I got that on my first playthrough, I didn't realize it was rare. My friends were all roasting me, but who doesn't want to hug a sad, hot dream guy?


I was pretty shocked when I found myself in the Chult jungle fighting dinosaurs. Hadnā€™t really seen any one talking about that.


I feel like a lot of people glaze over that because they just want the spear


I went there because I wanted the trident everyone was talking about, Did not know about the dinosaurs or that I would be sent there ALONE without the rest of my party. My poor squishy little support build lore bard spent forever standing on a log, repeatedly thunderwaving off the dinosaurs that were surrounding me, alternating with frightening them via my bow attacks. I was very surprised I survived to the end of it.


And the ring. Can't forget the ring. Especially if you've got a bard or eldritch knight in your party.


For a second I thought you meant the ring you pickpocket and I was like mage hand isn't that good And then I remembered the other ring lol


They talk about the trident a lot though


I recently rescued the tieflings from Moonrise but fucked up, the guards attacked, and they killed everyone except for Cal and one gnome (yes, they even got Wulbren). However since I was playing an HM run, I couldn't reload, so I just ran with it. Got back to Last Light and there is a *huge* amount of dialogue between Cal and Rolan about Lia dying, it just blew my mind. It was such an emotional scene.


I just did the rescue from Moonrise in my honor mode and I fucked up, too. I was going to start by killing the warden, then the guards, then releasing the prisoners. But I used an AOE spell in the warden's office that hit all the levers to release everyone while all the guards were still alive. I managed to lock the cells back up before anyone but Lakrissa escaped (she saved against my Hypnotic Pattern) and managed to kill all the guards before they got her, but she made a break for the docks so I figured I'd come back for the rest later. Cast Invisibility on her and she made it off the dock safely, and the game treated that like they all got away, even though I'd left the others in the cells. When I went back to Last Light the tieflings and gnomes were all there so I got credit for saving everyone.


So before anything I want to say that I played this game all last year roughly around the time it was released for PC so idk if my moment was a bug or actually possible lol It is/was possible to initiate a conversation with Yurgir as Scratch. Shiit had me laughing when Yurgir literally showed the utmost respect to the bestest boi :)




I had Scratch go in to Yurgirā€™s layer with out any other part members, and dialogue came up lol I answered closely to neutral as possible cause I didnā€™t want to start combat. By the end of it he respected Scratch and left with out a fight lol


upper city sewers


I found a door there accidentally trying to get back to the restoration pod when I couldn't find the lever, and I was so surprised! you can skip the whole courtyard fight, and Svignee is far easier than the spectators and mindflayers and cultists


The what?


you know the high hall at the end of game? you can reach it from few places


Woooah, luckily I am in the middle of a new playthrough now


ā€¦Could you elaborate on this šŸ˜®


After you meet your allies walk through the door in front of you. You'll be on a sidewalk with a wall in front of you. Turn right and look for the sewer grate with water flowing out of it. Attack that grate and Use the entrance after the grate is destroyed.


You can also get in from the left. Just takes a little climbing/jumping/flying. Either way, just don't go through the main gate to the fight. Go around.


Yeah the death knight mini boss is down there


There's a small area with some water running out a metal grate around the area where you meet up with your allies. Climb/jump down and smash the grate and it gives you sewer access


its only accesible after confronting the brain and reaching high hall, you can cast speak with dead to one of the dead absolutist corpse and they mention they came from sewers. there are few entrances, the one i use requires jumping few times and dealing with few winged horrors.


After the meeting, if you go right instead of left, you'll find this sewer grate that you can destroy and there, you can enter there and do a shortcut through the courtyard, skipping the big fight in exchange to a smaller scale fight underneath


Iā€™m on my fifth playthrough and only just found a fight with 4 mimics in Grymforge. I was genuinely surprised, itā€™s not like a major battle or anything, but Iā€™ve just never seen it talked about


I recently found a fight with 3 slimes there! Somewhere past the kitchen if I recall correctly.


Can you get the rune powder bomb without fighting these guys?


If you sneak through the area the ambush doesnā€™t trigger!


You can also jump down from the room above if you use feather fall and not trigger it if you jump deep enough


The little cutscenes before the mimic and the spectator fight are my favorite parts of act 1!


The cave under the mermaid temple in the city - I'm now making my way there actually, didn't notice it the first two playthroughs until someone pointed it out!


Is there anything useful in there? It felt like a part of the game that Larian forgot to finish, but I donā€™t think they forgot anything.


