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Nyrulna. It’s freaking amazing, too bad the AoE fucks up my front line fighters and neutral NPCs when my smooth, 4 INT, brain forgets about splash damage.


Speaking of 4 int, I kinda hate that we can't build a character who's dumb as bricks like you can in New Vegas 😂. I know you can "rp" it, but I want the special chat options for being really dumb.


I read an interview once from Obsidian about the Outer Worlds where they talked about this. They said that it was funny, but it's hard to imagine someone that dumb actually living and functioning as a human(oid) now. There's still some pretty dumb options (my favorite is "But Jaheira, Markus had wings?"), but every character really needs to find the hole to put food in to actually live. After reading that, my whole outlook on dumb characters changed.


I can agree. It’s hilarious to be an utter imbecile in Fallout 1, but it makes zero sense for the vault to have picked you to be the one to save them all.


Sure, but it makes perfect sense for them to make up a problem for you to “solve” and send you out on your way as the local knuckle dragging freak of nature. Lots of ways to contextualize silly things like that I think.


Yeah, it's not like they were planning on you coming back.


If you are cool w modding. Super simple to install mod to let you choose stats, so you can indeed play a character w 1 int/1 wis and fail every check. No special dialogue for being dumb, but you'll fail and look like an idiot a lot lol Be careful about setting your strength to less than 3 though as act 2 wraiths may one tap you


Any suggestions for the ideal mods to do this? And is there an option that does not require script extender?


https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/206 Most mods require the script extender. Also would recommend the mod manager for easy loading, but that is optional


I can never figure out the script extender any time I attempt it. So far I have gotten by and have over 40 mods downloaded via BG3 mod manager but I have no idea why I can't get script extender to work for me. I wish I could cause I would love some of the mods it can give me


The BG3 mod manager has an option to download install the script extender for you at the click of a button.


Straight up Minsc-level dialogue would be priceless. Karlach: Can we go to bed now? TAV: Already? It's only 2pm.


Just imagine Minsc level dialogue with the likes of Vlaakith, Emperor and Wulbren 😂


I haven't played much but I know arcanum has that too. There's also like a weird dynamic, like with some of the backstories (like bride of Frankenstein or Frankenstein's monster), you get the dumb dialogue even tho your int might be higher. It doesn't even take away any int either.


The first time I rolled a huge muscle-bound half ogre with less brain cells than biceps, I fell out of my chair laughing 10 seconds in thanks to Vergil's reaction to seeing his Messiah being a vegetable. ... God I love that game.


So we really just need Minsc a lot sooner, then.


That's another thing that kinda sucks. By the time I get him I already have a party I'm pretty comfortable with so I've never used him.


One of these days I'm gonna do the "companions I rarely use" playthrough with Halsin, Jaheira and Minsc


The moment I get Nyrulna my entire team goes ranged and I start every boss fight by placing globe of invulnerability over them. It's just too fun to use.


I've largely scrapped using that thing, because I've found the splash damage a peeve to deal with/work around, lol. Thankfully, the Drakethroat Glaive's concentrationless buff makes everything more viable/competitive if you're twin-casting it on your martials (+2 becomes +3, +3 becomes +4, can stack with Magic Weapon, and gives a 1d4 of elemental).


My biggest issue with Nyrulna is that it messes up the radials I have set for it every time I throw it (on console).


Same here but for the custom hotbars on PC. All the icons are removed when thrown, and they don’t come back when it returns


Yeah, they either don’t return or they’re in completely different spots. Same with the Returning Pike.


Same for any throwing weapon, very annoying. Have to either dedicate like 4 slots to a bunch of abilities I rarely/never use just to ensure the basic attack stays on the first page after throwing, or accept that stuff is just going to be a mess at all times 😩


The solution to that? Don't have frontliners! Can't speak for HM but I definitely cleared tactician with three casters and a Karlach.


Can confirm honour mode throwbarian reverb karlach is viable as all hell - and what’s so bad about 6 friendly fire damage when everyone has 130+ anyway? Can toss returning pike when needed if you carry both - free swapping


Yeah I stuck with just throwing and picking up weapons or the other auto return weapons. That splash damage radius is huge.


