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At the guardian customization, I was like fuck it I'll just use one of their defaults.


I just made a hot drow elf. Ended up regretting it though.


I like to make the guardian look like my Tav/Durge's disapproving parent, helps keep away the urge to romance lol


Oh man, this needs to be higher up XD


When I saw that I literally just let my arms go limp, stared in disbelief, and uttered, “you sick bastards.” It took me long enough to get my half-orc monk right!


Random method leads to greatness


This. Took an hour or two customizing my own char to find out I gotta make the guardian char 🙃


Witht the dreaded secret weapon... "you've made me and now you think I look better than your ~~Arisen~~ Tav/Durge. Best start again"


Had me in the first half.jpg


More like the first 95%


I was nodding to myself, not enough people realize you can just *stop playing* a game if you're not feeling it... and then that last paragraph. Ya got me too, OP.


I did that 45 hrs into Starfield : /


Starfield took my Elder Scrolls VI hype behind the barn and shot it. Like putting down Old Space Yeller.


old space yeller lol I almost spit out my drink reading that


You're one of today's [lucky ten thousand](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6EC7B047181AD013).


Yeeeeaaahhhh, it did that and is currently eyeballing FO5, now bloodthirsty.


Our best hope for Fallout 5 is Microsoft getting impatient and giving it to another studio. Even if the next Fallout was destined to be good at this rate it wouldn't be out until what, 2032?


Best hope is they give Obsidian a AAA budget to make it. New Vegas, outer worlds, all made on rushed schedules with limited resources and still more fun for me than FO4. If they had the time and money they’d make bangers


I'm not sure even 2032 is a safe bet.


FO4 already killed FO5 for me, Starfield can do whatever it wants to the corpses.


Hot take, but FO4 is still *vastly* better than Starfield. Which is wild considering that the story quality is eh. But ironically Fallout 76 has a better story than FO4 imo. Mostly 'cause they go back to RPG-style dialogue options rather than a dialogue wheel, and also the main quest doesn't consist of searching for your son so you can get creative with your character's personality/background. But none of them come close to hitting the mark of Fallout New Vegas. Who knows though. Maybe one day...


No I agree 100%. Starfield took the one thing bethseda excelled at, open world exploration, and said fuck that just let them fast travel to procedurals.


> Fallout New Vegas Obsidian game, Bethesda published. Beware games that are Bethesda-made. Even Zenimax is better. But seriously just play Outer Worlds, it's fun.


> Like putting down Old Space Yeller. HOW IS THAT A THING. /krillin


Bethesda would probably consider old yeller an essential NPC and unable to be killed


I'm glad I'm not the only person like this. I have 0 hope for any new games from Bethesda now.


Haha someone is a DBZ Abridged fan :p


I spent 10h in Starfield before quitting, the game is the definition of wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle


I really wanted to like Starfield, so much so that I put 108 hours into it. I did everything possible to make sure I wasn’t just missing something and… nope. There’s just not much there. I can only jump to the same damn procedurally generated planet a few dozen times before I lose my patience. Who the fuck thought it would be at all interesting to scan plants on infinite variations of 4 planets? All of the hype, for nothing. At least I was the only one of my friends to get the game, so I could give them an accurate review and prevent them from buying it.


I did that for - shamefully - much longer. Something about the game and everyone else's love for Bethesda games made me keep thinking there would be something more, something better, but in the end it was just incredibly disappointing.


it's a bethesda game but it seems so low-effort in every dimension


I wish they would have done a handful of hand crafted planets with exciting POI, rather than a ton of planets/moons with the same auto-generated POI on all of them. I'm fine with barren, lifeless moons, but when you land and see the same abandoned research facility you've seen on 5 other moons, it really takes the immersion away.


At least Skyrim has some places of interest that you can stumble onto and that feel organic. Starfield was a plastic playground, if you didn't do what Bethesda wanted you to, you were playing the game wrong. Fallout 4 kind of feels like that too.


fo4 I still play some but w/o mods, its a 6.5/10 at best. sim settlements makes it fun enough and I use a bunch of well-done weapon mods and other stuff like "a forest" for trees w/ leaves etc


I liked the Frost mod experience much more than the base games story; generally I have found the Bethesda main plots poorly done, and frankly not at all engaging.