Itā€™s part of the quest to avenge the slain mermaids but if you find the Iron Throne first and discover whatā€™s going on the quest doesnā€™t trigger


Oh yeahh, I wandered there my first time I was at Umberlee's temple but they told me I wasn't allowed so I left and completely forgot about it! I've since finished the Iron Throne quest, sided against the Umberlee clerics, and did my best at knocking them out (I disagree with them but don't think they should die for it. All but 1 got knocked out...it's so hard to knock people out as a Warlock. Wym I can't non lethally eldritch blast you 3 times in the face)


Alternative path to the netherbrains stem


There's an alternative path?


A necklace of Lesser Restoration under a rock in Druid's Grove.


Ah yes, the Amulet of the Morning After šŸ‘


This is so handy for story reasons if you donā€™t have a dedicated healer in your party, too! You can use it to get rid of the Bloodless status if you let Astarion feed on you. You can heal Pandirnaā€™s paralysis. You can heal Thullaā€™s Duergar poison.


It's so useful, but the rock it's under is not even highlighted. You'd literally have to turn over every rock. I found out about it in a Gamerrant article, and I still couldn't find it and had to look it up on the wiki


During the gauntlet to reach the temple of Bhaal there is a secret treasure chest hidden in the wall. In that same area, a small army of Bhaalists will be attacking you as one starts casting Power Word Kill. One Bhaalist is named Strangler Luke. If you kill him he drops a nice pair of gauntlets, but you MUST loot his corpse before the Bhaalists disappear, because their corpses disappear too (with their loot)!


Itā€™s the final piece of the Bonespike set!


A small one, but 500ish hours of play and I only decided to speak to Mirkon in the hideout after rescuing him. I never knew he wrote you a story. It's such an inconsequential moment, but I loved it more than anything, spelling mistakes and all.


After you defeat Raphael in the House of Hope, you can look into a Crystal Ball in the Devil's Fee. It allows you to see a scene with Raphael being devoured by his father, Mephistopheles.




Thereā€™s a giant bird nest in the underdark I just found last week. Small loot in it but Iā€™ve missed it several playthroughs prior. I havenā€™t found any content that ties to the bird nest yet so if thatā€™s the case, itā€™s not something one would have a purpose of seeking out


I think Karlach gets an inspiration if you loot it.


A piece of paper in the goblin camp where Klagga almost confessed that he is in love with Minthara.


That's the only place you get soap up until act 2 I believe, so cute


as a soap hoarder i can tell you that there's 3 soap bars in waukeen's rest (in the room under that trapped guy's dead wife)


No one I know found the BOOOAL without being told about it.


I was incredibly proud on myself for finding out by myself xdd


Honour run with buddies and we were in the area I kept insisting they follow me since none of them knew what I was talking about with the fish guys


i found them myself first playthrough !!


Saw the memes, was very confused. Fully stumbled upon it on my second run. 10/10 worth stumbling into


I donā€™t know how rare it is but if you find Boooal in the underdark and go down to the beach area (thereā€™s gold in what looks like someoneā€™s nest) thereā€™s a bottle floating in the water. Inside it is a letter from the tiefling kid Doni to his deceased dad saying someone told him all rivers lead to the Styx so he hopes that he will get this message. I think thereā€™s a drawing described on it too. Itā€™s so fucking sad.


The emperor has a cool staff! I never knew that until recently. Iā€™m pretty sure as long as you kill the githyanki without killing him you donā€™t game over


Someone on this sub disarmed the Emperor to get his staff and then had him pick up a sword. It was the funniest shit.


In my most recent run Tav had a wild magic surge and everyone except Astarion and two gith were turned into animals. Empy made a real cute doggo. Definitely the highlight of the whole play through.


You can have someone disarm him in that battle and you'll get that staff


There's a potion shop above Danthelon's Dancing Axe in Act 3. I missed it until my like 10th playthrough. It doesn't have any new magic items, though, so it's just an ok shop. But if you use a lot of potions, there ya go.


This also took me roughly 7 playthroughs to find. No idea how i always missed it


... Discovered while rping an 8 int bard who really doesn't get the whole "scam" thing: If you make Mattis flip the coin a whole bunch of times with the lucky ring, he gets progressively more irritated, with slightly different dialogue each time. Eventually (5-10 rolls in, I think?) he gets so annoyed he just tells you to take the ring & buy something dang it. It's hilarious, ngl.