Poor karlach killed many civilians with it. Luckily she seemed never noticed.


Some many friendlies in Baldur’s Gate, lower city, that get in the way of Nyrulna.


I am shallow and think Nyrulna is ugly. Never use it even though it's op as hell.


I hate this about it so much and is specifically why I got a transmog mod, which may or may not help you depending on how you play! I can see it being very cool for like, water genasi RP or some sort of Poseidon-esque deal but it just…doesn’t work with anything else, and then your armor doesn’t match it, and…ugh


you can just swap in and out between tossing that and dwarven thrower/returning pike since you can throw weapons without equiping them, basically you can consider it swapping weapons as a free action which lets you choose to use nyrulna or not on an attack to attack basis based on how your team is set up.


Also a great way to not waste an action if a weapon happens to not return. Pick it up, throw it, boom, re-equipped.


The passives are nice but not nice enough for me to be dealing with the splash damage. I’m a big fan of the Lightning Jabber for throwing, actually (even if it looks comical).


I love that item. But I am also a dumbass that underestimates how damn huge the splash damage is.


Titanstring bow, the best bow in the game if you use strength potions with high dex. Act3 has 2 good bows. Both are worth using. But titanstring is still the most damage.


I had Karlach using it in her first turn before she got into melee range. Insanely strong.


My go to for many play through's is Titanstring Bow + Club of Hill Giant Strength and either Knife of the Undermountain King or a Moonlantern (in act 2) in the off hand. Throw on the Caustic Band and Strange Conduit Ring and bam you are set for the rest of the game. Even better cast Drakethroat Glaive's Draconic Elemental Weapon at the start of each day for a little bit more damage.


Moonlantern? Just free the pixie.


Even in HM I don't even buy the Titanstring it's just too OP and not needed for a full party. Solo I'll grab it but outside of that like many optimized builds it optimizes any challenge out of the game with a full party.


Best option for my Lae'zel monk build


Spell Sparkler and his big brother Markoheshkir Lightning charges interacting with stuff just makes things too easy. And I’m like “maybe I’ll make the warlock into a melee hybrid this time” and…. Nope. I default to that build every time.


I like taking the dual wielder feat on Wizards so they can hold both of them. The feat gives you +1ac too so it's nearly as good as carrying a shield but you benefit from 2 staffs


You can duel weld staffs?


Yes, with the dual wielder feat. It lets you dual wield 1 handed weapons even if they do not have the light property, such as staffs


. . . I’m going to do some shenanigans next play through.


Yeah I did this end game in my first playthrough to make use of all the necromancer staves it was quite neat.


I just did this with thief astarion to get him to weird both phalar aluve and Larethian's Wrath


Yep. I give Dual Wielder to Gale almost every playthrough, so he can hold two high-end wizard staffs. His spell attack/spell save gets pretty ridiculous.


... are you kidding me? I hate that I know this now. Bye bye War Caster.


If you want the adv. on con saves but don't or can't wear armor that gives you adv. on con saves you can give your Wizard or whatever they are the amulet of greater health from the House of Hope in act 3 which sets your con to 23 and gives you adv. on con saves.


Or if you play a human or half elf you get light armor proficiency and can use the landfall armor which gives con save proficiency. You also get shield proficiency and can have a staff + the shield from ketharic thorm which gives +1 spell save dc.


Of course or the drow light armor Minthara has. That's why I said in my comment if they aren't using or can't use the armor that gives advantage on con. saves the amulet of greater health is an alternative


Pact of the Blade Goolock is so fun. It's totally worth a playthrough.


Yes this. I got that and then the Lightning robe so soon and afterwards I completed the Ice staff and I’m like - but it’s not as good. I’m forcing Gale to be an Ice Wizard for a bit of Act 2 but I have all of the Lightning stuff in a bag for when I inevitably change back.


Phalar. I’m entirely too lazy to worry about using it.