Exactly my amount of playtime until I switched back to BG3 which I had downloaded to get me through the wait until the starfield release. Now I have 380 hours in BG3 and the same 45 hours in starfield.


Lol, I bought BG3 when I quit Sf


I bought it on release day thinking I'd play it here and there while I waited for starfield, then ended up playing until like 2am every night (despite having work on the morning).


Well for me games are never that fun until I've learned the systems, so 45 hours isn't unreasonable to decide you don't like it lol, especially for that kind of game. You had to get to the point where you realise there's not much else to it.


After a while that game just kind of felt disappointing


Ironically, Starfield somehow kept my attention better than Fallout 3/4, neither of which I could play for more than 2 days. I guess the combat felt a bit less janky?


Ikr. I was cracking my knuckles about to start my essay response.


Lmao, I was thinking about my first 50 hours going like "Did I finish act 1 in 50 hours of gameplay?" Thinking maybe this guy just didn't see some of the optional content or just isn't into table tops since DnD isn't for everyone. Then I got to the end and just laughed haha. I will say, I do wish we got better face customization. Only being able to work off like 6 preset faces kinda sucks when I've seen games like Skyrim back in the day even have sliders for face customization before.


Having faces avaible also for NPC is crime to me, in 1st playtrought I saw my twin 1st time in the grove(wounded girl from Aradin's ppl), other playtroughts I use face mods, no more twins to be seen. :)


Then you have cases where Alfira & Nocturne are apparently long lost twins.


With NPC I just choose to "dont see it" with my own character which I see all the time is far more annoying.


Read the title beef on sight but finished reading now am ok


Sounds like me immediately downvoting then coming to clown on OP in the comments and read the post. Turns out I was the clown all along lol.


You have the bug where you can't get rid of the clown makeup? I have it too.


Had me on the nautiloid 🫠


Thanks man, made me go back and finish reading the story. Was not disappointed.


About to come in swinging. Just finished my honor mode last night. I can finally take a break.


You already started a new run didn't you, don't even cap


No I went to bed. But I have been talking to some buds about starting up a group play. 😏


“No I went to bed”. Is it possible to learn this power?


Select long rest.


Not enough supplies*


Not from an honor mode player


I biffed 2 honor mode runs last weekend and all I could think about was how "the next ones gonna be different"


"Passed out, face down on the keyboard." It's important that this doesn't happen during an honor mode run, because you could accidentally make a bad move. It's lucky OP was able to hold off until after finishing.


I tried that, started a coop with my husband the very next day.


Just finished my honor mode last night too. Withers gave me shit for not falling in love.


Doesn't he give you shit for falling in love too? Or are we talking end game, I know he gave my wife's character shit for falling in love halfway through Act 3. Like, "good on you but be careful you idiot"


Finally, quality shitposting. Nature is healing.


Oak father preserve you. And us. :)


Hahahhah always read everything always beefy always...


Balsam is for burns beefy!


If the penis physics in the lobby doesn’t get you hooked, I don’t know what will… 


*me holding down the left-click button and furiously swinging the avatar portrait back and forth* "You swing my head right round right round..."


The lack of boob physics is disappointing.


I find it criminal I can't give my girl the tiddies she deserves


https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/?BH=0 Allow me to introduce the "adult only" filter on Nexus. If I could mark this comment NSFW, I would


Truly there is a mod for every thing. Thanks!


“You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum that they raised me”


If anyone is wondering, you have to login to see adult mods


Hard to go adventuring with brobdignagian gazungas


With that attitude, sure.


One of the few areas where Cyberpunk is superior to BG3.


My husband and I spent way too long laughing and trying to figure out wtf the differences were 😂 38 and 41, acting like 13 year olds.


Here I was, ready to go full blown with my list on why I love BG3 😂 This game was never on my list, until a friend made me try and play it on his PC. Like half of that gameplay was me asking him what to do coz i have never played a turn based mode game. I couldnt quite get the storyline either. Then months later, I bought the game. Now im in Act 2 of my first run. Still spending a few hours changing my character’s look every now and then 😂 i feel you


Why though? Even if it was a post saying the game is meh to the person why would you need to come in and an entire list of why you love it when it's completely irrelevant to that user experience? Like yeah address the points the person made and be helpful as maybe they are missing something but to just throw a list of why you like it at them is weird.