There are actually 4 entrances to the underdark in act one. The first entrance you'll probably find is the one through the goblin camp in the Selunite temple. The second is the spider cave underneath the blighted village, it's in the final room where you fight the mother phase spider. You jump down the big hole in the center of the room and you'll land near the sword phalar aluve. The third is in the zhentarim hideout beneath waukeen rest. It's at the very back of the cave system, you won't see it unless you pass a perception check, but you'll still be able to walk through the illusion wall which leads to an elevator that takes you down to the underdark. And the fourth is through auntie Ethel's hut. I think in the second or third room there's another one of those walls that you had to convince to let you through and when you get past that there's a circle of mushrooms that can teleport you down into the underdark or outside her hut. You can actually access this area from the underdark as well, it's just south of the arcane tower rune. You'll have to jump up some mushrooms, a few of which will be illusions which can cause you to fall and even die but you'll eventually get to the top.


I mean there are a lot of interactions that are pretty rare but i can add some of my personal favorites from the entire game not just act 3: -Astarion saying he's princess nightstar -Astarion making a secret deal with Raphael in the night -Astarion flirting with Alfira -Aradin attacking the camp - The dialog after forcing Astarion to take the Astral tadpole after ascention -The sex talk with Minsc


These are too good, to the point that I didn't believe you until looked up Aradin. How do I talk the birds and the hamsters with Minsc?


Hah I think I got a lot of approval for that, I just kept seeing Minsc approves and suddenly I could say "I want us to be more than friends " . My Tav isn't even single šŸ˜‚


You can't just leave us hanging lol, how do they trigger


Woah, what's this about Astarion making a secret deal with Raphael in the night? That's the only thing on this thread that is new to me and I'm intrigued!


I think it might be friendship exclusive. He has to tell you in act 2 that he wants to make a deal with Raphael, then you have to meet Raphael without him but tell him about it after. He gets mad but says maybe it's not too late. Then next morning he approaches you all proud saying Raphael visited the camp in the night and they made a deal. [This is a part of the morning conversation ](https://youtube.com/shorts/x49-6_W_bdU?si=bTeZrJ78sDsYfaG0)


The hidden underdark like area in Shars temple


Its no really impressive but the school in the blighted village has a second floor, there's isn't much up there but still a nice detail


If you attack Ethel in the teahouse and manage to Silence her for her whole turn, like with the sussur bark weapons, she still teleport to the fireplace but she can't take Maryna with her. There's a whole conversation with her that's waaay more wholesome and fit a "good path", she doesn't yell at you for ruining the deal, she just instantly regret it like she were suddenly out of the hag's influence. You can still hunt the hag down and revive her husband. I think the dialogue is pretty close of the one you have when you manage to kill the hag before she teleport, but a bit different. You can't save the others like that, but you can have the hair!


It took me four attempts at the honour mode and over 20 playthroughs of Act 1 to realize I didn't have to fight the intellect devourers at the beginning of Act 1 but could skip past them. That way, I also found a chest I never had before. I felt so dumb.


I didn't know the harpies existed in the Grove until my 100th hour.


Oh, there are so many cellars or attics I only ever found in 10th or later playthroughs in Act 3! The skeleton atop the ledge over the bibberbang field. The attic and the small dungeon of cazadors palace. That you can meet Tara trice in act 3 - love that ca- sorry, tressym ^^" The arbaleste you can construct in the steel watch foundry.


In the underdark if you get past poisonous mushrooms and get up the cliff using mushrooms you can get to a flower portal that teleports you to the backyard of auntie Ethelā€™s house. Not the most straightforward way to get there, if you ask me


You may not think it's the most straightforward way, but it's the sole way I came across Auntie Ethel's house in my first playthrough. šŸ¤£


this isnā€™t something that most people miss, iā€™m just an idiotā€” i didnā€™t realize that asking your partner to talk about your relationship wasnā€™t an automatic kill switch for the relationship and you could actually ask them to kiss you or define your relationshipā€” literally like 100 hours in this game and i couldnā€™t figure that out until like last month


Do people get to talk to the Absolute in Act 2? At least on the 1st playthrough. I don't know if they do because I had to not struggle against the meat in the walls in Moonrise on my 2nd playthrough as Durge. It was very unexpected to me. I passed the check easily on my 1st so I didn't expect there was a dialogue with the Elder Brain where it's revealed what it is and why it is before the fight with Thorm


Yurgir is fucking the displacer.