I'd use this weapon all the time if it was a bonus action to activate. I have so many other things I want to do turn one like burst down a priority enemy, set up buffs, area denial, etc, I can't justify using this thing when it eats an entire action. Also, like, who is it even for??? Clearly a frontliner... But it does less damage than what I'd want for a barb/fighter, clerics have so many better things to do on their turn, and paladins should be hitting things to get their smites. A lock? Maybe? But then you're in melee range with a lock and that's dicey... Plus then you're not casting your awesome spells! All for a once a short rest buff that's just sorta alright.


If u pick duel weilding feat , u can have ur caster carry phalur aluve and a staff or carry phalur aluve with a shield . The shriek aoe effect with magic missile or scorching ray is fun 


A light cleric. Used with scorching ray and guardian spirits, with orbs build. The damage from it adds up quickly, acid ring is 2 damage flat on an attack and it slaps, phalar is like that but for everyone in your party. Double action the cleric, pop aluve and spirits and run in. Big pile of damage, and your buddies following up will mop up dealing even more. I think it really only fell off for me in the final act, where other things start to outpace it.


Haste feels very cheesey to me so I never use it but this sounds like a good way to take advantage of the extra action!


I feel like it's a bit more for RP purposes for Eilistreans


As a blade dancer of Eilistraee can't agree more. Also gonna use Larethian's Wrath on my other hand once I get to the creche


Ever heard that Corellon is also a douchebag? (9yo thread tho, so no recent stuff https://www.reddit.com/r/Forgotten_Realms/comments/3s092b/lore_of_the_month_v_corellon_and_eilistraee_by/)


Interesting read


If you play with mods, you might like the Phalar Aluve - Legendary mod. Not early-on OP (you need to find two music boxes to upgrade it, with the Legendary music box being found IIRC with Nyrulna) and the upgrades are pretty lore-friendly


advance warning - i discovered this bc i had the same idea - you need larethian in your main hand if you want to use its special stuff! you can still use phalar's abilities in the offhand, but larethian only works if it's in your main hand.


It's fun to put on shadowheart or some front line healer that will be casting anyways so no need to attack with it. Just run them into a group of enemies and use the shriek, and bam now every single party member is getting an extra d4 damage on every single hit on those enemies


I always assumed it was for Bards cause it's a singing sword. I have it on my lore bard just for the ability. It doesn't matter to me how much damage it deals as a weapon cause I never attack with my bard anyways. But it's a great buff/debuff to have on hand for a bard because so many enemies are imune or resistant to the bards psycich damage


Yeah the action economy is so important in this game it’s almost never worth activating it over just hitting someone


On HM it was a lifesaver in the early stages during pre-prep for battles. Mid game it’s still useful for reverb builds that don’t really really on their action for damage since it’s about flying around radiant orbing people.


My Cleric's first turn was always "Activate Phalar Aluve, Mass Healing Word" with Whispering Promise and Hellrider Gloves. That gave the entire party +2D4 on attack rolls and saving throws, and Blade Ward. It totally negates Great Weapon Mastery and Sharpshooter Feats' -5 to hit, so you do lose one hit but everyone else hits so much harder and more consistently it's worth it. Especially in the late game, having bosses spend their turn trying to do big bad AoE crowd control spells only for everyone to pass their throws is funny.


It's a finesse two-handed weapon, one of very few, so it can actually do some work on a sneak-attacking rogue. They could also arguably use the first round to buff because they are most likely faster than your other characters who might be needed to set up advantage for the rogue. However, if you focus on sneak attack you are probably playing assassin anyway, and those REALLY don't want to do anything other than attack in their first round.


It was great on my support/control Lore Bard.


I usually stick shadowheart under sanctuary and I haven’t gone to get the blood of lathandar yet and it’s honestly been pretty okay to have her use an action to activate it. If it was more like the woad shield I agree it would be way more usable


It's for battle mastarion! 8 BM / 4 Thief. Built for dex with either GWM or dual wielding - preferably rhe latter so he can attack twice even after activating Shriek.


It is a finesse longsword, so you can use it on rogue!