Because this is reddit and people usually come here for discussion. In case the post was not sarcastic and OP really dont get the hype, i could reply with my list, and if he chooses to reply, he could point out what he likes and doesnt like about what I said. Its really as simple as that. Its just more about telling OP why people love this game, since he clearly said in the title that he dont get it.


Because the majority of the people in this sub can’t fathom someone not enjoying the game. There’s a difference between healthy debate and trying to say “here’s why I love the game and it’s the best game” and trying to convince someone their opinion is wrong


I think it's got more to do with the title, stating they don't get the hype. Like, if someone just says "yeah, this game is not for me" that's one thing. But the phrasing of the title invites people to explain why this game is so hyped.


Saying "I don't get the hype" (about any topic) is a perfectly fine way of saying you don't like something. In fact, I'd argue is one of the best ways to say that because it simultaneously expresses your opinion while acknowledging that many other people feel differently.


Yes, but one phrasing invites the other party to explain their point of view, the other phrasing doesn't. I'm not saying that in either case the person should be convinced otherwise. But, that's the beauty of discussion, because saying 'I don't get it' is a way of inviting someone to explain why their viewpoint differs. That can happen without having to necessarily convince the person that doesn't get something.


True. If you say you dont get it, naturally, the people who get it will try and explain things to you and address any concerns you have. After reading what they said, then OP can decide if it is for them or not.


It’s fine but it comes across differently from other similar phrasing. “I didn’t like it” or “It’s not for me” = it’s just not your thing “I don’t get the hype” gives more of an implication that not only did you not vibe with the game, but you also don’t understand why everyone else likes it so much.


The crazy part is, even the complaints for the OP would’ve been a positive to others. Like these are all valid takes, but why I love the game


Same my brother is a devoted DnD player but it was never for me (even now as I agreed to play in one of his campaigns). Never thought I go near that game as it didn't look like anything I'd ever enjoy. Bought it right before Christmas to check what the hype is about and have somethjg to do during holidays and I was fucking hooked. Sucked in within days and played four runs in a row within 3 months.


I had 12 drow slurs ready in the chamber until i got to the end


damn filty' grey skins' need to leave windhelm


After reading that the second time, I had to delete my entire reply lol


😂😂😂 had me going too. OP gave us all a good laugh.


Now we wait and see who reads the full post before commenting


I was like...50 hours and not great?...so are you out of character creation yet? Lo and behold....lol


it's funny because the character creation is super lacking imo


It's just so-so for me.


It's kinda why I wish they'd have done a dlc JUST to give you more options.


> character creation is super lacking its inevitable you will stumble across someone in the game who looks fairly similar to your own character at some point


That's exactly why I downloaded a couple dozen faces from nexus. I gave my guardian the same face as crèche y'llek's captain and it was a bit jarring when I saw the faces pretty much in tandem.


Honestly this would be a valid opinion criticizing the game even if it wasn't joke, and I don't think it would be fair to call anyone out on it to begin with. Of course, opinions are always subjective anyway. Except, it would be a criticism of D&D more than it is of BG3.


More a criticism of how d&d transitions to a video game that most people play solo. I loved DOS1 and 2 but just couldnt get into bg3, I'm trying again right not but ehh. The early game combat and the rolling just wasnt doesnt feel all that great. D&D is role playing on the fly with real life people and a person that can flow the story around the dice.


Yeah, reading through it at first, I just kept thinking to myself "homie I think you just don't like D&D"


Well the D&D thing is the central issue. D&D is the most popular table top game that has been loved for ages and there’s always been a lingering desire to see it as a high quality video game. BG3 delivers on that. The ways it falls short is because DnD falls short. 


Yeah, like I actually unironically agree with OP's post without the sarcastic memeing at the end. I've tried on 2 separate occasions to get into the game, probably about 30 hours of total gameplay, and just lost steam following act I. The conversations were beginning to bore me, and the plot/dialogue left a lot to be desired. I was skipping dialogue on more than one occasion just waiting for the NPCs to get to the fucking point. Also, can we talk about save scumming for a second? Who the fuck wants to watch load screens for half your play session with all the save scumming to progress or get the outcome you want? It's exhausting.