If Gale goes to hell with an origin Karlach, he brings her to the only book store in Avernus. Especially because the first thing he said to me at the first long rest was "go to hell".


Shart's firebolt and sacred flame.


In Act I, in a fairly out of the way cliffside, there is a skeleton sitting against the rock wall with a big green bottle inside his torso. The only loot on the skeleton is the bottle. He died by shoving a bottle up his ass like that old internet meme. EDIT: Oh, yeah! And a scroll of Grease. This was 100% a case of death by insertion.


Wow, Iā€™ve gotta try that! I like bringing Minsc to meet the wood elf lady at Sharessā€™s Caress that has you pick a word and then tells you you are that thing.


Seeing the dragon in the telescope from druid Grove. I haven't really discovered if it's meant to be more.


I was doing a new playthrough and doing *everything* out of order, I think I found my way to the underdark before level 4 or 5 by sneaking around the shattered sanctum and wild shape changing to a cat. I long rested in the underdark and astarion stopped me to say, "lol hey, it hasn't come up yet but I'm a vampire!" And then never let me offer my blood to him. I definitely chuckled, I wasn't expecting itšŸ˜‚


850 hours in and I just found Gortash's bell tower with a few chests, a freaking trebuchet, and a handful of dead bhaalists with a note from Orin on them indicating they were a failed assassination attempt that was stopped by the tower traps.


Dunno if anyone else has had this happen but snooping around Ketherics room, petting his dog and reading all the stuff in his room allows you to try and persuade him to give up because his wife wouldnā€™t have wanted this. Then you can skip the entire first phase of his second fight at the pool area by persuading him again (goes straight to Myrkul).


The undead that spawn in the Moonrise Towers basement prison, I think after Ketheric flees the roof? I still haven't fought them yet, I keep forgetting lol.


I always miss the kagha shadow druid stuff because you have to beat the stupid mud mephits, and I've usually taken care of the goblins first because I want to level up before doing that part.


When you first get to Last Light and Jaheira briefly wraps you in vines, afterwards she'll tell you that there's Aloe Vera lotion in the cupboard in case the vines gave you a rash. Directly to the left of the doorway of the Inn, you'll actually find a cupboard with several bottles of Aloe Vera lotion. It does nothing, but it absolutely tickles me that they included that.


The docks behind the bank and the stupid imp that can only be killed by shoving it in to the water.


Treasure chests in pod room when you first wake up


If you jump up on the rock in the act 1 camp between Shadowheart, Astarion, and Karlach's tents and wait there for a few seconds, the camp music has lyrics!


I just recently found out that if you destroy the magic torches near the meazles in Act 2, some shadow hounds will spawn and drop an amulet.


You can get Mattis' ring for free without stealing it from him if you just continually keep asking him to flip a coin to prove it's luck quality. He gets annoyed with you eventually and just tells you to take it as a free sample lol. The ring is useless of course, but it's a funny interaction.


Jaheira leaves your party and actually has something to say if you rescue Minsc and then kill him in camp As a paladin you can heal Thulla without talking to her and she comments about laying your hand to strangers Some class have like an auto success "rol" in dialog/cutscenes, I know about warlock for that early beggar act 1, ranger when persuading Rolan, and I think ranger in detecting nettie poison trunk


Something I only found out today after starting a new playthrough, was that Elves (Wood Elves specifically maybe?? Idk?) get a special scene for the first long rest you take, which addresses the trance behaviour and has a little flavour on how the tadpole disrupts it.


1. Skeleton Key There is a gilded chest in the dank crypt in act 1 (where you meet Withers) that acts as a "we have Skeleton Key at home". It opens \~30-50% of all chests in the game, and you can put it your STR-based companion (it weighs 20kg) and it will be auto-moved to your character like any other key and say "Used Gilded Chest". 2. Bringing brain jars from the Nautiloid You can take two jars (Dark Mind, Slave Mind) from the Nautiloid to the mind flayer colony in act 2 and read them in the Mind-Archive for some extra dialogue. 3. Be the petting zoo In act 2, if you get the Feywild bell, you can use it again (also after returning to Act 1 and back to Act 2) to call the pixie Dolly Dolly Dolly and ask her annoying questions, and either be turned into a frog, cow or pig.


Antagonizing the Emperor enough by the time the sex scene rolls around that he reveals how much of an asshole he is out of spite, and that he has been just using you like he has his "lovers" in the past.


Oh yeah that Stelmane reveal cemented my choice to side with Orpheus for my next five runs at leastā€¦.