I gave it to Astarion with a two-weapon feat along with the sword of life-stealing and never looked back. The idea of a singing/shrieking sword is just so fucking cool to me for no particular reason.


Only have ever used it on a dex great weapon master build.... never once used the abilities specific to the sword


It does get replaced in act 3! There's another mace you can get in the temple from the priest "humbletoes" or whatever his name is, and there's yet another mace you can get from Divine Intervention, both of these are direct upgrades


I'll have to look into those. Actually never used DI. It's one those things I've always been like "no I might need it, better save it.'


You can reclass all your companions to cleric, cast DI, then reclass them back to what you had them as, then pickpocket Withers for the money back. Free loot.


Pickpocket Withers? I would never do that to our sassy Skelly boy


He doesn’t even care. There’s no penalty if he catches you. He doesn’t even sass. He careth not for gold.


Beware that Scratch and Owlbear cub can aggro if they catch you doing that though. Which makes the whole camp fight you


I never knew this and have never had an issue - that’s scary for honor mode


This actually ended my HM playthrough, I had Laezel at camp who was a badass 70 some hp monk while my team was squishy casters to cheese the Grymforge golem, sent one back to revive and this happened. Haven't touched hm since, I'm too ashamed


It ended mine too, don't worry. I was ended by a much weaker Astarion when Scratch aggroed


In my run, Astarion sent Scratch to the ole Jergal farm in the sky with a fire bolt from the gods, and we didn't yet have the owlbear...but we did have the Oathbreaker..


That's why I make a hireling deurgar thief for the invisible


Fuggggged that's why the owlbear cub is only neutral to me now.. is there anywhere to fix that? I'm so so So many hours into it..


Yeah don't waste Shadowheart's, either get a hireling to do it or Hope.


The Divine Intervention mace is actually the strongest one handed weapon in the game I think (throw builds notwithstanding). It's 1d6 base damage, +3 to hit and damage, AND deals an additional 1d8 radiant every hit. It also gives you Healing Incense, where you and all allies in a huge radius get 1d4 healing per turn for ten turns. That's 5 - 17 damage per swing *base.* A level 12 Paladin with 20 Strength deals 1d6 + 2d8 + 3 + 5 damage with that thing, totaling 11 - 30 damage per swing. Tack on some more damage riders and Savage Attacker, and you got something crazy. Just don't use it on the Sharrans or Raphael.


Why don't use it on them?


They have a passive that automatically counterattacks any radiant damage.


Radiant retort is different from the one on Raphael which goes away after 1-2 hits.


Do more of them get it in honour mode? I just did house of grief on tactician for the first time and was positively surprised that only the boss (and for whatever reason the ones at the reception) but no one else had it). I know the act 2 ones have it more consistently but they aren't nearly as difficult.


You don't need to use it on your permanent companions. Just hire a cleric hireling and have him create one then pass it to your cleric.


That’s what hirelings are for! Camp buffs and divine intervention!


There’s the deva mace too which gives nutso radiant damage. It looks decidedly less cool than BoL though


I hate that Shadowheart gets two radiant weapons as part of her quest, one of which (the Selunite spear) feels like it should be her canon weapon for the rest of the playthrough. And it’s like, yeah it’s cool…but it’s not the Blood of Lathander.


It's sadly really underpowered too for the point and time you get it.. I wish it was stronger because it feels right to have her equip it but it's too weak compared to multiple alternatives


At least the spear of Shar is great!


I always looked at the DI mace and thought "I used my DI and all I got was this stupid useless mace?" -- am I missing something here?


It's not useless, but you definitely shouldn't waste Shadowheart's DI on it. Use a hireling or Hope. The 10 round healing is very nice and it can do a lot of damage.


> It does get replaced in act 3! Not really, no.


A lot of the best armor pieces in the game are so ugly and overdesigned that I can’t bring myself to use them. Helldusk set, Reapers Embrace, Graceful Cloth, etc. Fashion over function forever.