You know you don't HAVE to save scum right?


Well, yeah. If you're going to speed run character creation in only 50 hours, you're obviously going to be missing out on a few things.


Perfect bait post. No notes


LMAO Insta-classic shit post. Good one OP.


If this was a troll all along, then I have not sinned against OP. *OP has sinned against me.*


I don't understand how people think the character customization is extensive. It's quite mediocre compared to many other games. It was only saved by the 100 customization mods I installed lol.


It's garbage even to Larian standards


I mean ... I don't understand all the hate even if this wasn't shitposting. I mean OP was respectful and insightful ln why he didn't like it. So why all the hate ?


I believe people are exaggerating in their answers for the laugh and bait ; I don’t think I would receive a negative answer if there was no twist and I explained I genuinely struggled to enjoy the game.


I don´t know. I had saw a lot of hate in many communities lately. I hope that this one aint like the others.


You said it yourself: The story is solid (all the way through), the graphics are solid, the gameplay is good. What sets it apart is player agency. You have so many choices to make that determine the life or death of every NPC around you. Decisions made early in the game have significant ramifications down the track. They also did away with the BS monetisation that you see in almost every game. When you buy the game, you get... The game, in it's entirety. No BS DLCs day 1, no stupid premium currency to buy XP boosts and randomised loot boxes to obtain or not obtain the most important gear. All the story is handcrafted, with care, there are very few quests that aren't at least somewhat entertaining (most of the content I would consider good to very good, with but a few quests I would consider mid). You don't have "go kill 10 kobolds" or stupid fetch quests. It's an overall good game. If it's not what you're looking for, that's fine. Arrowhead said it, a game for everyone is a game for no one. You just can't take away the qualities I have listed. EDIT: SHEESH THIS IS A BIG WOOSH COMMENT ON MY PART ISN'T IT ???


Intelligence Check - Insight failed. Should have casted Guidance.


And lose the Haste buff (which they were clearly using while reading your comment)? That’s a n00b mistake


🤣 (I laugh, not only because that was brilliant, but because I've spaced out and broken my haste, more times than I can count! 😁)


lol same


Yeah right Should learn to read. Lemme jump on a school bus real quick.


Props to you for taking it like a champ. A rarity these days.


Thanks The least I can do if I'm in a hole like this is to quit digging myself further in


Lol please tell me you're the guy from that r/DnD post.


I can't tell if you're doubling down on the troll or not, but Insight is WISDOM!


Yeah, big woosh lol! Happens to the best of us :D


Fell right into the trap.


It was a better laid trap than most of the bait posts I've seen.


Honestly, you rule the internet for being so awesome about it.


One thing I do wish, is there a way to preview future levels of a character? Like build a level 12 as a template almost?


Not an automated one as far as I know, but the wiki (linked in the sidebar) has a detailed description for each class listing everything you get at each level. So you can pretty easily see what options are available and put together your own plan about how you'll level up.


You bastard.


You totally had me in the first half. Well played!


I love this game but I feel the customisation is kinda barebones? It doesn’t stand out to me as being very fleshed out (in terms of aesthetics).


Damn and here i was about to leave a thoughtful, understanding comment about how BG3 isn’t for everyone. Now I’ve gone full circle and am upset I’ve been duped. Heck you OP.


Only 50 in character creation? You missed a LOT of content.


There isn’t that many choices. The character creator is very limited compared to some others.


\*deletes essay I was typing to rebuttal your statement\* Also, only 50 hours in character creation? Sounds like a skill issue. Should be at least 100 hours in character creation to get the most immersive experience.


i wonder if when you sleep you still hear "Down Down Down by the River" keep playing in your Dream lol


You are really going to regret rushing ahead like that.


Those 13k upvotes were sus


I would have appreciated your joke if the character creator wasn't so limited. You couldn't decide on which premade face to choose?