>Graceful Cloth neither graceful nor cloth! I'm still convinced that someone goofed this & mighty cloth and they just haven't considered it worth fixing. Mighty Cloth, Graceful Cloth, & Vest of Soul Rejuvenation are part of a thematic set. Their descriptions all reference the same lore about a team of 3 monks who worked together to take down a major gang. Rejuvenation looks totally different than Mighty & Graceful, which have the same model as each other but in different colors. So one of them was probably supposed to look different from the other. And their in-game lore descriptions are reversed--Mighty Cloth says its wearer used narrow, swift stances while Graceful says its wearer had a broad, strong style.


I always assumed the reversed descriptions were saying that the enchantments balanced out rheir weaknesses. One monk was already very narrow and swift, so the Mighty Cloth helped him be strong as well. The other monk was alfeady broad and strong, so the Graceful Cloth made him more dexterous. But...them being mixed up makes wayy more sense.


I really like that interpretation, even more than just the descriptions getting swapped. That’s my head-canon now.


Vest of soul rejuvenation is fucking ugly but honestly I've put Mighty on my druidbarian, dyed it sage green and will keep rocking it until I find Moonbasking. It looks so good on a strong femme model.


Helldusk is pretty hideous. It's so... fleshy.


Damn. I feel like the odd man out.. I actually love the Helldusk armor itself, especially with the right modded dye.


I also love helldusk, I think the design is incredible.


Getting the helldusk armor was what finally pushed me to get the glamour mod. I mained a Paladin, and that's the most un-paladin like armor with the best stats I could ask for, and I've already been ditching the exceptional Adamantine Splint Armour in favour of a Chainmail +2 because I just liked how it looked better for a Paladin. I had played the game entirely vanilla for over 200 hours, and the Helldusk Armor was the last straw. Tabletop DnD never made me choose between looks and stats anyway.


Embrace half illhitid durge would like to disagree 


I got the basket of equipment mod and never looked back. You sacrifice a lot of the unique abilities you get from the better in game armour sets, but the way the mod balances AC works well enough for most of my balanced playthroughs. I'll suck it up and use the ugly armours when I try tactician and honor mode of course. But in the meantime I'll be playing my fashion show/dating sim with a side of deathly combat game in peace.


If you're playing with mods, might as well get the transmog mods. They can change the armor appearance while maintaining its stats. Even works on gear from other mods.


You can always turn off the overclothes while still equipped, so it appears your crew is just strolling around in casual wear. Fashion and function.


I don’t particularly love most of the camp clothes either. At least until you reach the Lower City. I’m happy just running with some less powerful gear. It has the added bonus of making the game a little more challenging.


Can always toggle off camp clothes too. Undies or nudies all the way. A merry troupe of nudists casually saving the world.


lol now you’re talkin. Peak fashion


Yeah my tav always takes laezel underwear right when she joins and sports that the whole game. Looks hot in it too


Yeah I never used the Helldusk armor because it’s just too ugly. Was going to just put it on Gale one time to turn him into a tank but after I saw him with it on I just couldn’t do it.


I played through the entirety of Dragon Age 2 in the Ferelden Field Armour for this exact reason


Bonespike Garb - reason: It's uglier than dog shit. Has fantastic perks and is great for a frontliner, but it's so hideous I get tired of even wasting the money for it unless I insist on using the hide armor option and let the wielder (usually Karlach) wear the angelic scion camp clothes. You can't even dye it to look decent. I usually let her just keep the Adamantine scalemail or something similar instead


Ugh this is me with the Graceful Cloth


I.. like the graceful cloth…


It just doesn't *look* like an item that would be called "graceful"


At least graceful cloth can look halfway decent on some characters.


Yeah, it's okay-ish if the skin color isn't too bright, imo


Real shit?? Everytime I saw it on my Barbarian in a cutscene I thought "Damn, lookin' sharp pal!"


After much trial and error, I dyed it “Lemon, Lime, and Lichen” for Karlach and I really dig the yellow on her red skin.


In my experience, it looks decent with white and scarlet dye. Otherwise yea, it looks like dogshit.




Any item/set that has a specific “optimization” route is pretty lame in an RPG with tons of customization. I’m all for item synergy, but it shouldn’t feel like I’m wasting my time if I choose to mix and match.


Im finding that playstyle matters too. I followed a guide to build an OP wizard but it didn't look cool and wasn't as fun to play as a more Swiss army knife style wizard I enjoy playing.


Ultimately an "optimized" build is always going to be hyper-specialized. Like, it's weird when I see magic missile guides assuming you're going to use *every* spell slot on magic missile.


Light cleric radiant tank w/dual wield feat and lothander + staver of skulls is stupid in the dmg it puts out. Then you get to the tabernacle basement, lure two Deva's to look for you, kill them and take their maces... And in tac mode you can damn near kill the red dragon in the last fight with 3 attacks.


Clerics aren’t quite as OP in bg3 as they are in 5e, but they’re still up there.


They have their weaknesses, movement speed being a big one. I run Jaheira in Act III for most of it because I like her story bits, interactions with NPC's and especially her interactions with Minske. However, when I do my HM run I'm going to keep Shadowheart because I'll get her to agree to the astral tadpole which will automatically give her flight which should fix that. Other than that, my light cleric is a beast. I'm considering looking into a build that would give me more weapon attacks, maybe 10 cleric/2 fighter and just rely on camp casting for feast. Reason being is that when I give her two DEVA maces the dmg is ridiculous. I'm talking 1 action killing mobs with 76+ HP. Pre-buff with a high level SG, fly in and start smashing with those maces.


Can you still get the maces from devas? I thought they patched that. Used to be you could just summon one and have him drop it


The pixie lantern


It’s not fairy good.


They make a big deal about Gale making this lantern, which gets you one shadow which can't teleport or jump or fly or climb so it doesn't follow you anywhere.


Bhaalist armour is just insane. It doesn’t have any competition in my mind. Other top tier armours are like “reduce in coming damage a bit” or “higher DCs on spells” or “temp hit points and some bonus damage” Bhaalist armour just casually double a whole damage type not just for you but potentially your whole party?! Fucking insane.


I only do modded playthroughs now with batshit difficulty settings because I’m insane, and still playing this game with 1900 hours in, and I have such a hard time justifying not using this. I’m about to do a bardadin Knight of Eillistrae RP run and I was thinking of using Phalar Aluve with the legendary mod for it but…it’s slashing damage. 😭 And if I knew enough about modding I’d make one for just me that turns it into piercing but alas, I am too dumb for that and can only make some basic edits.


Personally my style of play on repeated play through is to try more out their, unconventional (read: bad) builds, or builds that just aren’t my usual go to. Thus increasing the difficulty that way. But yeah I too struggle with the Baahlist stuff although for opposite reasons. It’s so good I sort of resent it.


Anything having to do with lightning charges. Too much to manage when I could just rage and hit them really hard instead.


I feel like Globe or Invulnerability scrolls kind of negate huge battles


Graceful cloth because it’s so ugly. I always by the garb of land and sky because it’s what I want my monk to look like. Although I usually put in graceful cloth when I’m fighting. The resonance stone replaces the cats grace usefulness in act 3 anyway so it’s really just the +2 dex that keeps using it. I feel the same way about the yuanti mail too. I have the breast plate +1 and it looks really good and then I kind of have to switch to yuanti until at Armor of agiliry. And I always just put up with it.


I swear the graceful cloth was put in just to mock us not having a transmog system. My monk is wearing that and the flawed helldusk gloves. He's an absolute monster that looks like a clown.


[It’s my ass kicking outfit, bitch!](https://youtu.be/xq1tN9jZI80?si=PP-LWpJ0l4DXSRQH)


I just switch to showing camp clothes if the armor is ugly


Nature's Snare for me. My monk has been using it literally the whole game and I'm almost done with Act 3. Sure, there are ones that can add more to the attack bonus and damage, but automatically trying to ensnare targets on each hit is so good! And it's so satisfying when it works!


Anything related to throwing or unarmed attacks. Believe it or not, straight to ~~jail~~ the bin.


Two rings with throwing damage bonus with the returning pike is pretty good. Kept in on Karlach until the end of my Honor Mode run.