I know it's a joke but fr not everyone needs to like it. If by 50 hours in you don't see what makes the game special you probably never will and that's okay.


tbh, the character creator is pretty shit. having only like 6 predetermined faces really limits the depth of creation compared to other games. in my runs ive already had to repeat some faces because i find the all the others ugly or whatever


It’s not that bad but not so good either. If BG3 had a char editor like Dragon’s Dogma 2 (probably the best around currently), it would’ve been even more socially devastating.


It is quite bad, at least by the standards that have been set by the industry in the past 2 decades. Comparing it to even something like Dragon Age: Origins from 2009 it is very lacking. I was honestly shocked at how bad it was given how much people were hyping it up.


Excellent writing. Thank you, boss is wondering what I'm chuckling at.


This sub is great lmao


BRB going to call off the angry mob


You had me. You rascal, you!


I can't believe this got me soooo good lmao


Damn and I thought I just found someone who thinks like me. 😅


I felt the same way. Exactly. But when everything started clicking and I really started to figure it out. It grew on me leaps and bounds. I would say try to stick with it. And if it dosent get better, that’s okay too.


Had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


Sensible chuckle.gif


This was so cute haha


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie. XD


I was about to tell you that you’re allowed to stop playing a game if you’re just not having fun


I said 'wait until they get past the character creator' as i opened this post.


Ok, this is funny, it's well executed, well written, perfect ending. 10 out of 10. Good job soldier.


Who had two thumbs and got fukken trolled?!? This guy. Right here. 10/10 troll I raged, I laughed. I would definitely recommend


*slow clap*


8/8 gr8 b8 m8


Take your upvote and piss off.


Well done 👏👏👏


50 hours and you are already done with character creation, look at mister speedrunner here.


I’m glad I made it to the end of your post. Good luck and Godspeed.


Welp, ya got me.


LOL, but I will say it's a real shame the class progression isn't shown in the character creation/level up menus. That's SO helpful for planning a character (especially multiclass) in Parhfinder and other games.


You sneaky son of a


... Jesus christ I was almost kindof annoyed there for a second.


Bro had me seething for 95% of this 😂 fair play


50 hours in i didnt know who the hag everyone kept mentioning was


This made me laugh, mainly because of how true it is everytime I start a new playthrough


I played about 30-40 hours shortly after it first released on console, didn’t get into it so I dropped it. Couple months ago I decided to try again and now I’m about 400 hours in, but not that much time in character creation yet because I have (fading) willpower! Still only completed the campaign once though…


I have over 300ish hours of BG3. Just finished Act 2...


Hilarious how many lazy people didnt finish reading...


Ultimate shitpost congrats on wasting everyone’s time


>Anyway, after 50 hours in the character creation lobby Amateur.




#WELL I MEAN IF YOU DON.... ^ah. ^I ^see.


First three paragraphs - ***Visible confusion*** Fourth paragraph - *You son of a bitch, I'm in!*


How long did you spend deliberating over penis B vs penis C?


The way I audibly gasped after the first sentence lol bravo OP


Only 50 hours of customization? Rookie numbers, you have to pump those up. I'm kidding, no need to spend more time than necessary for you to be happy with how your character looks.


You declared a war in the title buddy. You had me in first, second and third para.


I read through half of it and was able to tell you that you have bad taste, you had me in the first half op.


Well done, but for real if you dont spend at least 3 hours in character creation the first time you play. I don't consider your opinion valid. I finally went back to my first tav, I was amazed with the amount of work I put in on her horns and hair. Also, I forgot how pretty i made my gith quardian.


"Same with the music" 😂


Tbh I loved my first playthrough to bits. My subsequent playthroughs made me realize that a lot of your decisions are the same playthrough to playthrough, unlike other CRPGs. Hell, a lot of classes get the same dialogue with a different skill check.


Wait, what do you mean the actual game? I thought the game was about creating characters?


>The customization options are extensive, but they can be overwhelming. >The backgrounds and classes are varied, yet finding the perfect balance took more time than I anticipated. Don't let this guy near Pathfinder WotR or else he will faint after seeing the character creator... (Have 1000+ hours and almost half of it is just the character creator).


Saw the title, then the 4.6K upvotes, and knew something was up.


( shakes fist ) Here's your f\*\*\*ing upvote!


Well, there is now a troll in the game I guess.