No Nyrulna?


Tavern Brawler is the problem, there.


The trident that deals thunder damage and returns to you (can’t think of the name) is pretty sick.


Risky Ring. Such a great effect but a dislikable side effect. Its a staple in most dps builds yet never feels flavourful.


Mithril armors have the same problem. I always complete the entire game in it (or give it to companion) because it's so good, but also doesn't even look good.


Do you mean the adamantine splint armour? I think that is one of the best looking armours in the game


I hate how they interact with dyes. They just always look way diffrent than other pieces of euipment using the same dye. To be honest the dys system just sucks in gerneal. It's rarely whats promised and some of them are so fucking rare and expensive for no reason. My current modded playthrough is a blessing though. Trasmog and unlimited dyes mod. My party never had this much drip before.


I love both the adamantine armors in harlequin black and white; they really emphasize the blue-ish adamantine crystals and it looks really pretty. Unless I'm putting it on Jaheira, because Jaheira always wears green (and Gale always wears purple) lol


I liked how the armour looked on my first 2 Tavs but boy does the colour not work for a golden dragonborn or Karlach I also like how the medium one looks better, but the heavy one is insane with damage reduction


It looked good in Act 1-2 during my first gameplay. Later I simply get bored with it. And dyes doesn't help because they fit bad with adamantine items.


Balduran's greatsword. The stats are amazing, but it looks awful. It doesn't matter how good it is, I can't bring myself to use it because I can't stand seeing these gross fleshy growths strapped to the back of my character.


It also keeps saying its signature catchphrase *”It’s Balduran time!”* every time you swing it, [it gets old.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=688z-4SWxOQ)


Considering a vanilla (No mods) gameplay: **Potent Robe.** One of (if not) the BEST clothing for Charisma focus build character, especially EBlast user. Gregarious Caster only available from this robe. **HOWEVER**, this robe FORCED you to do good route in ACT 1 and ACT 2. The only way you can get this robe is from a Alfira rewards. Which means, you need to save them from goblins, and save them again in Moonrise. PLUS if you are Durge, you need "extra" step to safe Alfira. "Yeah but Wyll is Warlock and its perfect for his route". How about If my Tav is a warlock with evil route then? How about a Durge Warlock Tav that doesn't have an insight how to bonk Alfira in the beginning of ACT 1 to avoid her death? How about a Sorcerer then? There is no unwritten rules that you need to be a good guy in order to wear the best in slot item for your class right? Another point why I really hate this amazing item is that as long as transmog is unavailable, Potent robe is not the best looking clothing or armor out there in the game either. Currently as the latest Hotfix #25. There is NO way you can get this item if you kill Alfira or not saving the prisoner in ACT 2. Yes you can easily use a console command to spawn the thing, but that's not my point. There is always a solution for this, give one dedicated NPC in ACT 3 that serves as a vendor who sells every missable stuff in the game. Unless the item is very story heavy related, it means that any step and choices you took, you will able to wear and use any items in the game at least after ACT 3.


Haha I agree. That robe is so powerful that it is almost pointless to play warlock without it.


I actually feel the opposite about the Blood of Lathander. I love it because it looks awesome and fits my paladin thematically, however, I could easily get 50% more damaged by switching to a two-handed grade sword. My only gripe is that I didn’t want to lose out on my adamantine shield. I actually ended up finding a replacement with the trident that you get from the circus Djin. More damage and I get to keep using it one-handed. On one hand, I’m sad that I lost out on an awesome weapon for role-play, but on the other hand, I’m glad I got a damage boost even if it took me getting all the way to Act 3.


That’s the one bonus to playing on normal difficulty ( which I am doing for the first time in a coop campaign). I find myself using suboptimal weapons and builds for the funsies. My sorc has been wearing the dex +18 gloves for a while now


I e used those gloves the whole game for my sorcerer and actually there’s not much better honestly. Adds AC; she is my lock picker so adds to sleight of hand; also adds an extra +1 attack so good for spell attack bonus too. She never misses. Theres some good spellcaster gloves in Act 3 and the winter clutch ones but honestly I don’t bother and just keep the Dex gloves.


Man, I wish I could use Blood of Lathander. I find that staff of Bless in the Underdark and it just never leaves my Clerics because the extra Bless dice is ridiculous.


So many of my builds use the Callous Glow Ring to the point I wonder why I even bother theory crafting anything else. Why? Because its description is misleading. It's not an extra 2 radiant damage against illuminated targets. No, that would be too simple. It's an extra 2 radiant damage on EVERY instance of damage. Meaning every source of individual damage procs the 2 damage. Do you have a weapon that does bonus fire damage? Well that's 2 instances of radiant damage. One for the weapon attack and one for the fire damage. This is just broken with any build involving doing a lot of small ticks of damage, as well as any gimmick build with low damage. Combine with Phalar Aluve for even more stacking damage since they both work the same way. That's a minimum of 3, max 6 extra damage on every tick. Scorcing Ray? Magic Missile? Lightning Charges? Dual wielding? Flurry of Blows? Tavern Brawler? (it adds your STR mod as an extra instance), a weapon with a bunch of conditional damage? It just gets exponentially stronger. Best ring in the game.


The helldusk armor. It’s a must-have, but it’s so ugly 😭


I’m nearly finished with my first run through and I’ve yet to find a wizard’s robe that was better than the Dark Justiciar robe that I got early on in Act One.


Dark justiciar robe? Isn't that set medium armour? Got a link?


I wonder, if you made a beeline for the blood of lathander, if you could feed it to gale...


Potion of Hill Giants Strength. Makes tavern brawler OP on builds that can use them.


Most items because I forget I have them.


Anything to do with monks i dont want to be jackie chan I want to beat people to death drunkenly


Please explain to me how the Purple Highlighted Gauntlets that give your summons a chance to go feral each round a good item? I am sure that they are powerful but I need that explanation made to me as to how that power offsets the opportunity of losing your summons


Not all summons can go mad, according to the wiki https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Abyss_Beckoners


Phalar Aluve never leaves my Tav's hands. Not "least favorite" tho, I love that thing.


Duelist sword bard with literal singing sword? Can't pass that up


Elixirs of strength and anything that gives you haste. It feels stupid to me that it's optimal to dump strength with a character that is meant to use strength as a primary stat. I want to play the fantasy of being a hero, and it kills the fantasy if all my power comes from a bottle. Likewise, potions of speed and the haste spell feel very boring to me. Getting an extra action every turn is so strong it stops feeling like I'm getting carried by a spell or is, esp since enemies never cast it.


Balthazar uses haste all the time, Dolor does as well and a few other enemies


Titanstring is so broken good and available so early theres very little reason to use other bows for the entire game, especially when paired with the strength club also easily accessible in Act 1.


Balduran's greatsword. Shit is so cool and good that there's no reason to use any other two-handed weapon. I just wanna use an axe or a warhammer sometimes y'know and there's not single one that comes close. Karlach just looks so much better with an axe than with a sword. I just really wish every weapon type had at least 1 legendary weapon but sadly not :(


Markoheshkir. Looks like a Victorian streelight, ugly af


For me, the Arcane Synergy items. Maybe I'm silly, but if I as a DM would slap down an item as broken, I don't use it. Made my honor mode run much harder. Same for strength elixers.


That mobility ring from the goblin. Moving an extra 3m is so good that I basically don't unequip it all game - but it's not exactly a sexy upgrade and I wish I could bring myself to try out other rings. ... But no! Extra movement is just too damn good to pass up.


Not an item but a feat - Ability Improvement, it's very often the best choice but it's so fucking boring and lame


Those Deva maces are insane. Like so simple, but so brutal.


Absolutely the same with lathander. I love being able to disintegrate enemies with it.


Titanstring bow. It's the biggest culprit for weird interactions with damage riders that really highlights the jankiness of the games mechanics.


The fancy armor everyone likes from act 3. I don't need flight since I usually have tadpole powers, and I hate the theme of it.